**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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Ok, so I'm sure this has been talked about before, but we're getting close to BFG and I want your opinion on something I heard.

So there are a lot of theory’s on who "They" are. Originally it was EV2, then Fortune. Now is it Hogan and Bischoff, or maybe Sting and Nash. Maybe it will be someone new for either WWE of ROH.

One theory I heard sounds pretty good. "They" are Bob and Janice Carter, Dixie parents. Think about it Abyss dose call his weapon Janice, and the Branding iron Bob. Also a move like this would "turn TNA on its head".

So what do you think? Could "They" really be Dixie’s parents?
Ok, so I'm sure this has been talked about before, but we're getting close to BFG and I want your opinion on something I heard.

So there are a lot of theory’s on who "They" are. Originally it was EV2, then Fortune. Now is it Hogan and Bischoff, or maybe Sting and Nash. Maybe it will be someone new for either WWE of ROH.

One theory I heard sounds pretty good. "They" are Bob and Janice Carter, Dixie parents. Think about it Abyss dose call his weapon Janice, and the Branding iron Bob. Also a move like this would "turn TNA on its head".

So what do you think? Could "They" really be Dixie’s parents?

While it would make sense, seeing as what Abyss said....I just don't see how the debut of two people who have no on air TV experience to lead TNA or change TNA is a good thing. Dixie's been on TV for a while now and she's barely improved one bit.
Ok, so I'm sure this has been talked about before, but we're getting close to BFG and I want your opinion on something I heard.

So there are a lot of theory’s on who "They" are. Originally it was EV2, then Fortune. Now is it Hogan and Bischoff, or maybe Sting and Nash. Maybe it will be someone new for either WWE of ROH.

One theory I heard sounds pretty good. "They" are Bob and Janice Carter, Dixie parents. Think about it Abyss dose call his weapon Janice, and the Branding iron Bob. Also a move like this would "turn TNA on its head".

So what do you think? Could "They" really be Dixie’s parents?

It's nice theory, but I don't think that 'they' are Dixie's parents. The reason is that an average viewer does not know and does not care about Dixie's parents. In fact, the first time I heard about Dixie's parents was on this forum few days ago. There wouldn't be any shock value at BFG if 'they' were Dixie's parents. If 'they' storyline is designed to surprise an average TNA fan, it must be someone well known, not two anonymous people.

Abyss on the last impact said "they" will reveal themselves, which implies 'they' are already in TNA. Thus, the most likely scenario is, IMO, that 'they' are Hogan and Bischoff. However, I just don't understand why 'they' would like to get rid of RVD?
the comment from youtube:

I also found out a very interesting FACT. TNA Bound For Glory 2010 will be held at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. The same place where WCW Bash at the Beach was held. Anyone remembers what happened that night? Well, Hulk Hogan turned heel and became Hollywood Hogan and formed the legendary nWo and that turned out to be the greatest moment in pro wrestling history. I'm keeping up my hopes high that Hogan and Bischoff will deliver another great wrestling moment come Oct. 10.
I've seen some ideas on this topic that are truly terrible, some that are plain mediocre and some that are damn intriguing. The only problem is, TNA in its current state can't be second guessed because it could go either way. This could be terrible or this could be an earth shattering announcement that TNA has managed to pull off. A coup if you will.

Now, johnbragg (who earned himself some nice shiny rep points from me) rasied a very good idea. What if it's Bob & Janice Carter? Now, I doubt it but it's an excellent idea if true. I think I had some Goosebumps reading that idea (it could just be the cold weather but still...). A lot of die hard WWE Marks will go mental over the idea (McMahon Rehash etc...) but this is different. This is a different ball game. True, they did the ultimate deception story with The Higher Power Angle in 99, but it was still quite predictable (if it wasn't Vince then who was it going to be?).

Seriously, as IDR said how many of us knew what Bob & Janice's names were? I didn't, and I doubt the regular TNA viewing audience is aware either. This would come from left-field and leave us stunned. They are not established characters, they are unknowns and that completely fills the criteria. If this is truly 'They' then bravo TNA (and johnbragg) for truly making us care. If not and it turns out to be some God Awful 'invasion' from jobbers from WWE (Burchill, Carlito etc..) then it's a terrible, terrible mistake.
The reason is that an average viewer does not know and does not care about Dixie's parents.

That is a very, very solvable problem.

Old guy and older lady walk out with a mic, Abyss stops laying people out with his board and drops to both knees. Whoever else is aligned with "They" steps back a bit in respect.

TAZ: Who the heck are they? I've never seen these people.

TENAY: Oh my god, Taz, that's Dixie Carter's parents. Bob and Janice Carter, the owners of TNA's parent company!

TAZ: OK, but what are they doing here? I thought they built oil wells or ran gas pipes or something

TENAY: Well, we're about to find out.

BC/JC: Dixie, you have disappointed us. TNA has disappointed us. We funded your venture, and you have not produced the results you promised. Therefore, effective right now, Dixie, you are removed from TNA Entertainment.

And We Are Taking Over.

[Fade to (C) TNA Entertainment LLC title screen]

Replay at the beginning of Impact, and spend the next three hours unraveling the Abyss/They/Hogan/Sting/Nash/Jarrett/Dixie situation.

Bob Carter, Janice Carter need never be seen again. Their appointee is in full control and is the onscreen President of TNA.
it has to be big couze now they started to promote Bound For Glory in their videos like "one night will change everything", revoliution something like that, if it will be dixies parents i hope they will show on once and say that the full control will belong to eric bishoff and then he will announce that TNA will go live every thursday now that will be big
Yea, this totally came out of nowhere to me... I guess we should've known that she would be more than just eye candy... But, her being involved in this storyline still kind of surprises me... But, we're still not sure if she's a mastermind or just leaked some info...

This, like the They angle, hopefully has a good payoff... They've been confusing us long enough... It's time for answers...
That is a very, very solvable problem.

Old guy and older lady walk out with a mic, Abyss stops laying people out with his board and drops to both knees. Whoever else is aligned with "They" steps back a bit in respect.

TAZ: Who the heck are they? I've never seen these people.

TENAY: Oh my god, Taz, that's Dixie Carter's parents. Bob and Janice Carter, the owners of TNA's parent company!

TAZ: OK, but what are they doing here? I thought they built oil wells or ran gas pipes or something

TENAY: Well, we're about to find out.

BC/JC: Dixie, you have disappointed us. TNA has disappointed us. We funded your venture, and you have not produced the results you promised. Therefore, effective right now, Dixie, you are removed from TNA Entertainment.

And We Are Taking Over.

[Fade to (C) TNA Entertainment LLC title screen]

Replay at the beginning of Impact, and spend the next three hours unraveling the Abyss/They/Hogan/Sting/Nash/Jarrett/Dixie situation.

Bob Carter, Janice Carter need never be seen again. Their appointee is in full control and is the onscreen President of TNA.

i like your idea dude and im green repping you after this post but what do you have to say about the three babyfaces in the ME.i dont think all of them are walking out as babyfaces.one of them is aligning with this "they".most guys have already pencilled in mr anderson as the guy who turns heel but knowing vince russo's penchant for "surprises" i think jeff hardy turns heel.this is also considering the fact that hardy is going to have a new theme music at bfg and you know what these things mean in prowrestling.

also while i do have doubts whether hardy will be able to play a good heel or not since he is pretty awful on the mic the only way a wrestler of his size can play a heel is by being a leader of a faction.plus you can have guys like hogan and bischoff cut promos.

come to think of it even angle could turn heel but i guess it wouldnt work that much because we have seen that too many times so i guess that isnt gonna work.the story is there though because he failed to get the job done against hardy twice and he has that if i lose i retire thing going on
THEY had better not be anyone currently in TNA, this thing has been hyped up too much and if it is anyone on the current roster it would fall flat... you know who I would like "they" to be, a contingent of TNA originals who have been gone from the company, guys like petey williams and monty brown and BG James etc. ... THAT would be amazing and shocking a good way to continue with the TNA originals getting rid of EV2!
Now i agree with that. it has been hyped up so much. Ive been hoping its an outside group that will be coming into TNA and not on the current rota. it had better be worth the hype!!!
what do you have to say about the three babyfaces in the ME

Since you're asking, I'll tell you what I think they'll do.

The three-way main event title match will end with half the roster in the ring and on the ramp, with Abyss, Hogan, RVD, Nash, Sting, Hogan, Dixie, Jarrett and Bischoff all trying to add to or to control the chaos. (And Joe and Pope, and probably Fourtune, Flair, Foley and whoever's left standing of EV2.)

One thing I'd like to see is for Styles and Fourtune to storm the ring, lay out Angle, Hardy and Anderson and proclaim Styles the Real TNA Champion, holding the Red Belt high.

There will be no TNA World Champion coming out of Bound For Glory.
THEY had better not be anyone currently in TNA, this thing has been hyped up too much and if it is anyone on the current roster it would fall flat... you know who I would like "they" to be, a contingent of TNA originals who have been gone from the company, guys like petey williams and monty brown and BG James etc. ... THAT would be amazing and shocking a good way to continue with the TNA originals getting rid of EV2!
Now i agree with that. it has been hyped up so much. Ive been hoping its an outside group that will be coming into TNA and not on the current rota. it had better be worth the hype!!!

That's exactly what I've been saying all this time. And I expect something big... the idea of having Panda Energy involved is also good. But again, this better should be good... or TNA will lost credibility and lot of fans.
IMO Fourtune should not be part of "They". If "They" is truly trying to take TNA over Dixie needs to use Fourtune as the group to get her company back. I will tweak my idea with adding Bob and Janice since that seems to be a logical choice right now.

1. At the beginning of BFG pan the crowed and have the cameras stop onto Bob and Janice in the front row some where. Have Tenay announce that Dixies parents are here because it is TNA's biggest show of the year and also it would be announced to the crowed. It would be obvious why they are here because they are supporting their daughter at TNA's biggest show.

2. During Abyss's match have him go over and be violent towards her parents and then have security take the parents to the back because now you have them away from ringside to set up the "They" angle for the ME. You don't have to have Abyss win because he is part of a bigger purpose. If it was me I would find a creative way to have Abyss get hit with Janice and lose the match. Since he will be part of the ending he doesn't need to win.

3. During the ME I would have Abyss show up in the audience at one of the entrances just standing there. The 3 men in the ring would focus there attention to Abyss and go back to the match. That would get everyone watching and in the arena on the edge because they know it is coming, but when and to go further it would make them wonder if someone in the ring is "They"

4. As we get towards the end of the match I would have Kurt Angle knocked down on the outside and Anderson and Hardy fighting on the opposite side of the outside part. Anderson pulls out some brass knuckles and Pope runs down to stop Anderson because he has been harping for weeks that Anderson can't be trusted. Have him turn Anderson around and grab the knucks. As Pope starts to walk away have him drill Hardy in the face and lay him out and Anderson and Pope give each other a look like now it is time and Anderson gets back in the ring.

5. So now that brings out Samoa Joe because he and Pope have been the 2 fighting against each other for Jarrett/Sting storyline. I would have Pope still on the outside backing up towards Kurt Angle and when Pope turns around Angle pulls down his straps and screams like he is getting ready for the Angle Slam. When he does this have Pope step aside and Samoa Joe just levels Angle. The Pope and Anderson both tell Joe to roll Angle in and Anderson hits the mic check and the 1,2,3.

6. Now Those 3 guys start handcuffing Angle and Hardy to the ring ropes while Abyss makes his way to the ring with Janice. RVD tries to run down for the save and they time it to where Abyss stop RVD and lays him out. Roles him into the ring and those 4 guys beat the hell out of the 3 biggest faces in TNA

7.Dixie makes her way out and heads down to the ring and tries to stop them by saying I will fire all four of you guys and so on and so on and begs and pleads.

8. Then Dixies Parents come from the back and tells her that she can;'t make such demands because she is no longer in charge of TNA because "THEY" are. They talk about how they have always funded the company and had the most stock and whatever. Since they need someone to run the day to day of TNA Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, and Jeff Jarrett have agreed to assist us and they come out. Jarrett tells everyone in the ring to continue the beating and Bob and Janice tell them they can do whatever they want to their daughter because we no longer have a need for her

9. Hogan, Bischoff, and Jarrett head to the ring to celebrate with the new champion and the rest of "They" while they are toying with Dixie and screaming at her. Then I would have wrestlers from the back trying to get to the ring to get Dixie out, but getting beat up and stopped by everyone in the ring.

Now a lot of the dialogue would be different, but that is it in a nutshell. So at the end of the day the 3 biggest faces get destroyed in the ring to end the show, one of them has to "retire" and the "former" owner of the company gets humiliated by her parents and the people in the ring. Not a bad way to start getting heat on this group. With EV2 getting faded out after this PPV, Fourtune now can move on to something a lot bigger and it still has the Hogan vs Flair which really started on Jan 4th.

Members of "They"

Hulk Hogan
Eric Bischoff
Jeff Jarrett

Mr. Anderson (c)
The Pope
Samoa Joe
I think that she is not going to have any major part in the storyline. I my opinion, she knows some random bits of information, while not having any general idea what Bischoff and Hogan are up to. However, these random bits of information are useful for Nash, Sting and Pope. So they are using her to get some insight into what's going on and to confirm their own suspicions or to get some evidence.

I've just learned from wiki that "that the name Miss Tessmacher, named after Lex Luthor's girlfriend and assistant in the first two Superman movies". Everyone knows that Lex was a bad guy!
i think bishooff and hogan are going to turn on dixie or even dixie is with them and they gonna do something bad (for us is good but wrestlers are pissed of) thats why sting nash and pope are fighting for it , fuck its so confusing but some how i think it will be fucking epic moment at bound for glory couze they are hyping it "one night will change everything" something interesting will happen i just feel it!
Any chance it's Shane McMahon? Last I heard he was trying to get involved w UFC but nothing came of it. It'd be like Sr vs Jr on American Choppers, but in wrestling. I'm a thinker so everyone posting ideas is good and TNA has the internet guessing so that's a def plus for them on this one.

Any chance Miss Tessmacher is Shane McMahon? Is that what you're asking? Because if not then you obviously didn't even bother reading the thread title. Come on son, it's only one word. And no there's NO CHANCE IN HELL!

Remember last weeks iMPACT guys? Pope went to talk to Bischoff and he wasnt there so Pope made an appointment with not Bischoff but Tessmacher. I think thats where they were alluding to. That "meeting" Pope had with her after Last weeks iMPACT. Either Pope got some info from her or he WILL get some info out of her sooner or later.

Interesting... back when the whole Nash being frustrated storyline began, he went to Bischoff's office and he wasn't there either. Then he left what I remember being quite a strange message for Bischoff with Miss Tessmacher. It seems like she was a part of this from the beginning.
I actually made this connection on another forum I post on. I think the OP is on to something because I remember that phone conversation that Miss Tessmacher had as well and what she said afterwards.

I don't think Miss Tessmacher is "They" but I do believe she is a part of "They" and is not as clueless as she has been pretending to be for the past few months.

This could be interesting.
If this is the case, I see bad things for TNA.

Note: the following is assuming Tessmacher is either part of THEY or the leader of THEY.

Now yes, I understand that the seeds have been planted for this for weeks if not months now. I get that the loose ends are tied up. That's all fine and good. At the end of the day though, Abyss would have been brainwashed, corrupted and controlled by a piece of eye candy. This has been built up as the ultimate force in TNA that is going to get rid of Hogan and Bischoff and it's his secretary? Just on paper how big of a letdown does that come off as?

I understand that this is supposed to be a very intricately put together angle and all that jazz, but if you string the viewers along for that length of time they're going to want a good payoff for it. Tessmacher is not a good payoff in the slightest. She's not someone people are going to see as a real threat. What is she bribing these people with? Sex? As if that can't be bought easily? This is going to require a lot of explanation, assuming it's her as the mastermind which I don't think it is. Either way, this is a bad start to this whole payoff as we're 15 days away from the big reveal.
Watch the video it gives you the gist of the origins of the story!

What we know as far as the Nash/Pope/Sting storyline.

1. It involves Hogan. Sting said " Everything has gone a little Hollywood". That basically tells you that at Bound For Glory Hogan is going to turn HEEL/BAD.

2. Miss Tessmacher knows. Miss Tessmacher Knows what is going on and who is involved.

3. Dixie is oblivious to what is happening. Sting has been trying to tell Dixie what is going on but is cut off when he or Nash try's to say something. Dixie will not turn, she has no idea of what is going down.

4. Bischoff is involved. Bischoff is doing everything he can to stop Sting and Nash from telling the "story". Even going as far as to suspend Sting and trying to buddy up and be nice to the Pope but the Pope did not take the bait as he knows as well what "crap" is going on.

5. Jarrett is in on it. Jarrett knows and has recruited Joe to help keep heat on Sting and Nash and Pope. Joe I beleive is oblivious to what Hogan and Bischoff and Jarrett have planned but he is trying to butter up to the boss so to speak. Joe may be in on it but I don't think so.
i think Mr. Anderson is involved too I mean he was major heel and then turned face wtf that is not right and some how its connected to "they" storyline, the worst part would be if "they" arrive and try to change the name of company or something like that and thats why sting& gang are fighting for it, I also think that Batista will arrive to TNA and will belong to "they" side, couze this storyline will be big, this "they" stable will be big and it will be big if they take some huge wwe star and just bang! everyone totaly not expected it
In the WWE, Undertaker is re-uniting with Paul Bearer, and the urn. He is in a story with Kane. The coffin. I am sure Kane will get some backup later on in the story as well. ANYWAY. With this whole "they" story, (along with some opinions posted in the Tessmacher post) I think Hogan is turning heel. I think he will join with Nash, Sting, Abyss, etc. Other people forming groups. Is it is the NWO Vs. WWE Undertaker Kane angle.... who do you think would get most ratings?

Undertaker, Paul Kane and the Urn VS. NWO
You guys need to seriously stop guessing..you've been doing so for god knows how long now..and some ideas are getting stupid..I don't think TNA had any idea that Paul was returning..nor do I think did anyone else..But it is a thread..and I kinda would like to see Hogan turning heel...

As for the ratings??? Are you kiddin me? Smackdown still gets a million more viewers than iMPACT..
People didn't even like the first nWo reunion, back in WCW. They've never drawn since, at all. TNA has some questionable booking but I am fairly confident they are not completely insane. (Booking- the art of writing the stories for a professional wrestling organization. A "booker" is someone who "writes the book".)

However it's a very bad time to talk about who would get bigger ratings- TNA is not in a position to directly compete with the WWE, and they're no longer trying to. For the foreseeable future, the WWE could run with Trump vs. O'Donnell again and win against TNA in the ratings.
i'm sorry, i may be having some sort of brain fart, but i totally didn't get the point of the thread from the first post?

are you saying TNA is forming "They" to fight WWE in ratings? which really wouldn't make sense as Abyss has been taking out anyone not named Fourtune. i doubt TNA is doing anything stupid like that, they're in the hole ratings wise they have to be worrying about themselves and not Vince/WWE.

someone mentioned the Janice/Bob Carter thing as it pertains to They, which i can totally buy into and it'd be interesting. but no more reunions with horrid names because they don't have their rights. The Band was bad enough and the Wolfpack vocal cut is worse, TNA needs to stop pushing it.
i think they leader of they will be james mitchell. if the wwe knew that paul was coming back and if tna is trying to compete with that story line why not bring back mitchell and have him lead abyss and turn him back into the monster he was years ago
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