**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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Well I would assume that something of tremendous significance is about to happen at the Bound For Glory PPV on 10/10/10. After all, Dixie Carter has promised as much via a vague and nebulous tweet, and we all know she would never make such a tweet to get everyone's hopes up if she didn't intend to fully follow through in a dramatic and impactful manner. :rolleyes:


For a company who's so predictably bad and who's product is so stale and ridden with rehashes and rekindling of fires that have long since burned cold, TNA sure seems to have a number of you stumped as to what could happen in what is arguably their biggest story line running right now. Weird, that doesn't seem possible if all the things you say are true of TNA are in fact true...

Or maybe, just maybe, your pessimistic conjecture hasn't earned you jack shit as far as knowing a damn thing about what TNA is capable of, yeah? ;)

So here's to a round of applause to the writers at TNA—most notably Vince Russo—for thus far being able to build one of the most intriguing and quixotic story lines TNA has seen since the rise of the MEM/Frontline (Millionares Club/New Blood), nothing of which anyone here or anyone at home has truly been able to predict a god damn thing about!

I think it may be a little premature, IDR, to gloat about the creative geniuses who are involved with creative in TNA. All sarcasm from above aside, I really hope that they are able to put their money where their mouths are this time, because on the risk of sounding somewhat apocalyptic, I really think TNA will be in trouble if they create this much of a buzz as they have with this storyline, which has been ongoing for months, only to disappoint the ever naive TNA faithful yet again. People will have to eventually reach their tolerance limit regarding this bullshit (if in fact it does turn out to be BS, not necessarily saying that's the case). Be careful of gloating too soon, IDR, or you may be the recipient of a couple of posts/messages saying "gotcha again," or "I told you so," or whatever.

The problem with the hype and hooplah over the identity of "them" and the associated speculation and anticipation is that it will be very difficult to measure up to the hype. I see two extremes here. On one side of the coin, you have possibilities for who "they" are that will be tremendous disappointments if it turns out to be them. I think a heel turn by Hogan and/or Bischoff, or a re-incarnation of the Wolf-pac, EV2.0 (denied by Abyss), Fourtune (also denied by Abyss), acombination of Jarrett, Foley, or whoever else, all of these scenarios will end in disappointment. With the way it's all been hyped, with "them" coming, it really needs to be someone from outside of TNA. If it turns out to be any of the guys already in TNA, it will be a big let-down, at least for me.

The flip side of the coin would be guys from outside of TNA, but for the most part, any of these guys who would "change TNA forever" are so unlikely to happen that it's hardly worthy of mention. Shane McMahon, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Rock, HBK, Brock Lesnar, Dana White, JBL, any of these guys could have a tremendous impact on TNA, but I simply cannot see any of these guys being involved, they would be just too unrealistic to discuss with a serious face. Paul Heyman is a thought, but I'm not sure he's worthy of 3 months of hype, and I doubt he'd change TNA forever. Batista or Chris Jericho could be interesting, but I would be very surprised to see either of thes guys committ career suicide at this stage of their careers and compromise their legacies in this manner.

A faction of former WWE guys (Carlito, Burchill, and all of the other guys already listed in here that I won't bother to list again, that would be OK, but let's face it, if they were deemed to not be good enough to remain in WWE, why are they going to become the saviours of TNA and change it forever?

The idea of affiliation with other organizations is interesting (ROH, Wilpon, etc.,) Not sure if that would have much impact outside the IWC; the casual fan watching (or not watching) on TV would be pretty oblivious to all of this.

When push comes to shove, I think it will be a faction of guys from the WWE, guys like Carlito, Benjamin, Haas, Knox, Burchill, Helms, but with one person of significance behind it (such as Chris Jericho). And while I think this will be pretty good if handled properly, it may ultimately leave the TNA fans slightly underwhelmed.
Chris Jerico would be great... But, itms impossible for him to be at BFG... Even if his contact ends after this PPV, he still has a 90 day clause...

Would be pretty damn cool if Jericho did Cross The Line though...
OK I'm most likely wrong here but I'm going to say the a Reformation of the New Church is coming with differnt Members.
Meaning Father James Mitchell would be part of "They"but the 2nd Have of "They" will be the guy Screwing Angle out of the title at bound for glory The Pope.They been teasing the pope turning by having him using the heel tactics of stealing wins from Angle and Anderson on the Last 2 Impacts.
So my Faction here would be
Talker-James Mitchell
Leader/Champion-The Pope D'Angelo Dinero
2nd Enforcer-Joe helping Jarret only to get close to take him out-hopefully so it explains his kidnapping
X-Divison/4th Member-The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels-Fits the church theme
I like 'bigbootydaddyV' idea off TNA bringing back originals so I am going to advance that a little bit more on storyline tracks you will have to follow as it might get a little or complicated.

First off Chris Daniels a man who went to main eventing PPV's to losing to Sean Morley to released in four months all because off Hogan and Eric Bishoff idea off making him not a TNA main eventer.

Second Samoa Joe the man who was kidnapped almost after Hogan and Bishoff come into TNA and when he gets back is seen talking to Bishoff for no reason and defended TNA founder Jeff Jarret against Sting and Nash.

Third Jeff Jarret the man who's life has been made a misery by Bishoff for weeks after there take over off TNA and who hates Dixie Carter for bringing in Hogan and Bishoff for taking over his company.

Forth James Mitchell the man who has made Abyss into a great force. But with Hogan and Bishoff taking over Abyss has been turned into some thing he is not a face but is a heel now.

I think they are a new group off TNA originals which consist off Samoa Joe, Jeff Jarret,Chris Daniels and James Mitchell to take down TNA management with fortune.
I just wanted to pitch this...

And yes, this is similar too, yet a larger-scale version of what "OCWRESTLER23" suggested.

My idea of what would make alot of sense(assuming that they haven't orchestrated a Shane Mcmahon or Paul Heyman involvement under our noses):

Bring in Jim Mitchell as the leader of some type of Apocolyptic/Occultic/Dark-religious type of faction(a new "New Church" if you will, yet with an expanded and more apoclyptic message).

Then assemble a group of wrestlers around him that have played characters that could fit the mood of the storyline... Judas Mesias, Christopher Daniels, Daphne and Raven would be obvious choices along with Abyss. Also for the storyline to really take off other huge gets would be Vampiro, Tajiri and possibly Dave Batista(reprising a Leviathon/Deacon Batista type character). Mike Knox is another guy who could probably worked into this faction. Other guys not being used well enough that are in the company already like Ink inc. could also be interesting maybe adding context to a prolonged fued with Generation Me, taking into account their overt Christian agenda. As well as from a comic standpoint, bringing in Jay Lethal in another type of tribute/impression gimmick(possibly an undertaker spoof?)

Then, finally, to continue to flesh-out the storyline: Have this faction influence Dinero to win the belt and be their champion; giving new context to the "Black Pope" gimmick(while building heat by retiring Angle at the same time).

Come up with some type of dirt for this faction to have on Dixie, Hogan and/or Jeff(maybe a quasi-"sold-their-soul" type of situation); or a way for Mitchell to have accrued some type of higher control or power with the company.
Maybe stem Sting's knowledge to a possible fruitless attempt by the group to involve him in their takeover.

This angle would have lots of way to build and play-out over an extended period of time. And would keep the long drawn-out promise of Abyss's "They" from being a let-down.

Again, however- if they were able to lure Heyman or Shane, that's even better and they should build it up and run with it... but i doubt that is the case.
I have been giving this a lot of thought and it has been a very good story line for TNA.

I first look at the attacks. Mick Foley has been knocked down in the ring (we never saw it) and then again last week while Stevie and Abyss were fighting. (again, we never saw it). I am thinking that Abyss and Foley are working together. Remember when Foley returned? Abyss started his attack at that moment.

That brings me to the 3rd member. One of the smartest men in wrestling is also the one who knows how to run an angle and surprise; Paul Heyman. Heyman in my opinion has been ready to head to TNA and his constant "no's" are just a mirage. Heyman takes over TNA and tosses Dixie to the side. He then brings in his NEW, TNA champion.....ready?

Rob Van Dam!!! No one saw what Abyss did to Van Dam. Set up? In my opinion, I think so. Van Dam returns as the TNA champion because he never actually lost his title.

More? Not sure yet. I do believe there will be a 5th member, not in TNA currently that will blow the roof off. I am just not sure who. Thoughts?
I honestly have no idea who this could be and I'm loving every second that I have to relish the fact that I'm not alone on this one! haha! And to anyone who thinks they know for sure what is going to happen, pull your head out of your ass. Every possibility that could possibly be right in front of your face has been shot down - now it's time to see what TNA does when they REALLY have the element of surprise on their hands. The ball is in their court and they have to make the move.

Will it be a Hogan/Bischoff Heel Turn? I certainly hope not - but it's possible.

A group of WWE Rejects? I don't see why TNA would do this and it makes no sense.

Judas Mesias and James Mitchell? Possibly. IMO, it's the most logic at this time.

A ROH Invasion of some sort? Could be, but again, would TNA really do this?

I don't really know, but all I can say is, I cannot wait for BFG. Disappointed or Not.
One thing is for sure. After the months of talk about "they", TNA has to deliver on this one. Yes they have promised many surprises before, but not like this. Announcing one week that there will be a big surprise and then debuting someone like Tommy Dreamer, Shannon Moore, etc is a little bit of a letdown, but people get over it. There isn't really any build to that and thinking about it for one week, you get over it quickly.

"They" is different though. Abyss has been mentioning it for months. TNA worked in the subtle details for people to assume "they" was EV2, then Fortune, and now announces that at BFG it will be revealed. So far the angle has been written well and has build peoples interest more than any other to this point. There have really been no leads even given other than just speculation which adds to the intrigue. The fact that so much interest has been built means failure to deliver would be a huge letdown.

As far as speculation goes there are some possibilities:

Hogan/Bischoff? Dixie supposedly invited EV2 and gave them contracts. Hogan overruled her suspension of Flair so there is some tension there. They vowed to push the young guys and EV2 is taking time from those young guys. Hogan's overruling of the suspension of Flair and Abyss's loose alliance with Fortune shows that "They" aren't worried about Fortune and either is Hogan. "They" are wanting to get rid of EV2 first. Unless Hogan can get a group of young guys who people care about to pull this angle off, nobody will care though. Returning Daniels and some other people to get EV2 out of TNA wouldn't really live up to 3 months of building IMO.

Bunch of WWE guys? Carlito, Burchill, Hass, Benjamin, or whoever else there could possibly be. They'd get a good initial pop but have no purpose as a group. You could put Burchill in with Wolfe and Magnus. Carlito could be a good midcard guy. But grouped they have no purpose. Would those guys really have called up and said "hey Abyss, make sure you clear the way for us?" Highly unlikely.

James Mitchell, Judas Messias, etc? While the relation is there with Abyss, again there is no real purpose. Yes they could be some scary creepy dark faction, but they would be little more than a sideshow.

Sting/Nash/Wolfpac? Maybe? Again, EV2 taking the spotlight from those established guys. But in this case "they" are not coming, "they" are already there. If "they" woudl be sting and nash and they need to add some people, why do they have to wait? Maybe it's Scott Hall again and he has no drivers license so he has to walk from LA to Universal Studios and it will take him another month to get there. Again, no point as Sting/Nash aren't going after EV2 like Abyss.

What about Heyman? "tHEY"man? Would he really go after the EV2 guys though? Guys he worked with for years that were like family? Maybe if he was a heel and brought some guys with him. He could come in and state that the plan was to take TNA to new heights with the new young talent they have. Guys who were hungry like they were when ECW started. But then EV2 came in and stole his spotlight. He could say they are washed up and are a shadow of what they used to be when they worked for him. Without him, nobody would have ever even heard of Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, etc. He could say how they embarrass him now and make him sick. He can then release his group of "they" whoever that may be. I'd assume some TNA originals that got bumped to the side like Daniels, but this is the only angle where they could get away with the wrestlers not being that significant. They woudl just need to be young and have potential. Young guys with talent and heart that will reach higher than the EV2 guys ever did. It again makes TNA seem strong and superior to ECW. It would elevate "they" as being superior and stronger than the EV2 guys. Fortune is also being elevated as being stronger than the EV2 guys, and "they" would then be poised as strong enough to battle Fortune. This idea makes sense and accomplishes something for the long term goals of TNA.

After all though, what if "They" is T.H.E.Y. and some kind of acronym? Maybe The Hurricane and Eric Young can play super heroes together and save TNA. :rolleyes:
The way i see it, it has to be lead by someone in a managerial position because Abyss said "they" are taking TNA over, that will need to be someone to lead the group, someone with alot of charisma and someone who is well known throughout the wrestling business, so either Heyman, Shane or Bischoff/Hogan (most likely Bischoff on his own, imho he doesn't make a good face)

Then there's Abyss who is most likely the muscle of the group after what he's been doing/ clearing the way for "them" and forcing RVD to vacate the title, leading to "them" coming at BFG, screwing Angle out of the title, forcing him to retire, and having their top man to steal the Title after Pope/Anderson pins Angle. This person has to make the biggest impact, Batista? although he has signed for Strikeforce (Lashley did both (badly)) or Goldberg...he has said he wants to have another match so his kids can see him wrestle, why not have a Title reign for his kids to see instead.

The mid-carder, Christopher Daniels return maybe? someone to feud with AJ over the TV title, who better than Daniels?

Nash and Sting can not, not be involved in this. I can't think of anyone else that Abyss hasn't been involved with in the main TNA roster, he has attacked EV2, denied "them" as being Fortune, been involved with the "fatal 4" as they are currently being known. Why else would he ignore those 2?

But. TNA really do need to deliver with this one, if it isn't something massive after all the hype everyone might give up on TNA all together.
I dont care who they are but i hope when they come that they are good wrestlers can take a beating and take out Hogan Bischoff and ECW.
I just wanted to pitch this...

And yes, this is similar too, yet a larger-scale version of what "OCWRESTLER23" suggested.

My idea of what would make alot of sense(assuming that they haven't orchestrated a Shane Mcmahon or Paul Heyman involvement under our noses):

Bring in Jim Mitchell as the leader of some type of Apocolyptic/Occultic/Dark-religious type of faction(a new "New Church" if you will, yet with an expanded and more apoclyptic message).

Then assemble a group of wrestlers around him that have played characters that could fit the mood of the storyline... Judas Mesias, Christopher Daniels, Daphne and Raven would be obvious choices along with Abyss. Also for the storyline to really take off other huge gets would be Vampiro, Tajiri and possibly Dave Batista(reprising a Leviathon/Deacon Batista type character). Mike Knox is another guy who could probably worked into this faction. Other guys not being used well enough that are in the company already like Ink inc. could also be interesting maybe adding context to a prolonged fued with Generation Me, taking into account their overt Christian agenda. As well as from a comic standpoint, bringing in Jay Lethal in another type of tribute/impression gimmick(possibly an undertaker spoof?)

Then, finally, to continue to flesh-out the storyline: Have this faction influence Dinero to win the belt and be their champion; giving new context to the "Black Pope" gimmick(while building heat by retiring Angle at the same time).

Come up with some type of dirt for this faction to have on Dixie, Hogan and/or Jeff(maybe a quasi-"sold-their-soul" type of situation); or a way for Mitchell to have accrued some type of higher control or power with the company.
Maybe stem Sting's knowledge to a possible fruitless attempt by the group to involve him in their takeover.

This angle would have lots of way to build and play-out over an extended period of time. And would keep the long drawn-out promise of Abyss's "They" from being a let-down.

Again, however- if they were able to lure Heyman or Shane, that's even better and they should build it up and run with it... but i doubt that is the case.


I love the "Black Pope" idea, with Deniro turning away from the light and into the black, with Mitchell as his mentor and Abyss as his partner. Its almost certain that Batista will not be a part of this, and even if he was HE would be the main player, not Abyss or Pope due to his name value.

A faction of:

James Mitchell
Judas Mesias
Maybe Ariel??

and a couple of TNA faces having "sold their souls" would be brilliant IMO, but with the current focus on Fortune and EV2.0, there are probably too many big factions for TNA to go with this at the moment :( , I would mark out for a Mitchell return though!
This "They" storyline is sorta giving me goosebumbs. I havent felt this way since the WCW/WWF era.

I think it will be awsome, whatever it is. I see Batista leading a faction of ex WWE guys.
It's awesome that TNA has people talking about their main PPV of the year. For all the complaints you see in these forums week in, week out about Dixie and her overhyping tweet digits, at least the fire is still burning in terms of people being interested in the project.

My dark horse is Batista - he is doing a similar vein of talks to Kurt Angle when he left the 'E. By shooting down all rumours and talking about MMA, every could be discounting him, until the big reveal.

A Radicalz themed stable would be a double edged sword - good for the familiar faces and possible storylines, bad because it would feed the haters who view TNA as a WWE Job search centre.

Least likely to me is Shane McMahon. If you were the number 2 company in the US, could you trust the son of the number 1 owner? Even if he had cut all ties with the previous company.

My personal choice for most likely is the return of James Mitchell and friends. It fits the darkness of Abyss' character and actions.
Either way, we'll keep debating it until someone shows us an answer. I just hope for TNA's sake it's not a letdown.

For a company who's so predictably bad and who's product is so stale and ridden with rehashes and rekindling of fires that have long since burned cold, TNA sure seems to have a number of you stumped as to what could happen in what is arguably their biggest story line running right now. Weird, that doesn't seem possible if all the things you say are true of TNA are in fact true...

Or maybe, just maybe, your pessimistic conjecture hasn't earned you jack shit as far as knowing a damn thing about what TNA is capable of, yeah? ;)

So here's to a round of applause to the writers at TNA—most notably Vince Russo—for thus far being able to build one of the most intriguing and quixotic story lines TNA has seen since the rise of the MEM/Frontline (Millionares Club/New Blood), nothing of which anyone here or anyone at home has truly been able to predict a god damn thing about!

Why don't you hold off on the circle jerk until we actually find out who "they" are. TNA has built this thing up to the point where the expectations are getting to be too big and it better be an absolute shocker or there are going to be a lot of disappointed people.

"They" better be someone outside of TNA and if "they" are more people who couldn't hack it in the WWE it is going to be hilarious because all of the TNA marks will be going nuts over how awesome it is even though the supposedly hate everything about the WWE.
I have a feeling that "They" could be the return of MEM, if you think about it you already have Sting and Nash working together, Angle is in the ME at BFG and could easily join forces with Sting and Nash after he wins the title, or they could interfere and help him win the belt (assuming he does win the title), and I could see them having Joe turning on his team in the rumored six man tag that's supposedly going to happen at BFG, lets also keep in mind Abyss has been a ME guy in TNA aswell, so perhaps "They" could be the new Main Event Mafia
So let's take a look at this.......this storyline is going to be great, but more an more likely this storyline is going to be just another failure.........but what do we honestly know?

Carlito, Haas, Benjamin, Paul Burchill, Katie Lea, Hurricane, Rosie, Mike Knox's contracts have all expired an had their 90 day no compete clause ran out. But it's not any of them, UNLESS they are going to use Paul Burchill an Katie Lea as the "They" an I highly doubt that.

Batista walked out of the WWE AFTER they couldn't come to agreements on a contract extension. So I am pretty sure he has no NO COMPETE CLAUSE anyways. Could be him, would be AWESOME if it was Batista with Shane or Heyman as his manager. Or him being the muscle to Shane or Heyman's boss role. But if he comes to TNA its because he chooses to an I'm just not too sure here......

Shawn Michaels, the man retired, he didn't walk out, didn't get fired, retired.......last I heard that means no more contract, now while I NEVER see HBK coming to TNA I do look for a Nash an HBK reunion, one has to wonder if that is why WWE paid for Waltman an Hall's rehab to reform the kliq one last run in WWE. BUT naw that's probably not going to happen with HBK coming to TNA.

JBL the man's made of money, an his wife not only a hottie, is fucking the CEO or COO or OWNER or President of some BIG ASS company, he doesn't need the money, nor the waste of his body movements. But I'd mark the fuck out if JBL came walking down the aisle with a steel chair an hit Kurt in the head.

Shane McMahon, would he go against his dad an try to get in on the competition, I mean the man did sell ALL of his controlling stock interest after he walked away from the WWE, could the first born child be a little angry that daddies lil girl an her husband are more than likely going to take control of the company? More over maybe Shane was just pissed at the way that sister an brother in law were running the company. This would be a HUGE hit to WWE an Vince an a real ratings gathering action especially if he just showed up an didn't say anything on the pay per view.........but one would think that they would make the 10-14-2010 Impact a LIVE event so no one would spoil what the man would say or do his first night in the zone........

Heyman, the man has gone on an gone on with he would only come to TNA if he was paid 20 or 30 million dollars, I wonder if that would be enough to clear the wrestlers he owes and buy back the ECW library from Vince? Even if the man didn't buy the library back an just worked for TNA, there would be alot of sore asses an unemployed wrestlers an new wrestlers in TNA in the following months, now that is only if he really had creative control over everything in TNA.

Dixie's husband, maybe the guy is tired of not getting any pussom an so he turns to destroy her toy to bring her home so he can get some nookie. Would be totally funny, hell i'd take tips from the man an use them on my wife lol........

Dana White, the man already is the president of the UFC maybe he's tired of TNA being "competition" or taking away from more time that the UFC could have on Spike......

but the one man that I really hope it is......is..........


How? Why? No Way!

You say, well from what I have read, and heard, Chris Jericho is ALSO a wrestler who is working for his company without a contract as they try to hammer out the details of a new contract.......So that means? Jericho has no NON COMPETE CLAUSE to worry about, Remember when Jericho started his WWE journey, the Millennium Clock counted us down as to who was coming to SAVE_US.222, what few people seem to forget is that 101010 is binary code, now while its not like the clock, maybe we aren't looking at that code clearly......I would seriously mark the fuck out if BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! blasted in the arena after Kurt Angle won the TNA World Championship, only to have Jericho come down an knock Angle out with a chair shot to the head, an before they fade to black, the microphone catches Jericho saying "The Man of 1005 holds is back JUNIOR!"

But whoever, whatever, whichever, the person, the event, the group that "THEY" are......I hope for TNA's sake, Dixie's sake, Vince Russo & Eric Bischoff's sake, an for the talent that is in TNA's sake...........it stuns the fucking wrestling world. Or at least opens a lot of answers to a lot of questions, an maybe brings a few NEW questions to light............
I hope most of you aren't expecting anything big and out of this world..because it's not going to happen.

It will be someone we see week in and week out. It's not going to be a big-time free agent. Who's out there to make the kind of impact TNA has been hinting at? I'm sure some of you will believe there is a chance it's Shane, or HBK, or The Rock, or some other impossible candidate.

If you are getting your hopes up, you will be disappointed, no doubt. Well, maybe not everyone. The real hardcore TNA-marks will love it no matter what, even if they know deep down it's garbage.

My best guess is that TNA will have it be someone it shouldn't be; Hogan, Sting, Nash, Bischoff, etc. Someone that will make zero impact and make almost no sense in the role. But TNA really doesn't have any alternative. If TNA brings in someone HUGE for this (they won't), I will never say another bad word about TNA again..no matter how badly I want to.
I hope most of you aren't expecting anything big and out of this world..because it's not going to happen.

It will be someone we see week in and week out. It's not going to be a big-time free agent. Who's out there to make the kind of impact TNA has been hinting at? I'm sure some of you will believe there is a chance it's Shane, or HBK, or The Rock, or some other impossible candidate.

If you are getting your hopes up, you will be disappointed, no doubt. Well, maybe not everyone. The real hardcore TNA-marks will love it no matter what, even if they know deep down it's garbage.

My best guess is that TNA will have it be someone it shouldn't be; Hogan, Sting, Nash, Bischoff, etc. Someone that will make zero impact and make almost no sense in the role. But TNA really doesn't have any alternative. If TNA brings in someone HUGE for this (they won't), I will never say another bad word about TNA again..no matter how badly I want to.

I don't believe "THEY" is somebody that is already in TNA. I still have faith that TNA will deliver big on this one.

Abyss keep saying "THEY" are coming. So if "THEY" are already IN TNA, then they don't need to COME.

Abyss also said that "THEY" are going to take over TNA and he also said that "THEY" will take out Dixie, Hogan and Bishop. So it has to be somebody with real power and MONEY!!!

"THEY" has to be more than 1 guy. If not, then why TNA didn't use "HE is coming". So whoever comes to TNA, it will be a group of 2 or more.

If "THEY" ends up to be a combo of NASH/STING/HOGAN whatever, then it will be a huge disappointment. It will be suicidal for TNA if they go this route. They know it.

I think we, the fans, have all been played and at the end... TNA and "THEY" will really SHOCK US ALL!!!
I figured it out last night, after finally getting to watch Impact, especially the Abyss-brands-a-jabroni segment. It will probably suck, but it's logical.

Everyone has heard Abyss talking about Janice. Which everyone assumes to be his board full of nails. Abyss said that behind every great woman is a great man, and you can't have a Janice without a Bob. And then branded some random schmuck with 10-10-10.

Janice and Bob.

"Janice" is not the board. "Janice" is Janice Carter, Dixie's mother and the Executive Vice President of Panda Energy. Bob Carter is President of Panda Energy. The only people with the actual power to remove Dixie and/or Hogan are--Bob (and Janice) Carter.

"They" are Janice and Bob Carter. The branded schmuck wasn't "Bob", he was just some random schmuck.

IF Hogan is aligned with "They", this also wraps up the Sting Deception angle--Sting suspected all along that Hogan would screw Dixie over, and tried to stop it. Abyss kneels before Hogan, lovingly caressing his Hall of Fame ring.
I figured it out last night, after finally getting to watch Impact, especially the Abyss-brands-a-jabroni segment. It will probably suck, but it's logical.

Everyone has heard Abyss talking about Janice. Which everyone assumes to be his board full of nails. Abyss said that behind every great woman is a great man, and you can't have a Janice without a Bob. And then branded some random schmuck with 10-10-10.

Janice and Bob.

"Janice" is not the board. "Janice" is Janice Carter, Dixie's mother and the Executive Vice President of Panda Energy. Bob Carter is President of Panda Energy. The only people with the actual power to remove Dixie and/or Hogan are--Bob (and Janice) Carter.

"They" are Janice and Bob Carter. The branded schmuck wasn't "Bob", he was just some random schmuck.

IF Hogan is aligned with "They", this also wraps up the Sting Deception angle--Sting suspected all along that Hogan would screw Dixie over, and tried to stop it. Abyss kneels before Hogan, lovingly caressing his Hall of Fame ring.

Ah, JB this is why your one of my favorite posters here. Now that I saw that though, kind of want it deleted lol. Only reason being b/c I support TNA, and now when this does go down all the WWE fan boys can go "We saw this coming all along!" Lol.

But yeah, Bob and Janice being Dixie's parents, WOW! This can mean a ton of things. Last night I was thinking "If TNA has the possibilty of doing an ECW invasion why would TNA by pass them as THEY?" Did they know ECW angle wouldn't be that popular?

This is very understandable, logically, no one debuting would make much sense. The WWE free agents aren't big enough, same for Ex TNA guys. But Bob and Janice, that's a different story.

The one thing that gets me excited about Bob and Janice, is that if "THEY're(lol)" getting involved, that might mean their deciding to put a little bit more money into TNA. I think it was Ric Flair that said Panda Energy has billions and when "THEY" start putting big time money into TNA, WOW DADDY!

I'm not sure how this angle is going to work now with Hogan/Bish and Dixie, but I can definitely understand now. I really couldn't see another stable coming in when Fourtune was already there and the more I see EV2.0, the less likely I think they're going away.

Anyway, I would expect between now and Bound For Glory we might see the debuts of The Carters, Mickie James, and Carlito with outside chances of Hass, Benjamin, Knox, and Helms.

Or may be just one. If TNA had any real big surprises, I don't think Dixie could of kept from tweeting "just signed someone people have been asking for" more than once. I believe we'll see The Carter's and at least one wrestler debut 10/7(aside from Robbie G/Bayless) and 10/10.

Edit: So Dixie Carter's mother is Abyss girlfriend? That's fucking gross. Now we gotta look forward too Flair calling a senior citizen drop dead gorgeous. Btw, does ne one else want Bob Carter to look like Colonel Sander's?
I figured it out last night, after finally getting to watch Impact, especially the Abyss-brands-a-jabroni segment. It will probably suck, but it's logical.

Everyone has heard Abyss talking about Janice. Which everyone assumes to be his board full of nails. Abyss said that behind every great woman is a great man, and you can't have a Janice without a Bob. And then branded some random schmuck with 10-10-10.

Janice and Bob.

"Janice" is not the board. "Janice" is Janice Carter, Dixie's mother and the Executive Vice President of Panda Energy. Bob Carter is President of Panda Energy. The only people with the actual power to remove Dixie and/or Hogan are--Bob (and Janice) Carter.

"They" are Janice and Bob Carter. The branded schmuck wasn't "Bob", he was just some random schmuck.

IF Hogan is aligned with "They", this also wraps up the Sting Deception angle--Sting suspected all along that Hogan would screw Dixie over, and tried to stop it. Abyss kneels before Hogan, lovingly caressing his Hall of Fame ring.

This is actually an intriguing idea, something that has the potential to actually be impactful and something that seems to fit the bill on all accounts.

"They" would be coming from outside of the normal TNA scope. Granted Bob and Janice are already affiliated with TNA and as such would technically not be coming from the outside, but from a fan's perspective, they would be. "They" would be plural, with both Bob and Janice and whoever else ends up being affiliated with them. "They" could attempt widespread changes to TNA, whether it be by bringing in outside forces or aligning themselves with people already there. And Abyss's talk of Bob and Janice could be construed as hinting/foreshadowing of what's to come.

Interesting, yes. Intriguing, definitely. I still don't see it happening though. I'm still bracing myself for the ultimate let-down. All recent history would point to this result.
Pretty interesting. Hogan/Bischoff happened to be signed with Panda instead of TNA. I think Flair was trying to get that treatment as well. That could all play into this. They blame you Dixie. If TNA "folds"(kayfabe) then Hogan/Bischoff/Flair happen to get to start a company since they still have contracts, WC2.0. If Panda is about to pump some more money into TNA that could be huge and they certainly would not be coming alone.

I do remember an interesting phone call on impact where it almost seemed like it could have been taken as Bischoff saying to someone that Abyss took it further than they thought, implying Bischoff and the other end put him up to it but did not realize how far he was taking it.
well i see a post in another forum and that make alot of sense so i post it here :

I figured it out last night, after finally getting to watch Impact, especially the Abyss-brands-a-jabroni segment. It will probably suck, but it's logical.

Everyone has heard Abyss talking about Janice. Which everyone assumes to be his board full of nails. Abyss said that behind every great woman is a great man, and you can't have a Janice without a Bob. And then branded some random schmuck with 10-10-10.

Janice and Bob.

"Janice" is not the board. "Janice" is Janice Carter, Dixie's mother and the Executive Vice President of Panda Energy. Bob Carter is President of Panda Energy. The only people with the actual power to remove Dixie and/or Hogan are--Bob (and Janice) Carter.

"They" are Janice and Bob Carter. The branded schmuck wasn't "Bob", he was just some random schmuck.

IF Hogan is aligned with "They", this also wraps up the Sting Deception angle--Sting suspected all along that Hogan would screw Dixie over, and tried to stop it. Abyss kneels before Hogan, lovingly caressing his Hall of Fame ring.

this could be what flair was talking about that panda energy wants To see TNA Stand on their own foot and then Pump a lot of money into TNA!
do see this happening ?!
let us know !
Just want to make sure I'm collecting all the rep for this--red and green.

Yeah I'd ask the O.P to inlcude johnbragg's name in the post 'cause the dude discovered it. WELL SPOT ON MAN!

Like I said in the other thread, this is TOO big of a coincidence, isn't it? What if Carter wanted to become the new president of TNA and pour his money in the company? I remember reading that he waits for them to get on their feet and get serious.

This is...whoa, I hope that's the case!
Dude if this is right by ur assumptions then I give u credit as the whole Abyss angle is very weird and cumf*ckered. Plus you prob remembered that Dixie doesn't pay Hogan's salary it's her daddy Bob. So we wait 'til 10-10-10 to find out who "THEY" are and i can't wait. Plus Chris "Abyss" Parks has complete creative control w/ his character Abyss if you didn't know that.
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