**Merged** Who Are "They" Thread

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Now since it came to that being noticed in forums, and it'll most probably end up to what was mentioned above, I think TNA worst decision in this anlge was to reveal the name "Bob". If he mentioned the name and hyped it at the begining of BFG or just the impact before it, not alot of people wouldve guess that. Now, if it turns out to be true, we can only blame ourselves for watching over the net (at least I will) cause this outcome was not bad at all in the worst case possible.
First of all, credit to johnbragg for the post being quoted by the OP. I would green rep him for the post, which he made in a couple of threads, but I have to "spread it around," so others should hopefully rep him for the thoughts.

I have no idea if JB is correct or not. In fact, I think that most likely he is not, simply because TNA doesn't tend to have such logic and cohesiveness to the thought process behind its storylines. If he is correct, credit to JB for figuring out something that I haven't seen anyone else in the IWC figure out. I've seen lots of rampant speculation, and even shared some myself, but nothing which makes as much sense as what he said. If he is in fact incorrect, I say put this guy on the creative team at TNA, because this storyline would be better than most of the other ideas that I've been reading about, or thought of myself, on these forums.

I don't think it's pure coincidence that the names of the weapons are Janice and Bob, it probably is in fact due to the names of the people associated with Panda Energy. But whether or not that means they are involved in the whole storyline is another matter. After all, in kayfabe terms it would basically mean Mom and Dad taking the company from daughter, and I'm not totally sold on that one, too McMahon-esque for me.
Now since it came to that being noticed in forums, and it'll most probably end up to what was mentioned above, I think TNA worst decision in this anlge was to reveal the name "Bob". If he mentioned the name and hyped it at the begining of BFG or just the impact before it, not alot of people wouldve guess that. Now, if it turns out to be true, we can only blame ourselves for watching over the net (at least I will) cause this outcome was not bad at all in the worst case possible.

Yeah I know what you mean. But see, I didn't think anyone would figure it out or at least give a really good logical explanation to the whole storyline, so I kept reading.

Whether this is it or not ( there has to be SOME truth in it ), as awesome as it sounds, I don't want to get my hopes up because if it turns out that it's something much simpler I'll be very disappointed.

By the way, how come Dixie never realized that Abyss named a branding iron and a stick with nails after her parents?
If this would be true, and the Carter's are basically going to finally throw alot of money TNA's way, then that could mean everything for their future. More money for production cost's, weekly televised IMPACTS, Batista, Goldberg... this could be HUGE in every way. More money to invest. But I just can't see why a nobody (psycho) like Abyss would be the one to know they are coming to take over TNA. How does Abyss know all of this and play into this.
If this would be true, and the Carter's are basically going to finally throw alot of money TNA's way, then that could mean everything for their future. More money for production cost's, weekly televised IMPACTS, Batista, Goldberg... this could be HUGE in every way. More money to invest. But I just can't see why a nobody (psycho) like Abyss would be the one to know they are coming to take over TNA. How does Abyss know all of this and play into this.

I would love this to happen, maybe without Batista and Goldberg, but the money to do what they need to would be fantastic.

Maybe this is why Dixie has been down playing the announcement... simply because it's not something she should know about. Although, If this is the case, I don't wanna see Bob Carter as a regular on air character!
If this would be true, and the Carter's are basically going to finally throw alot of money TNA's way, then that could mean everything for their future. More money for production cost's, weekly televised IMPACTS, Batista, Goldberg... this could be HUGE in every way. More money to invest. But I just can't see why a nobody (psycho) like Abyss would be the one to know they are coming to take over TNA. How does Abyss know all of this and play into this.

A .. "nobody". Do you not know who Abyss is. Anyway, I think him knowing it is as easy as "them" telling him.

But like I said in another post, I think the initial plans were for Samoa Joe to be the "they" guy. That's why he got kidnapped. He was the FIRST guy to ever mention "them". But then they went with Abyss for some reason.
im far from bein a TNA fan but if this is they case and "they" are bob and janice carter and do a once or very infrequent tv spot and decide to put alot of money behin TNA then this could do wonders. they could finally step up and start to compete and maybe in a couple yrs be a significant rival to wwe which imo is needed very badly. more money and a new writing staff could go a long way. lets hope maybe something like this isnt just a coincidence.
Fun theory. Unfortunately, I don't think this will be the case. I love the "THEY" angle, and quite honestly, TNA likes it's gimmicky characters as do I. And after messing with the Abyss character by putting him with Hogan, I really doubt we'll be seeing Abyss with any other 'normal' running buddies. I'm convinced that THEY will be other monster gimmick characters, led by Father James Mitchell. And I don't see how all these other silly rumors of having WWE rejects (shelton, carlito, whatever) turn out to be THEY since those guys have NOTHING to do with a character like Abyss.

Personally, I see an NWO-invasion with maybe 7-8 monster heels but instead of being corporate, it's going to be ala Ministry of Darkness... expect more torture, kidnappings and sacrifices! YAY!

I'm almost convinced. Wishful thinking maybe, but we'll see on 10-10-10 eh... then again, I wouldn't be disappointed if the theory in this thread turned out to be true...
I really think that this THEY scenerio is the best one I have seen come along. Maybe that's why Abyss keep's saying that the first one to feel their wrath will be Dixie Carter. It's more solid than most.

I was thinking that TNA may of joined forces with another wrestling organization like dragon gate or this Wilpon group. something along those lines...
I really think that this THEY scenerio is the best one I have seen come along. Maybe that's why Abyss keep's saying that the first one to feel their wrath will be Dixie Carter. It's more solid than most.

I was thinking that TNA may of joined forces with another wrestling organization like dragon gate or this Wilpon group. something along those lines...

You bring up a valid point. Even if it's Janice and Bob Carter, the take over wouldn't be complete if they didn't have a horde of their own goons. I always thought that there could be an agreement between ROH and TNA, but that's never gonna happen.

Have ROH "invade" TNA or just add them to their roster. Let a LIVE iMPACT go head to head with Smackdown ( which is taped ), and have another brand, maybe explosion, have the ROH guys, or whoever comes along.
LOL, I hope "they" aren't Janice and Bob Carter. That would be completely ridiculous. Damn, this is such a bad idea I don't even know where to start. I'm sure that mark Madden will if this angle comes to pass. First and foremost, I do not want to see the Carters as on-air characters....that includes Dixie. Second, why would the Carter's, who are supposed to be financial giants, align with Abyss instead of more refined characters like Flair & Fortune?
LOL, I hope "they" aren't Janice and Bob Carter. That would be completely ridiculous. Damn, this is such a bad idea I don't even know where to start. I'm sure that mark Madden will if this angle comes to pass. First and foremost, I do not want to see the Carters as on-air characters....that includes Dixie. Second, why would the Carter's, who are supposed to be financial giants, align with Abyss instead of more refined characters like Flair & Fortune?

So the idea is stupid because you pose a question and are not able to answer it yourself? That's what storylines are for. If The Carters are "they", I'm quite positive that they have their reasons. You'll just have to wait and see.

When Dixie was questioned about what she would do if she had more money to work with. She said that she would do the change that is being made at the 10/7 live show bigger and better. Assuming the OP is right, and I have a feeling they may be, the change at the 10/7 show will impress Mom & Dad, who were going to take the company from her. They love the change and will toss her some money at BFG so she can do it bigger and better. They leave her in control, but on a short leash. A management shake up wouldnt be out of order during all this either. Now lets just hope the change lives up to all the hype and is worth throwing more money at.

So the idea is stupid because you pose a question and are not able to answer it yourself? That's what storylines are for. If The Carters are "they", I'm quite positive that they have their reasons. You'll just have to wait and see.

No, its stupid because its stupid. I'm fully aware that the storylines would "connect the dots"....I'm just not sure that the pattern in which the dots are connected can be anything but a bad idea.
I am going to take my theory one step further. In the management shake up that takes place Slick Ric Flair ends up in charge in place of Hogan and Bishoff. Dixie hates Flair and enlists Hogan and Bishoff to take Flair out for good with the help of Abyss.

Kudos to JB for picking up on the subtlety of Abyss' name-dropping (or is that non-subtlety?) — this certainly seems plausible, and I had no idea Dixie's parents' names were Janice and Bob. Hell, had I known her mother was named Janice in the first place, I might of picked up on it myself.

I'm sure this will draw countless WWE bubble boys who'll scream until they're blue in the face about how the WWE did it first, as if the WWE was the creator of pro-wrestling, but a power struggle, especially one centered around family like this is always interesting.

It's certainly a more interesting theory than the idea of a WWE invasion led by some combination of Helms, Carlito, Burchill, etc.
I think the Carter's have something to with but only on the Panda Energy side of thing's.

The reason is I remember back in april or may it was reported that Panda Energy Exec's made a surprise appearance at a TNA how show, ans watched it in it's entirety, and they were blown away, (very impressed) with the live show... then soon after Dixie started tweeting about something that's going to change the future of TNA forever, and the THEY started with Abyss.. so i would definately think it has something to do with Panda Energy investing more money in the product..
you all are all wrong..........its BOB MARLEY JR. AND JANICE DICKENS!!!!! WHOOO I AM NOT A NUGGET!!! And I think that the whole Janice an Bob reference, is just a swerve to get people to talk more...........its going to be Y2J mark my words.......he will lose the match tonite, and since he isnt on contract an has no 90 day no compete clause he will show up on 10-10-10 which is....................BINARY CODE! which is.........sorta like the millennium clock when he debuted on WWE!
you all are all wrong..........its BOB MARLEY JR. AND JANICE DICKENS!!!!! WHOOO I AM NOT A NUGGET!!! And I think that the whole Janice an Bob reference, is just a swerve to get people to talk more...........its going to be Y2J mark my words.......he will lose the match tonite, and since he isnt on contract an has no 90 day no compete clause he will show up on 10-10-10 which is....................BINARY CODE! which is.........sorta like the millennium clock when he debuted on WWE!

nope i think its impossible, remember Y2J bashed TNA a lot of times in hes tweeter, and ok if he comes that wont change TNA forever, dixie and her ******s just dont realize that the plan "getting some former wwe stars" dont work people dont care if TNA have hardy rvd or Y2J, also if this is true and panda energy will invest more in TNA they dont need new superstars like Y2J, Batista or others, the company is full of talent and theres no space left, what they need to do is go live on thursdays finally get out of impact zone, make live shows in all country this is the first step do that and im sure after couple of months the rating will go up until 2.0 , the main problem for TNA they want to achieve success very fast that doesnt work like that if they want to compete against wwe
interesting theory and probably correct too because i dont believe the names could be a coincidence.however i think the "they" angle is somehow tied to the main event of bfg.three babyfaces in the ME.one of them is turning heel for sure.lets look at em

Kurt Angle-i dont think so.the story is kinda there with him not being able to put hardy away twice.but i dont think he'll turn coz he is what has got tna soe mainstream attention.and he is a legend now.he will find it difficult getting booed

Mr Anderson-the most obvious choice to most people.a self acclaimed asshole.but if you know vince russo he isnt known to do it the easy way.which brings us to.....

Jeff Hardy-improbable on the face of it but this is what russo likes.hardy has never been heel and some including me would say he doesnt have the skills to be one.but i believe he is what tna have in mind.plus he has been lying a bit low the focus i believe is a bit on angle and anderson more than hardy.plus if you get him in a stable consisting of guys like hogan(who i believe will turn) he could possibly mke a heel.

so how bout this for a stable

hogan,bischoff,hardy,joe with backing from janice and bob carter.

plus it will make me feel like a genius if this comes out to be true:rolleyes:
If this does turn out to be true, then johnbragg should be awarded the WZ Poster of the Year for this find alone.

Does kinda make sense all this, but more if Abyss kidnaps them *tortures* them into firing Dixie and handing over powers to an Evil Hogan and Bischoff.
Ultimate Deception, you've been cheering for the wrong guy all along...and Sting was right.

But then again I think TNA does pay attention to the IWC and I can imagine a memo saying " The Marks KNOW!!!! Plan B" flying in the TNA Backroom in the near future.:rolleyes:
I think everyone is overreacting. I could be wrong, but I'll throw in my two cents. This is going to turn out to be one of those movie trivia facts that doesn't change anything. It will go something like this: "Did you know: The psychopath's weapons are named after the parents of the girl he hunts down." It's going to be that insignificant, mark my words. Just a subtle joke to make Abyss look even more twisted, to those who get it.
I honestly just think its a easter egg type thing. Like in creative "Lets name Abyss' toys after Dixie's parents, that would be cool". Nothing else to it but we will see in less than a month.
I honestly just think its a easter egg type thing. Like in creative "Lets name Abyss' toys after Dixie's parents, that would be cool". Nothing else to it but we will see in less than a month.

Easter Egg? This ain't Super Mario. I think that if they intentionally named the weapons after her parents, and it wasn't some sort of a connection with "them" - Abyss would be pretty vocal about it. The commentators would play it off as a sick joke, great stuff for a heel.

"My girl Janice", is a very polite and subtle way to say "I prowled your mother,Dixie"
interesting theory and probably correct too because i dont believe the names could be a coincidence.however i think the "they" angle is somehow tied to the main event of bfg.three babyfaces in the ME.one of them is turning heel for sure.lets look at em

Kurt Angle-i dont think so.the story is kinda there with him not being able to put hardy away twice.but i dont think he'll turn coz he is what has got tna soe mainstream attention.and he is a legend now.he will find it difficult getting booed

Mr Anderson-the most obvious choice to most people.a self acclaimed asshole.but if you know vince russo he isnt known to do it the easy way.which brings us to.....

Jeff Hardy-improbable on the face of it but this is what russo likes.hardy has never been heel and some including me would say he doesnt have the skills to be one.but i believe he is what tna have in mind.plus he has been lying a bit low the focus i believe is a bit on angle and anderson more than hardy.plus if you get him in a stable consisting of guys like hogan(who i believe will turn) he could possibly mke a heel.

so how bout this for a stable

hogan,bischoff,hardy,joe with backing from janice and bob carter.

plus it will make me feel like a genius if this comes out to be true:rolleyes:

just to lend a bit more credibility to my theory jeff is debuting with a new theme song at bfg.check out the wrestlezone main page.be sure to rep me if hardy turns heel at bfg
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