Will Hulk Hogan run a Monopoly with the TNA World title?

OK OK so lets get this straight.....you are saying it would be bad if Hogan won the title????? Are you serious man, I mean come on...and then you bash HHH also.....Cena is an awful champion when he has the belt and he is always in the title hunt.....HHH does the DX thing among other feuds where he is not even in the title picture......but anyway back to TNA....Don't you see what is going on here? The simple fact that everyone is talking about TNA and wondering what is going to happen is exactly what Hogan and Dixie wanted....PPL ARE TALKING ABOUT TNA NOW!!!!! No one knows but I have to think that Hogan wins the title just so he can say that he owned a title in all three major wrestling associations and I have no problem with that! He will not hold it forever or probably not even for a month. Hogan and Bishoff have brought interest to TNA....I mean are you trying to tell me that AJ Styles is a better draw than Hogan? just stop hating on Hogan and HHH, it is kind of ridiculous!

Hogan holding the title has never hurt any company...the problem in WCW was the guaranteed contracts! The amount of money being paid out to all the stars just made the business unprofitable. Just like in other pro sports, you can not afford to pay everyone huge salaries, it is just bad business! With that being said.....there is not a person out there that would turn down the money that was being offered to Hogan or the other stars in WCW!
What's ammusing to me is I realized something. Many didn't like it at first but after aabout a week no one complained about Mick Foley holding the title. Sure he didn't defend it that often but he did make it seem like the title was worth something to the point that he was willing to use his authority to allow himself to not defend it but once a year. IF (and that's a big if) Hogan gets the belt I don't see him doing this and I see him either stripping himself of it and holding it up or he will lose it very very soon after.
First of all, I would NEVER, repeat NEVER place the names Hulk Hogan & HHH in the same sentence unless talking about when Hogan beat HHH for the title years ago. That being said, I don't watch TNA that much either, nor am I a fan of Hogan, BUT like I read on here, we have to be patient. I must admit that 1st I was really anti-Hogan and company coming into TNA because it's just WCW all over again, and while it's still WCW all over again to certain degrees, I think that Bishoff, Hogan and a few others have learned from the past. TNA has better talent, point blank. They don't have rediculous crap always going on (i.e. bringing in "co-hosts" that have zero idea about the show or even cares what the show is about) and beyond that, TNA DOES seem to listen to the fans at least because while WWE's busy w/that stupid PG crap, TNA does appear to want to be more edgier. This is WCW vs. WWF all over again BUT with the tables being turned.

Now as far as the belt, I doubt Hogan will win the belt this year, if ever. He doesn't wanna wrestle, that much is known, why? If he did, he'd have been done wrestled. He wants to control the company, yes. BUT he can't really be the champ, and he knows this, and be successful at what he's trying to do, which is NOT put Vince outa business BUT just stick it to Vince for a few years. There's no Monoploy on the TNA title and HHH didn't have a Monolopy back in 2003.
I must admit, I don't watch TNA's wrestling product as the average wretling fan. Because frankliy TNA don't know WTF there doing! Ya'll seen Dixie Carter bring Hulk Hogan (and Eric Bischoff) in as a partner in the company. That alone should just tell you how much Carter wants to compete against Vince McMahon's WWE. But why is Dixie letting the Hulk just walk around in TNA drunk with power?

Now when Hulk Hogan does return to in-ring competition in TNA. He will most likely win the TNA world belt 2 or three times this year alone. But my question is will "The Hulkster" run a monopoly over the TNA world title, like Triple H did the world heavyweight title in the WWE??

Now remember back in 2003 in the WWE over on the RAW brand when Triple H started his "infamous" monopoly over the world championship? Now I'm not going to type a definition on who Triple H is as a business backstage in the WWE, because we all know about Triple H aka Paul Levesque and what he's about. But anyways, Triple H used his backstage power, and his marrige to "The Bosses Daugther" Stephanie McMahon. Back then Triple H held on to the belt for 9 months straight! Defeating the likes of Scott Steiner, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Kevin Nash, and even Ric Flair. Before FINALLY losing the belt to Bill GOLDBERG!

Now my only concern as far as the well being that is TNA wrestling is will Hulk Hogan do the same or simular thing with the TNA world championship???

Your post gives guys like Sid reasoning as to why he he looks so poorly upon WWE fans. You never watch the show, yet you seem to think you know everything about it based on what you read.

I'm not a fan of hogan's politics. I'm not a fan of his in-ring work, either (well, not since 99, anyway), but no one can deny he is doing things that are for the best in TNA right now. People bitch because he brings his friends in, but there's a reason behind the Nasty Boys (they won't be around long, and they'll eventually put Team 3d over in a feud and just disappear).

If Hulk was in it for himself, and did want to hog the TNA title, he would've done so near to the 1/4 impact. Hell, he hasn't even had an official match yet and you think he's trying to hog the big belt.

You hate Hulk so much, yet if you actually watched TNA before Hulk came along, they were floundering, no one was getting name recognition, and they couldn't make one solid decision in character development with ANYBODY. Hulk has come in and you're getting character branding in AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, and even Daniels (to a lesser degree). He's been doing only positive things.

Also, just to remind you, since you obviously don't watch Impact (and think you know enough to bash it), Hulk isn't the only one behind the scenes of the new guys who are making decisions, there is also Eric Bischoff giving direction to booking and writing, and ultimately Dixie Carter to give the go ahead for any ideas. Dixie knows that if Hulk walked in and took the title it would COMPLETELY bury all of their performers who they've been working to get over for the last 8 years in one match that would probably take 5 minutes of ring time.

This thread is nothing but complete fail and should be closed for the OP not having any knowledge in the topic he's opening and obvious ridiculous attitude towards something he doesn't even watch.

Please go back to nodq where you probably came from.
Your post gives guys like Sid reasoning as to why he he looks so poorly upon WWE fans. You never watch the show, yet you seem to think you know everything about it based on what you read.

I'm not a fan of hogan's politics. I'm not a fan of his in-ring work, either (well, not since 99, anyway), but no one can deny he is doing things that are for the best in TNA right now. People bitch because he brings his friends in, but there's a reason behind the Nasty Boys (they won't be around long, and they'll eventually put Team 3d over in a feud and just disappear).

If Hulk was in it for himself, and did want to hog the TNA title, he would've done so near to the 1/4 impact. Hell, he hasn't even had an official match yet and you think he's trying to hog the big belt.

You hate Hulk so much, yet if you actually watched TNA before Hulk came along, they were floundering, no one was getting name recognition, and they couldn't make one solid decision in character development with ANYBODY. Hulk has come in and you're getting character branding in AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, and even Daniels (to a lesser degree). He's been doing only positive things.

Also, just to remind you, since you obviously don't watch Impact (and think you know enough to bash it), Hulk isn't the only one behind the scenes of the new guys who are making decisions, there is also Eric Bischoff giving direction to booking and writing, and ultimately Dixie Carter to give the go ahead for any ideas. Dixie knows that if Hulk walked in and took the title it would COMPLETELY bury all of their performers who they've been working to get over for the last 8 years in one match that would probably take 5 minutes of ring time.

This thread is nothing but complete fail and should be closed for the OP not having any knowledge in the topic he's opening and obvious ridiculous attitude towards something he doesn't even watch.

Please go back to nodq where you probably came from.

Hold on there buddy! I've watched TNA wrestlings program ever since they debuted on cable TV bub. Before & after TNA-life with Hulk Hogan. And in the going on 8 years that I've watched TNA very little has made an "Impact", mainly "competing" against the WWE. The biggest thing that TNA ever done was sign Kurt Angle, that's it!

And as far as Hulk Hogan goes with the TNA world title since Hogan thinks he's "the GOD" of pro. wrestling. Anything is possible in the world of wrestling as we all (should) know. Hulk will get the belt this year like it or not. But Hogan's ego will allow this to happen, because he's Hulk Hogan dammit!
Hold on there buddy! I've watched TNA wrestlings program ever since they debuted on cable TV bub. Before & after TNA-life with Hulk Hogan. And in the going on 8 years that I've watched TNA very little has made an "Impact", mainly "competing" against the WWE. The biggest thing that TNA ever done was sign Kurt Angle, that's it!

And as far as Hulk Hogan goes with the TNA world title since Hogan thinks he's "the GOD" of pro. wrestling. Anything is possible in the world of wrestling as we all (should) know. Hulk will get the belt this year like it or not. But Hogan's ego will allow this to happen, because he's Hulk Hogan dammit!
you damm right he is hulk hogan and he is the god of pro wrestling he is the greatest wrestler that ever lived. wrestling owes everything to hogan there proberly would not even be wrestling if not for hogan at the very least it surely would not have the mainstream it has without hogan and they surely would not be a wwe without him cause hogan made the wwe. if he wants another title run then he should have one because there is surely nobody that deserves it more than him. so yes hogan is a wrestling god hogan is pro wrestling like it or not. deal with it thats just the facts you dumm ass. i swear some peoples ignorance never fails to surprise and amuse me.
you damm right he is hulk hogan and he is the god of pro wrestling he is the greatest wrestler that ever lived. wrestling owes everything to hogan there proberly would not even be wrestling if not for hogan at the very least it surely would not have the mainstream it has without hogan and they surely would not be a wwe without him cause hogan made the wwe. if he wants another title run then he should have one because there is surely nobody that deserves it more than him. so yes hogan is a wrestling god hogan is pro wrestling like it or not. deal with it thats just the facts you dumm ass. i swear some peoples ignorance never fails to surprise and amuse me.

Possible gimmick alt? Before you come storming a thread with a near-one sentence paragraph, it would "proberly" be wise to learn some english before slamming all that together.

Lulz aside, I would ask "why" you believe Hulk Hogan deserves to simply give himself the belt? Why is Hulk Hogan allowed to completely bury all talent TNA has worked 8 years to build? Why should Dixie Carter accept this, and is Bischoff really stupid enough to let that happen.... again (WCW).

The guy can barely walk to the ring; he's going to need a walker real soon (joking). Considering his physical ailments, how the hell can you expect him to walk into a ring and put on a solid match with ANY of the TNA roster that are currently or deserve to be in the main event scene? AJ Would literally run circles around him, Angle could legitimately kill the guy in the ring with one slam, and Pope would just simply .... out-cool him.

They'd all have to put on a level of HBK selling to make it work, and in the end it would make their entire talent/card look weak, and completely bury everything they've done in the last 8 years.

Just to throw another thought your way: you say Hogan made WWF. How does that work? From what I understand it was McMahon that created Hulkamania, marketed it, poured crap loads of money into it, pushed Hogan's gimmick to the stars, and basically MADE Hogan. If Hogan was never picked up by McMahon and was never noticed because of his work in the AWA, NWA Mid-South, and Japan, he would've never recieved that gimmick from Mcmahon and he would never have been as popular as he is today.

Another question : How do you propose WWF would have never survived without the birth of Hogan? The McMahon family (Father or son) were legit business-men, and Vince is known as the smartest of all wrestling business-men the industry has ever seen. He would've found someone else to carry the ship and get over. One guy that comes to mind (but irks me quite a bit at the thought of it) is Ultimate Warrior. He was just as over, if not moreso, than Hogan in 88-90. Also, all of the storylines where he worked against Anti-Americans could have succeeded well without him, such as Sgt. Slaughter or Iron Sheik; it would have been as simple as booking the top American babyface against them and history would have wrote itself.

So, yeah, it's great that you adore a wrestler so much, but everything you propose is ludicrous and is "proberly" good discussion for a forum that existed in 1997....... if there was one.
Possible gimmick alt? Before you come storming a thread with a near-one sentence paragraph, it would "proberly" be wise to learn some english before slamming all that together.

Lulz aside, I would ask "why" you believe Hulk Hogan deserves to simply give himself the belt? Why is Hulk Hogan allowed to completely bury all talent TNA has worked 8 years to build? Why should Dixie Carter accept this, and is Bischoff really stupid enough to let that happen.... again (WCW).

The guy can barely walk to the ring; he's going to need a walker real soon (joking). Considering his physical ailments, how the hell can you expect him to walk into a ring and put on a solid match with ANY of the TNA roster that are currently or deserve to be in the main event scene? AJ Would literally run circles around him, Angle could legitimately kill the guy in the ring with one slam, and Pope would just simply .... out-cool him.

They'd all have to put on a level of HBK selling to make it work, and in the end it would make their entire talent/card look weak, and completely bury everything they've done in the last 8 years.

Just to throw another thought your way: you say Hogan made WWF. How does that work? From what I understand it was McMahon that created Hulkamania, marketed it, poured crap loads of money into it, pushed Hogan's gimmick to the stars, and basically MADE Hogan. If Hogan was never picked up by McMahon and was never noticed because of his work in the AWA, NWA Mid-South, and Japan, he would've never recieved that gimmick from Mcmahon and he would never have been as popular as he is today.

Another question : How do you propose WWF would have never survived without the birth of Hogan? The McMahon family (Father or son) were legit business-men, and Vince is known as the smartest of all wrestling business-men the industry has ever seen. He would've found someone else to carry the ship and get over. One guy that comes to mind (but irks me quite a bit at the thought of it) is Ultimate Warrior. He was just as over, if not moreso, than Hogan in 88-90. Also, all of the storylines where he worked against Anti-Americans could have succeeded well without him, such as Sgt. Slaughter or Iron Sheik; it would have been as simple as booking the top American babyface against them and history would have wrote itself.

So, yeah, it's great that you adore a wrestler so much, but everything you propose is ludicrous and is "proberly" good discussion for a forum that existed in 1997....... if there was one.
i only got one sentence for you. you got to be the dummest fucking moron i have ever seen. hogan at 50 plus is greater than all them want to bees you said,and by the way its not bischoffs choice anyway hogan runs the show. if it was up to bischoff he would have proberly already done the right thing and put the belt on him.
you damm right he is hulk hogan and he is the god of pro wrestling he is the greatest wrestler that ever lived. wrestling owes everything to hogan there proberly would not even be wrestling if not for hogan at the very least it surely would not have the mainstream it has without hogan and they surely would not be a wwe without him cause hogan made the wwe. if he wants another title run then he should have one because there is surely nobody that deserves it more than him. so yes hogan is a wrestling god hogan is pro wrestling like it or not. deal with it thats just the facts you dumm ass. i swear some peoples ignorance never fails to surprise and amuse me.

Wow, wow man, slow down a little. Yes he is the most famous wrestler alive, the best at his time at what he did (glimpse of Jericho here) but to say Wrestling owns everything to Hogan is ilogical, He was not there alone and Hogan owns a lot to pro-wrestling and sorry, but he damn WWE proved they could survive without him or even againts him, when the boat was sinking the WWE was able to create more stars and Hogan eventhough was still a great draw (he is still to this day), couldn't help the company to go belly up and was so full of himself with the mentality thsat you are showing that he was not able to see over his nose to help save it.

Like you are showing, seemed like Hogan thought the same, in him deserving everything just because he was Hulk Hogan and sorry but Wrestling does not always works that way.

Does Hogan deserves recognition? Sure, lots of it, he revolutionized the business, He was able to become the most famous start ever and he is a great self promoter, but don't forget that behind Hulk, there was an entire roster and a great team working on with him and made him a star, VInce help make him a star, every jobber made him a star, every writer (even Vince Russo) help him to mantain his status and people like you helped him to be a star too.

So now is the time for him to give back, not take, the last time he deserved a title he got it and it was in 2002. Does he deserves a World title run now? No, not him and Ric Flair either. They are retired, not because they really wanted, but because they can't do it like they used too, and that is a fact that both need to accept.

The fact is that Hogan is big part of the Wrestling business but he is not the wrestling Business, none is, and if he really wants to help TNA for real, he would keep himself away from that belt.

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