Dark Match Jobber
OK OK so lets get this are saying it would be bad if Hogan won the title????? Are you serious man, I mean come on...and then you bash HHH also.....Cena is an awful champion when he has the belt and he is always in the title hunt.....HHH does the DX thing among other feuds where he is not even in the title picture......but anyway back to TNA....Don't you see what is going on here? The simple fact that everyone is talking about TNA and wondering what is going to happen is exactly what Hogan and Dixie wanted....PPL ARE TALKING ABOUT TNA NOW!!!!! No one knows but I have to think that Hogan wins the title just so he can say that he owned a title in all three major wrestling associations and I have no problem with that! He will not hold it forever or probably not even for a month. Hogan and Bishoff have brought interest to TNA....I mean are you trying to tell me that AJ Styles is a better draw than Hogan? just stop hating on Hogan and HHH, it is kind of ridiculous!
Hogan holding the title has never hurt any company...the problem in WCW was the guaranteed contracts! The amount of money being paid out to all the stars just made the business unprofitable. Just like in other pro sports, you can not afford to pay everyone huge salaries, it is just bad business! With that being said.....there is not a person out there that would turn down the money that was being offered to Hogan or the other stars in WCW!
Hogan holding the title has never hurt any company...the problem in WCW was the guaranteed contracts! The amount of money being paid out to all the stars just made the business unprofitable. Just like in other pro sports, you can not afford to pay everyone huge salaries, it is just bad business! With that being said.....there is not a person out there that would turn down the money that was being offered to Hogan or the other stars in WCW!