i dont know iff they can even ask him Nick's status before he hopped in. We do not know if Nick sped up and Graziano told him to stop. You need details like that before u can condemn him. Yeah he was 17, last time I checked that was joining age if u had the right papers.. so his age is a moot point.
Moot point my ass...again I never once said I approve or condone of any of Nick Bollea's actions. However, from everything I have heard about this case, Nick was under the influence of alcohol. Something tells me that maybe you're the one who knows jackshit as far as the details go. Bottom line is this Nick Bollea was 17 years old and a 22 year old obviously had no issue with getting into a car with a minor who was using substances he wasn't supposed to be using. I've sat through enough Marine Corps safety briefings during the time I spent in Active Duty to know that such an occurrence can get you in serious trouble, trust me on that.
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Yes in many cases a 17 year old can indeed join the military, however parental consent is required, I don't need any other details about Graziano to make a judgment if Nick Bollea was indeed under the influence of alcohol which the courts had deemed him to be. Again I know you said earlier they weren't on a military base but that matters not, Lance Corporal Graziano was a United States Marine and was subject to the rules and regulations of the Uniformed Code Of Military Justice, no matter where he is. And again getting behind the wheel with an inebriated minor is definitely a no-no.
someone else had brought it up, i was referencing that. The exerpt was in Hogan's defense. Look with any situation period only a select few are going to witniss it. I can cite sources all i want if they are creedible and have no reason to lie.
Bottom line, I have issue with Hulk Hogan said about John Graziano period, but at the same time I also realize that Lance Corporal Graziano had culpability in this matter, it's unfortunate that he is now a vegetable that is a horrible thing to have happen. No doubt about it, however members of the military are held to a standard of conduct that civilians are not whether on or off duty. But just the same I am not going to hold this whole issue against Hogan especially when it's not as cut and dry as most people want to make it sound like. It'd have been nice for Terry Bollea to not let the Hulk Hogan character out to make an appearance when visiting his son in jail but just the same he did.
that act were he arm drops the ring, swingss off the rope, knee drops the mat when no one else is there. If Hogan is so great let him go on a one man tour and wrestle himself.. He thinks hes that damn good let him do that, and let u buy a ticket to that act.
You're still sounding like a moron, I'll just move on to the next line.
One To Remember again botching my quote said:
I "dint" think so...you said ethics plain and simple. If you had meant work ethic the first time, you'd have said it. Like I said bottom line I really don't care if Bret's stories are true or not in this book. But the fact is this, entertainers are not humanitarians, its not in their job description. Period.
there is no other context i could had used it in. These men have no other use in thr world to me other then wrestling. Idc if Snuka wacked his old lady or Eddie Guerrero's old tag partner did that stuff to tthat girl or Verne Gagne's sadistic acts at the old folks home. All i wanna see is wrestling, a healthy wrestling company and a thriving sport. I want to see wrestlers who aid in that. Nothing else they do is relevent to me, not even their real names. You understand moron?
Actually you're the one who's the moron because you still brought up Hogans controversies out of the ring, even if you said you were merely referencing someone elses comment. If you really stand by that asinine statement you made, then you wouldnt be posting on the topic in the first place.
im linked to them thru the tv and they are linked to me thru my wallet. My name may not be on the title of John Cena's pick up or Taker's chopper but u best believe i paid for that fuckin shit. Greenbacks are a helluva link.
Blah blah blah blah...and you're a helluva dumb cunt. No shit, we support these people's careers by buying merchandise and live event tickets and so on. That's no shocker there but still you have no link, no way no how...stop acting like youre a shareholder. If you owned WWE stock then wed be talking a different story. No one's making you pay to be a fan of wrestling, you're choosing to do that. But don't act like you're that important it takes more than one of you to accomplish what you think you are accomplishing. If you were to stop being a fan one day it would be no big loss, now if multiple others did that then that'd be a different story. But don't act like you're making that big of a difference because you really aren't fucktard, especially when you have an attitude like that.
oh hes a hero because he laid down for Kidman? Come on Jose, its not just about what you do but when you do it. No one needed his rub beyond 1998 because it offered nothing. Why wasnt he putting WWF stars over in the late '80s? Why not WCW guys in the EARLY and MID '90s. Dont tell me wtf he did when he was out of him prime and the ice berg had long been hit. A day late and a dollar short? Who da fuck does that help? And his match against the Rock lol. That ***** was like 29 years old, i couldnt see an outcome other than Hogan gettin his ass pinned. Damn right the old head got the blocks beatin off his ass lmao.
Yeah again I use the Andre The Giant defense on this one. Hogan didn't need to have the match with Andre at least I don't think so, he had been WWF World Champion for three years plus and he was clearly the star of wrestling at that time. But again beating The Giant and slamming him in the ring didn't hurt either. Again 15 years later, The Rock got to beat the biggest star of the previous generation of the WWF, that still counted for something and it's still talked about today. I think the WWF made their point with that contest happening.
"Damn right the old head got the blocks beatin off his ass lmao". It's funny when someone of Latin ethnicity like me knows the English language better than you.
i dont need to just like a judge or prosecuter doesnt need to had seen the defendent commit a crime.
Dude, you're reaching still. Again tertiary information that you read about on the internet and the stuff you watch on WWE DVDs and read in tell all books hardly tells any of the story, it's entertainment plain and simple not education. Get over yourself, and again I have to say it, you're calling other people marks? Please...
He probably liked the Arquette stunt because it brought him in closer proximity to a fellow b movie star.
Yeah I am sure that is the case, however I don't ever remember them being involved in any story lines. Let me get to your next line of BS because your drivel speaks for itself on this point, I need say no more on it.
Russo like McMahon was champ. It was a blatant kayfabe abuse of power. It was lame but i did not feel foolish having to explain it to an outside observer like with Arquette, or even tge finger poke..
The Fingerpoke was hilarious to be honest, should it have been done? Not my call, but I can't deny its hilarity especially since it makes assholes like you so bent out of shape. Would I have preferred an actual title match that night? Absolutely but considering that were talking about something thats pre-determined and not an actual sport I am not going to get heartbroken about it. Vince Russo's title win I think was an even bigger farce just the same though.
you cant point to other wrongs to justify Hogan's. Hogan was apart of a band of hooligans including Hall, Nash, Russo, Bischoff and others..
Oh boo-boo all these stars with egos have clout and it was evident they used it...like I've never seen that before in the entertainment world. Let's not compare these guys to Mussolini, Hitler, Polpot or Stalin because it's just entertainment not world politics. You make it sound like these people broke into your house and then murdered your father, went down on your mother and then sodomized your dog. Sounds like you really do take such matters to heart. Dumbass. Again look at Vince McMahon the week Sensational Sherri died his funeral was being hyped for the next RAW, talk about ego, right? Blow your twisted logic out your ass again this is entertainment not humanitarian efforts were talking about here.
i often hear how he made blah blah blah national. My point was what of it? Break down to me how that helped wrestling, no not him or Vinny or the WWF but WRESTLING.
Well let's see the AWA brokered a deal with ESPN in the 80s and Ted Turner bought The Crockett Promotions because it played so well on his network and of course they were having financial trouble. But just the same Vince McMahon's success and Hogan's role as the top star in his promotion as well as the AWA for a time before that definitely made wrestling a viable form of entertainment to make some money on. I would say it was a nice little ripple effect.
He was in a bunch of stupid cliche sterotypical roles any meat head would be in. And the box offices were so less crowded and competitive then.
Yeah again Im not arguing the lameness of the roles but just the same it worked for a brief time whether you can grasp that or not.
But I beg to differ on the less competitive and crowded part, box offices in the 80s were very competitive. Especially when you consider movies like Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and Batman oh but nobody was around to watch those either I bet, you stupid asshole. Even though No Holds Barred was a piece of shit that even a Hogan mark like me agreed should never have seen the light of day, it still did well enough to have New Line Cinema use Hogan for a couple of more movie roles. Again sounds like you're reaching!
Again I know other movies in 1989 blew No Holds Barred out of the water but the fact that a wrestler at that time could have a foray albeit a limited one in the big screen is something that no one else in the wrestling business had done before.
Like I said, I will never EVER confuse any of Hulk Hogan's movies for Gone With The Wind or The Godfather but again other than Roddy Piper whose only major starring role was in They Live, Hogan had a limited shelf life on the big screen but just the same he did, whether you like it or not.
I bet you're one of those stupid assholes that also buys into the fact that movies must also be better and more successful in todays market because ticket sales are higher too right. Douchebag.
Give Austin moviee roles in 2000 and you would had seen better results.
Yeah, but that never happened now did it?
The Rock had tge look for action movies, agents also fish for him. None of the directors watched the WWF or gave a fuck about Hogan.
Not disputing about The Rock's look and ability and appeal, but also keep in mind he left wrestling at just the right time to capitalize on that. Had he stuck around in WWE for a few more years that all might have changed and he might have been pigeonholed into just being known as a "wrestler" first and foremost. To his benefit that didn't happen but it definitely could have.
One To Remember's further failure at a rebuttal said:
You were making enough of a complete ass about yourself in your previous paragraphs, so I don't really need to point anything out but I will just the same. Anytime one has to bring racial barbs into the argument (and not that I mind) but it just shows how pathetic and defeated in an argument that they are. I mean definitely it's fair game and I am not going to whine and cry about it but you're just conceding about how pathetic your stance is. Youre basically telling me youve got no other material. But please bring more of it on...I just love to read it. I just find it funny that my Latin self had to correct most of the words in the English language that you butchered. Pretty ironic, isnt it?
Looks like someone doesn't know how to quote the user they're debating with properly, I would rest my case...but somehow I have a great feeling you're going to come back looking for more.

your name is already racial and you are not Latin, you are Latino. Latin is a southern European designation. Theres a huge diff between Rome and East L.A.
So you assume that I must be either a Mexican expat or Mexican-American (you mentioned East LA after all) just because my name on here is "SirJoseOle"...how do you really know what my ancestral origins are? Epic fail there for assuming but too funny. Keep painting yourself into that corner again no matter what my ethnicity or nation origins are I still ascertain the English language better than you ever could. Again I only rub this in because you wanted to play the race card first.
lol again the on screen kb misses alot of what i peck abd the letters are too close together. Android tablets dnt permit spell check here anyways..
Pitiful excuse for why you can't coherently type. If you're all that eager to really make a discussion of this you'd figure it out or get on an actual computer, asswad.
i dont have the space to include all ur shit. This coby kyros tablet will not let me scroll down or put more text in tge text box after a certain amount of text. The touch screenn takes too long for me to scroll back and fix spelling or may cause me to permanently lose my text line spot. I dnt have time for that so u have to deal with it. Blame the on screen kb.
In other words you're conceding about how much of a dumbshit you are, that's all well and good, I already figured that out, I didn't need your confirmation on that. You lose...fucktard.