Was Hulk Hogan's 2002 Title Run Needed?

Was it a good idea?

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The other point to consider was this was only a short term run... about a month, he was used as a transitional champion maximizing his popularity with older fans but not burying the roster. The he put over Taker, another established star but one ten years younger, better capable of wrestling a full time schedule and carrying the mantle of the company. Given his legendary status, the reaction he got at WrestleMania 18, it was not a bad choice at all. Maybe having Hogan as champ all year would have been rough (he couldnt wrestle that kind of schedule, if they were convinced a long term nostalgia run was the way to go they'd been better of with Flair, at least he could still wrestle more often) but that was never the case. Hogan probably could have run well two or three months, they chose one, in essence they didnt over use him they probably under used him a bit and left a little on the table.
It was the right thing to do Hogan was HOT at the time. The WWF should have had him win it later and then lose the title to Brock Lesnar at Summer Slam.

Then I think it should have been time to put Hogan out to pasture. Having him tag with Flair and go into WM19 and Face Austin.... Then Retire at WM20.
I was going to say don't forget about Hogans knows best. That show was huge on VH1 between 05 and 07.

But I realize that was years later. No I'm not sure it was the right thing to do to put the belt on him. It probably would have worked better and brought in more casual fans if it was during the VH1-years.
No - just because he got a big pop a couple of times is no reason to give him the title.

Somebody that far past their prime should be putting the new stars over, not beating Triple H and then later Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels.

To look at it from another anlge, The Rock is my all time favourite wrestler but I have said he should lose to Punk at the Rumble and then wn the belt later on from Punk, that way he has put Punk over in a miatch. And the Rock should lose to John Cena in their re-match. And The Rock isn't exactly a million miles away from his prime, he probably doean't have the injuries of half the WWE roster due to him barely wrestling in the last 8 or so years.

Hogan should have come up short against Triple H at Backlash, shook his hand and posed. judgement Day should have been Jericho beating Hogan instead of losing AGAIN to Triple H and Triple H beating Taker at Judgement Day and KOTR. Put Triple H into the match with Angle, Taker and Rock at Vengeance (he can still do the skit with HBK, Stephanie and Bischoff earlier in the show), have Rock win and then everything else happens as it did.
I am glad I found this topic as I am currently watching 02 WWF and just finished Insurrextion. I was never a fan of Hogan as a face. His WCW runs outside the nWo were quite awful. And while I still think the nWo was aborted far too quickly in his 02 run, I cannot help but mark out a little.

The pops for Hogan at this time are fucking amazing. I just love his interactions with Rock, HHH, Undertaker and Jericho. I am almost wishing that the title reign continued a bit longer....I do think that they maybe could have waited a bit, build him up further and have him win but I see why they did it: He was hot right then and there, so don't fuck with it.

I also see why some would be displeased. HHH coming back, getting pushed to the moon and just winning the title (I will say that his feud with Jericho was fairly awful). He was also getting a huge crowd reaction. I have heard also that he and Stephanie were not happy with Hogan getting the title as it killed his momentum, and if true, then I am even more fine with it! Anyway, everything seems to be clicking right now. I am really enjoying the 02 main event scene too.

Someone said that the Undisputed title was meant for HHH, from all that I have read that is not the case. They knew he wouldn't be back by December and were not sure about the Rumble. The InVasion angle got prematurely aborted and so they scrambled to fill the void, hence the Undisputed title and Jericho coming out the winner.

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