Who is the greatest WWE Undisputed champion

Who is the greatest WWE Undisputed Champion

  • Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Hulk Hogan

  • The Rock

  • Chris Jericho

  • Triple H

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How can anyone vote Jericho?...the guy was presented as a fluke. When the champ is overshadowed by a dog you know it's not working. Probably why WWE waited so long to put the belt back on him.

Jericho= Transistional champ.

That's why his reign was so special. He kept retaining his title even though he was the underdog. He just kept on proving people wrong, and his cockiness as a heel made it perfect. IMO, Y2J by FAR the greatest Undisputed champion.
I think the best WWE Undisputed Champion was Chris Jericho because he had the most memorable reign out of all the guys who held the belt(s). He was the one to unify the titles, defeating Stone Cold & The Rock in the match (which he never stopped bragging about onscreen). He then went on to keep them during an impressive reign and had some good feuds, the best one being with Triple H in 2002 leading up to their Wrestlemania 18 match. The other reigns don't come close to Jericho's in my opinion, his was the most memorable and the best.
First, I’m going to say that I’m a fan of all 6 of these Superstars. 3 of them are in my Top 5, Triple H is in my Top 10, Undertaker is in my Top 20, and Brock is in my Top 25.

I’m going to go with Chris Jericho and I’m going to try to use the “5Ws and an H” method to explain.

What – The Undisputed WWF / WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Let’s face it, when he won it, it was winning 1st and 2nd place at the same time, he’s that damn good. As far as I know, the “Bad Guy” never won BIG like this before in the history of “Bad Guys”. The Top Two World Tiles, in the same night.

When – WrestleMania X8. The first (and only) WM where the WWF / WCW Undisputed Championship was defended. Granted he lost it to Vince Jr. 2.0, but he walked in with the WWF Title, the WCW Title, and his wife.

Where – From San Diego to Atlanta to Milwaukee to Toronto and everywhere in-between, Jericho defended that Title similar to the ways of the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, by any means necessary / by hook or by crook.

Who – He beat the Rock twice. He beat Austin twice. He beat the Rock and Austin both on the same night. Ric Flair can’t say he beat Sting and Lex Lugar both on the same night for the US and WCW Title. Macho Man can’t say he beat Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior both on the same night for the IC and WWF Title. You get the point.

Why – Because Triple H was injured my @$$...well it may have played a part in it, but then who would Hunter have faced at WM X8…who would have won the Rumble in 02, Angle??

…And of course, a…

How – with the help of Vince McMahon, Booker T., Lance Storm, Christian, Nick Patrick, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Chris Jericho went on to be the longest reigning Undisputed Champion for 2 days short of 100. I guess the “How” doesn’t help with the point, but to point out Jericho held the two Titles the longest.

There you have it.

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