What Was The Point Of Hogan Being Undisputed Champ ?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
At Backlash 2002, after returning to his sginature red and yellow colors, Hulk Hogan defeated Triple H for the WWF Undisputed championship. There was interference from both Chris Jericho and The Undertaker, but both HHH and Hogan refused to accept their help. Hogan went on to the lose the title to Taker at Judgement day. Now what I'm wondering is why was Hogan champ? I understand he is Hulk Hogan arguably the biggest name in the buisness ever, but shouldn't the Undisputed title wins and/or reigns have been saved for the guys who were going to be actively invloved with the company, the face of the company, and the possible future of the company like Brock Lesnar was during this time? So, what do you think the point of Hogan being Undisputed champ was?
I understand he is Hulk Hogan arguably the biggest name in the buisness everQUOTE]

You answered your own question right there. That is exactly why. Hogan came back and the fans embraced him. I don't think even Vince or Hogan knew how popular he would be upon his return. It was kind of like a lifetime achievment award for him. A feel good moment. We all got to see Hulk with the gold one more time.
I understand he is Hulk Hogan arguably the biggest name in the buisness ever

You answered your own question right there. That is exactly why. Hogan came back and the fans embraced him. I don't think even Vince or Hogan knew how popular he would be upon his return. It was kind of like a lifetime achievment award for him. A feel good moment. We all got to see Hulk with the gold one more time.

Exactly right here.

When Hogan made his comeback, it surprised everyone, including Vince McMahon. Year after year we always doubted the drawing power and love for Hulk Hogan. He was brought onto WWE television again and drew the ratings, popped the crowds, and jumped back into the spotlight. It was smart marketing to take advantage of the fact that Hogan still had a ton of drawing and star power and throw the strap back on him again.
After His glory days of Hulkamania, Hogan he got the title just because he was Hogan and it would generate some sort interest, it was simply a gimmick. If hogan was able to wrestle now i wouldn't put it past wwe to give him yet another run. They'd probably make Cena job to him or Randy job ... again.
At Backlash 2002, after returning to his sginature red and yellow colors, Hulk Hogan defeated Triple H for the WWF Undisputed championship. There was interference from both Chris Jericho and The Undertaker, but both HHH and Hogan refused to accept their help. Hogan went on to the lose the title to Taker at Judgement day. Now what I'm wondering is why was Hogan champ? I understand he is Hulk Hogan arguably the biggest name in the buisness ever, but shouldn't the Undisputed title wins and/or reigns have been saved for the guys who were going to be actively invloved with the company, the face of the company, and the possible future of the company like Brock Lesnar was during this time? So, what do you think the point of Hogan being Undisputed champ was?

I honestly thought it was because Hogan is now the last man to be the WWF champion. They became WWE after his last title run.
Everyone wanted to see it that's why.

After Hogans match at WM18, the entire wrestling world fell in love with the guy all over again. You could tell that during the match. Frankly, when Hogan went back to the red and yellow, he became just as popular with the fans as he was in the 80's, I might even go as far as saying he was the top guy again for a brief period. That match proved that Hogan still had it so they gave him a brief run with the title, basically people would except Hogan as their champ again (I know I did, and I know a lot of people that started watching wrestling again for that simple fact). You'd never expect him to be champ for long (and if I recall he dropped the title to Taker the next PPV) but it was nice to see him champ again (I personally loved when he won the title again. Plus with him being champ, it also helped put over guys like Angle and Lesnar (Hogan put over both guys) because Hogans reign painted the picture that he was still a top guy, Angle went over huge by making Hogan tap at KOTR.

Its the exact same reason why Michaels won the title later that year, after his Summerslam match with HHH people wanted to see Michaels back and even have a run with the title, even if it was only for a month, and after he dropped the title back to HHH, Michaels was basically used to put over other guys like Chris Jericho (he was already over, but he got MORE over after his first feud with michaels) and Randy Orton.

Personally, I think it was smart business.
At the time the undisputed championship (if remember correctly) was a combination of the WWF and WCW championships, but didn't have any of the prestige of either as no-one had really held that particular title...it was for all intensive purposes a new championship and the only people who had held the title were current superstars and so to give hogan a run, however short, added a little of the lost prestige to the title. Gave it a purpose if you will. To give the title a new reason to aspire to, to hold the same title as Hulk Hogan...hope that makes sense
Nostalgia, of course.

And also for the fact that he was getting more cheers than the Rock at Mania 18.

When fair weather fans heard that not only Hogan was headlining Backlash in a World Title match, but that he had WON the belt, it created instant buzz. Which, in turn, had people talking. When people talk about the product, Vince has done his job.
Everyone wanted to see it that's why.

After Hogans match at WM18, the entire wrestling world fell in love with the guy all over again. You could tell that during the match. Frankly, when Hogan went back to the red and yellow, he became just as popular with the fans as he was in the 80's, I might even go as far as saying he was the top guy again for a brief period. That match proved that Hogan still had it so they gave him a brief run with the title, basically people would except Hogan as their champ again (I know I did, and I know a lot of people that started watching wrestling again for that simple fact). You'd never expect him to be champ for long (and if I recall he dropped the title to Taker the next PPV) but it was nice to see him champ again (I personally loved when he won the title again. Plus with him being champ, it also helped put over guys like Angle and Lesnar (Hogan put over both guys) because Hogans reign painted the picture that he was still a top guy, Angle went over huge by making Hogan tap at KOTR.

Its the exact same reason why Michaels won the title later that year, after his Summerslam match with HHH people wanted to see Michaels back and even have a run with the title, even if it was only for a month, and after he dropped the title back to HHH, Michaels was basically used to put over other guys like Chris Jericho (he was already over, but he got MORE over after his first feud with michaels) and Randy Orton.

Personally, I think it was smart business.

So I guess WWF/WWE wanted to recapture the nostalgia of Hulkamania. I'll never forget how the crowd was behind him at Mania 18 when he supposed to be a heel, and chose to boo the shit out of The Rock. Being a huge HHH mark, I was even excited when Hogan beat him. I just thought maybe Hogan was out of place with all other Undisputed champions because when the two titles became one, I thought it was going to be for guys who were prepairing to add more to their legacy.
He got the title out Nostalgia. I mean after the Wrestlemania X-8 bout with the Rock Vince saw him as a good draw and a better suited event than HHH defending againts the Undertaker. Since it was Hunter 's first defense, it was pretty much logical he would win against a heel Undertaker, that also left Austin with out an opponent so they waited for the Taker-HHH match, paired Austin with Taker and allowed HHH to take on Hogan since in the popularity showed to be getting better, Vince knew he could not give him the title for long but it was one last nostalgia run.

Then the nostalgia started to wear off and Taker got the belt since he was the best heel at the time and heels usually make good champions, and Taker was good as champion while it lasted.
This to me was a classic example of 2 old men not realizing the end of an era. I dont care how important or how fun hulkamania was. MOVE ON! You expect me to believe a man in his 50's can actually compete with a real athlete like Randy Orton? PLEASE!!! I understand that hulkamania was the most successful era in wrestling up to that point, but if you really couldn't find a new story/ gimmick to carry this company into the future, then more than one person needs to retire. Im tired of old farts and sheep like fans continuing to be the only people catered to in the WWE. They probably lost more fans with that move.
It's quite obvious to me that Hogan got the belt because Vince wanted to capitalize on the wave of momentum Hulkamania was having and hotshot the belt on him for one last hurrah. I don't think it was ever intended to be a long term reign and it's pretty obvious that when the old politicking Hogan started to rear his head around that time, (according to Austin and several others) that the belt needed to come off him and I don't think it's a coincidence that he dropped it to Taker. Taker is the one guy who you don't refuse to job to and it was 2002 and Taker was now the man backstage, he had alot more stroke than when Hogan was last in the fed in 1993, so Vince probably figured that's the one guy Hogan would do business with and not pull any shit with. Otherwise why didn't he just drop it back to HHH?
I didn't get the chance to read through all the posts but if any of you know the timeline it should be pretty obvious. Hogan is the biggest name in wrestling abd was just starting tor the red and yellow again. At the same time the WWF was forced by the other WWF to change its name asWWE became a more global product. So the belt was put on Hogan and his ffiially recognized as the lat WWF champion as well as the first WWE cham
My bet is that, if Hogan was healthy enough to take on the WWE schedule and able to put asses in the seats right now, Vince would gladly bring him into the thick of the title scene all over again.

That said, I agree with the statement that it was to make Hulk Hogan historically the "last" WWF Champion and allow someone new to take the reigns once they'd changed to WWE. Nostalgia goes a long way in this industry. Why do you think they keep bringing back the "WWE Legends"? People want to see and cheer for their favorites from days gone by.

NOBODY is a bigger example of this than Hogan.
At the time the undisputed championship (if remember correctly) was a combination of the WWF and WCW championships, but didn't have any of the prestige of either as no-one had really held that particular title...it was for all intensive purposes a new championship and the only people who had held the title were current superstars and so to give hogan a run, however short, added a little of the lost prestige to the title. Gave it a purpose if you will. To give the title a new reason to aspire to, to hold the same title as Hulk Hogan...hope that makes sense

Yes you are right that it was a combination of both those titles but the reason it was called the "Undisputed Title" was due to the fact at the time the belt was in circulation the biggest rival company NWA which as every true wrestling fan knows has a lot of history behind it did not have a World Champion. This was the reason Vince and the WWE were able to create the "Undisputed Title".

As for Hogan winning the belt. He got a run with it because whether you love him or hate him he is history. He helped to bring the then WWF into the hearts, minds and tv sets of many children who are now today's older wrestling fans. Did he deserve to have a run with the belt? Yes he did. He is a legend and will be a household name for many many years to come when it comes to pro wrestling.
This to me was a classic example of 2 old men not realizing the end of an era. I dont care how important or how fun hulkamania was. MOVE ON! You expect me to believe a man in his 50's can actually compete with a real athlete like Randy Orton? PLEASE!!! I understand that hulkamania was the most successful era in wrestling up to that point, but if you really couldn't find a new story/ gimmick to carry this company into the future, then more than one person needs to retire. Im tired of old farts and sheep like fans continuing to be the only people catered to in the WWE. They probably lost more fans with that move.

Are you smoking crack or something dude?


If it wasn't for these so called "old farts" then you wouldn't have people like Randy Orton, HHH, Cena, Shawn Michaels & The Undertaker just to name a few. These men gave their lives and bodies to entertain the masses and YOU MUST respect that. The WWE acknowledges the legends who helped keep them in business and Hulk Hogan is one of them. Yes he may have been old but the fact is people love him and always will. Hell look at his days in WCW. It had to be the BIGGEST heel turn in the history of pro wrestling and even when he was a heel people still loved him and paid to see him.

Vince made a very smart business decision putting the belt back around Hogan's waist because at the time he was still such a massive drawcard and I would bet the house on it that if he came back next week then he would still draw a massive crowd.

In closing stop being a pretentious little "Modern Wrestling" fan and open yourself up to the fact that it was people like Hogan & Flair who setup the lifestyle and business that you see today!

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