nWZo: Wolfpac

We actually forgot about the EH until Jickie stopped the fighting to find the real enemies.
I'm good INDYjon, going out for a little party. But I'll be back tonight to continue our reign of dominance. Have fun boys.

And sorry INDY, I can't leave the EH.
The nWZo has always been about bringing forth the new generation of posters. It was in it's original state and it is now. When Doc asked me about the possibility, the first name I said was Dagger. He is an excellent example of someone who could go a long way with his determination and commitment never in doubt.

Exactly. That is why I accepted the offer. With help from a couple of the older posters during my "1000 posts" challenge, I rose from a newcomer who was always afraid of getting infracted, to making my return and improving quite a bit, to Dave's #1 pick for a team whos intentions will be similar to that of those who helped me become the poster I am. This group is out to make a difference. The way I see it, our members either already are good posters out to make a difference, or newcomers who need the push that we can give them.

If we can make the difference in other posters like others did for me a couple of months ago, then we have served our purpose.

nWZO = the future
Is the battle between the nWZo and the Squad postponed or will it keep on going?
I'm good INDYjon, going out for a little party. But I'll be back tonight to continue our reign of dominance. Have fun boys.

And sorry INDY, I can't leave the EH.

For shame Theo. Have fun at your party. By the time you get back the nWZo will be running things and I hate sushi as well.
Exactly. That is why I accepted the offer. With help from a couple of the older posters during my "1000 posts" challenge, I rose from a newcomer who was always afraid of getting infracted, to making my return and improving quite a bit, to Dave's #1 pick for a team whos intentions will be similar to that of those who helped me become the poster I am. This group is out to make a difference. The way I see it, our members either already are good posters out to make a difference, or newcomers who need the push that we can give them.

If we can make the difference in other posters like others did for me a couple of months ago, then we have served our purpose.

nWZO = the future

Fucking A Dagger, I couldn't have said it better myself.
The hair on Christian's chest in that sig, if you stare at it long enough, will look like the wolf from the old school wolfpac tshirts.
Is the battle between the nWZo and the Squad postponed or will it keep on going?
I think we'll agree tolerate each other, at least while we can both agree wo hate the EH. once we stop having a common enemy, we can start fighting eachother again.

that ok with everyone here?
Sushi is the Devil's work. Of that I am sure.

In other news. What would everyone like to accomplish out of this?

For me, it is to get to 1,100 posts by the end of this month. I generally aim for 100 each month and so I would like to continue that. Also, I would love to see a resurgence in the VGT section and hopefully you guys can assist me with that.
I think we'll agree tolerate each other, at least while we can both agree wo hate the EH. once we stop having a common enemy, we can start fighting eachother again.

that ok with everyone here?

I can't speak for all of us in the nWZo, but I think our groups can be allies. Both teams want to help newcomers out, right? Let's all work towards putting over the posters of tomorrow. We were all new once.
Get to 1,000 posts. And it is true if you look at Christians chest hair it does look like the wolpac shirt.
As the representative of The Squad I'm fine with being allies. Not mixing but allies against EH. And against the tons of other groups being made.
For me, it is to get to 1,100 posts by the end of this month. I generally aim for 100 each month and so I would like to continue that. Also, I would love to see a resurgence in the VGT section and hopefully you guys can assist me with that.

100 a month is pretty good, I'm still climbing towards 1,000.

As for the video games section, still waiting on your opening statement in our friendly debate over FF, buddy. This one could be epic given that we are both FF fanboys.

At the risk of sounding slightly camp, how amazing are the "Glee" covers?


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