nWZo: Wolfpac

Most wouldn't say. In fact its quite the minority if people would pull their heads out of their asses and stop trying to conform to this weird ass Cena worship. Most on here have a convoluted view of what truly makes you a better in-ring performer. I had this debate with Little Jerry Lawler over Edge and Cena countless times. Its no question Edge to me and it should be to most.

You clearly don't understand storytelling. Most fans prefer wrestlers who can tell a good story over those who do a variety of technical, traditional moves with lousy ability to tell a story.
I never said that we are watching something solely on the in-ring product, I just think it's the most important part. The other things you mentioned are very important too, just not as important, at least for me.

So by that logic, RVD > Austin? Benoit > The Rock? Milenko > Hogan? I mean, because ring skills are everything and mic skills mean jack shit? Right? By your logic.

Now you're putting words in my mouth. I happen to think Austin and Rock are better than RVD and Benoit and that's because I find their in-ring skills to be better and they entertain me more. Austin and Rock are also able to tell stories in the ring much better. Telling stories in the ring has to do with in-ring skills by the way. Don't think that I'm going by the "amount of moves a wrestler does makes him better" type of logic. Also, I haven't see a lot from Malenko so I won't say he's better than Hogan or vice-versa.
So by that logic, RVD > Austin? Benoit > The Rock? Milenko > Hogan? I mean, because ring skills are everything and mic skills mean jack shit? Right? By your logic.

He never said that. But I will say RVD,Benoit,Malenko,Angle,McGuiness,Danielson,Hart ect. are better wrestlers than Rock or Hogan. Rock and Hogan may be better entertainers but not better wrestlers. An entertainer is a pro wrestler. So sure maybe Hogan is a better pro wrestler than Benoit because of the crowds he drew and what not. But will anyone tell you that is a true wrestling fan that they would rather watch a Hogan match than a Benoit match.
Delirious is fucking crawling around in the center of the mat. Seriously? He might always speaking like he's in a screamo band, but he just looks fucking stupid. Take the hood off, and stop doing that stupid thing with your tongue. My god.

Why is Delirious just insane for the first few seconds of the match, then he completely loses that aspect of his character during the match? If Festus can keep ******ed before and after a match, Delirious can at least seem really fucked in the head as he's getting his ass kicked. A jerky leg her or there, please.

The spots are either completely awkward or too slow, depending on the spot in the match. Oh, wait. Delirious is acting crazy now. Apparently it's because he's going for "Shadows over Hell" or some shit like that.

So, Jerry Lynn staggers up, but can run really quick over to the corner to stop Delirious? Oh, but wait. Now Jerry Lynn is all tired and dizzy. Apparently he can switch back and forth seemlessly. On another note, the Cradle Piledriver isn't as awkward as you would think.

Now I'm watching some dude mumbling about a stimulus package. I'll tell you guys more later.
You clearly don't understand storytelling. Most fans prefer wrestlers who can tell a good story over those who do a variety of technical, traditional moves with lousy ability to tell a story.

I think I do. But is it not possible to tell a good story while doing impressive athletic maneuvers. Edge has mastered this way more than Cena. I find Cena's selling to be quite annoying and unbelievable. I feel like im watching the same match over and over with him. I feel like his character is stale and impossible for someone my age to get behind. If I wanted a superhero I'd befriend the Hurricane.
He does Doc. Same thing with Hogan and many others that are considered greats.

I don't know why they do it though, maybe they think that the other moves are useless or maybe they don't think he needs to show off because that's not his character. Or maybe they see that what he does works so there is no point in having him do more moves than he already does.
I'll just say this: If I had to pick between Cena/Rock Styles/Benoit to run my company, I'm going with the one who has better mic skills. Thats what fans like. It's why Hogan is considered the best pro wrestler ever and Bret Hart is just right below that level.
Razor watch ROH but the product they had with Gabe as the writer. I hear is much better than what they have today. I'm not too sure about that since like I said earlier, I haven't seen a lot of ROH.
Delirious is fucking crawling around in the center of the mat. Seriously? He might always speaking like he's in a screamo band, but he just looks fucking stupid. Take the hood off, and stop doing that stupid thing with your tongue. My god.

Why is Delirious just insane for the first few seconds of the match, then he completely loses that aspect of his character during the match? If Festus can keep ******ed before and after a match, Delirious can at least seem really fucked in the head as he's getting his ass kicked. A jerky leg her or there, please.

The spots are either completely awkward or too slow, depending on the spot in the match. Oh, wait. Delirious is acting crazy now. Apparently it's because he's going for "Shadows over Hell" or some shit like that.

So, Jerry Lynn staggers up, but can run really quick over to the corner to stop Delirious? Oh, but wait. Now Jerry Lynn is all tired and dizzy. Apparently he can switch back and forth seemlessly. On another note, the Cradle Piledriver isn't as awkward as you would think.

Now I'm watching some dude mumbling about a stimulus package. I'll tell you guys more later.[/QUOTE]

Yes fuck his gimmick he should be a marine or a rapper or a superhero. Or all three that would help them sell t-shirts and thats what makes you a good wrestler. Here I know I'll go watch some WWE match of Cena's and describe everything to you guys move for move. Wait a minute you guys already know the outcome because his matches are predictable. Dam oh well it wouldn't have lasted for more than three matches anyway.
I'll just say this: If I had to pick between Cena/Rock Styles/Benoit to run my company, I'm going with the one who has better mic skills. Thats what fans like. It's why Hogan is considered the best pro wrestler ever and Bret Hart is just right below that level.

That's not even close to the reason why Hogan is considered to by the greatest ever. He's considered the greatest ever because (and this is what some people think on this forum) he was a huge draw back then and people wanted to see him defeat the evil guys. Things are very different with Hogan because people didn't pay to see him show of his move set, they payed to see him defeat the heels. Also, remember that Kayfabe was still alive then so take that into consideration.
I get what you're saying about the distinction between "wrestler" and "entertainer". I think in pro wrestling, entertainers are more important, though sometimes wrestlers become entertainers solely through their in-ring work, like Yoshi Tatsu.

I think it boils down to, better wrestlers would excel if this were a legitimate athletic contest, but since it isn't we are entertained by better entertainers.
I've heard that Cena has an expansive moveset, but they don't let him show it.

His FU was supposed to be a Death Valley Driver and his Spin-Out Powerbomb was a high impact version that could legitimately end the match. And that's just his moveset he is showing.
So.. do I get Edge?

ST, I'm still waiting on your closing statements.

I'm sorry, I get impatient sometimes. So my apologies for being pushy.
Cena's spin-out powerbomb was his finisher in OVW was it not? The Proto-Plex? He kicked ass in there. He actually went to the top rope for more then a leg drop and did all kinds of moves. The WWE waters his moveset down because they don't want their #1 star injured or taken out.
That makes sense. I have a feeling they're also watering down his moveset in order to make it more like the Hogan days.

And I like The Hurricane.
I just broke 800+ posts! On that note, I will now go to sleep for the night.

nWZo for life!
ST, I'm still waiting on your closing statements.

I'm sorry, I get impatient sometimes. So my apologies for being pushy.

I'll post it later Today. Sorry for the delay, I've been playing Wii nonstop for the past few days and I only sit on my computer to check in on here a few times a day. I promise that tomorrow I'll actually sit here and take my time writing a response. And no need to apologize for being pushy, I can be very pushy too especially when I want something lol.
Cena's spin-out powerbomb was his finisher in OVW was it not? The Proto-Plex? He kicked ass in there. He actually went to the top rope for more then a leg drop and did all kinds of moves. The WWE waters his moveset down because they don't want their #1 star injured or taken out.

Storytelling is such an underrated quality nowadays.
Perkins just did a weird kick thing. They do a weird headlock series. McGuinness tried for a headlock, but holds it for all of half a second before Perkins breaks it and tries to counter. That's nice. And McGuinness is just standing there like, "Wait...what is he doing with my arm? He should be in my headlock, not twisting around." They're doing a bunch of weird "I'm going to turn into your wrist lock, then turn away really quickly. Oh, look! I've reversed the hold!" It's actually really awkward to watch.

Lulz, Perkins goes to the ropes, and McGuinness ducks to the mat a whole 5 seconds early. Perkins jumps over him, and McGuinness is still on the mat, patiently waiting for the awkward flip/tumble thing that transitions (for some reason) into a head scissors thing.

I don't know why McGuinness is just standing there letting Perkins flip all around him. Perkins isn't that fast at all. There is a cool spot where Perkins goes for a dive to the outside, McGuinness ducks, and Perkins catches himself on the ropes at the last second. Transitions into a Senton from the apron, I suppose that's a move that makes sense there.

There are way too many spots that are just plain awkward. Half of them are because McGuinness is just bumping into Perkins, and half of them are because Perkins flips around while trying to act like he's fast.

I don't understand how a "Frog Crossbody" would even work. Apparently, though, Perkins just nailed one on McGuinness.

If McGuinness is a power man, how in the fuck is he jumping around the ropes like a cruiserweight? Also, the Rebound Lariat is nothing but the Clothesline from Hell, which was barely passable when JBL used it as a finisher. Guess what? Nigel can't pull it off.

The spots are waaay too slow and choppy.

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