*NO SPOILERS* The WWE Royal Rumble LD, All Read First Post


I've been trying to avoid spoilers all week, but shit keeps slipping through the cracks. I can't blame the mods, they can't be everywhere at once nipping every thread that mentions the possibility of someone returning in the ass, but I wish some of the guys in the non-spam wrestling sections had the common courtesy to keep shit on the DL until the Rumble was over.

After Norcs uses your head as a bowling ball, I'll deface what's left of your corpse with a sharpie. It's not nearly as badass, but potentially funnier.
Dont hint around at it. Dont discuss it. Dont fucking do anything. Discuss the show live as it occurs. Im already pretty sure ive had one suprise entrant fucking ruined already, which is beginning to make me surly.

Along with the fact that this day has dragged a fucking incredible amount. Time cant possibly pass by slower

I've been trying to avoid spoilers all week, but shit keeps slipping through the cracks. I can't blame the mods, they can't be everywhere at once nipping every thread that mentions the possibility of someone returning in the ass, but I wish some of the guys in the non-spam wrestling sections had the common courtesy to keep shit on the DL until the Rumble was over.

After Norcs uses your head as a bowling ball, I'll deface what's left of your corpse with a sharpie. It's not nearly as badass, but potentially funnier.

I despise spoilers in a way that im sure is not good for my general health.
How do you feel about Nash Habs :)

Would love to see Nash back in WWE, have always been a big fan of his. I would love to see him appear in the Royal Rumble match tonight, I'm just not convinced that we'll see it. Rumors, tweets, dirt sheets, and photos aside, I still see him back in TNA, at first opposing the Immortals, then eventually joining them.

Just to be consistent, let me clarify. On occasion, I may be just a tad critical of TNA and their dependence on old guys. So let's be clear, I would love to see him in the RR match, but I don't want him to win it. I wouldn't want to see him in the main event, going over young guys, that's TNA's schtick, not WWE's. But I would definitely welcome him back as a role player, putting talent over, doing commentary, even as the mystery GM (which I highly doubt).

Personally I think he's playing us, and he'll return to TNA on February 3rd.
Not to sound like a broken record, but what Norcal says is very true. Also, since tonight is a major night, this rule is in place for the Rumble:

If you hint at something, and you damn well know what I mean by hinting at it, it's a week.

If you say a name, it's two weeks.

If you say more than one name, confirmed or unconfirmed, you are gone for a month. Oh and remember: I have final say on infractions so have fun arguing with me over it.
Final warning: if you must speculate on the names that have been leaked, do not do it in here. I don't care if they have it tattooed on their chest that they're in tonight: I don't want to hear about it in here, and that includes the names leaked this weekend. Take it to the cage or the bannings begin.
To be honest, I probably won't even post in the LD until the event is over just because I don't want anything... ANYTHING ruined for me. Plus I want to concentrate on the wrestling as something tells me that it's going to be a great event. The only match I'm not really excited for is Orton/Miz. Yes, I'm even excited for Natty vs. Michelle vs. Layla.
I can’t shake the thought that Del Rio will pull it off this year.

I also would accept, as corny as it may be, Edge losing the title to Ziggler, then appearing in the Rumble and winning it. The show goes off the air with Edge warning Ziggler that he is coming to get his title back at Wrestlemania. He is an ultimate opportunist you know.

I’m not against Cena winning, but since he is the odds on favorite, I would really like to see someone else win.

I can also see HHH returning and winning, Sheamus winning the title at Elimination Chamber, and the two having their Wrestlemania rematch. I don’t want to see it happen, but I can see it.

I think Mysterio will be #1 and Del Rio will be #2.

So far, I've been able to be completely spoiler free, and really anticipating who will be in the rumble.
Not to sound like a broken record, but what Norcal says is very true. Also, since tonight is a major night, this rule is in place for the Rumble:

If you hint at something, and you damn well know what I mean by hinting at it, it's a week.

If you say a name, it's two weeks.

If you say more than one name, confirmed or unconfirmed, you are gone for a month. Oh and remember: I have final say on infractions so have fun arguing with me over it.

To add to this, im just going to ban you forever for even hinting at anything, and then KB is gonna do what he wants with you after that.

If he doesnt notice your gone, tough shit.

it would be just so easy to simply discuss the program while it occurs, right?
Miz and Orton haven't been bothering me as much as usual. Neither have Edge and Kane for that matter. Maybe I'm mellowing with old age. Maybe Orton and Miz had an awesome match on the Christmas SmackDown. Who knows?
There's no plausible outcome of any match tonight that I'd be disappointed with, with the exception of Orton going over Miz.

It would've been nice to have a midcard title match instead of just putting 2 more obvious eliminations into the rumble, but that's just me nitpicking. Very excited for tonight.
The thing is, SJ, if you have a separate midcard title match, who are you going to throw in there that's not a serious contender for the Rumble? I guess you could do a Kofi-Swagger match, but they're obviously building that up to be something special. The only person I can think of on RAW that you could throw into a midcard match with DBD would be Tyson Kidd, but I'd much rather see DBD in the Rumble, and I think he has an outside shot of winning. Even if they don't win, it'll be more fun to see Kofi and DBD in the Rumble than it would be to throw them in midcard matches.

Plus, I know I'm not alone in guessing that all three titles are retained tonight. If they put Kofi or DBD in a midcard match and they wanted them to retain there would be four title matches and four retentions in one night. The WWE usually likes to vary it up in retentions and new champions, so they'd want to change one of the outcomes of the matches, and I don't think creative would want that.
This is gonna be my first Royal Rumble. THIS IS GONNA BE SICK!!!!! There's 6 names left off the list as of right now so there's gonna be some jawdroppers tonight!
I expect the Rumble to be none stop MTFOing. I don't even know if I care who wins anymore.

Just kidding, I'll be pulling for Cena hardcore.
Yeah, I understand that. I know it's not feasible to add any more, but any card with only 4 matches doesn't seem entirely full to me. Like I said though, that's a very minor grievance, made even smaller by the fact that there's a longer Rumble this year.

I expect to MTFO at the ending, no matter what, and whatever surprises they decide to throw at us. I think the Rumble is the only time during the year where I'm in 100% mark mode.

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