*NO SPOILERS* The WWE Royal Rumble LD, All Read First Post

Cena won't win. Punk will eliminate him, continuing their feud and setting up a Punk/Cena match at the next PPV.

First out will be Alberto Del Rio, with a long run but no victory. Last out will be the returning Triple H.

Winner: John Morrison
Drew will be #1 and Kofi will be #2. A wrestler that energizes the crowd has been #1 or #2 for the past few years and a Drew McIntyre entrance is always something to behold.
Well, tonight I'll be watching the Rumble "online". Although I will be on marijuana, if morrison in fact does win.... I will go bat shit crazy as he is one of my favorite superstars of all time.
Cena won't win. Punk will eliminate him, continuing their feud and setting up a Punk/Cena match at the next PPV.

Assuming Punk and Cena is actually going to be the main event at Mania, and I'm not so sure it is. And the next PPV is the Elimation Chamber, so I'm guessing they will be in that match.

First out will be Alberto Del Rio, with a long run but no victory. Last out will be the returning Triple H.

I could definitely see HHH coming back at #40. There is no way he doesn't want a major return, so he can get the biggest pop possible.
Oh shit I forgot about Triple H. Wouldn't surprise me if he won.

Morrison won't win. Vince didn't want to book him against Miz at the Rumble because he apparently feels Morrison isn't ready for the main event quite yet, mainly because he doesn't think Morrison could win a fight in real life after Batista kind of punked him and stole his girlfriend a few years back and Morrison did nothing about it. Stupid reasoning if I've ever heard it, but it sounds just like something Vince would think/do.
I see Punk versus Cena at Elimination Chamber, with a Cena winner there. Setting up the (gulp) John Cena versus The Miz match at Wrestlemania 27.

I can also see a #40 entrance by HHH, with him eliminated at the hands of Sheamus, setting up the inevitable Sheamus/Triple H match at Eliminatin Chamber and Wrestlemania.

Morrison wins tonight and faces the Miz at EC, wi the Miz retaining.
I see Punk versus Cena at Elimination Chamber, with a Cena winner there. Setting up the (gulp) John Cena versus The Miz match at Wrestlemania 27.

I can also see a #40 entrance by HHH, with him eliminated at the hands of Sheamus, setting up the inevitable Sheamus/Triple H match at Eliminatin Chamber and Wrestlemania.

Morrison wins tonight and faces the Miz at EC, wi the Miz retaining.

Huh? Dude, the World Championship title shot is at Wrestlemania & Elimination Chamber is a multiple man match? If Morrison wins, He's going to Mania, either up against Cena, Miz or hell in a longshot even Sheamus. Those two had amazing matches.
I see Punk versus Cena at Elimination Chamber, with a Cena winner there. Setting up the (gulp) John Cena versus The Miz match at Wrestlemania 27.

I can also see a #40 entrance by HHH, with him eliminated at the hands of Sheamus, setting up the inevitable Sheamus/Triple H match at Eliminatin Chamber and Wrestlemania.

Morrison wins tonight and faces the Miz at EC, wi the Miz retaining.

You don't see all of these matches being thrown together in the Elimination Chamber? I do, with Orton in there instead of Morrison.
I don't see Cena winning the Rumble tonight. It just doesn't seem to fit with the current plans. I think the winner is on SmackDown, whether it be Del Rio or not.
HUGE night for Ziggler tonight. Apparently this is his one big chance, if he excels in the main event he's going to be bumped up permanently, but if he flops it's back to the midcard for the foreseeable future. I really hope he succeeds, he's got all the tools to be a main eventer, especially with Vickie at his side.
I highly doubt it, but I want Kane to win The Rumble. Especially after his huge push last year, but again, I doubt it. I hope he atleast breaks his elimination record this year.
John Morrison is The Chaperone. Word from Pal London is he used to tag along with Melina and Batista.
HUGE night for Ziggler tonight. Apparently this is his one big chance, if he excels in the main event he's going to be bumped up permanently, but if he flops it's back to the midcard for the foreseeable future. I really hope he succeeds, he's got all the tools to be a main eventer, especially with Vickie at his side.

Ziggles will do fine. Edge isn't total shit in the ring and he's been the most consistently good wrestler in the company of late. He won't win of course (too soon and he's really not a WM prospect so he'd drop the title at EC anyway), but he should be able to fix himself into the ME.

No clue who's winning the rumble, but I'll be rooting for Barrett as I mark for the man.
I'm gonna continue my tradition of cheering for Morrison and having my night ruined when he's thrown out near the end.

I'm just really excited for tonight. I've been forcing myself to not watch past rumbles, so I don't become bored of anything tonight.
I may be the only person on the forums who has Dolph winning tonight.

There'd be no point in him holding it for a month, because there's no way he's walking out of EC with the title. Better to make his first title reign post-mania so that it can be of a decent length.
No other PPV can give me a feeling of anticipation like the Royal Rumble does, I wouldn't mind Cena, Punk, Barett, Del Rio, or Morrison wining. They are the only five I can see as options.
Really getting psyched for the PPV tonight, less than four hours away. With about a dozen names being speculated as debuting or returning tonight, ranging from the predictable to the ridiculous, from the big deal to the ho-hum, it will be really interesting to see who actually does appear tonight and who does not.

I say yes to Triple H, Evan Bourne, Michael Tarver, Christian, and Awesome Kong. No to Diesel, Jericho, Sting, the Rock, or Skip Sheffield.

Either way, cannot wait to see.

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