NFL Thread - 2010-11

So.. Roy Williams and Jon Kitna must have been reliving their Detroit days, as Williams pulled a Kitna and told the media that the.. .. 1-6.. .. Cowboys, can (and apparently will) run the table and make the playoffs. :lmao:

If they were in the North, or West, it's completely possible. But not in the East, which they're in.

:lol:Looking at their remaining schedule, I'd be surprised if they win 4 of their remaining 9 games, they have some seriously though games coming up, this week GB, then they go to NY and face the Giants, then home against Det, 4 days later they they get the defending SB champs on thanksgiving, then it's up to Indy, home vs. Philly, Skins, out to the desert for the Cards, then they finish out the season in Philly

out of those games they only that I could see them having the slightest shot in the dark at winning are Detroit, which is unlikely, Redskins simply cause of the stupid QB controversy going on at the moment, Cardinals....cause they're just not all that great this year, & maybe Philly in week 17, depends on if Philly has anything to play for or not
I'm just going to point out.. Jacksonville destroyed Dallas. Jacksonville. Fluke or not, there are NO teams (except Arizona, I suppose) that are worse than Jacksonville has been lately, that Dallas plays. (Not trying to say Jacksonville is shit, by any means - just that they were the weakest, or 2nd weakest team left on their schedule.)

Detroit isn't the shit team people want to believe they are. They're IN every contest, and lose because of turnovers, or final quarter mistakes. Well, I suppose in some games they just start late as well. (NYG)

If New Orleans continues their primetime domination, Dallas will look foolish against the SB Champs. Philly won't drop to them. The Giants won't drop to them. The Skins, maybe, but to be honest I'd expect them to get their shit figured out by that time.

Green Bay SHUTDOWN the Jets. And anyone who thinks Dallas is better than the Jets offense right now, is clearly living in a fantasy world. Not to mention, GB is getting back healthy Defensive players - which is only going to help them.

So, yeah.. Arizona is a possible win. Detroit depending on how hard they try, and maybe - maybe Washington.

But in order for Dallas to make anything happen, it'll have to be through Kitna's hands - which in turn would be even worse for them, as it'll spark a QB controversy that they truly don't want between Romo & Kitna.

I get that no team considers losing as an option, and rightfully so you never should - however in this situation, losing being bad or not - its clearly their best outlook for brighter days ahead. The better the draft pick, the greater the odds at a rebound season next year. 1-6 is NOT a Playoff contending team, in the East or South. No matter how much I personally wish it could be.
Really good game yesterday between The Colts and The Eagles. Philly really impressed me with their defense and how they played in the second half after giving up 17 in the second quarter they really locked in. The Chargers have suddenly won two straight against quality teams and three of their next four games are at home against division opponents. It appears Matt Stafford is injury prone in his first year and a half in the league. The Lions really blew that game this is a 2-6 team that can be 4-4. The Patriots played terribly against The Browns. Peyton Hillis really crushed that young Pats D and Colt McCoy played good. Suddenly The AFC isn't looking as the such dominant conference in the last two weeks The Saint beat Pittsburgh, Green Bay beat New York, and Philly beat Indy. Lastly The Cowboys are just dreadful I know they've lost Romo for the season but The Boys are just bad defensively which was supposed to be a focal point for them. Looks like Phillips is gone and Childress may be safe for a week.
Well, how about the Raiders? They have now won 3 straight and are a half game back of the Chiefs for first place in the AFC West. The defense is playing hard and shut down the running game. Campbell played well in the 2nd half. There is a question of whether Gradkowski should start over Campbell after the bye week. You got to stick with Campbell while on this ride. The Raiders have a real shot at making the playoffs for the first time since meltdown at the Super Bowl.

The Cowboys are the worst team in football. I know the Bills haven't won a game, but at least they go out ant are in it every game. The Cowboys got embarassed by the Packers last night. They proved they were the most overhyped team ever. They just look bad out there. Firing Phillips isn't going to change anything. I'm curious about what Jones is going to do.
The good news for the Lions regarding quarterback Matthew Stafford is that it appears he won't need surgery.

"He hurt the same shoulder," coach Jim Schwartz said Monday, "but from all accounts and from speaking to the doctors, it's not an aggravation of the old injury. It's a new injury. The old injury was healed and he was just as likely to hurt that shoulder as he was the other one."


The original injury to his right (throwing) shoulder was a separation and it cost him six weeks and five games. Schwartz would not divulge the results of the MRI, nor would he comment on whether the new injury was more severe.

"It's too early to tell," he said. "But there was no stacking (of the injuries), meaning it was no worse now because it was injured before. He's very sore. We hope to get the soreness out and get him back throwing, but we don't know when that will be. But we will err on the side of caution."

It is highly unlikely that Stafford will play against the Bills this week, but Schwartz was clear that it was not the team's intent to shut Stafford down for the rest of the season.

"He's our starting quarterback and we're trying to win every game we play," he said. "That's the benefit of not shutting him down. We're not talking about surgical options and we're not talking about an injury that has gotten worse. We're talking about a different injury. Playing quarterback in the NFL is a tough business."

Presently, third-stringer Drew Stanton is the Lions' only healthy quarterback. Shaun Hill is nursing a broken bone in his left forearm. When asked if Hill could be ready to play Sunday, Schwartz said, "Yes, potentially he could play."

Schwartz said he would see what transpired over the next 48 hours before deciding whether or not to add a quarterback to the roster.

As for kicker Jason Hanson, Schwartz said he could miss "some time," and the Lions were planning to audition kickers Tuesday. Hanson hurt his right knee when he was run into after a kick by the Jets' Trevor Pryce.

Cornerback Chris Houston (shoulder) and defensive end Cliff Avril (hip) were also injured Sunday. Schwartz said he would wait until Wednesday before he commented on their availability for Sunday.

Ugh, that's both good and bad news to hear. Bad because it's yet another setback after he was doing so well in the two games and he just needs time on the field. Good, though, because it doesn't appear to be season ending and he won't need surgery. Hopefully he recovers within the next 10-14 days and is able to go after this week, because Drew Stanton as our QB might make us the 2nd worst team in the league (behind the Cowboys). Hopefully Matt's able to get back in there and finish out the season, even if he has to miss the next 1-2 games. He needs to be on the field. This team is a whole lot better when he is. I mean, we were up 20-10 on the Jets, a Super Bowl Contender, with him as our starter. However, once he went out, the steam just went out of the entire team.

Plus, he's looked great in the 10ish quarters he's played in. 500 yds, 6-1 TD-INT and a 91.3 rating. Yeah, its a small sample, but it's clear he's improved from last year and, if he can stay on the field, be the franchise QB we've been looking for. I'd definitely be extra cautious with him now, since the season is pretty much lost and you want him to fully heal and not risk aggravating one of his injuries. Address the O-Line either via the draft or FA. I think Riola, Peterman, and Backus all need to go soon. 2 of them have been with the team ever since the bad days have gone and Peterman just commits way too many penalties. I'm not sure on the O-Line prospects in the draft, but anyone is better then them.

Will that solve Staffords injury problem, no. But, his first two injuries (the one last year vs. Cleveland and Week 1 vs. Chicago) were mainly due to the fault of the line, especially the Week 1 one. Plus, an improved line would help our run game, which would be yet another plus.

I still have faith in Stafford, because he clearly has the talent and the 'It' factor. Nobody can deny that when he's out there not only are the Lions a much better team, but they also can compete with anyone in the league, they've shown that in all 3 games that he's been apart of. However, now it's just a matter of him staying healthy and on the field, and helping us win. I just want him to heal up and get out there soon, because the Lions are a much better and funner team to watch when he's out there.

I'm just hoping he's not the next coming of Chad Pennington, who always seemed to be derailed by one injury or another. Not Matthew. Not for us. We've endured enough bad luck over the past decade. It's time lady luck turns back for us and we continue the turnaround we've had.
This is the reason Mike Singletary will not make it past this season:

"Alex has all the qualities you want in a quarterback".

That one line tells you everything. Singletary just doesn't understand the importance of the QB position. Sticking with Smith is rediculous and making statements like this is the same. They still aren't sure who they are going to start against the Rams, Alex Smith coming off an injury, or Troy Smith, who played better than Alex has at any time this season. Singletary just doesn't get it.
This is the reason Mike Singletary will not make it past this season:

"Alex has all the qualities you want in a quarterback".

That one line tells you everything. Singletary just doesn't understand the importance of the QB position. Sticking with Smith is rediculous and making statements like this is the same. They still aren't sure who they are going to start against the Rams, Alex Smith coming off an injury, or Troy Smith, who played better than Alex has at any time this season. Singletary just doesn't get it.

What is he supposed to say? Alex Smith sucks? You can't tell your potential starting quarterback he is horrible and NO head coach in the NFL would ever do that. Singletary isn't stupid. He knows what he has but right now there's nothing he can do to change it. The qb's on his team just aren't good. He can't take away what little bit of confidence Alex Smith has left. I mean Singletary compared Troy Smith to Brett Favre after the Denver game. He is giving his quarterbacks positive reinforcement because the skills they have just aren't that great. Carr is a bust as a starter, Smith is a bust as a starter, and Troy Smith is a decent back up at best.
What is he supposed to say? Alex Smith sucks? You can't tell your potential starting quarterback he is horrible and NO head coach in the NFL would ever do that. Singletary isn't stupid. He knows what he has but right now there's nothing he can do to change it. The qb's on his team just aren't good. He can't take away what little bit of confidence Alex Smith has left. I mean Singletary compared Troy Smith to Brett Favre after the Denver game. He is giving his quarterbacks positive reinforcement because the skills they have just aren't that great. Carr is a bust as a starter, Smith is a bust as a starter, and Troy Smith is a decent back up at best.

Say nothing! Why does he feel the need to continue to provide "positive reinforcement" to a guy who shouldn't be starting anymore? I didn't say he needs to say he sucks, but he doesn't have to say anything. This Smith run needs to end, and should have ended already. If he knows that, then instead of trying to "build" Smith up, talk about Troy and how he's going to be your starter.

And as much as you may know, I'm more inclined to believe guys who are around this team more, and who know Singletary better. And by all accounts, he truly does believe Smith is a good QB that can be great, and truly does believe he should be the starter. Unfortunately, Smith's track record shows he shouldn't be starting anywhere. So while you continue to try to give him the benefit of the doubt, I think I'll side with the guys who are around him and know him better.
Say nothing! Why does he feel the need to continue to provide "positive reinforcement" to a guy who shouldn't be starting anymore? I didn't say he needs to say he sucks, but he doesn't have to say anything. This Smith run needs to end, and should have ended already. If he knows that, then instead of trying to "build" Smith up, talk about Troy and how he's going to be your starter.

I'm sorry but Troy Smith is just as bad if not worse then Alex Smith so it's not like it's an easy decision on who he should be starting. None of those three qb's should really be starting but the fact is one of them has to and as a head coach if someone asks you about your qb and you are silent or say "next question" then you damn well know the media will take that as a negative and run with it.

And as much as you may know, I'm more inclined to believe guys who are around this team more, and who know Singletary better. And by all accounts, he truly does believe Smith is a good QB that can be great, and truly does believe he should be the starter. Unfortunately, Smith's track record shows he shouldn't be starting anywhere. So while you continue to try to give him the benefit of the doubt, I think I'll side with the guys who are around him and know him better.

And who exactly are these people? Do you have personal friends that work with Mike Singletary or play for the Niners? And please don't say the local media because they know jack shit about what coaches really feel about their players and will say anything to get a story.
I'm sorry but Troy Smith is just as bad if not worse then Alex Smith so it's not like it's an easy decision on who he should be starting. None of those three qb's should really be starting but the fact is one of them has to and as a head coach if someone asks you about your qb and you are silent or say "next question" then you damn well know the media will take that as a negative and run with it.

Right, none of them should be starting, but of the 3, at this point, Troy should be starting. Alex Smith has had 6 years to prove he should start, and has failed badly. Carr shouldn't be in there. Troy is the best option, while not much of an option. And that's the 49ers fault for leaving this team in these guys hands. But with what's there, Troy should start over Alex.

And so what if the media takes it and makes a negative? There is nothing but negative going all around the 49ers right now. Instead of worrying about personal feelings, just don't answer the freakin question. How much worse can it get? In fact, that approach would actually be welcomed out here. There would be no negative here. Guarantee that.

Big Sexy said:
And who exactly are these people? Do you have personal friends that work with Mike Singletary or play for the Niners? And please don't say the local media because they know jack shit about what coaches really feel about their players and will say anything to get a story.

Actually, I do have have two friends that work for the 49ers, and I'm friends with a local reporter. I'll take their opinions over someone who is a little farther away from the situation.
Right, none of them should be starting, but of the 3, at this point, Troy should be starting. Alex Smith has had 6 years to prove he should start, and has failed badly. Carr shouldn't be in there. Troy is the best option, while not much of an option. And that's the 49ers fault for leaving this team in these guys hands. But with what's there, Troy should start over Alex.

And so what if the media takes it and makes a negative? There is nothing but negative going all around the 49ers right now. Instead of worrying about personal feelings, just don't answer the freakin question. How much worse can it get? In fact, that approach would actually be welcomed out here. There would be no negative here. Guarantee that.

One of the biggest knocks against Alex Smith is he turns the ball over too much. If Troy Smith starts next week you may be begging for the other Smith back because Troy will turn the ball over like no other.

When you're trying to save your job saying your quarterbacks suck and you have no chance to win, usually isn't a good idea.

Actually, I do have have two friends that work for the 49ers, and I'm friends with a local reporter. I'll take their opinions over someone who is a little farther away from the situation.

Well unless they are in Singletary's inner circle and talk with him on a regular basis (and I'm not talking about questions at press conferences or interviews) then I don't place much stock in them.
One of the biggest knocks against Alex Smith is he turns the ball over too much. If Troy Smith starts next week you may be begging for the other Smith back because Troy will turn the ball over like no other.

When you're trying to save your job saying your quarterbacks suck and you have no chance to win, usually isn't a good idea.

You seriously have no idea how much Alex is hated over here. Everyone-and yes, I mean everyone- is sick and tired of Alex Smith. He has been given plenty of time to prove himself, and he has proven he's bad. Time for a change, period. No matter how much you say Troy is worse, no one wants to see Alex out there. These fans would rather lose every game know that the 49ers tried to change it up, rather than keep losing with Alex.

And no one, not me for sure, said it was a good idea to say your QBs suck and that you have no chance. What I said was, when questioned about Alex, just simply passing over that question would be received well, and would be better for him than sticking with Alex and praising him. Alex doesn't deserve it, nor should Singletary be obligated to do it. Alex is out at the end of the season, so if Singletary wants to save his job, then turning to someone else would help him greatly.

Big Sexy said:
Well unless they are in Singletary's inner circle and talk with him on a regular basis (and I'm not talking about questions at press conferences or interviews) then I don't place much stock in them.

No one is asking you to put stock in anything. You asked and I answered. Pretty simple.
You seriously have no idea how much Alex is hated over here. Everyone-and yes, I mean everyone- is sick and tired of Alex Smith. He has been given plenty of time to prove himself, and he has proven he's bad. Time for a change, period. No matter how much you say Troy is worse, no one wants to see Alex out there. These fans would rather lose every game know that the 49ers tried to change it up, rather than keep losing with Alex.

And no one, not me for sure, said it was a good idea to say your QBs suck and that you have no chance. What I said was, when questioned about Alex, just simply passing over that question would be received well, and would be better for him than sticking with Alex and praising him. Alex doesn't deserve it, nor should Singletary be obligated to do it. Alex is out at the end of the season, so if Singletary wants to save his job, then turning to someone else would help him greatly.

Last time I checked the coaches job was to win football games, not to make the fans happy by starting every player they want to see playing. There were Redskins fans calling for the team to replace Jason Campbell with Colt fucking Brennan last year. Fans get upset very easily and are always quick to suck a back up qb's dick no matter how atrocious the guy is in reality. Singletary has to go with the guy he thinks gives him the best chance to win, because if there is one thing we can all agree on, it is the fact that winning cures everything.

Again, skipping over a question you know will cause a huge uproar whether positive or negative is never a good thing. All it does it provide a distraction for a team that really doesn't need anymore. Not having confidence in Alex Smith is sending a message to your team that if he has to come in the game, they have no shot at winning. That's a message that can never be sent.
Last time I checked the coaches job was to win football games, not to make the fans happy by starting every player they want to see playing. There were Redskins fans calling for the team to replace Jason Campbell with Colt fucking Brennan last year. Fans get upset very easily and are always quick to suck a back up qb's dick no matter how atrocious the guy is in reality. Singletary has to go with the guy he thinks gives him the best chance to win, because if there is one thing we can all agree on, it is the fact that winning cures everything.

Again, skipping over a question you know will cause a huge uproar whether positive or negative is never a good thing. All it does it provide a distraction for a team that really doesn't need anymore. Not having confidence in Alex Smith is sending a message to your team that if he has to come in the game, they have no shot at winning. That's a message that can never be sent.

Again, what the fuck has Alex Smith done to prove he can win you games!? Its established that he hasn't done shit. So why continue to go to him? Its stupid. And I know you have to win games, not please the fans. But its not exactly as if the fans can't see how bad this guy is. Switching QBs would benefit Singletary and give him the best chance to win, I thought I've made that point clear now for a while. To argue that it wouldn't be a good move is just stupid. So if I haven't made this clear from the get (and I mean like since I've been talking about the 49ers on this forum), I will now. Alex Smith sucks, has sucked, and will continue to suck. The best option for Singletary to win games is to bench Alex and go with Troy. Alex's record backs me up.
While that may be 100% true, you can't have your head coach throwing your starting quarterback under the bus in the press. No matter who it is, it will turn the locker room against you and not end well. Obviously it doesn't mean much in th Niners case since he's already lost that locker room, but in any other case that route shouldn't be taken. Had Singletary talked shit about Smith in the press and said he couldn't win games with him then he'd already be gone. He's already ranted on Davis and that hasn't helped the Niners any, another outburst like that wouldn't end well for the head ball coach.
While that may be 100% true, you can't have your head coach throwing your starting quarterback under the bus in the press. No matter who it is, it will turn the locker room against you and not end well. Obviously it doesn't mean much in th Niners case since he's already lost that locker room, but in any other case that route shouldn't be taken. Had Singletary talked shit about Smith in the press and said he couldn't win games with him then he'd already be gone. He's already ranted on Davis and that hasn't helped the Niners any, another outburst like that wouldn't end well for the head ball coach.

No one (including ME) says throw him under the bus, talk shit about him and say he can't win with him. But there's no need to be praising him. You guys keep saying you can't do that to the starting QB, and I'm telling you he shouldn't be starting. He doesn't give Singletary the best chance to win. He's 1-6 this season. All Singletary needs to say is he wants to give this team a spark and is switching QBs. That's it.

And this can not be argued. Alex Smith is done at the end of the season. He's not coming back for. Another season. The writing is on the wall. And singletary is a smart man, at least I think so. He should be able to know that. So instead of trying to help Alex, he needs to trying to help himself and the team and be done with him.
I for one would love to see Alex Smith get another chance in the NFL. I love the guy. Always been a fan. I guess I'm blinded for my love of the guy. Same can be said with Tarvaris Jackson and Tyler Thigpen. Both of which are QB that I like and would love to seem them start again someday. Anyways onto the real topic of my post.

Chad Henne has been benched by the Dolphins in favor of another favorite QB of mine, Chad Pennington. Pennington is coming off yet another serious arm injury. Pennington is a good QB and with this move you know Marshall is gonna get some catches and Bess should keep proving why he is one of the best slot guys in the game. And if Pennington where to fail and the Phins don't feel confident going back to Henne then they can always give the rock to Thigpen who put up excellent numbers in KC when he was given the shot.
I for one would love to see Alex Smith get another chance in the NFL. I love the guy. Always been a fan. I guess I'm blinded for my love of the guy. Same can be said with Tarvaris Jackson and Tyler Thigpen. Both of which are QB that I like and would love to seem them start again someday. Anyways onto the real topic of my post.
I can't see either T-Jax or Alex Smith getting another (realistic) shot with their current team. Smith has been garbage for so long with the 9ers, and T-Jax has been passed up by numerous QBs in his career, and has never really been the guy they were looking for in Minnesota. Maybe if they both get fresh starts they can have a chance to be successful.

Chad Henne has been benched by the Dolphins in favor of another favorite QB of mine, Chad Pennington. Pennington is coming off yet another serious arm injury. Pennington is a good QB and with this move you know Marshall is gonna get some catches and Bess should keep proving why he is one of the best slot guys in the game. And if Pennington where to fail and the Phins don't feel confident going back to Henne then they can always give the rock to Thigpen who put up excellent numbers in KC when he was given the shot.
I'm not even going to claim to be remotely neutral here. Chad Pennington is the greatest QB in New York Jets history (pre-Sanchez), and has long been one of my favorite Jets. Hell, I have even rooted for the Dolphins when he was starting, because I like the guy that much.

I think this further proves the Sanchez/Henne debate to be in favor of the former USC/now New York Jet QB. I like Henne, and think he can be successful if given the right opportunity, but there was a reason he wasn't a 1st round pick, and I think we've seen it so far.

All that being said, this move is absolutely necessary if the Dolphins have any chance of winning this season. Henne was proving that he wasn't ready YET, and the team is built for success now. Pennington is one of the smarter QBs in the league, and has always been deadly accurate, even without the cannon for an arm. Also, with a guy like Pennington, the Dolphins can get back to working the ground game more. Pennington has always rebounded from his shoulder surgeries VERY well, and I can't see this year being any different, because at the very worst he will know what he is capable of, and will do whatever he can to give Miami the best chance to win. And if by some unforseen circumstance Pennington can't get it done (unlikely), they can go with Tyler Thigpen, who has some talent and can maybe give them a better chance.

Now that the fins made the change, it's really too bad they didn't go after Randy Moss. Moss and Pennington have a very good history, dating back to when Pennington was throwing to Moss at Marshall.
I wouldn't say TJack doesn't get another shot with the Vikes. He is (I believe) a RFA this offseason, but I doubt any team gives him a deal if they need to give up a pick to do so. So with that said TJack should be a Viking next year and with Favre not being there and a chance that there might not be a QB available at our selection that leaves TJack unless we go for some sort of stop gap QB, but why do that when Jackson can do that just fine. But regarding Smith, he is most likely done with the Niners unless Troy Smith gets injured and Smith guides them to the playoffs.
Henne isn't the problem in Miami and was actually playing solid for the most part. He struggled against Baltimore but the Dolphins are built as a run first team and they can't run the ball for some reason. I like Pennington but this move isn't going to really improve the team that much and I don't see the Dolphins putting up a ton more wins just because of this switch. They need to figure out the problems in the running game and only then will they be able to contend.
Chad Pennington can't throw more than 20 yards downfield. Isn't that what the offense was missing, big plays? At this point, they just need to give Brown and Williams about 20 carries each and try to beat teams by controlling the ball and playing defense. They aren't a bad team, they've just had an incredibly tough schedule thus far. Don't think they make the playoffs in the loaded AFC, but they should finish something like 9-7.
Troy Smith may save the 49ers.

I honestly believe Troy can bring the 49ers back on track. Watching the game yesterday, I saw the offense play like it we thought it could for the first time this season. Gore didn't have as many carries and looked fresher down the stretch, which helped pound it down the field. And Smith had himself a great game, throwing for 356 yards with a TD and no picks. The 49ers won DESPITE committing 14 penalties, with 4 of those bringing back 3 TDS and an INT. T. Smith looked so much more better than A. Smith, moving around the pocket and avoiding trouble. He's now 2-0 starting for this team and they have brought themselves back into the race for the West.

Now, this was an ugly game. The West absolutely sucks. But, it stilll was a fun game to watch and the 49ers are lucky to be playing here because they still have a shot at the West. Some more quick hits:

-The biggest winner in the Broncos blowout of the Chiefs? The Raiders. They had the bye this week and with the Chiefs loss, they are now tied with the Chiefs for the lead in the division and are 3-0 against the division. This is another West division that isn't good, and the Raiders are playing good at the right time. I don't remember the last time the Raiders were in first place this late in the season, and it will be interesting to see how well this team. Can play now that they are actually having success and are playing for something. Gotta love those Raiders.

-The Texans can't catch a break. The right play was made, knocking the ball down. That is, as long as you don't bat it into your opponent's hands. What a freak play and I feels for the Texans. But with the loss, they now fall into the bottom of the AFC South with a 4-5 record. A big disappointment for a team that had playoff expectations. How long can Kubiak survive with this average play?

And what about the Jags? It seems like whenever Del Rio's name is mentioned as for the hot hot seat, his team pulls off a couple wins and give hope. They are still in the thick of the things for the South, and this team just continues to hang around despite not being that good of a team.

-Big win for the Cowboys, dismantling the Giants. Its unbelievable how one change could have made that big of a difference. It wasn't just a nice win; they were completely in charge. Now, its only one win, and we have to wait and see how things turn out. But a great start for them.

-Congrats to the Bills for their first win. I don't think anyone thought they would go winless, as they have been in every game this season. It was great that they were on the other side of things and finally picked up the win. Of course they were playing the Lions....

I understand their franchise QB is injuried. But Hill has to know the situation and you can't, CAN'T, throw the ball to the back of the endzone. It wasn't a 3rd down where they had another shot. This was for the 2 point conversion to tie the game. That pass was just terrible and just another Lion blunder.

-Finally watched all the way through a Bengals game. Palmer did not look good early but seemed to settle down as the game progressed. OchoCinco looked fantastic out there, playing with it all out there. He had probably one of the best TD catches that got called back ever. That was a SUPER catch and shows just how great of a WR he is. In fact, that catch he had for a TD where he got his feet doen was just a great catch.

Having said that, they blew it. They recover the onside kick and get an extra 15 yards after a Colts unsportsman like penalty. They start in Colts territory. And they fumble away the chance to win. Instead of just going down, Gresham fought for extra yards and got stripped. You like the effort, but in that situation you leave yourself vulnerable and he got stripped. Things don't look to good for this team and Lewis.

-Sorry Will, but the Panthers suck. They are a terrible team, and the Bucs took advantage. They still could make the playoffs by just beating on the bad teams. Even Cadillac Willams showed up. This is a ypung team that isn't up there in terms of being elite or a top tier team, but they look good and have the potential. A good team beats up on inferior teams, and that's what the Bucs have been able to do this season. A lot of hope there in Tampa.
So the Redskins signed McNabb to a 5 year $78 million extension. So much for McNabb being too slow and out of shape and whatever the hell else he was being criticized for. I don't get this move. Not that I don't like it, I just don't understand it. I thought Shanahan didn't feel like McNabb was his guy. Oh well, what the hell do I know. This should squash any controversy that Shanahan and McNabb have issues.
Bears played arguably their best overall game yesterday. Cutler did well minus the two interceptions and had some good runs during dead pass plays. The offensive line actually played pretty well. They only gave up one sack yesterday which is a vast improvement from previous weeks. They started to commit to the run and even though they only got 130 yards it was a lot better than they have been doing (as a team). The defense played well short of the 53 yard touchdown from Favre to Harvin. 3 picks and a fumble from Favre were some big plays. Now the Bears have moved into first place due to owning the tiebreaker over the Packers. Now a short week and the team gets ready to go to Miami on Thursday.
This may just be my hatred for the Bears talking but even though they are 6-3 I see them finishing with 9 wins at the most and that won't get them in the playoffs. The tough part of their schedule is just beginning with games at Miami and Green Bay and home games against the Eagles, Patriots, and Jets still left on the schedule. Even the other two games against the Vikings and Lions are both divisional games on the road and those are never gimmes no matter how shitty the teams are.

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