NFL Thread - 2010-11

Dude, if you want to start going down the flaming road by calling me a moron, just let me know and we'll get it done. I can't help but to seriously wonder if some you guys have ever played competitive sports let alone football. He's complaining because the NFL is taking some of the competition out of the game. Harrison RARELY even speaks including to the hometown reporters so how is he a constant whiner in the league? Trust me, I listen to it every day. Why does he rarely speak? Because of things like this, an emotional comment, taken out of context and twisted every which way, but the original intent. Does anyone truely believe that Harrison is going to retire over this? I've said again and again that I don't agree with ANY intentional hit to the head, meant to due permanent damage. Let's dissect YOUR OWN evidence. On the first hit, the WR in question was a ball carrier, not a defensless reciever. Now look at it again, Harrison displays NEARLY picture perfect tackling form, except for wrapping up at the end, which was clearly uneccasarry. Look again at the speed of the game and try to imagine, having to make those split second decisions, all the while giving it all you've got. It would have been close to impossible for him to make the play any other way. Now, the second hit COULD have been questionable ONLY IF the WR hadn't ducked his own head. How in the hell can you expect any defender to anticipate the other guys moves? It can't be done. And for the record, James hit him with his shoulder, not his head.

Now, with that out of the way, let me say this Stormtrooper. I have no problems with you as a person or a poster. In fact we've never interacted with each other until just now. Now I'm not one to take offense to what any1 says over the internet, because quit honestly it doesn't affect me one bit. I respect your opinion, but have a right to my own with out being called little playground names. If you want to debate me in a reasonable manner, I'm all for it. However, if you wish to continue namecalling, let's take this somewhere else, so I can retaliate without consequence. I'm hoping you choose the former.
If you want your children to look up to a football player, tell them to look up to Danny Woodhead, a 5'9" '200 lb' halfback from division 2 Chadron State, who scratched and clawed his way into the NFL, after spending years on the practice squad and is having an impact on the New England Patriots. Don't have them look up to a piece of garbage who whines and complains about getting caught being a dirty player who doesn't know how to tackle.

Harrison played at fucking Kent State (a school that a good friend of mine, who played at a AAA high school in a small suburb of PGH also attended and was a teamate of Harrison, while on the team. That and their own record should tell you how good a school Kent is) and was cut numerous times, so he also "scratched and clawed" his way to the NFL, possibly even to the HOF in the future. The ONLY difference between the two is your definition of what is clean and what is dirty.

If I was doing my job to the best of my ability and the way I was taught my entire life, I'd be frustrated as well.
Dude, if you want to start going down the flaming road by calling me a moron, just let me know and we'll get it done. I can't help but to seriously wonder if some you guys have ever played competitive sports let alone football.
Not that it matters, but 2 years of high school football, which ended because of 2 concussions.

He's complaining because the NFL is taking some of the competition out of the game. Harrison RARELY even speaks including to the hometown reporters so how is he a constant whiner in the league? Trust me, I listen to it every day. Why does he rarely speak? Because of things like this, an emotional comment, taken out of context and twisted every which way, but the original intent. Does anyone truely believe that Harrison is going to retire over this?
The NFL isn't taking any competition out of the game. THey are enforcing the rules they always enforced, except are punishing violators more. And so he doesn't talk to the media (a disrespectful thing to do by the way) because he knows when he talks he will say something stupid. And Harrison has complained about previous fines for what he thinks are clean hits, but the NFL rulebook says are dirty hits. And no, I don't think he will retire, I just hope he does, so he can learn how to tackle.

I've said again and again that I don't agree with ANY intentional hit to the head, meant to due permanent damage. Let's dissect YOUR OWN evidence. On the first hit, the WR in question was a ball carrier, not a defensless reciever.
And as I said, the first hit was legal, and it has has nothing to do with defenseless receiver, it's all about blow to the head.

Now look at it again, Harrison displays NEARLY picture perfect tackling form, except for wrapping up at the end, which was clearly uneccasarry.
1. Head down. Bad form. Leads to leading with the helmet, which is a penalty/dangerous/punishable offense.
2. Wrapping up is the most important part of tackling, otherwise it would be called "hitting."

That was the furthest thing from "picture perfect tackling form," and the only people that it was a picture perfect tackle are people who don't know how to tackle.

Look again at the speed of the game and try to imagine, having to make those split second decisions, all the while giving it all you've got. It would have been close to impossible for him to make the play any other way.
Given the fact that these guys are the best of the best, they need to be able to wrap up and tackle ballcarriers, not launch themselves head-first at them.

Now, the second hit COULD have been questionable ONLY IF the WR hadn't ducked his own head. How in the hell can you expect any defender to anticipate the other guys moves? It can't be done. And for the record, James hit him with his shoulder, not his head.
If he tried to TACKLE, instead of LAUNCH himself at the DEFENSELESS RECEIVER, he wouldn't have nearly MURDERED him. Who cares what he hit him with. He launched himself at the head of a defenseless receiver. And again, HIS HEAD WAS DOWN, INDICATING HE WAS TRYING TO HIT HIM WITH HIS HELMET. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT YOU HIT. NOT DOING THAT IS POOR FORM.

Now, with that out of the way, let me say this Stormtrooper. I have no problems with you as a person or a poster. In fact we've never interacted with each other until just now. Now I'm not one to take offense to what any1 says over the internet, because quit honestly it doesn't affect me one bit. I respect your opinion, but have a right to my own with out being called little playground names. If you want to debate me in a reasonable manner, I'm all for it. However, if you wish to continue namecalling, let's take this somewhere else, so I can retaliate without consequence. I'm hoping you choose the former.
I just called you a moron because your views were the most offensive, bias, terrible, and moronic thing I've seen regarding this topic. Don't take it personal. I have debated you in a reasonable manner, and only used the "name-calling" because the blind, quite honestly stupid, opinion called for it.
Harrison played at fucking Kent State (a school that a good friend of mine, who played at a AAA high school in a small suburb of PGH also attended and was a teamate of Harrison, while on the team. That and their own record should tell you how good a school Kent is) and was cut numerous times, so he also "scratched and clawed" his way to the NFL, possibly even to the HOF in the future. The ONLY difference between the two is your definition of what is clean and what is dirty.

If I was doing my job to the best of my ability and the way I was taught my entire life, I'd be frustrated as well.
No, the difference between Woodhead and Harrison is that Woodhead (someone EXTREMELY undersized for his position) plays the game clean, and doesn't complain, where Harrison plays the game dirty (according to the NFL, not me), and complains about it (according to himself, not me). Woodhead is all that is right with the league. Undersized, not the most talented, but plays his ass off to scratch and claw his way onto a roster, then makes the most of it. Harrison cheap-shots his way to the top. And he's nowhere NEAR a Hall of Famer. Guys been good for 3 years.
Im gonna have to keep this short because im on replying om my phone now. Very quickly though, he is close to being a halof famer, especially if he keeps this pace up for the next five years or so. You say hes only been good for a couple years yet hes already been to several pro bowls and is a two time superbowl champion that just so happened to make the best, most athletic plays in one of the two. Ill refute your other statements tomorrow. K? Thanks.
The whole thing that's been overblown. Sure, they were probably illegal hits, but just because 4 of them happen in one week, now we have to change the rule for it? If you felt so strongly about it, why wasn't this the rule the whole time? I'm all about saftey, but football is football. Even Clinton Portis, an offense player who had a concussion last year, has spoken out against this.

As for Harrison, he's just an emotional guy who said something he shouldn't have. He's not retiring. He'll be back tomorrow and this will all eventually blow over.

Also, Stormtrooper, kindly stop making ******ed comments. You don't have to get all cranky because you got concussions in high school. No one cares.
So because the players had concussions the hits are automatically dirty. Concussions happen all the time, it's the nature of the game. If a player was fined every time their hit caused a concussion then there would be hundreds of fines every year.

:disappointed: It's not a dirty hit because a concussion was involved. It's a dirty hit because he drilled two WRs within a matter of minutes, both with his helmet. (and I'm not even bothering with your explanation of how he didn't below - video evidence shows he clearly did.)

It's dirty because instead of trying to make a tackle, he lead with his helmet and basically collapsed Muhammad; whereas the hit on Cribbs was (legal and yet) completely unneeded.

Look at the video, instead of just randomly talking. Cribbs was being tackled, Harrison could've came in and assisted with a tackle - or taken a cheap shot; which is what he did do, and it resulted in knocking the Browns #1 game-changer out of the game.

Accidental concussions are entirely different from what Harrison did. There was absolutely NO reason for Harrison's helmet to be anywhere near either WR in either situation. Again, Cribbs was being tackled as-is.. and as for a full speed running Muhammad - why would you even lower your head in an impactful position. He's lucky he didn't end up fucking himself up as well.

It's not the same which is why in the very same interview he said he didn't want to injure people. Any defensive player that says he isn't trying to inflict pain and hurt the other players with his hits is lying. They want these guys to feel the hits.

Yeah. Covered this.

I'm not saying he's the only guy who thinks it, but I am saying he's the only one stupid enough to make a comment to the media about it. That's the disturbing part.

That he thinks making such a comment is okay to do. Especially after he delivered not one, but two concussed hits to top WRs - which makes it look even worse, to think they were intentional as a way to guarantee the Browns couldn't win with them.

I never said they did but there was an official right in front of the hit staring at it. If he saw an illegal hit then a flag would have been thrown.

Again, I repeat. So by this are you then saying that every Official, in every game, on every play - who stares directly at a specific part of the field - will automatically catch a wrongful/illegal act? No. Sometimes things slide, and obviously as he was fined - thats exactly what happened.

This is no different than the Calvin Johnson TD. I doubt you'll find anyone in the world who'll say it wasn't a TD catch - but because of a loop hole in the rules and because he let go of the ball too soon; he didn't get it. Bad calls and no calls happen. Just like people say (including you) about concussions being apart of the game - so are missed calls.

Look, I'm honestly not sure what the big controversy here is. He hit a guy, was fined for it - it was deemed wrong by the league. Anyone who disagrees is certainly entitled to their opinion, but it's unfortunately (for them) a wrong one. The league is the bottomline, and they deemed what he did WRONG and worth $75k out of his pocket.

What I'm more interested in right now is this..

Meriweather's hit was by far the worst of ANY on Sunday - and in my opinion, he deserves a one-game suspension. Whether that comes down or not is unknown - but at least he came out and apologized; as did Dunta Robinson.

So, James Harrison is the only individual of the 3 who hasn't apologized - and he fucking concussed not one, but TWO players. He even went so far to cry about being fined, instead of just understanding it - and threatened to quit.

Because of all that, that's why I could care less if he's joining us on Sunday(s) anymore. He's disrespectful for his actions. He feels as if he should take no punishment, or pay anything for what he's done. He has yet to even claim he didn't mean for them to get concussions. He's just whining about being fined & threatening to quit.

EDIT: I also am 100% sure he's never going to retire, because he'd owe $20k back to the Steelers. Not even his own team is taking this crap seriously. They gave him today off, why is beyond me other than to cool him down, and he's expected back tomorrow.

So I also ask the question - why is he adding unneeded drama to this situation by giving (in all likelihood) fake threats of quitting?
:disappointed: It's not a dirty hit because a concussion was involved. It's a dirty hit because he drilled two WRs within a matter of minutes, both with his helmet. (and I'm not even bothering with your explanation of how he didn't below - video evidence shows he clearly did.)

He drilled two wide receivers with legal hits and video evidence shows he did NOT lead with his helmet. Check your eyes.

It's dirty because instead of trying to make a tackle, he lead with his helmet and basically collapsed Muhammad; whereas the hit on Cribbs was (legal and yet) completely unneeded.

If he tries to tackle Massaquoi then he makes the catch. The hit caused the ball to come loose and become incomplete. He made the play that was necessary.

Look at the video, instead of just randomly talking. Cribbs was being tackled, Harrison could've came in and assisted with a tackle - or taken a cheap shot; which is what he did do, and it resulted in knocking the Browns #1 game-changer out of the game.

You're the only one randomly talking. When Harrison starts going full speed at Cribbs he was not being wrapped up yet. A 250 pound guy going full speed to make a hit can't just stop. Apparently he should have known that one of the more elusive players in the NFL was going to get wrapped up before he started running at him :rolleyes:

Accidental concussions are entirely different from what Harrison did. There was absolutely NO reason for Harrison's helmet to be anywhere near either WR in either situation. Again, Cribbs was being tackled as-is.. and as for a full speed running Muhammad - why would you even lower your head in an impactful position. He's lucky he didn't end up fucking himself up as well.

He didn't lead with his head, he led with his shoulder and once again if he goes for a normal tackle then Massaquoi probably makes the cath. The big hit is what forced the ball loose.
Again, I repeat. So by this are you then saying that every Official, in every game, on every play - who stares directly at a specific part of the field - will automatically catch a wrongful/illegal act? No. Sometimes things slide, and obviously as he was fined - thats exactly what happened.

I didn't say that at all. For it to happen twice in the same game with the same player is rare.

This is no different than the Calvin Johnson TD. I doubt you'll find anyone in the world who'll say it wasn't a TD catch - but because of a loop hole in the rules and because he let go of the ball too soon; he didn't get it. Bad calls and no calls happen. Just like people say (including you) about concussions being apart of the game - so are missed calls.

Or maybe the call wasn't missed at all and the official saw what most people with good vision saw and that is a perfectly legal hit. Whether it was necessary or not is almost irrelevant. By reading the rule book it is clear that it was a clean hit. He was fined because the NFL wanted to make an example out of him and that's exactly what they did. The league may be the bottom line but that doesn't mean they are always right.
The NFL isn't taking any competition out of the game. THey are enforcing the rules they always enforced, except are punishing violators more. And so he doesn't talk to the media (a disrespectful thing to do by the way) because he knows when he talks he will say something stupid. And Harrison has complained about previous fines for what he thinks are clean hits, but the NFL rulebook says are dirty hits. And no, I don't think he will retire, I just hope he does, so he can learn how to tackle.

He must be the only pro-bowler in the league that "doesn't know how to takle"...Interesting.

2. Wrapping up is the most important part of tackling, otherwise it would be called "hitting."

Wrapping up is not always the most important thing there chief. When you are trying to seperate the receiver from the ball, it's probably the worst thing you can do. Troy P. does this all the time, but I suppose he doesn't know how to play the game either, huh? I mean he's only in the top 2 safety's in the league.

That was the furthest thing from "picture perfect tackling form," and the only people that it was a picture perfect tackle are people who don't know how to tackle.

I'll take the side of two pro-bowl players over some chump change two year J.V. high school player any day, but thanks for playing.

I just called you a moron because your views were the most offensive, bias, terrible, and moronic thing I've seen regarding this topic. Don't take it personal. I have debated you in a reasonable manner, and only used the "name-calling" because the blind, quite honestly stupid, opinion called for it.

Insults and name calling are the lowest form of debating. If this is the best you have (besides repeating untruths over and over) I'll stop now.

The speed of the game, the passion, the emotion, the will to win, the split second decisions that can determine the outcome of the game, these are all things that are being taken out of consideration when the NFL is determined to fine players that are quite simply, doing there job. Let me ask you (or anyone on your side of the argument for that matter), how is it fair that the NFL is making money ON THE EXACT SAME PLAYS they are dishing out fines for. Frankly, it's ridiculous and hypocritical. They have DVD's, shows on the NFL network, segments such as "Jacked Up", and still pictures that they sell, all geared towards profiting off of these same types of hits. You can possibly argue that there is no hypocrosy in that. The NFL promotes big hits with one hand, and then fine the players they are directly profiting from with the other. If you want to play/watch arena football, be my guest, but it's not for me.
I don't agree with this whole "its too quick" argument. Defensive guys going after the QB always seem to let up as much as they can as soon as the QB releases the ball. It doesn't take them forever to put there hands up and let off. They do it automatically. The same shit applies here. Take the Cribbs hit. That was completely unnecessary. Had he been paying attention, he could have easily moved or done something to avoid hitting Cribbs' head.

That's the other issue. Some here are forgetting that this isn't just about helmet to helmet hits. This is about blows to. The head. So. People trying to excuse Harrison's shot to Cribbs by saying well he hit him with his shoulder (which if you watch he did hit him helmet to helmet), it doesn't matter. It was a blow to the head, and an unecessary one at that. That's a fine.

The reason you. Here guys complaining about this is for one reason and one reason only: money. Ray lewis, Harrison. They have made there names on be big time hitters, who go a little dirty by going higher than they should. The NFL is to blame for this as well for creating an enviorment where we enjoy (enjoyed) those type of hits. But we see the effects of them now and so is the NFL, so they are now enforcing the rule more to protect there players. I don't believe for one fucking second that they can't change a little to avoid hitting guys in the head, that's complete bullshit. And these heavy fines/suspensions will help cut this down.
He must be the only pro-bowler in the league that "doesn't know how to takle"...Interesting.
No, he isn't, and that's the problem with the NFL nowadays. None of the guys actually tackle people anymore, it's all about making these "big hits," which are illegal, and deadly.

Wrapping up is not always the most important thing there chief. When you are trying to seperate the receiver from the ball, it's probably the worst thing you can do. Troy P. does this all the time, but I suppose he doesn't know how to play the game either, huh? I mean he's only in the top 2 safety's in the league.
No, wrapping up IS the post important part of tackling, why do you think ballcarriers can EVADE tackles. Hint, it's because HE WASN'T WRAPPED UP. And Troy Polamalu does know how to play football. He makes clean tackles a lot, and sometimes makes unclean ones, and when he does, expect him to get a fine too. The difference is if (when) he would get fined, he would apologize for the hit, and pay the fine without whining about it, and contemplating retiring.

I'll take the side of two pro-bowl players over some chump change two year J.V. high school player any day, but thanks for playing.

I put this in the Sports Bar, and even though people refuse to read it, that's the proper, SAFE, way to tackle. not lunging at a player trying to hit him with your head. That is how you are taught to tackle starting with pop warner, going through high school, into the NCAA, and should be in the NFL too, too bad people don't do it.

Insults and name calling are the lowest form of debating. If this is the best you have (besides repeating untruths over and over) I'll stop now.
You should stop, but only because I have listed numerous TRUTHS, and only 1 insult, which was because you were INSULTING ME with your nonsense about guys getting paid millions and basically saying they DESERVE to get hit like that. No one deserves to have their life forever altered because of another man.

The speed of the game, the passion, the emotion, the will to win, the split second decisions that can determine the outcome of the game, these are all things that are being taken out of consideration when the NFL is determined to fine players that are quite simply, doing there job.
No, none of that stuff is being removed. The only thing being removed is attemted murder to a defenseless player. NFL players are the best of the best, and must ADAPT to rules, like they CAN, and WILL do. Or they will face consequences (hefty fines and suspensions).

Let me ask you (or anyone on your side of the argument for that matter), how is it fair that the NFL is making money ON THE EXACT SAME PLAYS they are dishing out fines for. Frankly, it's ridiculous and hypocritical. They have DVD's, shows on the NFL network, segments such as "Jacked Up", and still pictures that they sell, all geared towards profiting off of these same types of hits. You can possibly argue that there is no hypocrosy in that. The NFL promotes big hits with one hand, and then fine the players they are directly profiting from with the other. If you want to play/watch arena football, be my guest, but it's not for me.
1. Jacked up has been gone for over 3 years now. And as much as Jacked Up was a segment in poor taste, if the hit was ILLEGAL, it wouldn't have been included.
2. The NFL admitted a mistake was made by allowing a 3RD PARTY VENDOR to sell those photos, and they were IMMEDIATELY removed.
3. DVDs are also being PULLED. An NFL Films DVD called Moment of Impact was pulled because of just that.

The NFL is taking this seriously, and is running as far away as possible from these ILLEGAL hits. And it's not BIG hits that are being banned, just ILLEGAL ones. I'm sorry to see that you don't care for the safety of these people. How many more fucked up brains like Mike Webster's and Terry Long's ("coincidentally" former Steelers), and CHRIS BENOIT'S do we need before everyone realized that the brain DOES NOT HEAL. ONCE IT'S FUCKED UP, IT'S FUCKED UP FOR LIFE. The NFL realizes this now (thanks to more recent studies about the brain), and is doing EVERYTHING IT CAN to keep the players SAFE!
No, wrapping up IS the post important part of tackling, why do you think ballcarriers can EVADE tackles. Hint, it's because HE WASN'T WRAPPED UP. And Troy Polamalu does know how to play football. He makes clean tackles a lot, and sometimes makes unclean ones, and when he does, expect him to get a fine too. The difference is if (when) he would get fined, he would apologize for the hit, and pay the fine without whining about it, and contemplating retiring.

If you are talking about a ball carries, yes, quite often it's the most important part. However, if a receiver is going to make a catch and a defender has the ability to "seperate" the WR from the ball, "wrapping up" has nothing to do with it.

You should stop, but only because I have listed numerous TRUTHS, and only 1 insult, which was because you were INSULTING ME with your nonsense about guys getting paid millions and basically saying they DESERVE to get hit like that. No one deserves to have their life forever altered because of another man.

Quote me ONE TIME where I said a player DESERVES to get whacked in the head or DESERVES to be concussed. I never came close to saying that. What I did say, is that they know the risk they are taking when choosing professional football as a career. I'm not wishing harm on any NFL players, BUT it happens, and they know full well it can happen. I don't begrudge and NFL player their money, quite frankly, I think they deserve even more when it comes to pensions and future health benefits, but that does not mean these men aren't compensated ridiculous amounts of money to do their job, which consists of hitting another man across the line of scrimmage on every play. Honestly, it's ridiculous and a bunch of bull shit that you would twist my opinion into something its not.

No, none of that stuff is being removed. The only thing being removed is attemted murder to a defenseless player. NFL players are the best of the best, and must ADAPT to rules, like they CAN, and WILL do. Or they will face consequences (hefty fines and suspensions).

Attempted murder? Are you serious or are you just going for affect now? You're being ridiculous, NOT ONE FUCKING PLAYER is going out there with the intent to murder! Get off your high horse.

1. Jacked up has been gone for over 3 years now. And as much as Jacked Up was a segment in poor taste, if the hit was ILLEGAL, it wouldn't have been included.
2. The NFL admitted a mistake was made by allowing a 3RD PARTY VENDOR to sell those photos, and they were IMMEDIATELY removed.
3. DVDs are also being PULLED. An NFL Films DVD called Moment of Impact was pulled because of just that.

Watch the opening promo of MNF this week and let me know if they don't show hard hits (which is exactly what Harrison's were) as part of their promo package.

The NFL is taking this seriously, and is running as far away as possible from these ILLEGAL hits. And it's not BIG hits that are being banned, just ILLEGAL ones. I'm sorry to see that you don't care for the safety of these people. How many more fucked up brains like Mike Webster's and Terry Long's ("coincidentally" former Steelers), and CHRIS BENOIT'S do we need before everyone realized that the brain DOES NOT HEAL. ONCE IT'S FUCKED UP, IT'S FUCKED UP FOR LIFE. The NFL realizes this now (thanks to more recent studies about the brain), and is doing EVERYTHING IT CAN to keep the players SAFE!

Again, your putting words into my mouth. If you can't argue the points I'm making, don't just make shit up to suite your arguement. How many fucking times can I say that intentional hits to the head are wrong and should be punished? I hope this last time will suffice. But when it comes to hard hits that are part of the game, they are going overboard. In essence, the NFL is looking to change what we as fans know and love. If they want to do that, that's fine, but they can expect a certain number of fans to start tuning out. That is a FACT.
If you are talking about a ball carries, yes, quite often it's the most important part. However, if a receiver is going to make a catch and a defender has the ability to "seperate" the WR from the ball, "wrapping up" has nothing to do with it.

Quote me ONE TIME where I said a player DESERVES to get whacked in the head or DESERVES to be concussed. I never came close to saying that. What I did say, is that they know the risk they are taking when choosing professional football as a career. I'm not wishing harm on any NFL players, BUT it happens, and they know full well it can happen. I don't begrudge and NFL player their money, quite frankly, I think they deserve even more when it comes to pensions and future health benefits, but that does not mean these men aren't compensated ridiculous amounts of money to do their job, which consists of hitting another man across the line of scrimmage on every play. Honestly, it's ridiculous and a bunch of bull shit that you would twist my opinion into something its not.
By saying they "know the dangers of it", you basically are saying they deserve what's coming to them. Sorry, but I can't appreciate that.

Attempted murder? Are you serious or are you just going for affect now? You're being ridiculous, NOT ONE FUCKING PLAYER is going out there with the intent to murder! Get off your high horse.
OK, Assault with a deadly weapon. Attempted MANSLAUGHTER (no intent there asshole). Whatever. Either way, it's borderline criminal what Harrison did.

Watch the opening promo of MNF this week and let me know if they don't show hard hits (which is exactly what Harrison's were) as part of their promo package.
If ESPN does that, then people will bitch to ESPN, not the NFL. The NFL won't show it, because the NFL (the only group that matters in this instance) is cracking down on ILLEGAL hits. Again, there is a difference between ILLEGAL and BIG hits. You can big hit a guy CLEAN. Harrison DIDN'T DO THAT.

Again, your putting words into my mouth. If you can't argue the points I'm making, don't just make shit up to suite your arguement. How many fucking times can I say that intentional hits to the head are wrong and should be punished? I hope this last time will suffice. But when it comes to hard hits that are part of the game, they are going overboard. In essence, the NFL is looking to change what we as fans know and love. If they want to do that, that's fine, but they can expect a certain number of fans to start tuning out. That is a FACT.
Well, intentional hits to the head are wrong and should be punished, but not James Harrison when he does it, because you're a Steeler fan and like him. That's what you're saying now. I hope to God that you do stop watching, because you give all NFL fans a bad name.

Again, I'm glad they are changing the Assault with a Deadly Weapon that bloodthirsy asshole fans love. I never loved ILLEGAL HEADSHOTS. Never have, never will.

In 20 years, when you read about James Harrison dying because of aftereffects From Concussions, you might finally realize I am right here. I'm surprised you don't, after the 2 former Steelers I mentioned died because of concussions, but you obviously don't give a shit about these peoples lives.

Fuck this shit, I'm done with you. Ignore time.

Back to football now. The Jets have the best record in the NFL through 6 weeks. This has a good chance to continue for a while, because the Jets are getting into an easy part of the Schedule. The next 6 weeks the Jets are off, home against the beat up Packers, at the Lions, at the Browns, home against a pretty good Texans, and then home against the Bengals.

They could easily go 4-1 during this span, especially if LT and Mark Sanchez keep it up, and Revis gets healthy finally.
HHHeartbreak Kid, you do understand that the NFL isn't establishing a new rule, but enforcing it more strictly and giving heavier punishment right? Your acting like the NFL is making up some new rule here. Rodney Harrison said it on Sunday Night Football, those $5,000 didn't mean shit to him. That was chump change. It didn't affect him at all. He said there need to be heavier fines and suspensions. Guess what? That's what the NFL is doing. Players didn't care about losing a small amount, but now that the punishment is more severe now they crying? And so are you?

As I said before, why is it that linebackers and safeties can react quickly when going after the QB but can't in the field? They aren't casually just going after the QB, they go with the intent to bring him down. Yet, when the ball is released, they throw their hands up right away and do whatever they can to show they're not trying to attack the QB. Is there contact still? Absolutely. But not as much when they realize the ball has been released.

So tell me how that's any different when it comes to these hits? Your telling me Harrison could adjust himself to make sure he didn't hit Cribbs in the head with any part of his body? Bullshit. As Storm said, with the heavier punishment, you will see that players CAN and WILL adjust, because now their money is on the line. And hearing these guys bitch and complain is pathetic.
HHHeartbreak Kid, you do understand that the NFL isn't establishing a new rule, but enforcing it more strictly and giving heavier punishment right? Your acting like the NFL is making up some new rule here. Rodney Harrison said it on Sunday Night Football, those $5,000 didn't mean shit to him. That was chump change. It didn't affect him at all. He said there need to be heavier fines and suspensions. Guess what? That's what the NFL is doing. Players didn't care about losing a small amount, but now that the punishment is more severe now they crying? And so are you?

As I said before, why is it that linebackers and safeties can react quickly when going after the QB but can't in the field? They aren't casually just going after the QB, they go with the intent to bring him down. Yet, when the ball is released, they throw their hands up right away and do whatever they can to show they're not trying to attack the QB. Is there contact still? Absolutely. But not as much when they realize the ball has been released.

So tell me how that's any different when it comes to these hits? Your telling me Harrison could adjust himself to make sure he didn't hit Cribbs in the head with any part of his body? Bullshit. As Storm said, with the heavier punishment, you will see that players CAN and WILL adjust, because now their money is on the line. And hearing these guys bitch and complain is pathetic. Just the same as hearing is too.
Magic Johnson said he wants an NFL team back in the LA. And he's interested in being the guy (or part) to do it. While he hasn't had any talks with the league, said that's what he would like to see happen. He recently sold his share in the Lakers and is not interested in buying the Dodgers, or any share in the Warriors or Pistons. It would be interesting to see if anything at all comes of this, if he could help bring an NFL team back to LA. There are a few franchises that are doing poorly in their towns that could possibly make the move.
Trooper and People's champ, I don't have time to go through and quote everything seperatly, so I'll just condense it. Trooper, go ahead and put me on ignore, b/c you don't understand A FUCKING THING about football. Listen you fucking dipshit, you're trying to make two seperate fucking things into one. It doesn't work like that, what the fuck don't you get about the difference between hard hits and illegal shots to the head? You're a worthless waste of my time. It has not one damn thing to do with being a STEELER fan you piece of shit. Stop fucking assuming you know what's in my head, because you clearly can't comprehend a logical arguement. Yeah the actual show may be on ESPN, but to think the NFL doesn't know whay they're allowing on their own programming is fucking absurd.

Champ, will you do me the favor of watching the clip again and tell me if you can actually see the RECEIVER, NOT Harrison ducking his head? How can Harrison predict that he is going to do that? I don't give a fuck what you think about the speed of the game not being fast enough to eliminate some of these hits, the fact of the matter is, the men on the field that actually play the game say it's true, so I'll take their word for it. I guess the roughing the passer rule might as well be eliminated because every defender slows up after the ball is released? I'm not saying the rule is new, I'm saying the way they're interperting it is new, and it is a detriment to the game. Let's see how many players end up injuring themselves because they try to pull up from a hit when they shouldn't be doing that.

I don't know any other way to explain this. I DISAGREE with illegal shots to the head (see that ST you dumb fuck), but there is a difference between those and hard hits, where guys are unintentionally injured. If the NFL can differentiate between the two I don't have a problem, but when they start dishing out fines for clean hits, it hurts the game.
It wasn't a clean hit, and Harrison got penalized for it. I'm talking about the 2nd one by the way, which is the one he got fined for. Listen we could go back and forth all day with this, but its really wearing on people now (myself included), and it useless to continue arguing about something we haven't seen really take into effect yet. Wait until this weekend and see if it has such a dramatic effect on the game as you claim it will. I doubt it.
I'll agree to move on. It won't have an affect on the game, because the players won't let it. I was talking about the second hit as well, just to be clear, the one where the receiver bent down at the hip, which put his head lower than it would have been normally.
Magic Johnson said he wants an NFL team back in the LA. And he's interested in being the guy (or part) to do it. While he hasn't had any talks with the league, said that's what he would like to see happen. He recently sold his share in the Lakers and is not interested in buying the Dodgers, or any share in the Warriors or Pistons. It would be interesting to see if anything at all comes of this, if he could help bring an NFL team back to LA. There are a few franchises that are doing poorly in their towns that could possibly make the move.
I would love to see an NFL team back in the 2nd largest media market. However, I don't see it happening anytime soon. The only team that could I could see moving is Jacksonville. They don't have a history in the city (15 years isn't a history), and they (at least in the past seasons) have had trouble filling the stadium. However, I doubt that would happen for a few years, and then they would have to try and re-align the divisions (LA doesn't belong in the "South" division).
I would love to see an NFL team back in the 2nd largest media market. However, I don't see it happening anytime soon. The only team that could I could see moving is Jacksonville. They don't have a history in the city (15 years isn't a history), and they (at least in the past seasons) have had trouble filling the stadium. However, I doubt that would happen for a few years, and then they would have to try and re-align the divisions (LA doesn't belong in the "South" division).

Yea I don't see it happening for a while either. There are a lot of other factors that have to be considered, but I see it happening. The thing that has me intrigued is the potential for Magic Johnson to be a part of this. There was talk of where he was going to go and ivest his money in, whether it was an NBA team, the Dodgers or something else. I would love to see an LA team, and one backed by Magic.
He drilled two wide receivers with legal hits and video evidence shows he did NOT lead with his helmet. Check your eyes.

Well, I suppose depending on what video you're watching there may have been a case where Harrison didn't lead with his Helmet. Unfortunately, the video YOU were watching when referring to this situation of not hitting with his helmet, or leading with it, wasn't regarding the Browns game or the WRs he laid out - which is what I'm talking about.

Check your video.

If he tries to tackle Massaquoi then he makes the catch. The hit caused the ball to come loose and become incomplete. He made the play that was necessary.

:rolleyes: Because hitting the player in the head with your Helmet is the only way a Defensive player with any type of skills can knock the ball loose and make a play.. right? Forget about actually using your helmet to land contact on the ball to knock it loose - that never works, right? And completely throw out the option to use your hands to rip it out. Who does that anymore?!


That's the other issue. Some here are forgetting that this isn't just about helmet to helmet hits. This is about blows to. The head. So. People trying to excuse Harrison's shot to Cribbs by saying well he hit him with his shoulder (which if you watch he did hit him helmet to helmet), it doesn't matter. It was a blow to the head, and an unecessary one at that. That's a fine.

He gets it. Why can't You?

You're the only one randomly talking. When Harrison starts going full speed at Cribbs he was not being wrapped up yet. A 250 pound guy going full speed to make a hit can't just stop. Apparently he should have known that one of the more elusive players in the NFL was going to get wrapped up before he started running at him :rolleyes:

#1, Cribbs was already wrapped up and going to the ground - watch the damn video instead of thinking you have a point.

I present to you, the hit on Cribbs. Watch the full video, especially around 38 seconds on. You'll clearly see a helmet-to-helmet hit, on a guy that was being taken down, in a position in which had he not been intentionally trying to hit with his helmet - he would've seen and been able to move out of the way of.


And to think - that's a hit that WASN'T fined. :disappointed:


This is the best video I could find, but if you freeze it up and slow-mo it around the 39 second mark - you'll see the 2nd helmet-to-helmet hit.


I don't agree with this whole "its too quick" argument. Defensive guys going after the QB always seem to let up as much as they can as soon as the QB releases the ball. It doesn't take them forever to put there hands up and let off. They do it automatically. The same shit applies here. Take the Cribbs hit. That was completely unnecessary. Had he been paying attention, he could have easily moved or done something to avoid hitting Cribbs' head.

So, knowing this is actually true.. BS, you're saying a 250 agile LB can't find a way to stop or get out of the way of making a hit - in the space he had; yet 350 and heavier DL'men, can??? Really?

He gets it. Why can't You?

He didn't lead with his head, he led with his shoulder and once again if he goes for a normal tackle then Massaquoi probably makes the cath. The big hit is what forced the ball loose.

:lmao: Keep digging that hole. The videos above clearly show not one, but two, helmet hits.

And once again - apparently your claims are that Harrison - this (arguably) great LB, future possible HoF LB, (that others have called, and you're defending) is only capable of making good plays when he plasters WRs with his helmet onto their's. (or, for purpose sake - any part of his body, onto their head - which is still ILLEGAL.)

I didn't say that at all. For it to happen twice in the same game with the same player is rare.

Rare, but not out of question. Thats all I'm saying on this. Bad calls and no calls happen all the time. Plain and simple.

Or maybe the call wasn't missed at all and the official saw what most people with good vision saw and that is a perfectly legal hit. Whether it was necessary or not is almost irrelevant. By reading the rule book it is clear that it was a clean hit. He was fined because the NFL wanted to make an example out of him and that's exactly what they did. The league may be the bottom line but that doesn't mean they are always right.

Actually, hits to the head regardless of how they're made, are illegal. And both of Harrison's hits were illegal because he laid them out with his helmet. But for some reason you keep eluding to this mysterious video in which he hits them with some other part of his body.

I've provided video proof of helmet-to-helmet hits. Where's your proof of him using another body part? I'll be waiting.
The first hit Harrison made on Cribbs was perfectly legal under the old rules. A defender is allowed to make contact any way necessary to bring down a runner in possession of the football.

The second hit on Massaquoi was technically illegal but I can see why he hit him the way he did. Massaquoi was falling down trying to make the catch. If he hadn't slipped Harrison wouldn't have made contact with his helmet. None the less accident or not it still happened and he still deserved the fine.

I think Harrison's gripe is that he feels like he is being treated like a dirty player when in reality the first play he made was perfectly legal in the context of the NFL's rules. The second hit was just an accident and could have happened to anyone. He isn't a dirty player just a victim of circumstance. He said this is the way he plays and if he can't continue to play that way then why stay in the league? I think he is over reacting a bit but he is back in practice so it's all good.
:rolleyes: Because hitting the player in the head with your Helmet is the only way a Defensive player with any type of skills can knock the ball loose and make a play.. right? Forget about actually using your helmet to land contact on the ball to knock it loose - that never works, right? And completely throw out the option to use your hands to rip it out. Who does that anymore?!

He didn't go head hunting on either hit. He was going full speed at the motherfucker with the ball and laid a big hit on them like he was supposed to do. The side of his helmet grazed Cibbs on that hit but that didn't even get fined. The hit on Massaquoi he hit the upper body with his shoulder.

He gets it. Why can't You?

No, he's just as delusional as you. Josh Cribbs isn't done until he's on the ground. I've seen plenty of times where it looks as if he's going down and he gets away.
#1, Cribbs was already wrapped up and going to the ground - watch the damn video instead of thinking you have a point.

I've watched the video many times and unlike you my eye site actually works.
So, knowing this is actually true.. BS, you're saying a 250 agile LB can't find a way to stop or get out of the way of making a hit - in the space he had; yet 350 and heavier DL'men, can??? Really?

He gets it. Why can't You?

Neither of you get it. The rules for qb's are different. Guys know that if they hit a qb with any force at all a penalty is almost guaranteed because qb's are now babied by the league. These linemen the majority of the time are coming off blocks and no where near full speed, plus once the qb gets rid of the ball the lineman have a few second window not just a half second.
Keep digging that hole. The videos above clearly show not one, but two, helmet hits.

You're the only one digging a hole home boy. You are clearly seeing shit that isn't there.
Actually, hits to the head regardless of how they're made, are illegal. And both of Harrison's hits were illegal because he laid them out with his helmet. But for some reason you keep eluding to this mysterious video in which he hits them with some other part of his body.

He laid nobody out with his helmet. His helmet grazed Cribbs but it wasn't full on and that wasn't the force that caused the injury. The hit on Massaquoi was shoulder to upper body. It was close to the neck area which would have been illegal but after slowing down the video and watching it many times, I see the upper body hit by the shoulder an nothing more. Of course you can continue to spout bullshit with your obvious impaired eye sight if you'd like.
The Indianapolis Colts took a HUGE blow to their Super Bowl hopes today, when it was announced that DALLAS CLARK, all-world Tight End and Peyton Mannings favorite target, is going on INJURED RESERVE, ending his season.

This might be the straw that breaks the camels back for the Colts this year. They will still likely be a top team during the regular season, but I don't think they will be able to go all that far this year without their biggest mismatch in the receiving game.

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