IC25's NFL Prediction Thread

I'll get my predictions out of the way all at once. *Wild Card

NFC North
1. Green Bay (12-4)
2. Detroit (10-6)*
3. Minnesota (7-9)
4. Chicago (7-9)

The Packers are the defending SB Champions and they are healthy. health was a big concern last year but they are now back at full force and I expect them to win the division. The Lions are my sleeper. Am I confident about them going 10-6? No, but they're my team and this is the best team they have had in a long time. Stafford needs to stay healthy. The Vikings underachieved last year and will get better with McNabb. The Bears overachieved last year and I do not trust Jay Cutler.

NFC East
1. Philadelphia (13-3)
2. New York (8-8)
3. Dallas (7-9)
4. Washington (4-12)

The Eagles were great last year and this off season they stockpiled talent. They are looking very good on both sides of the ball, Vick just needs to stay healthy. The Giants are once again just kind of there. The Cowboys will be improved but not significantly. The Redskins are god awful especially at the qb position.

NFC West
1. Seattle (8-8)
2. San Francisco (7-9)
3. St Louis (7-9)
4. Arizona (6-10)

This is the division I'm least confident about because anything could happen. Seattle are the defending champs and I believe they had the best off season. QB is a major question but Tarvaris Jackson has the talent and Hasselbeck didn't exactly blow people away with his play last season. The Niners will be improved under Harbaugh. I really like the acquisition of Braylon Edwards. St Louis overachieved last year and will be around the same record. Arizona got a qb in Kevin Kolb but he is still unproven and the team around him is awful.

NFC South
1. New Orleans (12-4)
2. Atlanta (11-5)*
3. Tampa Bay (7-9)
4. Carolina (3-13)

The Saints are an improved team on both sides of the ball. They added Mark Ingram to improve the running game and they got a little bigger on the D line with the additions of Shaun Rogers and Abrayu Franklin. The Falcons also added some good talent but I think they will come down a little this year and be a wild card. Tampa Bay overachieved last year and I see them around 7 or 8 wins. Carolina flat out sucks.

AFC North
1. Pittsburgh (11-5)
2. Baltimore (11-5)*
3. Cleveland (7-9)
4. Cincinnati (4-12)

Pittsburgh and Baltimore will fight for the division until the very last week. It happened last year and not much has changed. Both teams bring back their main pieces. Cleveland should show some improvement but they are still young and need their talent to develop further. Cincy is just too young to do much.

AFC East
1. New England (13-3)
2. New York (10-6)*
3. Miami (8-8)
4. Buffalo (5-11)

New England improved their roster and should once again be at the top of the AFC. The Jets didn't really improve at all and I think they have a fairly tough schedule. Miami will be slightly improved but nothing major. The Bills defense just isn't very good and I'm curious to see if Fitzpatrick can keep up his surprising play for two years in a row.

AFC West
1. San Diego (10-6)
2. Kansas City (8-8)
3. Oakland (7-9)
4. Denver (5-11)

San Diego blew it last year but they have made some nice additions and I expect them to be ready this year. Kansas City was an overachiever last year and will come down to earth a little. Oakland will be around the same. Denver is another team that just lacks overall talent on both sides of the ball. I expect John Fox to turn them around but not this year.

AFC South
1. Indianapolis (11-5)
2. Houston (8-8)
3. Jacksonville (7-9)
4. Tennessee (4-12)

Indianapolis will once again win the division and for good reason. That reason being Peyton Manning. Houston will be picked by many to be a wild card team but I've heard that for the last four years. It will be around 8-8 again for them. Jacksonville will come down a little after last years 8-8 record. I expect to see Gabbert once they are out of the playoff race. Tennesse lost some talent on defense, they have a new coaching staff, and their only great offensive weapon is holding out. That equals a poor season from them.
Well, thank you Megatron and Big Sexy, thank you SO much for hijacking my predictions thread and preempting the rest of my picks. I will just have to reveal the remainder of my standings in my annual Facebook post.

Overall, I see Big Sexy and I agreeing on some stuff - Detroit teasing the playoffs, for example, and New Orleans and San Diego returning to form. It's gonna take a lot for me to waver from my early and highly pre-mature Green Bay vs Philly and New England vs New York top twos, though.
After the Ravens recent addition of Lee Evans I'm going to change my prediction from a couple days ago and say the Ravens just barely edge the Steelers to win the AFC North, making Pitt a wild card team.
AFC North
1. Pittsburgh
2. Baltimore
3. Cleveland
4. Cincinnati

Identical to last years standings, not one of these teams made any big noises in FA (unless Evans trade is seen as big, although he's gonna be a #2 in Baltimore). Pittsburgh is returning many of their main pieces from their SB run and will (barring injury) have Roethlisberger for all 16 games this season. They still have their deep threats with Wallace (who's emerging as a top WR), Emmanuel Sanders (although he's injured atm), and Antonio Brown. If the line does their part in protecting Roethlisberger, they will be a 12 or 13 win team. Baltimore made a nice addition to their secondary with the drafting of Jimmy Smith to try and replace Josh Wilson, but with some of these guys on their defense are getting up there in age (Lewis and Reed specifically) these younger guys will have to step up. Joe Flacco has been criticized for not getting it done in the clutch, even though they did make the playoffs his first 3 years. They will get to at least 9 or 10 wins, although I'm not sure if that will give them a WC spot (I'm liking Houston a lot). Both Cleveland and Cincy are rebuilding projects with 2nd and rookie QB's, respectively. I don't think either of them will eclipse 5 wins, Cleveland because of their coaching change and Cincy because of them throwing in a bunch of 1st and 2nd year guys.
Fuck it, I'll do mine.

AFC South

1. Indianapolis
2. Houston
4. Tennessee

The last 3 are really interchangeable honestly, they just all seem to be in rebuild mode while the Colts haven't changed anything drastically enough to make me think that they will even come close to losing their hold on the division title. I put Houston at 2 just because they seem to have the most consistency of the 3 with their high powered offense returning. The only real question for me would be if Phillips can get their defense going in the right direction enough to get them in a Wild Card position. Jacksonville could be just as good if the QB drama doesn't hurt them, and Hasslebeck could have his Brett Favre year where he just comes back in great shape kicking all kinds of ass. Any of the 3 could take the number 2 spot, but no one is unseating the Colts.

AFC East

1. New York
2. New England
3. Miami
4. Buffalo

This will probably be one of the few times I go out on a limb. I think this might be the year the Jets take the top spot from New England. No real evidence to support it, just a hunch. Either way, those are the top 2 teams in the South. Miami and Buffal will both suck but I think Buffalo might just suck a little more this year. Shame too, I really like Fitzpatrick.

AFC North

1. Baltimore
2. Pittsburgh
3. Cleveland
4. Cincinnati

Not going to lie, this is the division I follow the least so this one I don't put a lot of thought into. I hate them all other than Cleveland and I am pretty sure that neither they nor Cincy will do a damn thing this year. Baltimore and Pitt will probably both be playoff teams, I just think that this will be the year that Baltimore stops being Pittsburgh's bitch.

AFC West

1. San Diego
2. Kansas City
3. Oakland
4. Denver

San Diego only really had a couple of problems last year and I suspect that they will have corrected them this time around. My Chiefs will be just as good a team if not better then they were last year, but they didn't have this tough of a schedule. Oakland might be number 2 as well, they showed some signs of life last year and could easily win another game or 2 on top of what they had before. I suspect all of these teams will be in the hunt until the end, but I think Denver is going to stink up the joint. They may be one of the 3 worst teams in the league this year.

I'll do the NFC predictions later, I need to get ready for Summerslam.
AFC South
1. Indianapolis
2. Houston
3. Jacksonville
4. Tennessee

The Colts have to be given this division until, like the Pats in the East, someone takes the crown as the best team from them. Sure, Manning has a neck surgery that he's recovering from and the last time he didn't play a full training camp he started off poorly, and this team's talent is diminishing further and further defensively, but until someone knocks them off you have to play safe with them. This year I do think will be the Texans year. I know people have been saying that since 2008 it seems, but they do have a pretty powerful offense and their defense improved and has potential to be middle of the pack. They got the second best CB on the market, Jonathan Joseph, and Danieal Manning, who will help that depleted secondary. Not only that, but they're bringing in Wade Phillips as a D-Coordinator and he is a very good x's and o's guy and won't have to worry about motivating people since he's not the head coach. I think 10 wins is definitely possible, and if it isn't Gary Kubiak would be on the hot seat. Jacksonville will be an average, 7-9 8-8 type team that they always seem to be. MJD is a top 5 back and they did sign Paul Pozlusny to replace Justin Durant at LB, but this will be a year of waiting for Blaine Gabbart to get the starting spot. Garrard is just holding onto it until he's ready. As for Tennessee, don't expect a whole lot. They are going through a coaching change, even though it was in house, Matt Hasselbeck, like Garrard in Jacksonville, will be holding onto the job until Locker is ready. They do have a top 5 RB as well with CJ2K, but they didn't make great improvements from a team that was 6-10 last year and another 4 or 5 win season seems likely.
Fuck it, I'll do mine.

AFC East

1. New York
2. New England
3. Miami
4. Buffalo

This will probably be one of the few times I go out on a limb. I think this might be the year the Jets take the top spot from New England. No real evidence to support it, just a hunch. Either way, those are the top 2 teams in the South. Miami and Buffal will both suck but I think Buffalo might just suck a little more this year. Shame too, I really like Fitzpatrick.

Like you said, there's no real reason to think why the Jets would overtake the Pats, other than a hunch. And that's okay. However, even then, I just can't see the Jets overtaking the Patriots. The Jets filled a few of the holes they lost, but I'd say that the Patriots still had a better offseason, a better quarterback, a better coach.

The only thing the Jets have on the Patriots is heart. And an awesome nickname, Gang Green
AFC West
1. San Diego
2. Oakland
3. Kansas City
4. Denver

San Diego, despite a disappointing 2010-11 season, have the most talent in the division and have to be considered the favorites. Philip Rivers is a legitimate franchise QB, although he hasn't had the postseason success like others above him (Brady, Manning, Brees, Rodgers). They were both strong offensively and defensively, but the thing that did kill him was the other 1/3 of the game - special teams. Lucky for them, the NFL is playing safe and has moved the kickoff up to the 35, so they'll have more touchbacks and less returns for TDs. As long as they can avoid the blocked punts, this is a 11 or 12 win team. Oakland actually swept the division, which is quite surprising considering they were only 3rd in it, but their problem was that ugly 2-8 out of the division. Hue Jackson is a new coach, yes, but he was the OC last year so it's not as drastic of a turnover as say, San Francisco or Carolina. I don't know if they can rely on Jason Campbell for all 16 games, since he has only two of 5 seasons where he played all 16 games. If he can make it, however, he can be a guy that won't lose games for the Raiders. Every year he's had a positive TD/INT ratio and is a pretty accurate passer (career 60%). Plus, he's got enough mobility to get 200-300 rushing yards and a TD or two. He could be the 2nd best QB in the division, or he could possibly be the 4th best. Right now I'd place him at #3, but there still may be a breakout season from the guy, since he hasn't had the best luck with having continuity. KC will more then likely regress because they had one of the easiest schedules last season and now will have a first place slate. Matt Cassel performed well, but let's not forget they also will be without Charlie Weis, their OC. It will be interesting to see how much of an impact that has on this offense. I don't think KC is a bad team, but they still have some rebuilding to do and 7-9 or 8-8 seems likely. As for Denver, it's about who will be QB. While Kyle Orton is the starter for now, don't be surprised if they begin to suck at midseason that the fans aren't clamoring for Tim Tebow. Another poor season seems likely, with a coaching change at hand, but I think it's more important to see if Tebow progresses enough to be a starter next year.
NFC East
1. Philadelphia
2. Dallas
3. New York
4. Washington

The (self-proclaimed) 'Dream Team' gets my nod here not only because they won it last year without the talent they added, but because Vick is the unquestioned starter and will have a offseason (sort-of, I guess, because of the lockout) getting adjusted with his teammates. Their secondary obviously got better with their additions of DRC and Asomugha, and their D-Line improved as well with Cullen Jenkins and Jason Babin coming on board. I do think the Packers are still better, but the Eagles will more then likely do enough to get the other bye in the playoffs. I do think Dallas' 6-10 season was an abberation partially because they just seemed to quit on Wade Phillips (5-3 after he was canned) and they were using Jon Kitna as QB. This team does have the talent to be a 9 or 10 win team, and I think the addition of Rob Ryan as the DC will help as well. I'm slightly torn on NY. This team could be good enough to make the playoffs, but they could also bum out and miss on their expectations and get 7 wins. That's just how the G-Men have been these last two years. They didn't do much adding via free agency, but Eli will have a better season this year (in terms of TD/INT ratio) and I think the Giants will be fighting their opponents from Dallas for the #2 spot in the division, but fall just short. As for Washington, John Beck did look good yesterday, but it was only preseason, and against the Colts, who are obviously notorious for being awfully bad in the preseason. They may be in a candidate in the Andrew Luck sweepstakes, although I think they will be good enough where they're only in the top 10 in the draft and not top 1. A QB upgrade is needed, though, and they will have other options in the draft (Barkley, Lindley, Cousins if they wait until round 2). Expect another long season in DC.
NFC North
1. Green Bay
2. Detroit
3. Chicago
4. Minnesota

Green Bay I think is pretty much the unanimous #1 here (unless you're a Bears fan...ew) and for good reason. They're coming off a Super Bowl where they had something like 16 guys (many of them significant players) on the IR. Aaron Rodgers is great, like top 5 getting into top 3 great, they get Ryan Grant back after missing him the entire season, they have a strong WR core, a great defense (although Cullen Jenkins is gone). The one problem they may face is that every single team will go out to try and give the defending champs their best. Not that teams aren't always trying to give their best, but no doubt people get more amped up when they see they're facing the defending champions. Also, while repeating isn't impossible, it's tough to put money on a team winning back to back. The Lions, who are my team, did make some big improvements in one of their weak spots, the LB, by adding Stephen Tulloch (who's familiar with Schwartz's system from their time together in Tennessee) and Justin Durant (who was a very solid starter in Jacksonville, although he's had some injury problems). Their DL will be a boss like last year, only better with Suh having another year and a lot of talented guys around him (and they have great depth there). In a passing league, they will have a good time getting to the QB by rotating lots of guys in and out. Their secondary will be their weakspot, although Delmas I do like now that he's clear of injury, Spievey may take over the other starting safety spot (he's been said to be having a great camp) Houston was our best CB last year and should be solid, but non spectacular, this year. Eric Wright is the big piece here. He was a low key signing but will be starting the other side. If he goes Eric Wright pre-2010, it was a steal. As for the offense, as long as Stafford and Calvin are on the field together, I'd watch out. Stafford was drafted #1 for a reason. This kid has it. He has the talent to have a breakout season like Freeman had last year. Sure, there's always that injury concern. But I don't think I'd fret too much about it. Stafford's upper body has gotten better, according to reports, and although he hasn't taken a good shot yet, I still will say I don't believe he was healthy after he came back from the injury the first time. Now he's got the rehab under him and the injury concern should be in the back of everyone's minds. The running game will be a pain in the ass, but this team passed one of the most times last year with Shaun Hill and Drew Stanton getting the majority of the reps. A 9 or 10 win season shouldn't be out of the question, but I think it's a year too early for playoff talk (as much as I would love to see it).

As for the Bears, they were the beneficiaries of great luck last year. I guess you could call them the LSU of the NFL. Week one versus the Lions they get the call that kept them from being beat. Week three the Packers had 15+ penalties. They had a few other games where they had a little bit of lady luck on their side. And normally when it's good one year, it is bad the next. There's just something about this team that screams underachiever. 9 wins max. 8 seems likely. And Minny may be a better team this year with McNabb, but their record will be the same (or worse). This division is one of the top 3 divisions in the league, and I see only one divisional win for them this year.

(Sorry for so much Lions talk, but they ARE my team).
AFC East
1. New England (12-4)
2. New York Jets (11-5)
3. Buffalo (7-9)
4. Miami (7-9)

No surprise here with the top two teams. I like Fitzpatrick and if Merriman can be the Merriman of old, I like their chances of coming close to a winning record. Miami has some good receivers and Bush should add something extra to their offense. Tough division to make improvement, though.

AFC North
1. Pittsburgh (11-5)
2. Baltimore (9-7)
3. Cleveland (8-8)
4. Cincinnati (4-12)

I think Baltimore will take a step back this year because their defense is a bit long in the tooth and can't hold up favorite even though Ngata is a beast. I love Colt McCoy as quarterback and with Hillis and an improving defense should make for a surprising year. I've heard talk that Cincinnati may go 0-16 but I don't see it with Benson, Gresham, and Green on offense despite a rookie quarterback in Dalton.

AFC South
1. Indianapolis (10-6)
2. Houston (10-6)
3. Tennessee (6-10)
4. Jacksonville (5-11)

Manning is still a question mark to start the regular season but the Colts are the Colts so I will give them the benefit of the doubt. This is Houston's time and they need to capitalize. They have an explosive offense and getting Ryans back from injury as well as acquiring Jonathan Joseph was huge for their defense. I like Locker a bit more than Gabbert and Kenny Britt is facing possible suspensions for his actions so that puts a damper on things for the Titans.

AFC West
1. San Diego (11-5)
2. Kansas City (10-6)
3. Oakland (8-8)
4. Denver (6-10)

I just hope that San Diego starts off good, but I doubt it with their recent history. The only problem was their special teams last year so they have nowhere to go but up. Cassel had a good season last year and Charles and Bowe will have good years again. Losing Nnamdi will be a blow to the Raiders and Denver will win some games with Orton but it looks like another lost season for a great franchise.
NFC South
1. Atlanta
2. Tampa Bay
3. New Orleans
4. Carolina

Atlanta is coming off a #1 seed season where they upgraded two definite needs, a 2nd weapon to Roddy White (Julio Jones) and another pass rusher to John Abraham (Ray Edwards). Yes, they got smacked around by a Packers team in the playoffs and haven't won a playoff game yet in the Mike Smith/Matt Ryan era (although it's only been 3 years) but this team has a QB that is inching his way into top 10 discussion (if he's not already there yet) they have a top 5 receiver, and a solid but not great defense. It'd be tough to see them duplicate their win total of last season, but they should be playoff bound again. It may seem surprising that I have the Buccaneers above the Saints (with the Saints missing the playoffs altogether) because the Bucs look like a team that overachieved last year because of their soft schedule. While yes, they did overachieve, Josh Freeman still is awesome and they're adding a lot of young talent to this team, like they did in the draft when they went with Adrian Clayborne and Da'Quan Bowers (two highly touted lineman at one time or another) with their first two picks. Their CB situation seems a little dicey with Aqib Talib having some legal issues and Ronde Barber getting up there in age, but for this year, I do think the Bucs get 10 or so wins and make a playoff run. The Saints are by no means a bad team, in fact I like Brees and co and want them to win the division, but this is just a hunch that they'll fall back one year (and make it back the following year). I know I could be dead wrong about this and I'm just taking a chance, especially since they upgraded at RB with Mark Ingram and they do have their core players from the Super Bowl team, but I'm taking a wild guess here. As for Carolina, they're rebuilding and are in the hardest division in football. Good luck breaking 6 wins, Cam.
NFC East
1. Philadelphia (11-5)
2. Dallas (9-7)
3. New York Giants (8-8)
4. Washington (6-10)

We all know about how Philadelphia loaded up in the offseason with the additions of Nnamdi, Young, Brown, Babin, Jenkins, etc. The Giants took a huge blow with Thomas out for the season and Manning has been a hot and cold QB his whole career. With Rob Ryan as the DC, Dallas should be better because they were horrendous last year. Washington is Washington.

NFC South
1. Green Bay (10-6)
2. Chicago (10-6)
3. Detroit (8-8)
4. Minnesota (7-9)

Call me crazy but I think Green Bay will slip up this year and lose a few games that they shouldn't even though they are getting Grant and Finley back. Cutler has his big receiver in Williams and a bruiser at runningback in the form of Marion Barber. The key to Detroit having a good season is if Stafford stays healthy which I can't see yet. If Sidney Rice was still in Minnesota, I would bump Minnesota up to second but he left.

NFC South
1. Atlanta (12-4)
2. New Orleans (10-6)
3. Tampa Bay (9-7)
4. Carolina (5-11)

Atlanta is pretty much the same team with Julio Jones being drafted which I think was a great pick. Ryan is getting better every year and they will pound and pound the ball with Turner. The Saints lose Bush but gain Ingram who I think will be the rookie of the year but they will miss Reggie more than people think. I love Josh Freeman and their young squad but the division they're in will be tough to win much less compete for a wild card spot since the NFC is stronger. Newton will win some games for Carolina although I still don't get the overwhelming hate for Claussen but to each their own.

NFC West
1. St. Louis (9-7)
2. Arizona (8-8)
3. Seattle (6-10)
4. San Francisco (5-11)

I believe the key to the Rams winning the division is their wide receiving corps. Bradford wants to throw more downfield and having his receivers healthy would do wonders. Arizona will be right in the mix maybe down to the final two or three games. Jackson has not look good for Seattle as I think the Seahawks maybe are having second thoughts about signing him. San Francisco has decent receivers and with Gore and Willis, they should be a winning team. That is, if they had a good quarterback. I feel bad for Alex Smith because he has to adjust to a new offensive coordinator every single year. He flourished under Norv Turner and that was about it.
Now that I have all the divisions done, it's time for the playoffs.

1. New England
2. San Diego
3. Pittsburgh
4. Indianapolis
5. New York Jets
6. Houston

I have Kansas City on the outside because I predict Houston will win the tiebreaker based on conference record. I have Houston going 1-3 against the NFC South while Kansas City goes 2-2 against the NFC North with the game against Detroit in Week 2 being most key. I also have San Diego getting the bye over Pittsburgh based on the same tiebreaker as well.

1. Atlanta
2. Philadelphia
3. Green Bay
4. St. Louis
5. Chicago
6. New Orleans

Green Bay wins the division over Chicago based on division record. Chicago faces the AFC West while New Orleans faces the AFC South which are two weak divisions. I think New Orleans will win more out-of-conference games than Chicago so the Bears would be 5th and the Saints 6th. Dallas and Tampa Bay finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs.
The AFC South comes down to whether Peyton Manning is healthy or not. If he isn't and misses games, I can't see the Colts having anything more than a 6-10 record. The Colts are nothing without Manning. If he is healthy, then there is still concern. Look back to the 2008 season, which is the last time Manning missed the entire preseason. The Colts started off the season slow at 3-4 and Manning didn't look to great.

If the Texans were to ever win the AFC South, it's going to be this year. But I've heard that the Texans will win the AFC South for years now and they've yet to do it, and there are only so many times someone can cry wolf before I stop believing it.
NFC West
1. St. Louis
2. Arizona
3. Seattle
4. San Francisco

This is a one playoff team division, no doubt, and 9 wins will probably be the ceiling for the division winner here. This is a QB driven league, and that's exactly how I see this division panning out. Bradford is just coming off the OROY and might actually have a few weapons around him with their draft picks and they do bring in Josh McDaniels who will open up the downfield offense for them. Zona has added Kevin Kolb, who should be decent enough to get Fitzgerald the ball enough, although their running game is on the shoulders of Beanie Wells now with Ryan Williams going out for the season with an injury. Seattle will be a better team if Whitehurst starts over Jackson, since Tavaris has show since he got starts that he just isn't an NFL starter. They did add Sidney Rice, but the jury's still out on if he's a one year wonder or not. Marshawn Lynch should be the guy carrying the load if they wanna be a contender in the division (although this division is up for grabs). SF is going into a new coaching change and Alex Smith can't catch a break with continuity. This team has some talent on defense with Patrick Willis leading the way, but it will take at least one offseason/draft class for Harbaugh to get the talent he wants and a training camp under him. It's somewhat of a crapshoot, but the Rams seem like they have the most pieces together to make the playoffs.

Playoff/award predictions coming up next.
Based upon my earlier predictions the playoffs would look like this for me:

1. Philadelphia
2. Green Bay
3. New Orleans
4. Seattle
5. Atlanta
6. Detroit

Wild Card- New Orleans over Detroit, Atlanta over Seattle

Divisional- Philadelphia over Atlanta, Green Bay over New Orleans

Conference Championship- Philadelphia over Green Bay

1. New England
2. Baltimore
3. Indianapolis
4. San Diego
5. Pittsburgh
6. New York

Wild Card- Indy over New York, Pitt over San Diego

Divisional- New England over Pitt, Baltimore over Indy

Conference Championship- Baltimore over New England

Super Bowl- I have the Baltimore Ravens defeating the Philadelphia Eagles 20-17 in the SB. I think Philly is the overall better team but I think the Ravens provide some match up problems for the Eagles and would take a head to head meeting between the two. I'm not overly confident with Baltimore but after the additions of Lee Evans and Bryant McKinnie to the offense and the youth they have added to the defense (hopefully the young guys play to their potential and aren't busts), I think they have a team capable of going all the way. Plus I still have the Ray Lewis interview with ESPN from a month or two back still in my head and Ray convinced me to pick them like only he can.
Alright, time for my playoff predictions...

1. New England
2. San Diego
3. Pittsburgh
4. Indianapolis
5. New York
6. Houston

1. Green Bay
2. Philadelphia
3. Atlanta
4. St. Louis
5. Dallas
6. Tampa Bay

Wild Card Week:
Pittsburgh over Houston, New York over Indy
Atlanta over Tampa Bay, Dallas over St. Louis

Divisional Round:
New England over New York, San Diego over Pittsburgh
Philadelphia over Atlanta, Dallas over Green Bay

Championship Round:
New England over San Diego, Philadelphia over Dallas

Super Bowl:
New England over Philadelphia

Yes, yes, I have the Patriots winning it all, despite them not winning a playoff game since 08. I know, I know, but with the lockout shortening teams seasons, a team with lots of stability like the Patriots are bound to do well all year, and it's just not easy to repeat in the NFL. I do think the Packers have the most talent in the NFC, but Dallas's defense will improve under Rob Ryan and with a healthy Tony Romo, with the receiving corps they have, I can see them pulling the stunner on the Packers, even with them having HFA. I don't wanna buy into the dream team hype, but Michael Vick does have another year in this system and is the unquestioned starter, unlike last year where he had Kolb in front of him. I'm not certain of this pick at all (but who really ever is sure of their preseason picks?) since we know ANYTHING can happen in the NFL Playoffs (Seattle vs. New Orleans this year says hi). I do think the Chargers will give the Patriots a serious run for their money, but I can't pick them over New England because of their coaching.

And yes, Jets fans, I know you guys showed them up in the playoffs last year. But not only is making the conference championship as a wild card 3 straight years tough, but I think their WR core slightly regressed and that Belichick will not forget that loss in the Divisional Round last year.

Very unsure predictions, but hey, that's what there for. Also...

Top 3 contenders:
MVP: 1. Philip Rivers 2. Aaron Rodgers 3. Tom Brady
Offensive POY: 1. Jamaal Charles 2. Adrian Peterson 3. LeGarrett Blount
Defensive POY: 1. Clay Mathews 2. Darelle Revis 3. Ndamokung Suh (slight homer pick)
Offensive ROY: 1. Mark Ingram 2. Julio Jones 3. Andy Dalton
Defensive ROY: 1. Marcell Dareus 2. Ryan Kerrigan 3. Patrick Peterson
Here I go...


1. Patriots
2. Pittsburgh
3. San Diego
5. Baltimore
6. Jets

1. Eagles
2. Packers
3. Falcons
4. Rams
5. Saints
6. Cowboys
Wildcard Week:
Jets beat San Diego
Baltimore Beats Indy

Saints redeem themselves and beat the Rams
Falcons beat the Cowboys

Divisional Days
Jets beat Pittsburgh
Baltimore beats New England

Falcons defeat the Packers
Eagles beat the Saints

Conference Championships:
Baltimore beats the Jets, making the Jets one step closer to becoming the Buffalo Bills of the AFC championship

Falcons beat the Eagles.

Super BOWL:

Falcons beat the Raves. I have literally no evidence or reason to support this, just a gut feeling. So instead, I will now discuss the rest of my picks.

Wild Card Round

The Colts will continue to regress this year, plus, I think Baltimore will prove to be a great match for them. If Joe Falcco plays well, they'll definitely win.
Baltimore 27 Indy 14

Jets, are out to prove they're not conference chokers, and will come out with the biggest thing they have, their heart. San Diego will come out, gunning the ball. Alas, Norv Turner, and Special Teams will bring them down. Even with new kick off rules, I still see ST becoming the Achilles Heel

NYJ-28 SD-24

MEANwhile, New Orleans, is looking to bounce bcak from last year's loss to the Seahawk's by facing another NFC West team, St. Louis. Bradford's improved, but I don't think he can get them quite to the next level yet, and Brees will show people just why they won the Super Bowl in 2010

New Orleans-31
St. Louis-17

Atlanta will take on a Dallas team trying to make up for last year's sad, sad season. Romo, out to prove he can lead Dallas, will come out looking sharp. Ultimately, Ryan will just outgun Romo and lead Atlanta to the Divisional

Atlanta- 38
Dallas- 34
Divisional Round:

New York will take on Pittsburgh in a rematch of Last year's AFC championship. Pittsburgh will jump out to a fast start, like last year, and the Jets will make another comeback. The only difference? The Jets will complete it this time.

Jets- 21

Meanwhile, New England will take on a tough Baltimore team. Patriots? Haven't won a playoff game since 2008. Plus, I have a feeling if the going get's tough, Haynes and Ocho will both quit on the team. Not sure, but a gut feeling.

After an embarassing showing last year, the Falcons will prevail over Green Bay. That's just the way it is. Giants win Super Bowl. Don't win Playoff Game.
Steelers miss Playoffs. Saints lose to 7-9 team. Colts fell to the Chargers. I'm sorry, but Super Bowl hangover, and nagging injuries just seem too likely for Green Bay.

Green Bay-17

Meanwhile, the Saints are out to show who they really are by facing Super Philidelphia. Unfortunately, I'd say Brees will have some trouble against Corners, while Vick blazes New Orleans to reach Conference.

New Orleans-17

I'll ad the rest when I'm not lazy
Now that I have all the divisions done, it's time for the playoffs.

1. New England
2. San Diego
3. Pittsburgh
4. Indianapolis
5. New York Jets
6. Houston

I have Kansas City on the outside because I predict Houston will win the tiebreaker based on conference record. I have Houston going 1-3 against the NFC South while Kansas City goes 2-2 against the NFC North with the game against Detroit in Week 2 being most key. I also have San Diego getting the bye over Pittsburgh based on the same tiebreaker as well.

1. Atlanta
2. Philadelphia
3. Green Bay
4. St. Louis
5. Chicago
6. New Orleans

Green Bay wins the division over Chicago based on division record. Chicago faces the AFC West while New Orleans faces the AFC South which are two weak divisions. I think New Orleans will win more out-of-conference games than Chicago so the Bears would be 5th and the Saints 6th. Dallas and Tampa Bay finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs.

I have Pittsburgh, New York Jets, Chicago, and New Orleans winning their first round playoff matchups.

1. New England
5. New York Jets

2. San Diego
3. Pittsburgh

1. Atlanta
6. New Orleans

2. Philadelphia
5. Chicago

I got New England getting revenge for last year, Pittsburgh in a tight one, Atlanta, and Chicago in an upset.

1. New England
3. Pittsburgh

1. Atlanta
5. Chicago

Pittsburgh will finally get over New England in the AFC Championship Game as we lost to them in 2002 and in 2005. The NFC side was tough as I like Jay Cutler and Matt Ryan. I have the Chicago Bears advancing to the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl: Pittsburgh vs. Chicago

I don't see either team reaching 20 points as this will be as old school as old school can get. Roethlisberger will make the play to win the game and the Steelers will win 17-14 with Mike Wallace being the MVP.
It's too late to change my predictions but obviously the Colts aren't going to the playoffs this year. Houston will finally win the AFC South basically by default.
I'm still sticking with the Colts. Their two hardest games are near the end of the season at Baltimore and New England. Their schedule is easy and I don't believe in anything Texan-related besides Andre Johnson. If New England can win 11 games without Brady, I have faith that the Colts can win 9 or 10 games without Manning.
I'm still sticking with the Colts. Their two hardest games are near the end of the season at Baltimore and New England. Their schedule is easy and I don't believe in anything Texan-related besides Andre Johnson. If New England can win 11 games without Brady, I have faith that the Colts can win 9 or 10 games without Manning.

The Pats had a good young backup qb and an extremely talented offense around him. The Colts have Kerry Collins and a bunch of guys that Manning made look good outside of Wayne and Clark.
The Pats had a good young backup qb and an extremely talented offense around him. The Colts have Kerry Collins and a bunch of guys that Manning made look good outside of Wayne and Clark.
Lets be fair. Nobody on gods green earth knew what Matt Cassel was before Brady tore his knee up.

And who the hell knows who will be the QB for the Colts in 3 weeks. MAYBE they reach out to David Garrard, who would start, and is more competant (that doesn't mean he's good) then Collins.

I am gonna go out on a limb and say that Tennessee wins the division. Chris Johnson is the best running back in the division, Matt Hasselbeck is the 2nd best QB (Manning excluded due to health).

As for the rest of the division winners, I have the Jets finally getting past the Pats, the Ravens one-upping the Steelers, and the Chargers in the West.

Seeding for the AFC Playoffs:
1. Jets
2. Ravens
3. Chargers
4. Titans
5. Pats
6. Steelers

In the NFC, I have the Eagles barely getting by the Cowboys in the East; the Saints in the South, the Rams in the West, and the Packers in the North.

NFC Seeding:
1. Saints
2. Packers
3. Rams
4. Eagles
5. Cowboys
6. Bucs

As for the other teams, well, who gives a crap about them. However, I will say that Buffalo WILL have a better record then Miami. They will likely end the season 7-9 or 6-10.

In the Championship games, I have the Saints playing the Eagles, and the Jets playing the Ravens. The Saints beat the Cowboys in the Divisional round, and the Eagles beat the Packers. The Ravens beat the Chargers, and the Jets beat the Titans.

Then I have the Saints playing the Jets in the Super Bowl. Take a wild guess who I have winning it all. The Jets. Why? Because I'm a Jets fan, and picking a top 3 team in the AFC to win it all isn't that far-fetched.

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