NFL Thread - 2010-11

Michael Vick was awesome. I wonder if people are eating some crow? The general concensus was that Vick was a shit person who should have done more time in prison and doesn't even deserve to sniff the NFL. The idea of Vick possibly changing as a person or his personal values was ignored. You can't go any lower than jail sometimes and it looks like 2 years was enough because Vick's finally matured out there. He always had the arm stength, the athleticism, and talent -- but his technique and mechanics were always flawed. He played like an elite NFL QB out there and I'm happy for the guy.
Michael Vick was awesome. I wonder if people are eating some crow? The general concensus was that Vick was a shit person who should have done more time in prison and doesn't even deserve to sniff the NFL. The idea of Vick possibly changing as a person or his personal values was ignored. You can't go any lower than jail sometimes and it looks like 2 years was enough because Vick's finally matured out there. He always had the arm stength, the athleticism, and talent -- but his technique and mechanics were always flawed. He played like an elite NFL QB out there and I'm happy for the guy.
The only people eating crow are the people who thought he should be a running back or Wide Receiver when he came back, which was hogwash. He has been an elite quarterback this season, no doubt about it, and if the season ended today, he should be 2nd in the MVP vote behind Peyton Manning. All the people who believe he should never see an NFL field again don't give a shit how well he performs, they will never root for him, and they have every right to do that. I am rooting for the man, but I understand why people will never root for him, and you can't blame them. What he did was likely the most heinous act an active NFL player has ever done, and there are plenty of people who think he should still be in prison.
The only people eating crow are the people who thought he should be a running back or Wide Receiver when he came back, which was hogwash. He has been an elite quarterback this season, no doubt about it, and if the season ended today, he should be 2nd in the MVP vote behind Peyton Manning. All the people who believe he should never see an NFL field again don't give a shit how well he performs, they will never root for him, and they have every right to do that. I am rooting for the man, but I understand why people will never root for him, and you can't blame them. What he did was likely the most heinous act an active NFL player has ever done, and there are plenty of people who think he should still be in prison.

The most heinous act an NFL player has ever done would be Leonard Little driving drunk and killing a women. The most fucked up part about it was that he served ZERO jail time and was only suspended 8 games. I don't care how many dogs Vick killed, One person's live > that of a bunch of dogs.

People also don't understand the culture that Vick grew up in. As a kid the dog fighting ring was all around him and it wasn't seen as bad. If you grow up and are taught that something is normal then it's hard to shake that habit. That is in no way an excuse for Vick and as a grown man he knew that what he was doing was wrong. That's why I was fine with his suspension and jail time, but for those people who think he should have done even more jail time and should have been banned from the NFL forever that is just ludicrous. He paid his debt to society and has done plenty to make up for his horrible acts. the fuck happened last night!?

Let me start off by saying that right now, Vick is the MVP of the league. This guy is unreal right now. Over 400 yards rushing and passing with 6 TDs. Watching that game, Vick looks like a legit NFL QB, and an elite one at that. Watching that, you saw a guy who, in his past, would have ran the ball if he couldn't find anyone in 3 seconds. Now you see a guy who wants to throw, so he's sitting in the pocket, moving when he needs to, and looking downfield, trying to find a guy open. Vick is finally putting the effort in, and we are all seeing the results. Who would have thought that in just year 2, Vick is playing better than he has ever before, and better than anyone else in the league?

Then, there are my Redskins. This was the worst performance I've seen in a long time. They were absolutely crushed. McNabb looked old and slow out there, while throwing 3 INTs. The defense was garbage. Haynesworth quit on one of the TD plays, as has been seen I'm sure thousands of times. This team is flawed and is not making the playoffs. I know you can't judge 1 game and say that's it, but in this case you can. I had them as a Wildcard but its not going to happen. There are too many things wrong with this team. And on the day they hand out a huge contract to McNabb. Unbelievable.

In a bit of good news of sorts, it is said that if. McNabb is cut or traded after this season, the Redskins would only owe him $3.75 million. So, while I and tdigs may be heated over such a stupid move, there's no guarantee he will be the starter after this season. I'm sure he will be judged on how he performs for the rest of this season, and with only that much to pay him, I wouldn't be surprised to see him cut.
The Redskins have a lot more wrong with them then Donovann McNabb. He actually played well last night and at least one of the interceptions he threw was not his fault at all. The defense was atrocious and the receivers couldn't catch a pass to save their lives. McNabb hasn't been great this season but he's a better qb then the Redskins have had in a while and while his contract is too big, unless they're planning on rebuilding completely then I'd suggest they hang on to McNabb for at least another season.
The most heinous act an NFL player has ever done would be Leonard Little driving drunk and killing a women. The most fucked up part about it was that he served ZERO jail time and was only suspended 8 games. I don't care how many dogs Vick killed, One person's live > that of a bunch of dogs.
I agree with all of this, except the act of getting drunk and committing vehicular manslaughter isn't as HEINOUS as knowingly brutally murdering a living creature. What Little did was worse, but it wasn't heinous. Heinous=Hatefully and shockingly evil (according to Merriam Webster dictionary). Little (and Stallworth) did something terrible, and disgusting, but it isn't really hatefully and shockingly evil.

People also don't understand the culture that Vick grew up in. As a kid the dog fighting ring was all around him and it wasn't seen as bad. If you grow up and are taught that something is normal then it's hard to shake that habit. That is in no way an excuse for Vick and as a grown man he knew that what he was doing was wrong. That's why I was fine with his suspension and jail time, but for those people who think he should have done even more jail time and should have been banned from the NFL forever that is just ludicrous. He paid his debt to society and has done plenty to make up for his horrible acts.
This is the truth. People whom are used to having Dogs as pets think that's what every culture thinks of them. He did the crime, and he did his time, now it's time to move on.

Speaking of moving on, the Steelers moved on from Jeff Reed, because they're stupid as shit. He missed 1 kick and gets cut because of it. They signed Shaun Suisham to replace him. Suisham has been nothing for years (cut by the Cowboys 3 times, Redskins twice, and he was with the Steelers in training camp in 2005). Jeff Reed is at worst a solid kicker who made one bad kick, and now will likely be scooped up pretty quick by another team, like the Bengals (who need a kicker).
The Redskins have a lot more wrong with them then Donovann McNabb. He actually played well last night and at least one of the interceptions he threw was not his fault at all. The defense was atrocious and the receivers couldn't catch a pass to save their lives. McNabb hasn't been great this season but he's a better qb then the Redskins have had in a while and while his contract is too big, unless they're planning on rebuilding completely then I'd suggest they hang on to McNabb for at least another season.

Oh, believe me I know this team has a lot wrong with it. While I don't think McNabb played that well, he was not the reason we lost. The defense was just garbage. Having said that,, I brought up the contract because it seems as if the Redskins can get out of it without any real damage, it would be after this season. And I understand that he's a better QB than we've had in the past, but I don't like making that argument for the simple fact as it sounds like he gets a pass. He can play bad but its ok because he's better than Campbell. (And I'm not saying that's what your saying, so let's not turn that into an argument).

I just think that if this team continues to struggle down the stretch, can Shanahan and McNabb coexist? Believe me, I want McNabb to succeed here. I just don't know that, if more problems arise, that Snyder would pick McNabb over Shanahan. Anyways, too many thoughts from last night's game clouding my thinking when it comes to this team. While I probably shouldn't have said good news, my thought still stands. If McNabb struggles, I don't know if he makes it to next season. It might not be the smartest decision, but neither was giving McNabb that contract.
This may just be my hatred for the Bears talking but even though they are 6-3 I see them finishing with 9 wins at the most and that won't get them in the playoffs. The tough part of their schedule is just beginning with games at Miami and Green Bay and home games against the Eagles, Patriots, and Jets still left on the schedule. Even the other two games against the Vikings and Lions are both divisional games on the road and those are never gimmes no matter how shitty the teams are.

Don't get me wrong, the Bears are definitely lucky to be 6-3. However, the offensive line has shored up, the offense is committed to the run, doing a pretty solid job against the Vikings, and for the most part Cutler has kept his mistakes down in wins. This schedule definitely isn't easy, but if the Bears play like they did against the Vikings, I can see them getting to maybe 10 or 11 wins on the season. The defense and special teams have been the upsides on the season, and as long as they play well and the offense doesn't commit turnovers left and right then they can get a few more than 3 more wins.
Don't get me wrong, the Bears are definitely lucky to be 6-3. However, the offensive line has shored up, the offense is committed to the run, doing a pretty solid job against the Vikings, and for the most part Cutler has kept his mistakes down in wins. This schedule definitely isn't easy, but if the Bears play like they did against the Vikings, I can see them getting to maybe 10 or 11 wins on the season. The defense and special teams have been the upsides on the season, and as long as they play well and the offense doesn't commit turnovers left and right then they can get a few more than 3 more wins.

I just don't see where the wins are going to come other then the Vikes, Lions, and possibly Dolphins. They are just outmatched by the other teams. I know they played well against Minnesota but that isn't exactly overly impressive. This is the same Minnesota team that needed a miraculous comeback to beat the Arizona Cardinals at home just one week prior.
I just don't see where the wins are going to come other then the Vikes, Lions, and possibly Dolphins. They are just outmatched by the other teams. I know they played well against Minnesota but that isn't exactly overly impressive. This is the same Minnesota team that needed a miraculous comeback to beat the Arizona Cardinals at home just one week prior.

The Eagles, Jets, and Patriots aren't unbeatable. Is it a long shot to win those games? Definitely. I mean shit, everyone picked Green Bay over the Bears and the Bears won. No matter what a win is a win, by luck or by skill. It's not within the realm of impossibility for the Bears to beat these teams. The Bears defense is in the Top 5 of every stat except passing yards and the special teams has been good as usual. The offense has never been the standout side to any Bears team. The defense and special teams at least deserve credit for playing well while the offense hasn't played well on a consistent basis.
Speaking of moving on, the Steelers moved on from Jeff Reed, because they're stupid as shit. He missed 1 kick and gets cut because of it. They signed Shaun Suisham to replace him. Suisham has been nothing for years (cut by the Cowboys 3 times, Redskins twice, and he was with the Steelers in training camp in 2005). Jeff Reed is at worst a solid kicker who made one bad kick, and now will likely be scooped up pretty quick by another team, like the Bengals (who need a kicker).

Reed wasn't cut because of one kick, he hasn't been very good all year. He is just 15 for 22 overall and just 2 for 8 from 40 yards plus. Pittsburgh is one of the hardest cities to kick in because of the way the wind blows in that stadium and that is why I believe Suisham was signed. He is not only a veteran kicker but he has kicked in Pittsburgh before as he was on their training camp and pre season roster as a rookie in 2005.

Suisham hasn't been great throughout his career but he had a solid season last year going 20 for 24 in Dallas and Washington including a very impressive 6 for 6 from 40-49 yards.
Reed wasn't cut because of one kick, he hasn't been very good all year. He is just 15 for 22 overall and just 2 for 8 from 40 yards plus. Pittsburgh is one of the hardest cities to kick in because of the way the wind blows in that stadium and that is why I believe Suisham was signed. He is not only a veteran kicker but he has kicked in Pittsburgh before as he was on their training camp and pre season roster as a rookie in 2005.

Suisham hasn't been great throughout his career but he had a solid season last year going 20 for 24 in Dallas and Washington including a very impressive 6 for 6 from 40-49 yards.
Jeff Reed was excellent for them for years. He has had one off year, and he's gone? That's crap. Especially since as you said Pittsburgh is a hard place to kick. Did you know Jeff Red has the 13th highest FG% of ALL TIME (even higher if you take out active guys who only kicked for a couple years)? The fact that he did that in one of the hardest places to kick is amazing.

Don't go talking like Suisham was all that and a bag of chips. Suisham was with them in Training Camp 2005, and he was so good that he couldn't even make the 53 man roster. Then he goes and gets cut by Dallas, Washington, Dallas, Washington, and Dallas during his career? Dallas plays INDOORS, which is easier to kick in, and he can't get the job done there. Why would he get the job done in Pittsburgh? Yes, he had some good kicks (he missed 2 40-49's in the playoff loss, and 6overall +1 Extra Point last year), but it wasn't enough for him to keep his job in Washington (who went with an unproven rookie), OR Dallas, who went with an unproven rookie kickoff guy for their Field Goals.

Don't get me wrong, I love the move, since it clearly doesn't make Pittsburgh any better.
Jeff Reed was excellent for them for years. He has had one off year, and he's gone? That's crap. Especially since as you said Pittsburgh is a hard place to kick. Did you know Jeff Red has the 13th highest FG% of ALL TIME (even higher if you take out active guys who only kicked for a couple years)? The fact that he did that in one of the hardest places to kick is amazing.

Don't go talking like Suisham was all that and a bag of chips. Suisham was with them in Training Camp 2005, and he was so good that he couldn't even make the 53 man roster. Then he goes and gets cut by Dallas, Washington, Dallas, Washington, and Dallas during his career? Dallas plays INDOORS, which is easier to kick in, and he can't get the job done there. Why would he get the job done in Pittsburgh? Yes, he had some good kicks (he missed 2 40-49's in the playoff loss, and 6overall +1 Extra Point last year), but it wasn't enough for him to keep his job in Washington (who went with an unproven rookie), OR Dallas, who went with an unproven rookie kickoff guy for their Field Goals.

Don't get me wrong, I love the move, since it clearly doesn't make Pittsburgh any better.

No one is denying what Jeff Reed has done in the past but you know as well as I do that this is a what have you done for me lately league. Loyalty really means jack shit. Pitt is trying to win a SB and if having a kicker who is having an off year could be detrimental to that then a move has to be made. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pitt bring him back next year or even this year if Suisham struggles.

It is very rare for a kicker to spend his whole career with one team. Some of the best kickers ever played for multiple teams. Gary Anderson and Morten Andersen each played for 5 teams. John Carney played for 7. Jason Elam spent 15 years in Denver before going to Atlanta. Kicker is one of the more important positions to a football team and when they are struggling things like past success and loyalty have to be thrown out the window for the betterment of the football team.
Jeff Reed has had plenty of "off the field" issues as well here. He's beaten up a paper towel dispenser (yes you heard me right) and got in trouble for it. Drunkenly stuck up for a teamate that was being arrested for public urination, and other drunken mishaps. He also basically called the Rooney's "liars" in an interview during training. Couple those things with missing a number of field goals this year, and blaming the field conditions for the most recent miss, as well as off handidly making comments about the fans and his ass is gone. I think the guy is one of the better FG kickers of all time really, but his antics are why he is gone and not his lack of production this year.
No one is denying what Jeff Reed has done in the past but you know as well as I do that this is a what have you done for me lately league. Loyalty really means jack shit. Pitt is trying to win a SB and if having a kicker who is having an off year could be detrimental to that then a move has to be made. I wouldn't be surprised to see Pitt bring him back next year or even this year if Suisham struggles.

It is very rare for a kicker to spend his whole career with one team. Some of the best kickers ever played for multiple teams. Gary Anderson and Morten Andersen each played for 5 teams. John Carney played for 7. Jason Elam spent 15 years in Denver before going to Atlanta. Kicker is one of the more important positions to a football team and when they are struggling things like past success and loyalty have to be thrown out the window for the betterment of the football team.
I still don't understand how anyone can think Shaun Suisham is a better option. The guy has had an OK at best year last year (and was still let go by 1 team and not retained by another), and even then I'd still want a kicker that has been able to do it in the past and isn't past his prime (Reed).

Jeff Reed has had plenty of "off the field" issues as well here. He's beaten up a paper towel dispenser (yes you heard me right) and got in trouble for it. Drunkenly stuck up for a teamate that was being arrested for public urination, and other drunken mishaps.
So has the quarterback on numerous occasions, but he not only was retained (when he could have been had for a lot), but he's been loved since he came back.

He also basically called the Rooney's "liars" in an interview during training. Couple those things with missing a number of field goals this year, and blaming the field conditions for the most recent miss, as well as off handidly making comments about the fans and his ass is gone. I think the guy is one of the better FG kickers of all time really, but his antics are why he is gone and not his lack of production this year.
The sad thing is he's generally right about the field in Pittsburgh. It has been known to be crap on numerous occasions. The remark about the fans is the one thing I can agree for certain you don't do as an athlete.

I won't say the guy is a good guy, and I do not recall what he said about the Rooney's in Training Camp. However, if the Rooney's gave a shit about "character" (which they claim to do), they would have gotten rid of the Quarterback prior to the season. Until then, they are a bunch of hypocrites.
Reed's release was definitely just as much for his off the field antics as for what he did on the field. He complained about his contract situation in the offseason, he beat up a paper towel dispenser at Sheetz, he went on a rant about Pittsburgh and the fans after the last game. He's also missed a bunch of field goals, mostly at critical points in the game.

If he was missing field goals but still being a model citizen he'd still be with the team, just like if he was being an asshole and making everything he'd still be with the team. He can't be both.

I'd think there has to be someone better than Suisham out there though, he's awful.
So I think Troy Smith can actually be a good Quarterback for the 49ers. Someone shoot me. Facts are facts and Troy is 2-0 with a QB rating of 116.6 2 TDs through the air and one on the ground in his first 2 starts. Someone please tell em I'm crazy. Can Troy Smith be the answer in San Fran?
I despise Troy Smith and think that he will never be a consistent starter in the NFL. He has started two games, one was average and the other he played great but it's only two games. Alex Smith had a great few game stretch at the end of the last season for the Niners and people were saying the same things about him. Troy Smith is still very erratic at times and also is not the most accurate qb. He's fine for a little spark for a few game stretch but as a legitimate week in and week out starter I just don't see it.
I despise Troy Smith and think that he will never be a consistent starter in the NFL. He has started two games, one was average and the other he played great but it's only two games. Alex Smith had a great few game stretch at the end of the last season for the Niners and people were saying the same things about him. Troy Smith is still very erratic at times and also is not the most accurate qb. He's fine for a little spark for a few game stretch but as a legitimate week in and week out starter I just don't see it.

I said this earlier this week-Troy Smith just may save the 49ers this season. He brings a different attitude and ability to this team than Alex ever did. He has got this offense playing much better than Alex did. Unless Troy gets injuried, Alex will not see the field again this season.

Having said that, I agree with you. Although you have a hate for the Ohio State alum, your asessment of him is pretty accurate. He can get erratic and inaccurate enough to where you wouldn't want that as your starting QB. And in fact, I don't believe he is the long term answer for the team. He is a much better option than Alex is, but he's not a QB that you build your team around. He isn't even a QB you would want to manage your team, like say Orton does for the Broncos. He's doing exactly what he's good for-bringing a spark to a team that desperately needed one. Coming in for a few weeks is all good, but he not the solution.

Having said all that, he may be enough to give them the division this year. The Rams are still young, the Seahawks and Cardinals are garbage. If Troy doesn't make too many mistakes, he may be enough to lead this team on. The fact that he's 2-0 has boosted the morale of this team and can inspire these guys to keep fighting.

Basically its this- short term? Yes. Long term? No.
Reed's release was definitely just as much for his off the field antics as for what he did on the field. He complained about his contract situation in the offseason, he beat up a paper towel dispenser at Sheetz, he went on a rant about Pittsburgh and the fans after the last game. He's also missed a bunch of field goals, mostly at critical points in the game.

If he was missing field goals but still being a model citizen he'd still be with the team, just like if he was being an asshole and making everything he'd still be with the team. He can't be both.

I'd think there has to be someone better than Suisham out there though, he's awful.

I think if they were going to release Reed due to his off-field antics, they would have done so in the off-season, rather then franchise him. His release has everything to do with his stats.

The kicking in of the towel dispenser occurred in early 2009, right after the Steelers won the Super Bowl. He complained all off-season about his contract and about being "lied to" by management. He was coming off a down season, but the Steelers obviously still had enough faith and trust in him that he would get the job done.

The problem is, he didnt. He was only 15 of 22 on field goals, which is an awful percentage. Not only that, he was missing short field goals, the last being a 23 yarder.

I dont know a whole lot about Suisham, but hopefully, he's an improvement over what the Steelers were getting with Reed. With a kicker, if they slump, you can't just bench them, because the team only keeps one. Unfortunately, that's what happened to Reed here. They released him, and I dont think they had much of a choice.
Shaun "Shazam" Suisham (as Chris Cooley would say) is really nothing special at the kicker position. He is a nice fill in guy, but never a kicker that is going to be a franchise type of guy. I'd expect to see Pitt seeking a kicker in the offseason in the draft or through free agency if any are available.

A bit of feel good story news here. Kevin Curtis (former Rams and Eagles WR) has had a cancerous testicle removed and is now trying out for the Detroit Lions. Lets hope everything works out whats best for him.
I see Troy Smith as a guy like Bruce Gradkowski. He can pull off a few wins as a sub for a 4-5 week stretch, but shouldn't be your franchise QB. Bruce has done it with the Raiders both last year beating the Bengals and Steelers in back to back weeks, and is a change of pace guy, exactly like Troy Smith will be. That's not to say the 49ers should get rid of him once his contract runs out, because he can be a good backup, but he'll just never be "that" guy.

The 49ers should go after a QB in this draft, obviously. Maybe not a top prospect, a guy to develop, but someone. Smith can fill the void for a year or two.
Your AFC South prediction is disheartening.

The Titans have done nothing but improve since our 8-8 season last year. With Vince Young at the helm to start the season, and looking at our first 6 cames, 5-1 or even 6-0 is very obtainable. Once VY came in last year Chris Johnson never had a game under 100 yards rushing so look for more of the same this year. Kenny Britt is coming into his own and we have a really solid receiving core as well with Britt, Washington and Gage. Our defense has a ton of depth on it and our defensive line is looking the best it has in years. Derrick Morgan looked great in his first pre-season game getting something like 4 QB hurries and defensive tackle Jason Jones is looking awesome as well. Our only real question mark is our 2nd corner back position but we have guys who are stepping up and playing decent enough.

8-8? Nah we're better than the Texans. 10-4 or better.

1 Sep 12 OAK @ TEN - WIN
2 Sep 19 PIT @ TEN - WIN
3 Sep 26 TEN @ NYG - WIN
4 Oct 03 DEN @ TEN - WIN
5 Oct 10 TEN @ DAL - LOSS
6 Oct 18 TEN @ JAC - WIN
7 Oct 24 PHI @ TEN - WIN
8 Oct 31 TEN @ SD - LOSS
9 Bye
10 Nov 14 TEN @ MIA - LOSS
11 Nov 21 WAS @ TEN - WIN
12 Nov 28 TEN @ HOU - WIN
13 Dec 05 JAC @ TEN - LOSS
14 Dec 09 IND @ TEN - LOSS
15 Dec 19 HOU @ TEN - WIN
16 Dec 26 TEN @ KC - WIN
17 Jan 02 TEN @ IND - WIN

My prediction, not so unrealistic IMO.
Pretty close, got a lot of flack for my predictions, especially the NFC East victories. Pretty much everything I said has come to fruition so far.
Pretty close, got a lot of flack for my predictions, especially the NFC East victories. Pretty much everything I said has come to fruition so far.

Not really. So far you've only predicted 6 of the 10 games correct and overall you said they would finish 11-5. They are now 5-5 so unless they win out, which isn't happening, you are wrong there as well. Looking at their remaining schedule I see a 9-7 team at best.
Not really. So far you've only predicted 6 of the 10 games correct and overall you said they would finish 11-5. They are now 5-5 so unless they win out, which isn't happening, you are wrong there as well. Looking at their remaining schedule I see a 9-7 team at best.

I was alluding more to the NFC East prediction and my little write up, not game by game predictions. Irrelevant now, our season is over after Vince's implosion.

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