New WWE Title Design (Keep it all in here!!!!)


the Frog

The Rock revealed it tonight. What do you guys think about it? I personally love it. I was never a big fan of the spinner belt. It looks like the belt rumored to be coming out a few months ago.

I am referring to this:


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The new WWE title. It's horrendous. :wtf:. It is just a huge WWE logo. IT LOOKS LIKE A TOY. Who agrees, disagrees, why? Hopefully it will only remain like that until the Rock drops it. If I had it my way the Mick would smash it to bits RIGHT NOW.
The new WWE title. It's horrendous. :wtf:. It is just a huge WWE logo. IT LOOKS LIKE A TOY. Who agrees, disagrees, why? Hopefully it will only remain like that until the Rock drops it. Thoughts??? If I had it my way the Mick would smash it to bits RIGHT NOW.

You are right. Why would the WWE Title have a huge WWE logo on it? Really, how does it look any more like a toy than the spinner belt?
Ugh, when he was talking about all the legends who have held the title I really thought he was going to bring the eagle belt back. Instead, we get this garbage. It's an improvement over the spinner belt, but that isn't exactly saying much.
I was really hoping for a classically designed belt and not this garbage, but I do like it more than the spinner
I'm not one of those. Assholes who is clinging onto this idea that wrestling should be just like it was when I was 11 but that is a fuck ugly belt. It is everything Rock said was wrong with the spinner. Brahma bulls on the side? It looks even more like a toy than the previous WWE title when it didn't spin.
Well while it may not be AS BAD, it still looks like a toy. Why is the whole belt just a logo. I personally hate it with a passion.
I'm worried that instead of a nameplate the logos on the side will change with each title holder. I also think that's a really stupid idea.

I would love if they just made the WHC the #1 belt
Few things to bring up.

It's a custom belt. Notice the Rock's horn logo on the sides? Doesn't mean this belt is set in stone in it's current look.

Second, the belt doesn't suck as bad as the spinner belt. It looks like a title belt and the point of the belt is to market the belt as the WWE title. It pales in comparison to the World Heavyweight Title, but it'll look better once someone else has the title. Let's hope Cena doesn't regain the belt and take it back to the spinner.

Third, the belt HAS to look like a toy, despite what Rock says. WWE is trying to market the belt toward kids, and even though I personally liked the Eagle title belt from the says of Hogan, Hart, and so on, most kids don't. It's all about the mon-ay!

So it could be worse, but it could be better... and actually might end up better when it's all said and done.
How is this a belt that ANY other Superstar can hold with Brahma Bulls on the side? It looks like a giant wrist watch.

The WWE should have a legit looking title. Some thing with a World on it. Something representing greatness. What a waste to put the company title on a part time movie star, and then to create a make believe title.
I actually like the new belt a lot. It's more of a modern design than anything they've ever had. It's clean and concise and unlike, well, every other wrestling belt in the last 30 years, it's not gaudy in the least.

Oh, and if CM punk debuted this belt, you fools would be all over it like stink on shit. This belt actually fits Punk's current character to a tee, due to it's minimalist design. I don't think we will be seeing Cena walk out of Mania as champion any more.
For years people have been wanting a new WWE title. I constantly heard "anything but the spinner" and now they are so quick to chastise this belt that The Rock revealed tonight. Shows how fickle the IWC is.

How is this a belt that ANY other Superstar can hold with Brahma Bulls on the side? It looks like a giant wrist watch.

The WWE should have a legit looking title. Some thing with a World on it. Something representing greatness. What a waste to put the company title on a part time movie star, and then to create a make believe title.

I actually like it.

The only thing I don't like about it is the brahma bulls on the side, but like The Lariat alluded to, I doubt that part of the belt is permanent. Either the logo of the champion will replace the side plates each time a new champion wins it, or it might just have something generic like globes or something on the side.

It's duller than past championships, true, but to me it looks like a more legit championship belt than the spinner belt for sure. The spinner belt played into a fad, whereas this looks like something a real champion would wear, kind of like what the Rock was saying in his speech. I like the fact that the belt says "champion" and not "champ." I like how big the logo in the middle is. Actually I like how big the belt is in general.

It seems to be pretty unpopular to say it at the moment on here, but I don't care, I like it. I don't think it's as good as the winged eagle championship (my favorite ever), or the Attitude Era one (not the smoking skull belt, but the classic belt when Stone Cold first won it and that the Rock had), but it's certainly not horrible and is a big improvement of the spinner belt. It doesn't like a belt for some cheesy gimmick, like the spinner was for Cena's "wannabe rapper" gimmick. This looks like a legit belt that a legit champion would wear.

It's good IMO.
I've long been an anything other than the Spinner design guy, so I'm fine with this. I'm sure it'll grow on me. It's not the belt I'd have chosen, but it's an upgrade.
It's a decent improvement over the spinner.I like the leather behind the WWE logo being visible, it's different. Not to fond of the bulls on the side, maybe they'll change them when The Rock loses it.

Anyone else think it looks a little like the US title? Not as in plates, but the leather.
Anyone else think it looks a little like the US title? Not as in plates, but the leather.

Not sure what you mean by "the leather," but the main plate is more or less the same shape as the main plate on the U.S. Championship. Sort of a baseball home plate shape. I remember The Miz saying the U.S. Title was uncomfortable because of its shape; makes me wonder if this would be an issue with this WWE Title. Not that I'd expect anyone to cry too loudly about it.

THIS is the official design, taken directly from, which is a clear sign that Rock's version is only temporary(as if it wasn't obvious already).

Either that, or it means that the sideplates will actually be interchangable depending on who holds it to make up for the lack of having a nameplate, which I think's actually a pretty cool sounding concept.

My only real gripe is the plain black backround behind the logo, which could've easily been replaced by a large logo(Winged Eagle perhaps?) or hell, even plain gold. but then again, I can dig wanting the main logo to stand out. Other than that though, it looks pretty damn good.
I don't hate it , I did always hate the spinner belt. As the Rock was talking I was hoping for the return of the eagle belt like many others were as well. In some ways I like the design and in others I don't. It didn't need the bulls on the sides and seeing that I suspect like others have stated this could very well be a transitional belt. It suits the current champion though so for the current run it works really good. I saw some comment and ask why they went with a big WWE logo but that should be self evident... It is the WWE championship! It makes it instantly recognisable as to who is the WWE champion vr's the world heavy weight champion. My guess is by Summer Slam we will see yet another belt but for now I am just glad to see them retire the spinner!
It's worse than the spinner. Actually, what are we talking about? The spinner hasn't been used in years until tonight. The fact remains the previous belt was way better looking than this blown up class ring. It's probably the worst belt they've ever had.
Such a pathetic design seriously. If we were going to get this piece of shit, I rather keep the spinner belt. Yes the spinner belt is bad, but not as bad as that piece of shit right there.

The Rock was speaking about how when a new person watches wrestling, he would want the person to be inspired by the belt, how the fuck is anyone going to be inspired by that?

That looks like a piece of shit, why are their shining jewels around it? This is worse then that GotDamn spinner belt.
I think the belt is alright, and I definitely like it more than I do the old design, but I'm curious about what they'll do with the bull logos when someone else has the title. Will those change or will they stay that way?
The more I think about it I think the WWE wants the championship to represent entertainment as well as athletic supremacy. I too was looking for a more traditional look this cycle especially after the Rock's promo as mentioned ealier. I also have a soft spot for that title back in the day with the wings. I wish it had less diamonds and more gold personally. As was mentioned by fans on the wrestlezone news update board overall it's cool that it will usher in a new era.
I like it and for the people complaining that it should be like the 80's or Attitude Era style,just stop already. Sure beats the TNA World Title that Jeff Hardy broke out and looks like a Divas Belt. Trust me I love those Belts too but sometimes they don't need to go back.
I like it and for the people complaining that it should be like the 80's or Attitude Era style,just stop already. Sure beats the TNA World Title that Jeff Hardy broke out and looks like a Divas Belt. Trust me I love those Belts too but sometimes they don't need to go back.

I agree. I loved those days too, but if everything was the exact same as then that would be stale. The new design is at least toned down, where the spinner belt was incredibly gaudy and even more bedazzled than this one.

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