Is anyone else scared of what a new WWE Title could look like?

I believe the picture that was leaked is just one of the side plates, and not the actual belt. didn't look like there was room for a name plate on it, and also looked extremely plain, which leads me to believe its just one of the side plates. But still, I am pretty scared with the title designs of the last couple years that this could be a terrible looking title. Like others have mentioned, I would love to see them bring back a revamped winged eagle title, or even just bring back something similar to the undisputed championship that chris jericho first held. Simple can be better with things like this.

Also, I'm hoping that with CM punk approaching John cenas longest title reign, that once he surpasses cenas longest title reign, punk cuts a promo saying how john cena introduced this terrible spinner belt 8 years ago, and in celebration of now being a longer reigning champ than cena, he is unveiling the new championship. what do you think about that??
The helmet is actually based off the Spartan warrior. I get the symbolism of the design, though I don't think it really works. I do like the bronze finish though. Set's the Tag Belts apart.

For those who dont get the symbolism. The Spartans were the first to implement teamwork, being stronger as a group or whole, rather than a single.

I like the tag belts, but then again, I like the current WWE belt and hope they keep it for awhile. Another 10years and it will hold the same prestige as the NWA heavyweight belt that Big Show is now wearing.
Im not really worriedabout it. I actually LIKED the ECW title, it was what worked for the brand. The wrestlers were smaller so a lighter, not so bulky title was needed. The silver design also seperated it from the other titles.

I think, in todays era of smaller wrestlers, a smaller thinner title is needed. Compared to todays wrestlers, the AE title is bulky. I can't see CM Punk holding that big rounded title. The size of the ECW title looked good on Christian...but for someone the size of Brock Lesnar (who won't hold it anyway) it was too small.

A re-design of the ECW title, with maybe a gold color scheme would work great for the WWE title.
I actually don't mind the divas title as I think it suits what the divas are in this time of wrestling.

The tag belts need to change quick! They look like big penny's
i dont understand why you people keep saying the Brock Lesnar worn undisputed title belt needs to return. The Undisputed belt was the spawn from the unification of the WWF title represented by the Attitude Era belt and the WCW title represented by Big Gold. If that title was de unified and one of the restored halves now utilizes or reutilizes Big Gold why would the half representing the WWE lineage just be the Undisputed belt? it makes no sense to me. I would suggest Punk restore the Iron Sheik WWF belt..

With WWE wanting to be interactive with their audience why don't that put up a poll and have the fans vote. Choices could be:

Revive the winged eagle belt
Revive the atttitude era belt
revive the undisputed belt
Create a new title

Would seem to go along with the direction the WWE is trying to go towards. They already use the old IC title so I would have to think they wouldn't mind reviving another title. If the fans vote for a new one than they can move forward with whatever concept there currently working on.
Ok, first of all, that picture gives zero scale whatsoever. For all you know, that could be one of the side plates for a new WWE Championship. All side plates are ugly as hell:


Second of all, even if that was the new design for a title, all your seeing is the base design for it. This discussion has gotten so old, and people are still referring to the current title as the "spinner belt". Which isn't even factual, because the current model doesn't SPIN!

I get it. Everyone is sick of the title, and they want something new. Something that doesn't remind them of John Cena's 10 WWE Championship reigns. A modern title for a modern era. Something universal that any champ could hold and wear properly. Punk wants a new title. Hell, even Cena has called for the "spinner belt" to be put to rest. But I don't hate it, and I honestly don't care. I like the modern tag belts too. There is so much to complain about, that the design of the titles is so far down my list it's hilarious. When/if they debut a new belt, then we can talk about how awesome/terrible it is. But until then, I'm finally to a point where I don't absolutely hate the current championship belt.
First off the only titles to look like shit are the tag teams. They didn’t know what to do because they wanted to unify them and I believe rushed the design and came up with well shitty ass belts. I don’t think they will do the same with the WWE Title considering it the top title they have and also considering the people who generally hold it. So I think it will come out ok.
I think the winged eagle belt needs to make a return. I do not want to imagine what the next belt will look like. In all honesty, I did like the renovation of the belt in 2005. It is also in need of value as very few have a vested interest in it that the fans can see.
I don't like the current belt for anyone but Cena. All that "bling" and crap doesn't even fit him anymore. He hasn't used the rapper gimmick in forever (minus the time in the Rocky feud). I agree it needs to go.

The Divas belt never bothered me because I understand the direction the division was going. If they're going to start hiring actual wrestlers and making it a legit division then they should get away from Diva's and go back to Women's.

The tag belts are hideous. I couldn't imagine teams from the past like L.O.D. wearing those and not looking ridiculous wearing them. There's no argument one can make that will change my mind.

That giant ECW title was also hideous. I agree with that.

As someone else said in this thread titles used to be about winning the gold not the silver or bronze.

I personally think they should get All Star Championship Belts to design the title. They've done titles for AAA, NWA and ROH amongst others.
For all the people that think CM Punk will be bringing in a new belt, forget it. CM Punk is about to be stripped of the title for failing to defend it within 30 days. November 18 was his last title defense and they just replaced him on the November 15th PPV. If he can't compete on the PPV, he can't compete the next day on RAW either.
For all the people that think CM Punk will be bringing in a new belt, forget it. CM Punk is about to be stripped of the title for failing to defend it within 30 days. November 18 was his last title defense and they just replaced him on the November 15th PPV. If he can't compete on the PPV, he can't compete the next day on RAW either.

You already made a thread about that, it's not going to happen.

I could likely see rock debuting a new belt assuming he wins it at the rumble. Maybe not immediately but likely by or on mania. That leaked pic could likely be a side plate but it also could just be a design they try that ends up getting scrapped. I feel like the warm reception the vintage IC title got could be an indication of getting a more classically designed (new design, traditional look) makeover.

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