New WWE Title Design (Keep it all in here!!!!)

I like it. At least it's not as bad as Jeff Hardy's custom world titles in TNA, because Hardy has set the bar for ugly pieces of shit designs for world titles.

I'll admit, it took me a while to adjust to it, but after taking a closer look at the pics, the new design is starting to grow on me. It looks like a real world title, and I'm sure they'll change the Brahma Bull plates on the sides, when Rock drops the title.

I was indifferent to the old WWE Championship. The spinning shit was kind of silly, and it was AWFUL, when Edge put his logo in the middle as WWE Champion. But I didn't hate the title like so many other people. Yeah, it looked like a toy, but they got rid off the spinning feature at some point, and after a while, it didn't bother me at all.

The World Heavyweight Championship is still my favorite world title design of all time, and Austin's Smoking Skull belt is my #2 pick.
The Rocks bull side plates got me thinking that each superstar would have his own custom side plates when they held the belt, an example being Punks fist/lightning bolt logo.

However, how many superstars these days really have a recognisable logo symbol? Back in the day HHH had his cross, Taker had his...crucifix T....thing, Austin has the skull, the list goes on and on.
Compare to now, what would Daniel Bryan's side plates look like? yes on one side, no on the other? Sure that would be cool. But what about Ziggler? I'm sorry but if the Wwe printed "I steal girlfriends" on the championship belt it would be far worse than any spinning mechanism. Even Cena has no definitive logo to associate with him, but partly because his t shirt designs change each month.

Maybe creative will decide instead to use that space for more advertising. A McDonald's M maybe? Coca Cola?
I'm really fond of this belt. It's new, it's different and it's fancy, but not as gaudy as the spinner belts were. the black background is a good contrast, and to be honest I like the idea of rotating the side plates depending on the superstar that holds it, even if I'm in the minority for that idea. It'd be cool to see.

I think the reason people feel so conflicted about this title is because the were praying so hard for the return of an old school title, and I thank God that didn't happen. Times change, and the title should be indicative of the era it represents, not for nostalgia of times people can't get over. I liked the Winged Eagle and Undisputed designs, but the time has passed on those. And I hated the blue belt with a passion. Good god man, I can't understand how people gripe about a giant logo on the new belt while glorifying a bright ass blue monstrosity of a sphere in the middle of the gold.

My only complaint about the title is that the colors should have been more dynamic. The contrast between them is amazing when under proper lighting, but the title is not bright enough to show itself under any kind of light.

R.I.P. Spinner
I feel like I should say before posting that I am a 16 year old male, a bit older than WWE's target audience(Feel old yet?) Mind you I grew up on the 04 era till now. Sure I missed the historic era but as a teenager it's all about the flash. The winged eagle belt you all claim to love so much, well to me, it looks like basic worn out, old timey, shit. The spinner belt was cheesy. This belt has flash, it pops and it has appeal. Best of all it'll sell. I can see exactly why Vince made it, because to me being 16, it's something I'd want to win, where as the winged eagle was something I'd see my great grandpa winning and me just being like, oh. Check out my fancy iphone to your house phone. Etc. So it's to appeal to the young generation.
Honestly, I only have reservations that go as far as the side plates. Remove those ugly things and I'll be more willing to accept it. I'd hate to see the WWE toting around a belt of a worker who isn't even there. Then again, Benoit's ghost haunts the WHC so anything can happen.

But all jokes aside, I can't really say that I hate nor love the title. It's here and we have to live with it, whether we like it or not. I can say that it has a long ways to go before being anywhere close to looking as amazing as the best World title ever created... the NWA World title.
Did anybody ever stop to think that if John Cena does indeed win the WWE Championship again, using this new WWE Title Belt, he might change the side plates to spinning side plates?? 1 step forward, 2 steps back. If it must “spin”, I’d like him to use the center plate design of the spinning WWE Championship for the left side plate and the center plate design of the spinning US Championship for the right side plate, so that when you read it from left to right, it reads, WUS, well, in this case, WWUS.
Did anybody ever stop to think that if John Cena does indeed win the WWE Championship again, using this new WWE Title Belt, he might change the side plates to spinning side plates?? 1 step forward, 2 steps back. If it must “spin”, I’d like him to use the center plate design of the spinning WWE Championship for the left side plate and the center plate design of the spinning US Championship for the right side plate, so that when you read it from left to right, it reads, WUS, well, in this case, WWUS.

I had that same thought sometime earlier today. The Rock is scheduled to start filming the Hercules movie not long after WrestleMania so he's going to be dropping the title, almost certainly to Cena, either at WrestleMania or Extreme Rules, as he's advertised to appear at Extreme Rules.

Cena having side plates that spin would, in my opinion, make the debut of a new WWE Championship a waste of time. I'm hoping against hope that Cena uses the standard side plates shown for the title on If he does use some sort of personalized plate for the sides, I'd at least be okay with Cena using one that had his "U Can't See Me" motto or something like that. Anything that "spins" though would, in my opinion, saddle the new title with the same criticisms the spinner belt itself faced.
Unless Cena goes through some metamorphic character change before/if he wins the title I highly doubt they would add spinners. His current target demographic may not even be aware that he is the greatest thing ever to happen to the cross genres of rap and The ATeam.

I suspect that WWE would add some variety of "the circled crossed out C" and "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect" with a side of "Rise Above".

Granted, I could care less what a title belt looks like. But what I am curious about is whether you can pay extra for a replica belt with side panels of your favorite superstar or even your own personal design that you can remove and replace (someone tell Rayne I have a business idea for him)? And would people buy that crap?

Millions of dollars, millions of dollars
Well, my 4 year old Son already has ideas for the side plates as far as custom SuperStar designs go, so I guess if / when Mattel comes out with the new Belt in their $20 or less version, and if / when they come out with multiple side plates, I will be one of the few to collect them all. He also wants the adult version of it, but I told him I’ll get it for him as soon as he can carry the Commemorative version of the Spinner Belt himself. Until then, stay in your lane and stick with what you can actually physically pick up.
Really, I'm just peeved they comissioned the guys who make shitty looking bikes to design it rather than a professional belt maker. Hell, if he tried to do something 'Different, take a step back, be outside of the box, no tradition' and all those other bullshit buzzwords they used, it would have probably looked better.

Seriously, when they saw the main plate was more leather than metal, they should have demanded a discount at least.
While I have mixed feelings about the new belt, it's without a doubt a huge improvement from that shitty spinner toy that John Cena refers to as a belt. I hated the spinner belt probably more than any other belt in the history of championship belts. It looked like it was customized for a shitty rapper. Oh wait... it WAS customized for a shitty rapper!!! Even the Diva's championship looks better than that toy.

However, there are a few things I dislike about the new belt. First of all, the Brahma bull clearly symbolizes The Rock. One of the things I hated most about the spinner belt was that it was a symbol of John Cena. It represented John Cena way more than it represented the WWE. How's it gonna look when Cena wins the WWE title and raises it up while it's got a Brahma bull on it? The Brahma bull has to go.

Another thing I don't like about it is the big ass WWE logo. Of course there's gonna be a WWE logo on it but does it have to be THAT big? Once again, one of the things I didn't like about the spinner belt was passed down to the new belt. Plus, that just doesn't seem like a true Attitude era thing to put on a belt. Which is what The Rock is representing, right?

On a good note, at least the spinner belt is gone. The spinner belt was a horrible idea. Everybody that carried it looked totally awkward with it because none of them had a rapper or gangster gimmick. In my mind, a title belt should look classy, not too flashy, and should look good on anybody that wins it. I don't think the new belt fits all gimmicks very well but it's definitely an improvement. The World Heavyweight Championship remains my favorite belt of all time.

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