*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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Jeff Hardy has been only in 1 of the last 3 PPV's. Is the WWE still punishing him for his mistakes or is there just not a lot of work for him to do?

Not enough to do.But since Matt is stuck on ECW now and Shelton ison SD! I wouldn't be surprised too see Jeff be working with Shelton soon.
No idea for either. I'd assume as soon as creative gets a feud for either man to be involved in. With Burke there'll be time issues with several feuds ongoing. Carlito, it's more about not debuting too many new guys at once
Where is Elijah Burke? I haven't heard his name in a while and I don't believe he has wrestled in a long time either.

While I can't (like Polley) explain when Burke is coming back for sure, or even if.. he's currently under-gone a gimmick change. Several photos of him with a new, gothic-like look have surfaced and it's believed he's calling himself "The Black Pope". For now, these are just rumors, short of someone actually having more proof, however that's what I've seen and heard.
I'm just looking for a couple of opinions from guys who are experianced in these matters
Hypothetically would 2 massive (8-12) warring stables help the WWE, they could be tribranded so that way there is enough talent to go around. Would this make things more interesting or would it get "the same" too fast.
I'm just looking for a couple of opinions from guys who are experianced in these matters
Hypothetically would 2 massive (8-12) warring stables help the WWE, they could be tribranded so that way there is enough talent to go around. Would this make things more interesting or would it get "the same" too fast.


This is a Thread for those questions that you wonder about and want an answer to but asking them may be stupid if you ask them in a dedicated thread because they only have one answer. So this thread is for Closed questions only!! So limited Questions in terms of focus. Open Ended Questions are for threads. This is also not a Trivia thread. Don't Treat it like one

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A question which has a limited number of logical answers (eg 'yes' and 'no'), as opposed to an open or open-ended question.

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A question that gains information, usually beginning with who, what, why, where, when, how, or more subtly 'tell me about..'

This thread is for closed questions only.

If you're looking for opinions to something, create a thread of your own in a section it should be in. Make sure it serves a purpose, and has plenty of discuss to warrant. We currently have a stable thread, perhaps you should redirect your question there.. with a couple examples and explanation from yourself as well.

Thank You.
Since WWE owns WCW (Well they own all that was formerly...) will they ever put people into the Hall of Fame based on things they did in WCW - Notably Sting (and as a bonus... would they acknowledge his TNA time aswell?) and maybe even Goldberg? It's something that's kind of bugged me for a while, it would be nice if someone could clear this up for me.
Since WWE owns WCW (Well they own all that was formerly...) will they ever put people into the Hall of Fame based on things they did in WCW - Notably Sting (and as a bonus... would they acknowledge his TNA time aswell?) and maybe even Goldberg? It's something that's kind of bugged me for a while, it would be nice if someone could clear this up for me.
They already put Ric Flair into the Hall of Fame based on his NWA and WCW work, so I'd say the answer is probably yes.
Since WWE owns WCW (Well they own all that was formerly...) will they ever put people into the Hall of Fame based on things they did in WCW - Notably Sting (and as a bonus... would they acknowledge his TNA time aswell?) and maybe even Goldberg? It's something that's kind of bugged me for a while, it would be nice if someone could clear this up for me.

It's really undetermined whether or not they'd place anyone in the HoF merely for something they did in W.C.W., the N.W.A., A.W.A., or anywhere for that matter.

I think the fact that it's the "W.W.E." HoF would say no, however. I can't say with any type of guarantee, and some wrestlers who've entered their HoF have been notably known for their careers outside of the W.W.F./E. however who knows.

By the way.. Goldberg, in my personal opinion, does not warrant a HoF spot. Just sayin' (this isn't a discussion thread either, if you wish to debate me, PM me)

EDIT: Sly beat me to a response, and he's likely more right than I am. Especially since Flair's career is a lot better in other companies than the W.W.F./E.
If a wrestler gets a contract termination after a "third strike" on the WWE Wellness Policy...

a) Does this mean they are not allowed to be in WWE again, or is there a time limit?
b) Is there then a limit on how long it is before they can wrestler for another company?
c) Do WWE get compensated for anything - Say if they lost a major star, which would affect merchandising, or if they had just signed a new contract with some nice bonuses/perks?
d) If they are a champion - Do they appear on TV to lose the title/be fired? (I know we have seen it for the 30/60 day suspensions, but what about terminations)

Just something quick - Is there a limit on how often I can ask questions or should I edit my posts instead of creating a second post? (I am thinking of these questions at different times, but I can see they may seem like semi-spam due to the closeness of them).
If a wrestler gets a contract termination after a "third strike" on the WWE Wellness Policy...

a) Does this mean they are not allowed to be in WWE again, or is there a time limit?
It just says they are terminated. I'm guessing that the WWE wouldn't hire them for at least a couple of years, but that is just speculation.
b) Is there then a limit on how long it is before they can wrestler for another company?
It depends on the worker's contract. But yes, they probably would be under a 30, 60, or 90 day non-compete clause, as it seems to be written into most WWE contracts these days.
c) Do WWE get compensated for anything - Say if they lost a major star, which would affect merchandising, or if they had just signed a new contract with some nice bonuses/perks?
No. It is a self-imposed policy, so any firings they do is completely on their own.
d) If they are a champion - Do they appear on TV to lose the title/be fired? (I know we have seen it for the 30/60 day suspensions, but what about terminations)
I believe there is a clause that says the WWE can arrange for storyline plans before any penalties are given. Thus, the WWE could transfer the title, and then fire. But, I'd have to check on that one.

If you go to corporate.wwe.com, they have the policy listed there.
Could a wwe wrestler like john cena ever fight a ufc fighter like kimbo (the baboon) slice?
will vince allow it?
Since WWE owns WCW (Well they own all that was formerly...) will they ever put people into the Hall of Fame based on things they did in WCW - Notably Sting (and as a bonus... would they acknowledge his TNA time aswell?) and maybe even Goldberg? It's something that's kind of bugged me for a while, it would be nice if someone could clear this up for me.

Vince will never recognize anyone who was in his competing business.Sting will never be in the WWE HOF and neither will Goldberg b/c he think's he's bigger than wrestlign as a whole.
THat's an opinion. There's a plan (as reported somewhere I can't remember) for a Sting retrospective, much like the one's for Ric Flair, The Rock, and Stone Cold. Plus the WWE airs old Starcade's and other WCW events on WWE 24/7, which means they acknowledge other companies. It also means that there are plans to put Sting into the Hall, because they have to promote it somehow, and it won't be in the ring.
THat's an opinion. There's a plan (as reported somewhere I can't remember) for a Sting retrospective, much like the one's for Ric Flair, The Rock, and Stone Cold. Plus the WWE airs old Starcade's and other WCW events on WWE 24/7, which means they acknowledge other companies. It also means that there are plans to put Sting into the Hall, because they have to promote it somehow, and it won't be in the ring.

Sting has to agree to be put in the HOF, before WWE can do so, I beleive this is the reason Owen has not been inducted yet, his wife, who would have to approve his induction, has said no (I think, I could be wrong)
i have a question about Unforgiven i want tickets, i know they go on sale august 7th but there is usually a pre sale and i have tried going and getting tickets the day they go on sale at the exact minute they go on sale and i get crap seats. i want to actually see the wrestlers. anyone know the pre sale code and date of the pre-sale?
i have a question about Unforgiven i want tickets, i know they go on sale august 7th but there is usually a pre sale and i have tried going and getting tickets the day they go on sale at the exact minute they go on sale and i get crap seats. i want to actually see the wrestlers. anyone know the pre sale code and date of the pre-sale?

Like it or not, for the most part the WWE gives those tickets out to local radio stations or such that are going to advertise the show. Also, scalpers that are in the know already have access to them, so it's tough. The worst case scenario is getting seats in the fifth row or so. I've been to a few dozen events or so, and always manage to get good seats, not front row, but on the ramp, which is just as good.
When is Gregory Helms gonna return?

There was a report on the newsite a few weeks back stating that Helms was "ready to go", what that means, no one is sure of. The next thing will be, is if the WWE has anything for him. He's coming off of serious neck surgery, so the WWE is going to take their time with him.
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