*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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Hi guys a friend of mine told me that Mick Foley's mandible claw, was something a serial killer used on his victims. Is it true?

He also said that it was some rock star that went crazy but, in my memory theres no rock star turned serial killer.
Hi guys a friend of mine told me that Mick Foley's mandible claw, was something a serial killer used on his victims. Is it true?

He also said that it was some rock star that went crazy but, in my memory theres no rock star turned serial killer.

You've got a weird friend.The Mandible Claw basically clamps the jaw causing pain.But the killer would have to be very strong to kill somebody with it or even break a jaw.Maybe he had a knife with him or something :lmao:

But the backstory makes kinda sense with the mankind gimmick and all that.But then again would WWE Wanna harm their image using a move that killed sombody?
You've got a weird friend.The Mandible Claw basically clamps the jaw causing pain.But the killer would have to be very strong to kill somebody with it or even break a jaw.Maybe he had a knife with him or something :lmao:

But the backstory makes kinda sense with the mankind gimmick and all that.But then again would WWE Wanna harm their image using a move that killed sombody?

The mandible claw actually was used as a "murder weapon". Read Foleys book, have a nice day. He touches on it. Jim cornette was the one who suggested it too him, and it was a wrestler called dr sam shepard, the doctor the movie the fugitive is based on, he was accused of killing his wife with it (apparently) and was convicted and jailed, however the verdict was over turned, the guy went on to wrestle in a southern wrestling circuit and using his knowledge of human anatomy came up with the mandible claw
Heres my question, I have laways been miffed by the ladder bumps, jumping off a high spot and landing on it, the average person would be laid up in a hospital for very a long time landing on a ladder like that, also I am including the part where Michaels head was smashed into a monitor. Are these stagged props, I mean how do you learn to land prefectly on a ladder back first from sveral feet in the air ?
Heres my question, I have laways been miffed by the ladder bumps, jumping off a high spot and landing on it, the average person would be laid up in a hospital for very a long time landing on a ladder like that, also I am including the part where Michaels head was smashed into a monitor. Are these stagged props, I mean how do you learn to land prefectly on a ladder back first from sveral feet in the air ?

These guys are trained professionals. They are trained to take those "sick" bumps. They are trained to take as little damage as possible from those bumps. They know what they're doing, but when they don't injuries happen. I can't tell you how they learn that as I've never been to a wrestling school, but there are obviously methods.
was hulk hogan really wwf champion for 4 years? if this is true no matter how popular he was didnt the fans get bored of it, was the belt not defended regulary is that why he kept it so long?
was hulk hogan really wwf champion for 4 years? if this is true no matter how popular he was didnt the fans get bored of it, was the belt not defended regulary is that why he kept it so long?

Yes.Hogan was champ for 4 years.Hogan was so over with the kiddies no one cared.And the belt was reguralry defended.But proably on Wrestlemanias and Saturday Nights Main Event.
Who has won the most matches overall in the WWE? (including by DQ)

Even House Shows?Its simply not possible.No one could say.But I'm willing to guess Its either one of the following-

Hulk Hogan



Im guessing any of them Since all 3 went on massive winning streaks during their WWE Careers.
Why dont wrestlers use other wrestler finishing moves anymore in big matches? Back in the day it was not unlikely for the rock to pull off a stunner on austin, it happened in their wresltmania match and i think it adds well to a rivalry to taunt the other wreslters with their moves, it might also help cena out to get more then 6 moves under his belt. So yea the question is why dont wrestlers use others finishing moves anymore.
Why dont wrestlers use other wrestler finishing moves anymore in big matches? Back in the day it was not unlikely for the rock to pull off a stunner on austin, it happened in their wresltmania match and i think it adds well to a rivalry to taunt the other wreslters with their moves, it might also help cena out to get more then 6 moves under his belt. So yea the question is why dont wrestlers use others finishing moves anymore.

Because why do something you're not use too?


Your a good striker in football.Your winning 2-1.The coach puts you in as the Goal Keeper.Your not going to keep the lead are you?

Its pretty simple-they'll still get a pop if they do their finisher.Doing another.......well what happens if Taker isn't can't take a Tombstone Bump?He'll get injured.(Bad exmaple lol)
why did brock lesnar win the wwe title so quickly ? he debuted before backlash i think and won it at summerslam thats like 4 months? im not saying he sucked but how could he win the major title that quickly?
why did brock lesnar win the wwe title so quickly ? he debuted before backlash i think and won it at summerslam thats like 4 months? im not saying he sucked but how could he win the major title that quickly?

He debuted right after Wrestlemania. They wanted to push him as dominating, and make him a big deal. Thus, they gave him a Goldberg-like heel push.. and he won the title quickly.
When WWF used Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon, did they acknowledge that they were impostors or did they actually expect fans to believe it was really Kevin Nash/Scott Hall?
kinda off topic but im going to the raw show in DC on the 28th and you guys just announced that they will b taping SNME, will this happen before or after the show, so i would have to show up like 2 hours early, or where kind i find this information.
Usually, the start time given on your ticket is the time anything being taped earlier also starts. For example, ECW used to be taped before Smackdown.

Show up at the time they say on your ticket, as that's when you're expected to be there. However, I don't expect anything to be taped AFTER the Raw main event, so everything else being taped will be taped beforehand.
When WWF used Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon, did they acknowledge that they were impostors or did they actually expect fans to believe it was really Kevin Nash/Scott Hall?

Jim Ross announced that Diesel and Ramon were coming back to WWF. When the impostors showed up everyone booed. Ross then said, "I never said anything about Scott Hall or Kevin Nash coming back, I only said Diesel and Ramon." So, no they didn't try to fool the fans into thinking it was the same guys.
Lawler was heel for the most part of his time on commentary. Just in the last 3/4 years or so has he become the face he is now. Ross has been what he is now for just about the majority of his career. They've tried a few times to make him heel over the years, and it bombed. Bad. It's on youtube if you search Jim Ross heel.
No they're not. It's all for storyline purposes. She dated Joey Mercury several years ago and last I heard was about to get married to Ken Doane (Kenny Dykstra).

Cena, no clue about, but no they're not together in real life.
Hard to say. Right now he's just waiting to be put on television. He's got some heat on him, but I think right now they're just waiting to have something to do with him. I'd say less than a month, but there's really not a direct answer.
Jeff Hardy has been only in 1 of the last 3 PPV's. Is the WWE still punishing him for his mistakes or is there just not a lot of work for him to do?
i realized that i made an open ended question, so i'll fix that.

are they going to take the ecw championship and just call it the hardcore title? at least we'll get some decent ecw like wrestling matches...
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