[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

When you make a return, you're kind of a face by default. So, Brock is face and I see it staying that way. The crowd wants to like Brock. VKM is definitely on a nostalgia tour for sure. But, that last year of WWE has been better than it has been.

I would say Cena goes over Brock...but, I thought Cena had to go over Rock since Rock was only a "part time" wrestler and we all see how that turned out.

I'm very very curious to know what VKM's master plan is with all of this. It keeps me watching for sure.
if the future of WWE is make all formers wrestlers comes back it's ruined the effort of CM Punk to be the leader of the new generation,can you imagine all theses guys wrestling at 65 years old or 70.

There is a BIG problem for the future,maybe Vince doesn't like the younger and prefered according the nostalgia,2012 is like in 2003 an big return to the past.
Before I go into how awsome of a return that was for Lesner last night, I need to address the negative nancys that are never happy with what the WWE does and really needs to go watch something else. First off, yes Brock does look a little smaller than when he left, but you have to realize the shit he has gone through the last few years with his illness. Diverticulitis is the real deal kids. My soon to be father-in-law has it and has had 2 surgerys that last 4 years and may have a third real soon. It is not the type of thing where you can be back in the gym the next day, you are down and out for awhile. Still, even through that he picked up and F5'ed Cean like he was a ragdoll. The power is still there, he just may not be as cut as he used to be but that may come with time. Besides he had a shirt, how does anyone know if he is out of shape? Also, to the poster who said he had a shitty MMA career, really? He won the Heavyweight title in his first match with UFC, he was talked about all over ESPN, Versus and Fox Sports. Yeah, that is NOT a shitty MMA career.

Now, on to the return itself. I almost thought I was going to shit myself. It was that awsome. It seems now that his first order of business is Cena himself, which is fine with me. Whether this will be a new year long feud that is to be seen. Personally I wouldnt mind it but I was hoping that if they were going to do another year long feud it would be with 2 different guys like Punk and Austin. With his schedule being like some have said in 30-35 dates there is alot to do with him and have more than one feud this year. I would like to see him and Taker at WM29 since there is some history but I dont think that will be in the cards. IMHO, we have seen the last of Taker as an in-ring performer. I think they will put him with guys he hasnt faced before because it is fresh and new even for older fans. Do I see a title run in his future, maybe but then again he would have to be on RAW everyweek if he is champ.

Some have suggested that his return along with Rock's continued involvement will hurt the current roster and hold down the younger guys. To me, I think this is VKM's way of motivating the guys who are just getting by with the bare minimum to step their game up. I do know one guy on the roster really needs to take a long look in the mirror and re-evaluate his game.....Randy Orton.
Punk is still in a programme with Jericho and Rock is leaving for a few months to film some movies. Attacking either of them made no sense at all. Plus can Brock just walk back into the business and in his first time make a claim for a title shot?!

Attacking The Rock in his own back yard with THAT crowd wouldnt have been smart either. The crowd would have booed his ass taking away some of the return. Look at the clusterfuck that was Jerichos?

This was a huge return and smashing the fuck outta Cena made the most sense. Brock can be face or heel next week, attacking Cena made no difference in the direction they are going.

Like I said chief.. kayfabe wise... not smarky smark wise. So kayfabewise, if Cena couldn't handle a man that hasn't wrestled in a million years ... does he have any chance against the former UFC Champion? The man who has destroyed everyone in his path? Not this guy any way.. but that's just me I spose :)
I wonder how long he will be back for Brock. I think it will be very interesting seeing him against Cena. He had a good career with the UFC but could have been better. Yes he was champion almost right off the hop but so what? The reason why he lost because he was always the stronger man and could not deal with these fighters when they launched a better attack. There were times he almost lost because they did this.

Second he was the strong one and was never the weak one. This meant that when people like Cain walked in he was never ready to deal with someone like that.

Third that disease he had threw him off. It was only partially responsible though.

Lets look to the future will Cena be able to beat Lesnar. Hmm let's think. Brock has the wrestling, the strength and speed. Cena will put up a good fight but unless weapons are allowed, Lesnar will win.
I'm pretty difficult to impress, but I loved Lesnar's return. Without saying a word Lesnar sent a strong message, my interpretation of that message was "The stupid shit is going to stop".

Cena came out in his new shirt (why does he need a new shirt?) and gave us the same inconclusive promo regarding the direction of his character. At that point Lesnar coming out seemed too good to be true, then it actually happened. Before that, I didn't know that the desires of the majority of the fans even still mattered.

Lesnar doesn't wave his hand in front of his face and call it a fucking move. The cute bullshit might finally slow down.
I loved Brock Lesnar's return. It was the closest you can get to in this day and age to a surprise return. Yes, the news had leaked on the internet that Brock had signed with WWE but it could have just so easily been an All Fools Day prank. Many were not willing to believe it until they had seen Brock on WWE Television and then BAM!, it happened. His music hit and we all went crazy.

It was a great return. Not much was said, but that is because Brock had never been a great talker and nor does he need to be one. The biggest deal about Brock back in 2002 had been his physique and his finisher, the F-5, and he made ample use of both of them by performing the F-5 on Cena as if he were a rag doll. Awesome moment.

I am really intrigued by Lesnar's return. Unlike Rock's return where you knew he was going to go after Cena, you do not really know the big picture as yet. It could be Cena, it could be Undertaker or it could be that he just wants to make every superstar in the WWE his bitch. I said it post WrestleMania and I will say it again, WWE these days makes me feel like that marky kid in 2001-02. We have seen Rock beat Cena and Brock Lesnar return. As JR used to say back during the Attitude Era, "Anything can happen in the WWE". It seems that those days are back again.
I like seeing Brock back, but is his last couple of fights in the UFC, he didn't look impressive and he had the health issue. I'm not trying to make this a big deal but, how is it going to look if all of a sudden he comes back and starts dominating? I know that the WWE is just "entertainment", but won't it hurt the WWE's credibility to have a washed-up, ex-UFC fighter with health issues, who wasn't that particularly great to begin with (in MMA), to come in and start dominating WWE's top stars? I'm not trying to start controversey, but will it not have a potential negative impact on WWE and professional wrestling as a whole by further enhancing MMA's superiority and realism over pro wrestling? After all, pro wrestling has built it's reputation on the "perception is reality" concept; to have the public perceive that it's product and superstars are the real deal. I'm not saying not to have Brock look impressive or to win matches convincingly, but I'm not sure they should make him look overly dominant or unbeatable. At the end of the day, they have to protect it's product and it's superstars buy making sure their "perception is reality" concept remains intact after Brock is gone. Please respond if you agree or disagree. I look foward to an interesting discussion.
I like seeing Brock back, but is his last couple of fights in the UFC, he didn't look impressive and he had the health issue. I'm not trying to make this a big deal but, how is it going to look if all of a sudden he comes back and starts dominating? I know that the WWE is just "entertainment", but won't it hurt the WWE's credibility to have a washed-up, ex-UFC fighter with health issues, who wasn't that particularly great to begin with (in MMA), to come in and start dominating WWE's top stars? I'm not trying to start controversey, but will it not have a potential negative impact on WWE and professional wrestling as a whole by further enhancing MMA's superiority and realism over pro wrestling? After all, pro wrestling has built it's reputation on the "perception is reality" concept; to have the public perceive that it's product and superstars are the real deal. I'm not saying not to have Brock look impressive or to win matches convincingly, but I'm not sure they should make him look overly dominant or unbeatable. At the end of the day, they have to protect it's product and it's superstars buy making sure their "perception is reality" concept remains intact after Brock is gone. Please respond if you agree or disagree. I look foward to an interesting discussion.

You are really over-analyising the whole thing. Brock really didnt have a choice but to retire from MMA cause of his illness. Like I said before, what he had (or maybe still has) is not something that he could just shrug off. It took a real toll on him and had a lot more to do with him being run over by Overeem than people on here are willing to admit. It was smart of him to get out of MMA. He is only 34 yrs old, only a yr older than the current WWE champion. Besides, who cares what MMA fans think? Brock was a MONSTER when he left WWE so why cant he just pick up where he left off? At the real end of the day, WWE will see a rise in veiwership which is really what VKM cares the most about. We have already seen an increase in rating just on the thought of Brock possibly being at RAW the other night. Imagine what they might be this coming Monday when people know he will be there. I am predicting at least a 5.0, and I bet that most of those MMA fans who view Brock's return to WWE as a joke will be watching too.
i' m not agree what little jimmy says,it's like is Scott hall and Lex luger and Tatanka return at WWE just for to make an presence who serve nothing.
When you watchs the entire roster of WWE there is no wrestler down 30 years old,Drew mac intyre and Sheamus are young but for Drew he has never his chance for to prove his talent against high competitors.
If Cena continues for ten years he was approximatly 41 years and many wrestlers are like that.
i'm sorry to said that but WWE has become an house retreat for old wrestlers,he doesn't respect for young wrestler who had an big desire to entry the WWE and he has like response no.

it's time to torch the pass for an young generation with former wrestler become manager or trainer,that's the solution and STOP bringing nostalgia.
i' m not agree what little jimmy says,it's like is Scott hall and Lex luger and Tatanka return at WWE just for to make an presence who serve nothing.
When you watchs the entire roster of WWE there is no wrestler down 30 years old,Drew mac intyre and Sheamus are young but for Drew he has never his chance for to prove his talent against high competitors.
If Cena continues for ten years he was approximatly 41 years and many wrestlers are like that.
i'm sorry to said that but WWE has become an house retreat for old wrestlers,he doesn't respect for young wrestler who had an big desire to entry the WWE and he has like response no.

it's time to torch the pass for an young generation with former wrestler become manager or trainer,that's the solution and STOP bringing nostalgia.

Ok so after I got my handy de-coder ring out of storage to try and figure out what the hell you were trying to say, I think I got it. What your saying is that Brock's return will hurt the roster cause younger guys dont get a chance to shine, then use Drew McIntyre as an example. Well, Drew had his chance as did alot of other youngsters. Drew was labled VKM's chosen one and got a rub and did nothing with it. No one cared about Drew, which is why we hardly see him anymore. As I said before, Brock's return to also be seen as a way to get the younger guys to step thier game up.

Remember, roster cuts are around the corner. Either these guys make the best out of what they got or they can sulk, bitch and whine about it on their way out the door. VKM wants ratings and who do you think people want to see more.....Brock Lesner or Drew McIntyre?
Stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas. Hogan's WM9 title victory was widely panned as the worst WM ending and the ultimate slap in the face to Bret Hart. And you think replicating this is a good idea? There's value in making a wrestler earn their way to a title shot. Having a surprise newcomer come back and win the title, unpromoted, at WM would be Russo-esque
I'm curious....is there anyone who (like me) doesn't care one whit about brock's return?

I guess for me personally, I was never really a fan back when he was in the WWE. I won't deny he could do some impressive things, but I found his personality dull and his matches interchangeable.

Then he left, which is fine, that is his own perogative and I don't begrudge him that. But what is irking is his "final match" against Goldberg has been considered by many posters on this site to be one of the worst PPV matches ever, seeing as how he and his opponent both phoned it in. If he's willing to give the metaphorical middle finger to the fans on what was at the time his final match, why should we expect him to behave any differently this time around?

Anyways, I don't mean to start a big fight or anything about it, I know I'm in the small minority based on what I've seen folks posting, just thought I'd add my thoughts.
I'm curious....is there anyone who (like me) doesn't care one whit about brock's return?

I guess for me personally, I was never really a fan back when he was in the WWE. I won't deny he could do some impressive things, but I found his personality dull and his matches interchangeable.

Then he left, which is fine, that is his own perogative and I don't begrudge him that. But what is irking is his "final match" against Goldberg has been considered by many posters on this site to be one of the worst PPV matches ever, seeing as how he and his opponent both phoned it in. If he's willing to give the metaphorical middle finger to the fans on what was at the time his final match, why should we expect him to behave any differently this time around?

Anyways, I don't mean to start a big fight or anything about it, I know I'm in the small minority based on what I've seen folks posting, just thought I'd add my thoughts.

I can answer this with one sentence, time heals all wounds especially in pro wrestling.

WM XX was a long time ago. People change and I am sure Brock has. He is a different man than he was back then.
Good point. People can change and are worthy of second chances. I just hope that this time around he is a more interesting character than he was back in his original run. I guess it's too soon to tell on that front but I will be optimistic.
When he returned to Raw last week to confront Cena, one guy mentioned somewhere (cant remember where) that Brock was crying slightly. Don't know how true this is as the Vid i saw of last weeks Raw wasnt the greatest quality. From what i saw was the monster emotionless. Wouldn't be surprised if people did notice slight tears with that tremendous comeback he made.

If this is the case then there is evidence there he has a passion somewhere inside him for WWE, which will be amazing going forward. I did notice him wipe his nose with thumb and finger just before he entered the ring, bt that could mean nothing!

Did anyone notice anything like this ? (might be visible on a high quality clip)

Superstars for Brock to fight
I thought these were very interesting but what intrigued me the most was thinking of a Randy-Brock program. Obviously there's a lot of potential feuds for him but I think this one would be completely bad ass

Yes, that is something I want to see too. Orton could even bring back his legend killer character. They trained together in OVW so they have history together same with Cena... They can turn it into a good storyline.

I dont really have any interest to see Brock feud with the rest of those guys on that list.

Undertaker is the other guy that he needs to work with after Cena.
I'm curious how Brock's health is going to hold up. Granted MMA is probably more intense than WWE, the grind of preforming and training still has to take its toll on Brock.

I can't wait to see next Raw to find out how John Cena is going to react. And if Brock is going over Cena at the next PPV, where does he go from there?
Love how brocks back and the ironic thing to me is how the overrated taker/hhh match was the "end of an era" but now that brocks back, and so is rocky, and tellin us he wants to be champ, its not really the end of an era, the era's starting all over again! I hope brock ends up having a feud with punk, but i dont see brock being able to be a heel. i hope he turns back into the animalistic monster he was in 03.
Brock Lesnar's return is interesting. Before last week, I had thought that Brock Lesnar would never step into any ring once more after his last match in the UFC with Alistair Overeem. Overeem's exploitation of Lesnar's midsection, which was considerably weakened by his bouts with diverticulitis, showed that Lesnar just could not have a serious fighting career anymore, because his midsection was beyond being an obstacle that he could overcome in terms of being a fighter. Although the WWE would not have anybody actively seeking to exploit Lesnar's midsection to win a match, we are obviously educated enough in this art to know that, although the storylines are obviously the fake part, the in-ring part of the shows are pretty much real, at least in terms of pain and physical sacrifice. Sure, the WWE could tell anyone working with Lesnar in-ring to avoid his midsection, but most, in-ring action seems to be pretty spontaneous on the parts of the wrestlers participating, and a mistake could always happen. Lesnar at least needs to be extra careful, as he makes his long awaited return to the WWE ring.
Hell no never WM9 was a load of cow manure that should never ever be repeated What value is there in Lesnar coming in and in his first match back win the title and as quick as hogan did back then i think Miami would riot if there were two quick title matches in two days.
Honestly I don't get the excitement over Brock, He is pretty one demensional person. And has pretty much repetedly let everyone know what his view is of professional wrestling. It's a pay check and nothing more. I truely do believe that had he stayed arround he would have Big Shows spot, A big guy but no fire in his belly to improve. and secondly what is WWE doing to Cena love him or hate him he has carried the company on his shoulders for the last 10 years only taking an extended break when Batista broke his neck, So after carrying the Rock match for the first 15 minutes while the Rock remembered that wrestling hurts. Cena jobs to him the next night he gets buried by Brock? Is Cena the new main event jobber?

But I think all anyone will get is a few lackluster matchs he will cash his check then run off saying wrestling sucks yet again.
Way, way, way too early. Besides, if that thing about Brock making only two appearances per month is accurate, that'd honestly just be a terrible idea. A WWE Champion who only appears two times a month would be awful. If he's the main reason to tune in, the main star, he can't just show up about twice a month.
So of course, the big question now is: where do we go from here? Here’s what we know right now:
1) According to several insider sources, Brock Lesnar’s WWE contract is as follows: a one year agreement, with a minimum of TWO appearances (not necessarily matches) per month, with the option of added appearances to be agreed upon by Lesnar. The most interesting thing about this is that I can’t imagine Lesnar going too long without having his first match, which goes against most’s original suspicion that his feud with Cena would be dragged all the way to WrestleMania 29.
2) Lesnar is already advertised for two upcoming RAWs: next week (April 9) and two weeks from then for the 3-hour RAW on April 23 (the lead-in to April 29’s Extreme Rules in Chicago). Furthermore, Lesnar is officially being advertised for Extreme Rules. I have to imagine that Lesnar will wrestle at Extreme Rules.

So, knowing those things, what now? I predict that Lesnar will indeed be wrestling at Extreme Rules, with WWE hoping for a big buyrate. Will that match be against John Cena? Maybe, but what if instead it was against a mid-level opponent, say someone like Mark Henry or Kofi Kingston? A squash, essentially. I think that that is a possibility, maybe with WWE then extending the feud to Over the Limit in May to capitalize on another big buyrate? Why not split the Lesnar interest and drag it through to the next two PPVs in order to maximize the amount of buys WWE could get? Another option is to extend the feud to SummerSlam, but I’m not so sure WWE could wait that long, since Lesnar will be appearing at least twice a month. On that same note, I definitely don’t see it dragging onto next year’s WrestleMania. No way. In all likelihood, Lesnar will probably wrestle Cena at Extreme Rules. Whenever the match does end up taking place, it will be interesting to see who comes out on top. Lesnar needs some big wins to legitimate himself to the new WWE audience, but Cena needs to regain some steam after losing to The Rock at WrestleMania 28. I predict at least two matches from these two, and maybe even three.

Speaking of The Rock, he announced on Monday’s RAW that he has plans to chase the WWE Title upon his return, whenever that may be. A precursor to a Title Match with Lesnar at WrestleMania 29? Let us not forget that Lesnar beat Rock for his first WWE Title at SummerSlam 2002. While I think there are better options for both men, such as new up-and-coming talent (Ziggler, Barrett, Sheamus, etc.), I feel that that is WWE’s current plan. Thus, I predict Lesnar to win the WWE Title by next year’s WrestleMania.

How will things look with a part-timer as WWE Champ? I have zero faith that Lesnar will be working house shows, even as Champion. Neither will Rock.

Questions to be Answered:
1) What will the next 12 months be like with Lesnar there on at least a monthly basis? It will be very different from, say, The Rock or The Undertaker, who come and go throughout the year.
2) Will the WWE mention the UFC? My guess is no, not directly. In a promo with an opponent, he or his opponent may mention something along the lines of, “we all know where YOU came from, what you accomplished out there. But that doesn’t matter now, that doesn’t matter here…” or some kind of indirect reference like that. I don’t see the letters “UFC” ever being mentioned, though. Which is a mistake.
3) Will Lesnar wrestle more of a WWE style, or a UFC/MMA style? Will he incorporate some submissions into his moveset? Or will he revert back into his past, pre-UFC wrestling style?

There are a lot of unanswered questions, but one thing is for certain: we are in for one hell of a year. Here comes the pain!

Remember to follow me on Twitter for non-stop wrestling news and opinions: @WrestlingwWords

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