[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

I think they will plan another year long Fued for WM29. Cena vs Brock. Can't see Brock being on a full time contract, so i reckon it might be the same as this year with Brock in there instead of Rock. The question is will Brock make more Raw/PPV appearences/matches than Rock did? Rock had his movies and WWE to fit in together. Brock only has WWE i think so we might see Brock more than we did Rock. Brock hates the travelling though so it's a tough prediction.
If Lesner works the big 4 PPV's I'll be happy assuming he's working with Cena, Sheamus, Punk, and maybe Rock. The way I see it Brock(after feuding with Cena) will beat Punk at some point around the end of '12 Rock wins Royal Rumble and WM29 is Lesner/Rock for the WWE title it's hard to believe it's been over 10+ years since SS'02(The greatest SS ever)...
Hmm I dunno if I wanna see Brock vs Rock II 10 years later. I hope Lesnar actually has a few matches before he wrestles anyone major. Rock should've but didn't and had relatively no stamina, and was dead halfway through the mania match. Feed Lesnar Ziggler, Swaggar, Kofi and the like. They'll at least put him back on form. I probably am talking out my ass but just my opinion. Same with Rocky (likely since he wants gold again).
I know Cena got the F-5 from Brock, but not sure having Brock vs Cena makes much sense unless Cena is going to be fed to Brock to make him look stronger. Cena is just off the back of a loss to The Rock! Brock vs Taker or The Rock at WM29 is hopefully what they are building towards. Hopefully Brock will demolish all comers up until then.

Oh, and I wonder if Cena will badmouth Brock for leaving the business like he did The Rock? Wonder if he will have the balls because Lesnar would kill him with ease.
I thought somebody would come up with the point that what would happen to the title as both brock would leave after wm 29 and undertaker is not gonna be around defending the tile...
The answer to that would be the money in the bank winner cashing it in against undertaker the night after wrestlemania... after that the undertaker can again take a break...

If you do that though you essentially make the rest look like plebs. Taker and Lesnar are a big enough attraction without wasting the title in the match, if you keep the title seperate you give your Mania card an extra marquee match.
What i hate is how Cena can't ever take a surprise like ever! he has some goofy smile on his face. It's something that just gets to me. Brock comes out and Cena grins like he was 8 years old seeing his Dads penis after he got his trunks pulled down on a beach infront of everyone.
I hope Brock is here to make Cena embrace the hate (but in a less cheesy way), put Cena over, and leave. It's cool that he's there because he's a beast and he'll liking have at least one big match which will undoubtedly draw big but I don't want him AND Rock taking up PPV main events that are pushing the WWE championship down the card, thus pushing guys like CM punk and Y2J down the card, thus pushing like Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, The Big Show etc potentially right off the card. I think give him one match against Cena at a PPV that isn't wrestlemania, and get him out beacause as great as he was and maybe even still is, having all these legends that arent there full time are going to hurt the rest of the roster in my opinion.
Clearly Lesnar vs. Cena is going to happen, but it's what they do after that will interest me. The way I see it there is several choices.

Firstly Lesnar beats a few guys, gets Cena in a match and wins. Lesnar is once again one of the top guys. You have Rock now saying he'll go for the title. That would lead you to believe he'll be around more to "earn" a title match. Lesnar and Rock cross paths leading to a SummerSlam match for the #1 contender. This boosts Rock, Lesnar and the prestige of the title. The result needs to go to Lesnar. Lesnar takes the belt from Punk has a short run. Rock beats Lesnar at Survivor Series and holds the belt until February time where Lesnar costs Rock the title. This sets up Rock vs. Lesnar at WM 29. If both guys do go away at all after that then use the match as purely a way to draw a huge crowd and buy rates. This leaves Cena to be the champ and build Ziggler for example even further. It allows Punk to face Undertaker at WM29 and would be fantastic for business.

Lets be realistic though. Lesnar vs. Taker is pointless and from the looks of things we'll get 1 more Taker match. Lesnar vs. Cena at WM is pointless, give Cena a real feud not another one off high profile match, he doesn't need it now. Punk vs. Taker is logic for WM next year, the streak will be broken purely because it's right for business and Punk is on the up still, no better way to cement him than have him end the streak. Cena is just fine in his gimmick but now is the time to not give Cena it all but for Cena to give to the younger guys and boost them to the top. Lesnar and Rock are left then both needing a big match, and as I said business wise it's the logical choice.
I just assumed between Lesnar returning and Rock talking about the title. I just am assuming Lesnar takes the title from Cena at some point and Rock takes the title from Lesnar at next yr Wrestlemania.
Cena V Lesnar at Summerslam, Punk V Lesnar at Survivor Series and then maybe either Rock V Lesnar or Taker V Lesnar. Thats what i think theyre gona do. I would rather like Lesnar to face an up and comer at Mania. Maybe a Ziggler or a Miz.
What i hate is how Cena can't ever take a surprise like ever! he has some goofy smile on his face. It's something that just gets to me. Brock comes out and Cena grins like he was 8 years old seeing his Dads penis after he got his trunks pulled down on a beach infront of everyone.

I agree. Err..with the first part.

Cena doesn't emotionally sell overwhelming promo moments. He just blows it off as if it's nothing. And honestly, if not for the stoked Miami crowd last night, Cena's reaction would have helped ruin the Lesnar return.

I skipped out on The WWE from late 2001 to 2006 so I never got to see Lesnar wrestle. Hopefully this will be as exciting as many hope.
What i hate is how Cena can't ever take a surprise like ever! he has some goofy smile on his face. It's something that just gets to me. Brock comes out and Cena grins like he was 8 years old seeing his Dads penis after he got his trunks pulled down on a beach infront of everyone.

That is John Cena's Charactor. He portrays a soft, gentle , smiley, happy go lucky guy. He wears multi-coloured Attire! he was clapping while Brock entered the ring, If it were Austin or The Rock they obviously would be primed and ready for a brawl with Brock. Cena is a different charactor to those Attitude Era guys.

People don't seem to understand that Cena doesn't play a brute. It was the whole point of the "Embrace the Hate" fued with Kane. Kane was trying to get Cena to change and failed. He was smiling at Brock because he wanted to show that he was happy to see him return.

Cena is doing a fantastic job in my opinion, he is destroying the roster making the PG Era fans happy. Vince then brings back old AE guys to beat him. Cena is putting these old legends over to try and please those fans who hate him so much, and it's working, they will still hate the ground Cena walks on but they will Love it when the likes of The Rock and Brock Lesnar beat him.
Cena V Lesnar at Summerslam, Punk V Lesnar at Survivor Series and then maybe either Rock V Lesnar or Taker V Lesnar. Thats what i think theyre gona do. I would rather like Lesnar to face an up and comer at Mania. Maybe a Ziggler or a Miz.

Ziggler maybe, but Miz just plain no. Are we really expecting a guy like Miz to even hold his own in the ring with Brock. Brock is in a totally different league and should be kept for the big guns who actually look the part to be a threat to Brock and there aren't many left on the roster. If anything, an upcoming talent should be Brodus Clay at last he has the sort of physical appearance and dominance to make it less like a one sided match.

Brock v Rock II at Wrestlemania, you have in one corner a man who was a UFC Champion and a human wrecking machine who could break apart most of the roster and in the main stream media v well The Rock, you don't get much bigger than him. Imagine the buzz around that one, that in itself is a) something we didn't ever expect two years ago b) would easily sell Wrestlemania. As for Cena, give him Undertaker.
The crowd was the best I've heard in YEARS! I dont mean just for Lesnar but the whole show. Sooo many LOUD and INTENSE chants! Miami was on Fire! Here are a few that stood out lol:

YES YES YES YES YES YES - x 1 million times in every segment LOL
DANIEL BRYAN - many times
YOU'RE A LOSER - to Cena
WELCOME BACK - to Lord Tensai
HOLY SHIT - to Lesnar
booing sheamus - lol had to laugh

So good seeing Lesnar back. And Albert. Even Del Rio.

Best Raw Ive seen in a long time. There have been a few stand out Raws in the past 6 months but this one definately tops all of them.

Well done WWE. You have improved so much over the past year.
I hope he eventually feud with Punk, as a Best In The World vs a former UFC star. Lesnar could be an interesting feud for Punk going into Summerslam or WM29.

I would also like to see Lesnar become a silent assassin where he fights other wrestlers in matches but beats them that bad that they get put on the shelf for a while, he wouldn't talk until he went up against Punk because Punk could be the first to hit his own finisher on Lesnar.

Superstars I'd have Lesnar shelf are Orton and Cena and maybe Taker so they could have deserved time off and if needed come back tweaked.
If we're talking streak, then after the superhuman beating Undertaker withstood at WM this year, Brock is the only guy on the roster I can see realistically giving Taker the bigger beating necessary to finally end the streak.

Yes, out of everyone on the current roster, I'd agree that Punk probably deserves to end the streak the most, but Punk can't beat up Taker like Triple H did, and if Mr. Wrestlemania Shawn Michaels couldn't wrestle him down, then I don't know if Punk realistically could either.

Brock Lesner could lay a more savage beating on Taker though, and as long as they got a bigger committment for him to stay around past one year, being the guy to end the streak would just add to his aura of invincibility. There's history too. They just need to reference their UFC confrontation when Taker asked Brock if they want to do this.

If Taker doesn't retire (and I think he actually should), then this to me is the natural matchup next year. Anything else after the 4 year Klique series seems anti-climatic.
gotta say that was a piss ass return. the fans ruined it by chanting for him 10 minuites before he returned. we all knew when he came out that was gonna f-5 cena which also sucked cause he took his time getting to the ring. now he shouldve came out, grabbed a mic and said, "The rock? i thought u were calling me out, Brock" then f-5ed him. hopefully this goes down at summerslam. it barely worked with the rock, but another year long build could do nothing for each other, and since he is back. i think we deserve more then jus a tag match and a main event match at wm.

If there was negative rep on this site, you would get -1 from me. That return was awesome. And your idea of Brock saying that is probably one of the worst ideas I've seen on this site. He just needed to make a statement. Bang! Music hits. Stares at Cena. Extends hand. F-5. Perfect imo.
Not every match needs to put some young talent over. WWE does this kind of thing as a give back to the fans. It's fan service plain and simple. Which is good for business. How many fans (who attend the events) would want to see Brock Lesnar vs Dolph Ziggler? Cody Rhodes? if he does face those guys, they'd be used as human heavy bags, stepping stones etc.
...to quote the crowd last night, YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!

Fantastic return. We all knew there was a chance of it happening, but nothing confirmed. Like how he was in Miami for Mania, but he wasn't used. I shudder to think what would have happened if he wasn't at Raw. I think the place would have rioted.

The pop he got coming out was nuclear, and it sets up a great feud between Lesnar; the guy who left on top of the pile, and Cena; the guy who arguably replaced him at the top. If Lesnar doesn't leave, would Cena be where he is at the moment? Who knows, but this is somewhat of a dream match between two of the most dominant figures in the WWE's recent history.

From the reports, Brock's only back for a year. But who knows. if he gets the taste for it again, who's to say he won't sign an extension?

Either way, I'm fucking stoked to see what he does now he's back. One thing's for sure; NO-ONE is safe.
I think WWE will do all they can to put on Lesnar v Austin at WM29. It's been hinted at Austin will come back to face Punk but Austin/Lesnar is £$£$£$£$. The history is there from when Austin took his ball home; Lesnar commented on not getting to facing Austin recently in a WWE12 promotion interview.

I expect Lesnar will turn heel soon, likely take the WWE title off Punk & face John Cena at Summerslam. But, what do I know - it's going to be fun though!

I would be surprised if Brock does not end up with Austin at WM29 though.
Here is what I see happening with Brock (and also getting Rock vs. Brock for the title at next years Wrestlemania)

Brock and Cena currently feud until Summerslam, where at Summerslam Cena wins. And then Brock takes a couple of Month off

Also at Summerslam, the Punk-Jerciho feud ends with Jerciho winning the title.

After Summerslam Jericho and Cena feud for the Title were Cena wins the title at Survivor series. After Survivor series Brock returns, beats the crap out of Cena and challenges him for the title.

At the Royal Rumble, Brock beats Cena for the Title. And then During the Royal Rumble match, the clock starts ticking down for the 30th participant 5,4,3,2,1... IF YOU SMELLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING. The rock comes out and Wins the Royal Rumble, then challenges Brock for the title.
Brock VS Rock | Brock VS Cena | Brock VS Taker | Brock VS Punk

How long has it been since we the "IWC" had a reason to give a sh*t about Raw/WWE in a positive manner. Brock has brought with him the legitimacy of the UFC. The nostalgia of the past.


Do we all not remember Brock is actually kind'a a crappy "wrestler"? The man is a freak. He is gifted beyond comprehension athletically, BUT how quickly we all forget the shooting star on Angle!? Also he has 0 mic skills. He NEEDS Heyman!


Either way, IF Vince does the right....which is a big "IF"....it should shake out like this -> Brock VS Cena @ Extreme Rules - This allows Brock to beat Cena without relying on "in-ring wrestling ability". Make it a Street Fight. This also allows Brock to use some of his UFC moves/ability which is what he is comfortable with right now. Cena is beating so bad he gets his deserved break.

Following Nights RAW -> Brock (with pray to God Heyman or AW as his mouth piece) says he just beat Cena, who's next blah blah blah. Out comes Alturdo Del Suckme. This gives Alturdo a good push. Also allows Brock a quality Heel opponent, after going a month previous with the company's top Face.

At OverTheLimit Brock VS Alturdo -> Brock Wins, but have Alturdos monkey boy jump in to help Turdo, but it back fires, he hits Turdo, which allows Brock to get a pin. This will NOT affect Brock looking weak & it will also not affect the good rub that ADR got as he did not get beat clean. Allowing him to continue his rise from WWE churo cart pusher to WWE gardener.

Brock on the following nights RAW can say he is bored. There is no competition in the WWE anymore compared to the quality comp in the UFC, get some heat but make a plausible excuse as to why he leaves for a bit.

Brock goes away for a few months...Allow him time to train & regroup mentally. (if you know any of Brocks back story you know he needs a mental regroup frequently)

Bring him back at AFTER Summer Slam. I know Summer Slam is one of the "big ones" in WWE's minds but save that one for Cena's return.

Cena during the next few months wins the title back, but we also get a quick pop in from The Rock. Rock reminds John of his I'll be the champ quote.

October have Cena defend the title at Hell in a Cell. He wins BUT we see Brock's return. Yet Brock HELPS Cena retain the title.

The following night on RAW Cena ask's Brock why, Brock comes out and says cause he knows The Rock wants the title back, and that they (Brock & The Rock) have both already beaten John. Brock says he has nothing to prove to John, but just wants to see The Rock kick Johns ass again and take the title form him.

Then we get our big Survivor Series Rock VS Cena for the title match. Rock wins, BUT with help from Brock. This way you don't bury Cena to much with back to back loses to the Rock.

Next night Cena calls out Brock, they jibber jab, the Rocky makes his way to the ring. Talking etc. Brock hits an F5 on them both, grabs the title holds it above his head then lays it across Rocky.

Now, you have a problem. How to keep interest for another few months with Rocky obviously not being a round. have Brock jump into a little feud with...The Great Kahli, okay I'm kidding. No really I would have him feud with someone like Brodus Clay. Big powerful, etc. Who cares if their faces, they would be able to have a "heavy" match and sell Brocks strength etc.

All this of course brings us to the RR. Here I would have Punk win the RR. This allows you to have a regular hold the title shot against either Rock or Brock to bring the title home when their contracts are up.

WM is easy Brock VS Rock. Who cares who wins. Great build, probably an average match, lets be realistic.

The following night whom ever is champ, Punk comes out says he is sick of the Fly-By champs, he challenges that night on RAW...have him win, BUT only after Cena helps him. THIS gets Cena his revenge, also allows the semi clean switch, leaving the door open for a rematch if a new contract can be struck with whomever lost the title.
Putting old legends over? You realize The Rock only 4 years older then Cena and Brock is 2 years younger then Cena.

They're "old" in the sense that they're from different times. Brock and Cena came in at the same time basically but Brock left after a few years. It's kind of sad really. It shows that if you decide to walk out on the WWE and then come back years later, the people will love you. Rock is not that much older than Cena but he is from a different era. I mean Brock put on a shit match on his way out of the WWE (Goldberg is at fault as well) and he never really gave a fuck about it in the first place. I will be happy to see Lesnar return if he jobs to Cena assuming that's the route they're going. If Cena has to job to that ungrateful bastard I am going to puke.
Regarding the poster above me, first of all how can you say Brock can't wrestle. He is an NCAA wrestling champ. Just because he botched 1 move that he actually had performed several times before, you say he can't wrestle :banghead:

Also I can't take someone's post serious when he keeps calling one of the main participants in his scenerio Alturdo.
Putting old legends over? You realize The Rock only 4 years older then Cena and Brock is 2 years younger then Cena.

didn't mean "old" as in thier age, old as in old stars at the top of WWE at some point in thier Carrear. They both been away for 7-8 years till now obviously.

I can't see Cena laying down for 2 guys who are not even Full-Time. One is a Movie Star and the other had a life threatening stomach disease, and hates travelling. It will piss on Cena if he jobs to Lesnar aswell, but to keep the entire WWE Universe happy, Cena will probably job to Brock also at some point.

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