Brock VS Rock | Brock VS Cena | Brock VS Taker | Brock VS Punk
How long has it been since we the "IWC" had a reason to give a sh*t about Raw/WWE in a positive manner. Brock has brought with him the legitimacy of the UFC. The nostalgia of the past.
Do we all not remember Brock is actually kind'a a crappy "wrestler"? The man is a freak. He is gifted beyond comprehension athletically, BUT how quickly we all forget the shooting star on Angle!? Also he has 0 mic skills. He NEEDS Heyman!
Either way, IF Vince does the right....which is a big "IF" should shake out like this -> Brock VS Cena @ Extreme Rules - This allows Brock to beat Cena without relying on "in-ring wrestling ability". Make it a Street Fight. This also allows Brock to use some of his UFC moves/ability which is what he is comfortable with right now. Cena is beating so bad he gets his deserved break.
Following Nights RAW -> Brock (with pray to God Heyman or AW as his mouth piece) says he just beat Cena, who's next blah blah blah. Out comes Alturdo Del Suckme. This gives Alturdo a good push. Also allows Brock a quality Heel opponent, after going a month previous with the company's top Face.
At OverTheLimit Brock VS Alturdo -> Brock Wins, but have Alturdos monkey boy jump in to help Turdo, but it back fires, he hits Turdo, which allows Brock to get a pin. This will NOT affect Brock looking weak & it will also not affect the good rub that ADR got as he did not get beat clean. Allowing him to continue his rise from WWE churo cart pusher to WWE gardener.
Brock on the following nights RAW can say he is bored. There is no competition in the WWE anymore compared to the quality comp in the UFC, get some heat but make a plausible excuse as to why he leaves for a bit.
Brock goes away for a few months...Allow him time to train & regroup mentally. (if you know any of Brocks back story you know he needs a mental regroup frequently)
Bring him back at AFTER Summer Slam. I know Summer Slam is one of the "big ones" in WWE's minds but save that one for Cena's return.
Cena during the next few months wins the title back, but we also get a quick pop in from The Rock. Rock reminds John of his I'll be the champ quote.
October have Cena defend the title at Hell in a Cell. He wins BUT we see Brock's return. Yet Brock HELPS Cena retain the title.
The following night on RAW Cena ask's Brock why, Brock comes out and says cause he knows The Rock wants the title back, and that they (Brock & The Rock) have both already beaten John. Brock says he has nothing to prove to John, but just wants to see The Rock kick Johns ass again and take the title form him.
Then we get our big Survivor Series Rock VS Cena for the title match. Rock wins, BUT with help from Brock. This way you don't bury Cena to much with back to back loses to the Rock.
Next night Cena calls out Brock, they jibber jab, the Rocky makes his way to the ring. Talking etc. Brock hits an F5 on them both, grabs the title holds it above his head then lays it across Rocky.
Now, you have a problem. How to keep interest for another few months with Rocky obviously not being a round. have Brock jump into a little feud with...The Great Kahli, okay I'm kidding. No really I would have him feud with someone like Brodus Clay. Big powerful, etc. Who cares if their faces, they would be able to have a "heavy" match and sell Brocks strength etc.
All this of course brings us to the RR. Here I would have Punk win the RR. This allows you to have a regular hold the title shot against either Rock or Brock to bring the title home when their contracts are up.
WM is easy Brock VS Rock. Who cares who wins. Great build, probably an average match, lets be realistic.
The following night whom ever is champ, Punk comes out says he is sick of the Fly-By champs, he challenges that night on RAW...have him win, BUT only after Cena helps him. THIS gets Cena his revenge, also allows the semi clean switch, leaving the door open for a rematch if a new contract can be struck with whomever lost the title.