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Kingdom Hearts is just one example of this kinda storyline (BTW, anyone who hasn't played Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II hasnt lived :p). People are also comparing it to the Star Wars Darth Vader/Luke story. The one thing that kinda stands out for me though in that in both these stories, the hero doesn't end up turning bad. Hopefully with Cena we will see the opposite, if we're lucky.

Kane Vs Cena – Storyline

I definitely think there is an opportunity to create interest in Cena for the first time with this storyline.

It involves Kane turning his world upside down, and beating him savagely at the Rumble, mentally scarring him.

This builds Kane going into Mania as a huge heel, I mean he is the first guy to dominate Superman…meaning you already have the potential of marquee match with THE monster heel.

Cena however has lost his mojo, he is unable to win and for the first time the booos are getting to him.

Cena is a mess, he is putting on his brave face initially but this is becoming less convincing. And he is unable to win matches, not all losses are clean but throw in some matches that he should of won but lost. Kane broke Cena, and he gets more mentally unstable and out of character as the Wrestlemania draws near. The guy is even found crying backstage.

Enter the Rock – and in the lead up to WM …all the talk is about the Rock…the Great One has arrived….the most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment…Rock is dominating the smack talking making Cena look stupid…

Then final RAW before WM Cena finally gets the monkey off his back, posits a strong win and gives an emotional speech stating that this Sunday is match of his life and he will not back down.

WM is a strong match and after lots of near falls Cena gets the win, to the boos and the cheers…but he has won the big one he acts that way.

Next Raw he is goes onto say this is the biggest win of his career, and that he proved all the doubters wrong…

Then another man who with a W from Wrestlemania makes an appearance Kane. And Cena gets skittish. .

At this point you can turn Cena…or you can keep him as a half-face…but the point is you have given him an extra dimension.

He doesn’t necessarily need to be a heel he just need a little more character and personality really.

All Cena needs is to grow a g*ddamn personality!

What are your thoughts on this?

Does Cena need to be turned...or perhaps start giving some more dimension?

How would you have this played out?

Could it transpire like this?
Your on the right track but he wont go on a losing streak, I do see him changing his attitude a little to use the boos to anger and fuel him through his WM match with The Rock.
Cena needs to and will win the match against The Rock at WM, its just nobody wants to see this Cena win and continue his boring path. Cena should cater to the boos anyway, keep those fans involved with him. he can play both sides be cool with the kids and have verbal battles with the haters. Just ignoring them is now boring he needs to address them. This will put a little shake up in his character and show more personality
I like the idea. It would be good tv and keep Cena away from the title. I think he needs to change his character a little also but just more like his 06 self.
If you remember this is what they did with Edge before he won Money In The Bank the first time. Edge couldn't buy a win and then he finally snapped and turned heel. Would work well on Cena. But this is the WWE, the WalMart of professional wrestling, logic need not apply.
I wish there was a way that the mods could label topic as either "opinion based" or "fantasy booking". Ok lets answer some questions

What are my thoughts on this? I think you won't see Cena lose consecutively anytime soon. Idk if they considered his match with Ziggles a lost, but if so, he MAY only lose 1 more match heading to WM.

Should he turn? Nah. Right now I can only imagine two faces that he could fued with that would be
interesting, and those are old beef. Orton & Punk, just to see how the fued would look in Bizarro land.

How would I play it out? Fantasy time! Short & sweet, Cena uses Kane's negativity to strengthen his RISE ABOUT HATE stance. If he's gonna turn, it should be AT WRESTLEMANIA.

Could it transpire like you said? Anythings possible, I guess
Kane Vs Cena – Storyline

I definitely think there is an opportunity to create interest in Cena for the first time with this storyline.

It involves Kane turning his world upside down, and beating him savagely at the Rumble, mentally scarring him.

This builds Kane going into Mania as a huge heel, I mean he is the first guy to dominate Superman…meaning you already have the potential of marquee match with THE monster heel.

Cena however has lost his mojo, he is unable to win and for the first time the booos are getting to him.

Cena is a mess, he is putting on his brave face initially but this is becoming less convincing. And he is unable to win matches, not all losses are clean but throw in some matches that he should of won but lost. Kane broke Cena, and he gets more mentally unstable and out of character as the Wrestlemania draws near. The guy is even found crying backstage.

Enter the Rock – and in the lead up to WM …all the talk is about the Rock…the Great One has arrived….the most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment…Rock is dominating the smack talking making Cena look stupid…

Then final RAW before WM Cena finally gets the monkey off his back, posits a strong win and gives an emotional speech stating that this Sunday is match of his life and he will not back down.

WM is a strong match and after lots of near falls Cena gets the win, to the boos and the cheers…but he has won the big one he acts that way.

Next Raw he is goes onto say this is the biggest win of his career, and that he proved all the doubters wrong…

Then another man who with a W from Wrestlemania makes an appearance Kane. And Cena gets skittish. .

At this point you can turn Cena…or you can keep him as a half-face…but the point is you have given him an extra dimension.

He doesn’t necessarily need to be a heel he just need a little more character and personality really.

All Cena needs is to grow a g*ddamn personality!

What are your thoughts on this?

Does Cena need to be turned...or perhaps start giving some more dimension?

How would you have this played out?

Could it transpire like this?

ok im getting sick and tired of all u people saying wrestlers are faces or heels, well cm punk has brought on the era of personality, cm punk and randy orton are not faces or heels they are themselves each superstar has their own personality so shut the fuck up
ok im getting sick and tired of all u people saying wrestlers are faces or heels, well cm punk has brought on the era of personality, cm punk and randy orton are not faces or heels they are themselves each superstar has their own personality so shut the fuck up

Of course Punk & Orton are 'faces', as they play to crowd, they may do it more subtley than the Hulkster and may still be 'badass' but their characters are both tweaked to get the crowd to like them.

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