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I'm surprised so many seem sure this is a start of a Cena heel turn. I think it'll just end up a tease as far as that goes. Cena will likely overcome hate and come out looking more righteous than ever. I still the promo felt awkward although I do think Kane is really good on the mic.

Leave it to WWE to mess up even Kane putting his mask back on. It made no sense, it took away from his gimmick, and honestly made Kane look stupid as hell. I doubt he's even meant to be taken seriously at this point because that promo last night was just awful. I would have much rather seen him not talk at all. And if he did talk, have it be very very VERY minimal. Just when i thought they breathed new life back into the Kane character, they choke it right back out. damn disappointing if i do say so myself, and i never really complain about the show honestly. This was really bad tho imo
I think that it ruins the aspect of being a monster, but it also shows Kane is as intelligent as he is demented, the real question is will this be a feud about bullying or is this the highly anticipated heel turn we all want to see?
Definitely some mixed reaction on this one. I thought the live crowd just hated it, and there was a huge let's go cena chant that looked like even surprised cena. I thought it was a bit drawn out, and maybe that's the point, but it looked like Kane didn't give it much chance to build up and let it go somewhere. He just kept going and not letting it set it. I think he got a little distracted by the crowd and even when he started the cena sucks chant, the crowd didn't respond that much.
I liked the promo. The only problem I had with it was it might've been too soon to have Kane speak. I had pictured Kane continuing to silently dominate for a couple more weeks up until the Royal Rumble. During the Rumble Kane will more than likely dominate [maybe break his own record for eliminations in a single match?] and probably end up being eliminated by someone like Cena. It would be so cool if they continue to make Cena look weaker than Kane. I don't think it will hurt Cena's character in the least. I think last night's promo continued to show Kane's force by limiting Cena to the top of the ramp by the pyro. I don't mind having Kane speak, as some of you have already said, it would be dumb to just ignore the fact that Kane has been speaking after all these years. I also think this might be more "testing of the water" for Cena's possible heel turn.
I'm not going to quote every 50 year veteran of wrestling who said that his promo didn't "suit" his 3-day old character, but this goes to those guys:

The character is essentially three days old, and NOTHING has been done to establish him as a character apart from his promo last night. You guys don't really get to decide what suits him or not unless you were sitting in the writing room, writing his character.
I for one kinda enjoyed the promo. Honestly, what do you people expect? Did you expect cena to come out and attack kane or kane destroy cena again for the 3rd week straight? What would that have accomplished? We know that wwe aren't gonna allow their top dog to lose consecutively 3 weeks in a row. And I for one didn't want kane to destroy cena then walk away for the 3rd week without explaining his actions.

At first I thought that wwe went for the obvious story of kane attacking cena because a lot of people cheer him and he is a symbol of good. But they kinda surprised me this week with kane explaining that he wanted to help cena in a sick and sadistic way. This is not the same kane as he was when he made his debut, he is not gonna go out and destroy everyone without ushering a single word. This new kane is a combination of the old destructive, masked, big red machine and the unmasked psychopathic kane we have come to know of from 2003-05. And I for one like him this way. It symbolizes the evolution of the kane character.

And we also know that cena is long due of a heel turn, this maybe the start of it or it may end up another supercena triumph over the darker side (which is the likely case, especially with the seriously crappy wwe booking). But nevertheless, this is something that hasn't been seen in the wwe for a while now and something quite fresh. As long as wwe keep it simple, a cena heel turn maybe on the cards.
It's all part of the heel turn. SMH, am I the only one tryin to see this? Cena can't beat the rock when he is a face. Mick Foley came in and tried, failed miserably, but tried. Then Roddy Piper came in and did a better job, but still, Cena didn't buy it. It's all a part of a plan to turn Cena heel before Mania.
I really think WWE is forcing things here. I don't think for one moment that Kane should have been the person doing the promo. I liked Roddy Piper's promo better because it really seemed as if Piper was onto something (which he was). With Kane, his promo didn't make much sense. As someone else said, they should have never let Kane talk, let alone be involved with this.

The WWE is starting to make a strong habit out of starting these programs and storylines that don't make sense and that just dissolves or disappears (i.e. the cell phone storyline with HHH and Kevin Nash). I think this is one of the same things. I don't know where they're going with this, but Kane really didn't have crowd control. If the purpose was to get the audience to really lay into Cena, it didn't work as good as it should have. I hope something good comes out of this, but I don't think so.
For anyone that believes that Kane should not have cut that promo, let alone say one word. I have a question for you. How exactly would it help Kane to regress in his character? It wouldn't, not one bit. He's been speaking for over ten years, it would make no logical sense for him to stop now. I love it, the creative team show one sign of something creative and iwc shits on it because its not their old beloved Kane. This is hybrid Kane, and mix between the old and the new. One that is embracing everything that he is. As a result he is embracing the mask, he's embracing the hate in which he has for everything. Kane is the perfect person if you ask me to push Cena towards the hate. Why not use someone that is wrapped up in hate to turn the biggest babyface we've seen in a decade against his own saying? Well, that must make to much sense.

As for the promo, I actually really enjoyed it. At points he sounded like the same Kane that we've seen and heard for the past couple of years, but there were other points with the things that he said and how he said them that really just creeped me out. He sounded completely different. The pace didn't bother me, it fit within his promo which was suppose to be slow. Kane's promos have almost always had a slower speed than anybody. (Well besides Taker.)

The only problem I had was with the crowd, they seemed dead. There were several times during the promo that you could hear the majority of the audience just not paying attention and just talking amongest themselves. Even with Cena out there, kinda ridiculous if you ask me.
To all the people that think Kane ruined the monster gimmick has to understand he is not a monster anymore..Kane is the devil's favorite demon..Look at his new mask it looks very Demonic..Demons are not only strong but intelligent...I really enjoyed the promo..
I saw a lot of similaries with these guys when Kane did his promo. And I think wwe is trying to do this so Cena can turn heel with this type of process. Cena turns heel by being seduced by Kane. And I think its the best way for him to turn heel. All the younger fans would believe the turn more in this type of process than if Cena was to turn heel in another way. But that's just my opinion. What do the rest of you guys think?
lol nice analogy, I love it! Gotta admit, I'm an even bigger Star Wars fan than wrestling fan. You make some good points, there. =)
i dont think its a heel turn i think its gonna be the return of the doctor of thuganomics kanes gonna keep pushing till it finally happens and being that the newtork is on the way we might see a little more tv14 and i hope it happens just in time for wrestlemania im not a cena fan but i think he will beat the rock
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Mhmm. I see where you're going with this and I can honestly say I kind of agree to some extent. Most of the new fans I'm pretty sure know the story behind Anakin and the Sith Lord so in a way they would understand why Cena could/will turn heel. Maybe they'll still cheer him on cause' they understand? :confused: Elaborate more and I'll be able to give you a better clear cut answer.
This is exactly what I thought when watching....besides Kane is masked, couldn`t help but think of Darth Vader trying to get Luke to turn to the dark side. It helps building the fact that the boos are getting to Cena...I guess it will go for while and Cena will probably face Kane. If there is a heel turn in work, it is a progressive one and rightfully so... else it would not make any sense. I don`t think the necessary need Cena as heel at mania, he will get the hell booed out of him anyway, they might use that..specially if Rock wins.
To tell the truth I thought it was more of a Joker Batman type of situation. THe way Kane delivered the promo reminded me of a better version of Sting's Joker.
I wasn't necessarily upset with the promo but instead the fact that it doesn't seem to make sense. If Kane's unhappy with Cena simply because he chooses to overlook his disdain for those who hate him, then this is a really lame premise. He's not sitting at home watching it like many of us "universe", hoping for more entertainment from Cena, being fully aware that this is all scripted. Why would Kane be so angry about that? Why the fuck does he care??

I would have much rather Kane coming to Raw with his mask on with an explanation that he's wearing it again to reinvigorate himself. And his first test being to target the face/top-dog of the WWE in John Cena. Even though that plot has been done all too often, it's a lot better than knowing that this Kane actually gives two shits about what people think or feel.
To tell the truth I thought it was more of a Joker Batman type of situation. THe way Kane delivered the promo reminded me of a better version of Sting's Joker.

^^THIS^^ 100%.

I thought this exact thing, especially with The Dark Knight when Joker talks about change. Kane is trying to get Cena to embrace the hate, the same way Joker told Batman about chaos.

Batman, more specifically Bruce Wayne in creating Batman, caused criminals to lash out. Cena being the WWE holy boy, caused fans to lash out. They got sick of his gimmick, they got sick of the whole SuperCena, and they got sick of him being more for kids. Fans, diehard fans too, started to despise what Cena had become. He tried to brush it off and ignore it, but the more he does the more fans want to hate him.

Kane was there to say...dont ignore it, embrace it! Embrace the hate, embrace the boos. They have been slowly building Cena, maybe not for a full-blown heel turn, but for a more edgier character...and Kane is going to be his mentor.

I hope they dont end it there. I hope Kane stalks Cena and pushes him to the breaking point. Not so much a feud, but Kane being a mentor PERIOD, we have not seen a MENTOR role in awhile.

Next week and the weeks following should be interesting, especially if they start pushing the "CENA SUCKS" t-shirts.
As long as Kane isn't dancing with that mask on and making out with Backstage interviewers & Cena isn't smiling...it's all good.
Great analogy, I compliment you on that.

Now for the promo, it honestly looked like Kane had no idea what he was going to say beforehand and just went on an on about nothing while throwing in sophisticated vocabulary, and I feel he made an awkward moment turn great...due to the fans. They did something right for the first time in awhile: had a reaction that enhanced a promo.

I've said it too many times. Cena won't turn fully heel any time soon (WWE isn't out to make an interesting, mind blowing story...when they can keep their face of the company a good guy and still budget all money from children for as long as possible). They aren't fighting for ratings, they're fighting for profit only.

BUT, I think this has the means for a change in Cena's persona. He'll be the same underdog, come from behind, etc. character, but I believe leading up for the next few months, we'll see him snap at times and have more angst to him. He'll become more aggressive, kids will start to boo him and it will be good for a little bit, but he'll eventually snap out of it, "come from behind against all odds" and defeat Kane. Then he has the Rock.
Absolutely loved this last night and if handled correctly it could be one of the best storylines on RAW in the last couple years. I see both the Vader/Luke and Joker/Batman in what went down last night and I thought it was brilliant!
I think that they will keep Cena confused, because it started with Rowdy Rody Piper trying to get a reaction and didn't go for it, now Kane is trying to get him to embrace the hate, but he does not hate, i think the breaking point for Cena will be in the episode of RAW after wrestlemania bragging that he defeated The Rock, and he probably complain that the fans cheered more for The Rock than for him, i think that will be when he snaps by saying that he did it for the fans but they turn on him, that's how i think Cena will turn heel, either that or he and Kane could form some kind of an alliance, but i think Cena will turn like Bret Hart did by turning on the fans........
Kane did a great job on the promo. I enjoyed it. I'm not one of those people who sit on their butt *****es all day and complain about everything the WWE does. Sorry this was actually ENTERTAINING. If you have been enjoying Kane for the last several years, then you'd appreciate his gimmick that he has now 1, and 2 his mic skills are freaking awesome. I never notice how awesome Kane was on the mic until tonight. Yes I know he has a degree in speech or English and he was an actual professor at one time, but the promo tonight was nothing short of phenomenal. If you wanted silent monster Kane then to bad, he grew up bitches. :lol: :lol: :lol: The kane we have now is more unpredictable because we really don't know what to expect from this Kane next, were just hoping. I just hope he gets a mic next week and cuts another promo like this. Now as everyone was saying they wish he didn't talk, to bad so sad. He was awesome tonight 1, and 2 the only thing that would have made it more bad ass is if Paul Bear was out there doing the promo for Kane saying everything Kane was saying for Kane. Sorry the game ball (figure of speech to the douche bag that wants to dissect that one) goes to Kane for his promo,

I agree with this guy 100%, too much bitching and tearing apart promos these days. What did you guys expect, for Kane to talk for like 8 years then suddenly stop talking or use the voice box?? Yeah that would've looked extremely silly. Be HAPPY Kane is back with a mask.

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