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Getting Noticed By Management
so as i was done with raw this week there was only ONE question after Kane´s promo on John Cena on Raw.....WHY would mask Kane give a shit if the fans love or hate John Cena?

on top of that the promo ran too long, was too slow.... kane´s tone didnt fit and the way he executed seemed just wrong....

what did you thought about the Kane adressing his attacks on John Cena?
It could have been much better if they didn't do that promo. I am surprised that they let Kane talk because that spoiled his monster return. They should have just let the actions do the talking and let the fans interpret what they are trying to do (like ripping Cena's Rise above Hate shirt).
it just wasnt a promo that suited the masked kane, imo. Too long winded and too much explanation even though it made sense. The other thing is it sort of felt like a promo rejected during the kane is he alive or dead rey mysterio angle (what a disaster that was).
IMO they should of just had Kane come out and attack Cena again. I thought it was too early for Kane to talk. Also, it didn't really fit his masked monster image. It just felt off to me.
The promo was terrible, it just dont make sense to have this "monster" Kane return, and then start talking two weeks later. The whole promo made sense I just dont like how they made him start talking so soon.
IMO they shouldn't have ever started this feud between Cena and Kane. if you think about it, the Royal Rumble is right around the corner. that means it'll be Wrestlemania season. which also means Cena should start focusing on his feud with the rock.

Back to the topic, i hated it. Kane's words were long and drawn out. It got really boring and confusing at times. And what was the pyro going off in front of John Cena about? A really weird, disappointing way to end Raw. The LAST Raw of the year. smh
After years of Kane talking on the mic and even more so after he took off his mask, do you guys really expect him to not talk? He beat up Cena two weeks in a row without a word or an explanation. If he attacked Cena again and didn't say anything then that would've left people even more confused, it's already bad enough that he completely ignored the fact that Mark Henry put him on the shelf in the first place and attacked Cena instead. At least if he attacked Henry for weeks without talking there would be no need of explaining himself. I for one am very interested in this angle and want to see how it progresses, hopefully WWE will let Cena turn heel and if they do then maybe Kane can help Cena "show his hatred" towards the fans that boo him and eventually to The Rock.

Here's hoping that Cena can create the biggest buzz in wrestling since the CM Punk shoot angle ;)
I loved it. This isn't 1997/1998 where kane can't talk and everything has to be explained with destruction while someone else talks for him. Just because the mask is back doesn't mean everything that he's been through as far as character development goes out the window(like his ability to talk). The promo nicely explained why Kane's going after Cena in a way that you can associate with Kane's distinguished, hateful character. How else was it supposed to be explained? Cena said himself he didn't know why Kane was going after him, so what other choice was there? More random attacks? Kane is essentially his own Paul Bearer, he can both dish out the pain and explain it in a way that makes sense to him. That's what makes a good heel: believing what you're doing is right in your own twisted mind.
Umm. The promo was awful. Really killed the mystique behind his return. What a horrible purpose for an amazing comeback. "I'm wearing a mask because it's my essence and I'm going to draw my attention to the fans opinion of John Cena blah blah blah," ...come on. So he was just sitting at home and figured he'd grab a mask and a wig and talk like he's the same guy he's been for the past 8 years? Great. 2 whole weeks of intrigue flushed down the toilet to further Cena's discontent with being booed. Just great.
I enjoyed the promo itself, but I didn't like how he sounded exactly like Cody Rhodes on the mic. I also didn't like that they billed him as this monster for weeks to return then when he did, it only took 2 weeks to address what he did to Cena. This is just all part of the plan to turn Cena heel though. After it was over the thing I thought of first was... maybe... just maybe... 1/2/12 is Cena's heel turn. "It Begins" is a sign of the end of days where Cena was a likeable guy. Just a thought. I'm sure it isn't, but it would be a nice swerve, especially with all of the dirt sheets ruining the Jericho surprise if it is him.
Honestly, Almost all promos that I see in the WWE as of late are way too cheesy. It's like watching an episode WCW Nitro or TNA Impact. I don't know if it's because it's too wordy or is it because some storylines are just not that appealing that sometimes it doesn't make sense at all.

The writers should find ways on how to connect their storylines to the Characters/ Wrestlers involve. I think they should regroup and try to hire writers who can connect to the Wrestling Community.
I don't see why people want Kane to revert to the one dimensional, straight up monster that doesn't say a word. I think this is more of an example of the IWC expecting something to go a certain way even though there was no solid revelation that WWE was ever going to go "their way" in the first place. Kane has been talking regularly for a long while, especially during the course of the past 1.5 years.

I don't see the purpose in just attacking Cena again with no real explanation. It was established last week that Kane was going after Cena, so an explanation why is the next step. As for Kane's explanation, it fits into the overall character he's had for the past several years. Kane's character has been "evil" and I thought the idea of Kane's mission to get the #1 babyface in WWE to give into hatred was an interesting one. Even during Cena's brief match with Miz, Cena was more focused on the crowd reaction than he normally is. His facial expression as he looked around, listening to the crowd while he had Miz in a headlock, suggested that the continuous reaction is getting to him. Cena also looked dismayed when Kane was talking, like someone that could hear & see that there was some "truth" to what Kane was saying, at least when it came to how fans react to him, but was doing everything that he could to continue to deny it.

I thought Kane's promo was surprisingly thoughtful. It was a little drawn out but Kane's not really the type of guy you're going to see jumping all over the ring with sarcastic comments or cracking jokes or trying to talk 90 miles a minute. It fits in with the idea of a slow heel turn for Cena in which he turns on the fans the way he feels the fans have turned on him.

Kane's not the one dimensional, silent as the grave lug that he used to be and I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing.
A lot of what you people are saying is really blowing my mind. I respect that everyone has their opinion, but, c'mon. SERIOUSLY. First of all this is the most interesting thing to happen with not only Kane, but also John Cena in years. And yall wanna blow it up because Kane spoke too slow or too soon. Jesus f'n........... Are you SERIOUS!? You act like Kane never spoke when the mask was on in the first place. He did. Often.

I been watching this crap for more then 20 years and saw a lot of great stuff and a lot of dull stuff that does not make sence. Somebody said "what was with the pyro in front of John Cena?" First off have you ever seen the lightning vs fire battle The Undertaker had with Kane years ago? Look it up. Kanes "supernatural" fire power. Thats what that was. He thrust his arms towards the stage, the pyro ignited stopping Cena in his tracks. Then followed that by telling Cena not to come to the ring.

Seriouly who else could bring out the inner heel inside John Cena? This is the best way they could have gone about it.

Stupid marks.

Bloody hell!!!
I enjoyed the promo. I had RAW on in the background and I wasn't really paying attention to it. When Kane started talking, I turned my chair around, and actually watched. I think Cena did a great job of selling it too. The look on his face made it seem like what Kane said actually made him think.

I think everyone needs to chill the F out, and just give things a chance to play out. Everything the WWE is doing right now, is building to a really cool, promising future. They are developing new stars, coming up with new storylines. I think it's pretty interesting....and all just in time for WWE Network and WrestleMania. I'm in.
I HATED the kane segment. Kane is officially ruined as a monster. First of all, they should have NEVER let him speak. Second of all, he comes off as just some normal guy now. He went ON AND ON AND ON on the mic, repeating himself, and even the crowd didnt care. So Kane basically did the same shit that piper tried to do. It was laughable and I was bored out of my mind. Kane reborn? More like Kanes character dead again. Might as well take the mask off now.

Honestly my first thought as soon as I heard cenas music hit, and actually saw the semi smile reaction on Kanes face was that this angle has been ruined.

The hype of Kanes return is completely over for me now.
The way I see it, Kane's return and promo has nothing to do with Kane, it's just more Cena bullshit. They are going to try to build kane back up to monster status so that it will more impressive for super cena to beat him and have more momentum going into wrestlemania. All this time and effort put into Kane jobbing.
Too many people are being overdramatic. The Devil's favorite demon is being the Devil's advocate. You didn't expect Kane to come back and be the silent monster, did you? That's been done before. I would have enjoyed Kane coming back and chokeslamming everybody in a single night too, but it's way too early to feel disappointed people! I give the promo a B, but I think we're going to have an A level storyline developing from it. Maybe I'm wrong, but Kane has had Cena's number 3 weeks in a row now. Who else can claim that?
I seem to be in the minority who liked this promo. I thought Kane delivered it well. It was slow, but it felt necessary. I do agree on the whole talking bit destroying his monster character, I too was surprised he talked and preferred he didnt. but since he must, he delivered a good promo and I think the angle they set up is great. It's something that hasn't been done. Someone trying to coerce Cena into the dark side so to speak. This is the most interesting story line that both Kane and Cena have individually been involved in in a long time. I am excited to see where this heads, although I think it will end in Cena fighting it and rising above kane.
I actually quite liked it.

Kane has re-invented himself again, he's not the looming silent monster, he is the manipulative demon. He is tempting Cena, trying to lure him down the path of darkness. And his promo, including his drawn out phrasing, was exactly what you would expect for that. Thoughtful, conniving and seductive. The choice of Chicago for this promo was a no-brainer, the fans have been more vocally anti-Cena there than anywhere else recently, and they dropped into the 'Cena Sucks' chants with no prompting at all.

Cena himself played it up nicely too, swinging his head back and forth between the "let's go Cena" and "cena sucks" cries. He was doing this during the match with the Miz too, and they're obviously building up the storyline of Cena's possible turn.

The question is, can this new temptation demon in Kane defeat Cena's spirit. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
I HATED the kane segment. Kane is officially ruined as a monster. First of all, they should have NEVER let him speak. Second of all, he comes off as just some normal guy now. He went ON AND ON AND ON on the mic, repeating himself, and even the crowd didnt care. So Kane basically did the same shit that piper tried to do. It was laughable and I was bored out of my mind. Kane reborn? More like Kanes character dead again. Might as well take the mask off now.

Honestly my first thought as soon as I heard cenas music hit, and actually saw the semi smile reaction on Kanes face was that this angle has been ruined.

The hype of Kanes return is completely over for me now.

Like many have already said, Kane has been speaking for years, even before he debuted the first mask that exposed his mouth. It makes complete sense that he would talk.

And ruined as a monster? Have you not been watching for the past ten years? If Kane was ever ruined as a monster, it would have been in the X-Pac/Tori angle. But, he wasn't. He can be in love, he can do a Val Venis impression and say, "Hellooooo, Morley!" (one of my all time favorite face Kane moments), he can do the Santino trombone celebration...and turn around and be a monster again. That's what's so unique about the Kane character; the monster never goes away. Not that I'm a fan of all the cheesy things that Kane does as a face, but he will NEVER be ruined as a monster.

That being said, I think the promo accomplished what it needed to. Whether John Cena turns heel or not, it's obvious the crowd is finally getting to him. Kane has personified hate so much over the years, and he wants all around him to embrace the hate.

As always, get over yourselves and enjoy some wrestling.
they should of let kane continue attacking Cena until maybe week before the rumble and let his actions speak then they could of had him do a promo way to early. But i think this is a way their going to turn Cena heel finally, but i could be wrong i mean it is john cena the ''cash cow'' of wwe
I think a lot of promos are cheesy. When they're thinking it up in the back, they think "oh that'll get a reaction!" so they automatically pause for it, even if it doesn't happen, leaving the lull in the promo that happens far too frequently. Example: Kane starting "cena sucks" chants AFTER the crowd already did, so they didn't join in.

I wasn't a fan of the promo, personally. I would have rather seen Punk run the gauntlet and get to Lauranitis in Chi-town. But, it is what it is. I barely watched the promo, that's how painful I found it. Kane was trying really hard to go back to his old ways before he unmasked. You could tell he was attempting to alter his voice, for whatever reason, when we all know he, in fact, can talk just fine.
A lot of what you people are saying is really blowing my mind. I respect that everyone has their opinion, but, c'mon. SERIOUSLY. First of all this is the most interesting thing to happen with not only Kane, but also John Cena in years. And yall wanna blow it up because Kane spoke too slow or too soon. Jesus f'n........... Are you SERIOUS!? You act like Kane never spoke when the mask was on in the first place. He did. Often.

I been watching this crap for more then 20 years and saw a lot of great stuff and a lot of dull stuff that does not make sence. Somebody said "what was with the pyro in front of John Cena?" First off have you ever seen the lightning vs fire battle The Undertaker had with Kane years ago? Look it up. Kanes "supernatural" fire power. Thats what that was. He thrust his arms towards the stage, the pyro ignited stopping Cena in his tracks. Then followed that by telling Cena not to come to the ring.

Seriouly who else could bring out the inner heel inside John Cena? This is the best way they could have gone about it.

Stupid marks.

Bloody hell!!!

Yeah, did you notice the pyro blew a little too soon? I saw the flame blow up and Kane quickly put his hand out right after, he looked confused.

Anyway, I didn't mind the promo, it sounds like the beginning of heel Cena. Not sure why everyone is complaining. I guess because that's all people do on the internet, is complain, whether it's about movies, video games, wrestling. No one is ever happy with anything these days.

I just wish there was an actual reason for him putting the mask on. I mean, he gets injured by Mark Henry, is out for a while, then he returns with the mask for no reason? They could have had Henry burn his face or something. But oh well, I like masked Kane alot more than maskless Kane. :)
Kane did a great job on the promo. I enjoyed it. I'm not one of those people who sit on their butt *****es all day and complain about everything the WWE does. Sorry this was actually ENTERTAINING. If you have been enjoying Kane for the last several years, then you'd appreciate his gimmick that he has now 1, and 2 his mic skills are freaking awesome. I never notice how awesome Kane was on the mic until tonight. Yes I know he has a degree in speech or English and he was an actual professor at one time, but the promo tonight was nothing short of phenomenal. If you wanted silent monster Kane then to bad, he grew up bitches. :lol: :lol: :lol: The kane we have now is more unpredictable because we really don't know what to expect from this Kane next, were just hoping. I just hope he gets a mic next week and cuts another promo like this. Now as everyone was saying they wish he didn't talk, to bad so sad. He was awesome tonight 1, and 2 the only thing that would have made it more bad ass is if Paul Bear was out there doing the promo for Kane saying everything Kane was saying for Kane. Sorry the game ball (figure of speech to the douche bag that wants to dissect that one) goes to Kane for his promo,
Kane's promo was excellent, and the final driving nail for the Cena heel turn. Its coming, its definitley happening. Id suggest Cena will move to Smackdown and dominate as the top heel, and if they are jhell bent on Cena vs Rock having a title involved, then they can throw the WHC in the mix and leave the actual proper title between Punk vs Jericho or whomever gets the nod.

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