Live Discussion: RAW 26/5/2008

This has been a good promo. A Little on the long side but good nonetheless.

Im a wrestling fan. Not a Ratings Fan. I could give a shit less about ratings.
Umm, the ratings tell you how entertaining the segment is. If the segment loses viewers, then obviously it wasn't a very good segment.
I'm fairly sure it would have been the same if Cena, JBL, Orton or anyone for that matter was champ...

Definitely agree. Those face to face showdowns or Contract signings or debates are always boring as they go on forever and nothing we haven't heard a hundred times before.
I'm fairly sure it would have been the same if Cena, JBL, Orton or anyone for that matter was champ...
When was the last time that happened when anyone other than HHH was champ? Now, we're only a few weeks into HHH's reign, and...ratings are terible, so we get a 20 minute talking segment which goes no where. It would have been one thing if there had been a point. There was none. Hell, why was Grisham even in there?
Umm, the ratings tell you how entertaining the segment is. If the segment loses viewers, then obviously it wasn't a very good segment.

That was a pretty unintellegent statement.

In some cases, yes, the ratings go down due to something not being entertaining. But its not a fact of life. I enjoy Ironman Matches but those matches always lose viewers.
ratings do not tell how entertaining certain segments are. it shows how entertaining a certain amount of people thought it was. that doesnt mean that other people cant have a differing opinion
When was the last time that happened when anyone other than HHH was champ? Now, we're only a few weeks into HHH's reign, and...ratings are terible, so we get a 20 minute talking segment which goes no where. It would have been one thing if there had been a point. There was none. Hell, why was Grisham even in there?

Whenever it is a contract signing it never has a point. Or a stupid conference like tonight. None of it has a legit point and it all goes the same way.
That was a pretty unintellegent statement.

In some cases, yes, the ratings go down due to something not being entertaining. But its not a fact of life. I enjoy Ironman Matches but those matches always lose viewers.

No, it's the only statement that can possibly makes sense. No offense, but no one gives a damn what you like. What matters is what the majority of fans like, and if the majority of the fans don't like a segment (as reflected by a loss of viewers), then obviously the segment was not entertaining.

But hey, thanks for playing.
Exactly. I dont see why Sly has so much Blind hatred for Trips. But if it was Cena it wouldve been the best 18 minutes of his life.
Blind hatred? No, nothing blind about it. All I'm saying is that we got a 18 minute promo which did NOTHING. What purpose did it serve?

ratings do not tell how entertaining certain segments are. it shows how entertaining a certain amount of people thought it was. that doesnt mean that other people cant have a differing opinion
But, if it's losing viewers, then obviously it's not a good segment. This isn't rocket science here people.

Whenever it is a contract signing it never has a point. Or a stupid conference like tonight. None of it has a legit point and it all goes the same way.
Contract signings always end with someone getting beat down. There's a point to that.

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