Live Discussion: RAW 7/28/2008

Do you guys really think that the WWE cares that we hate Adamle as a GM? Absolutely not.

I just read about 5 - 6 pages of posts talking about this move. This is exactly what the WWE wants! The WWE loves controversy!

Everyone is going to tune in next week to see what Adamle does and how he performs. Then they will tune in the week after that. In addition, you are going to get a lot more people tuning in tonight to find out who the new announcer is for ECW.

The WWE doesn't care if we like Adamle or not. They don't care what we think of the GM move.

Their goal is to get people talking about their product and their decisions - and ever since CM Punk became Champion, people have been talking about something new every week.
Do you guys really think that the WWE cares that we hate Adamle as a GM? Absolutely not.

I just read about 5 - 6 pages of posts talking about this move. This is exactly what the WWE wants! The WWE loves controversy!

Everyone is going to tune in next week to see what Adamle does and how he performs. Then they will tune in the week after that. In addition, you are going to get a lot more people tuning in tonight to find out who the new announcer is for ECW.

The WWE doesn't care if we like Adamle or not. They don't care what we think of the GM move.

Their goal is to get people talking about their product and their decisions - and ever since CM Punk became Champion, people have been talking about something new every week.

you hit the nail right on the forehead champ! but this is THE worst possible decision they could make regarding the new Raw GM. I mean could it have been JBL? YES. Regal? YES! hell even Shane could've been better as GM! hell they could've had Steve Austin and people would mark out and continue watching raw. But now that they have the worst announcer that has announced wrestling your going to see a big ratings drop in the next few weeks and thats gonna have vince thinking..... why did I even think of giving Mike Adamle a shot? this guy DOESN'T deserve this. he should be paper pushing back at Titan Towers!
You know what? I actually do hope that everyone who claims that they're no longer watching RAW because of this, really do quit watching RAW. Because those are the fans who come into the forums and bitch and complain about everything. Nothing makes them happy except to watch Necro Butcher and Bryan Danielson no-sell each others offense for forty-five minutes, and pop for Curry Man based on the fact that "It's Christopher Daniels under there." At least if they all stop watching RAW then they won't have any reason to complain (although, that probably won't stop them from complaining anyway).
You know what? I actually do hope that everyone who claims that they're no longer watching RAW because of this, really do quit watching RAW. Because those are the fans who come into the forums and bitch and complain about everything. Nothing makes them happy except to watch Necro Butcher and Bryan Danielson no-sell each others offense for forty-five minutes, and pop for Curry Man based on the fact that "It's Christopher Daniels under there." At least if they all stop watching RAW then they won't have any reason to complain (although, that probably won't stop them from complaining anyway).

There the same fans that said after Mcmahon's million dollar mania they would never watch Raw again, but they still do and ratings don't lie! The indy marks will neverrrrrrrr everrrrrrrrr quit complaining about how superior ROH is to everything (sex included). Even though i like ROH, i find it annoying how everyone overrates their product. I don't like Adamle as the new GM, but its not going to have me not watching the product and wishing death apon WWE. On a unrelated note, Who doesn't pop for Curry Man? He has the best enterance in all of pro Rasslin'!
Adamle. How gay
Cena vs Batista. How gay.
My idea of a 5-6 man match for the WHC at Summerslam over. How gay
A match they could of teased for a few months is now being taken to summerslam after 2 weeks. Wow. I would of enjoyed Punk vs JBl vs Cena vs JBl vs Kane vs Someone else maybe with cena/batista fucking both there chances up during the match or something. Summerslam now sounds more boring then it did last week (Yay khali vs hhh, Matt hardy vs Mark Henry.)

You serious dude?

This freaking card is STACKED. The two, maybe 3 biggest matches of the night won't even involve titles. That's a freaking stacked card.


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