Live Discussion: RAW 2/25/2008

WM is going to be terrible... Mabey after that disaster Vince'll get his ass in gear...

Nah, he'd rather show his backside off on tv than give us a good product. The good product we could be getting is in the same closet at titan towers with half the roster's movesets, and the word creative in creative team. It'll take something major, like a new MNW, to get better than we are getting now, sadly. And than it will take awhile still. When Nitro started in 1995, it took nearly 3 years for Vince to really turn things around, it was a slow change - though at least worth it.
Idk.. I just seriously wonder how long it's going to take for Vince to realise that it's all falling apart

Once people finally stop watching the show, stop buying the merchandise and the ppvs. Other than that, probably the day he dies. Solution to so many of wwe's problems: Listen to the audience. Hardy: Huge pops. Kane: Huge pops. Punk: Huge pops. Cena: Booed out of the damn building. And who's going to more than likely win at mania? Either make him a heel or get him out of the main event.
Once people finally stop watching the show, stop buying the merchandise and the ppvs. Other than that, probably the day he dies. Solution to so many of wwe's problems: Listen to the audience. Hardy: Huge pops. Kane: Huge pops. Punk: Huge pops. Cena: Booed out of the damn building. And who's going to more than likely win at mania? Either make him a heel or get him out of the main event.

Punk/Shelton, Undertaker/Edge, Hardy/HBK would of been my dream WM main event lineup this year. I'd of settled for Orton/Hardy, though Orton's matches don't entertain me much.
Taker and edge will be great just because of whos in it. Hbk and flair works for me but he and hardy would be great too. Punk and shelton is coming soon enough. Vince needs to just stop trying to do what he wants and do somethign that makes sense for once. Stop the storylines and just put them in the ring and let them go. Worked before and itll work again.
Taker and edge will be great just because of whos in it. Hbk and flair works for me but he and hardy would be great too. Punk and shelton is coming soon enough. Vince needs to just stop trying to do what he wants and do somethign that makes sense for once. Stop the storylines and just put them in the ring and let them go. Worked before and itll work again.

While I agree 100%, the problem is Vince is too worried with storytelling these days. It is one thing for a match to tell a story, but WWE's way of doing it is all too often the SOS. If they let guys go out there and do their thing like you said, the stories would be better already because there would be more variety.
That's why punk/chavo was so refreshing. No storylines, no gimmicks, jsut two guys fighting over a title. It's been a week since the hornswaggle beatdown, and on 3 shows now theres been 3 great video packages on those shows: a great one on taker's win streak, a video hyping wrestlemania, and tonight one which i can't remember. Then each time we got an update on hornswaggle. What a waste of time.
Batista will face off for SmackDown aainst Umaga!! I'd put money on it!!
That's why punk/chavo was so refreshing. No storylines, no gimmicks, jsut two guys fighting over a title. It's been a week since the hornswaggle beatdown, and on 3 shows now theres been 3 great video packages on those shows: a great one on taker's win streak, a video hyping wrestlemania, and tonight one which i can't remember. Then each time we got an update on hornswaggle. What a waste of time.

Chavo/Punk was pretty good. I think they are both capable of better matches, but they were still better than most of the current stuff. Chavo did some stuff he hadn't done in awhile at NWO which was refreshing. At this point, it'd make a good match for Mania so they could blow off the feud. Even though it's been done a few times on tv and at NWO, it could still be a good, fun fast-paced opener with Punk finally getting the belt back.
yeah. The problem I have with that feud is the same issue i have with the entire ecw brand: We've seen it all before. There isn't a single match, other than punk shelton, that we ahve't seen before. I still say they should just merge it with smackdown. The sad thing is ECW is a better show, mainly because they don't have time for all the bs that comes with raw and occasionaly smackdown. It'd offer soem great matches which we haven't seen before. Maybe the lottery, if they have one, could help a lot.
yeah. The problem I have with that feud is the same issue i have with the entire ecw brand: We've seen it all before. There isn't a single match, other than punk shelton, that we ahve't seen before. I still say they should just merge it with smackdown. The sad thing is ECW is a better show, mainly because they don't have time for all the bs that comes with raw and occasionaly smackdown. It'd offer soem great matches which we haven't seen before. Maybe the lottery, if they have one, could help a lot.

I'd of liked to have seen them build Tommy Dreamer up for a title match at Mania. They have 5 weeks and 2 shows a week with the Smack/ECW merger so they could do it if they wanted to. Put Punk in MITB and let Tommy have a moment in the spotlight against Chavo!
Dreamer more than anyone else deserves it. It would make sense too as Raw now has 3 guys in mitb and sd/ecw has one. They could use the other 2 guys, as i hope its only 6 guys. My question is other than punk, who else could you put in the match? Mvp maybe?

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