Live Discussion: RAW 4/28/08

The match was decent to say the least and Sly you are partial right...the crowd was hot for about half the match but dead for the other half....thats usually how current crods are like tho. But it was the first WWE Title match long? On Raw I mean.
Well here is hoping that they put Kane in a half decent feud for the ECW title and get away from the Chavo thing.
Nobody is flame-bating you Sly, you just assume cause they don't agree with you that they're flame-baiting you, I do love how you claim some one is flame-baiting you for simply disagreeing with you, yet you were flame-baiting through out the entire show

AMEN Justin!
The ME was a decent match, and the crowd was pretty into it as far as I could see.

I guess Cena would’ve had to be in there getting booed non-stop by 60% of the audience for Sly to think the fans were into the match.

And I didn't mind the ending of Raw either. At least there was a reason for it, unlike all the times WCW did it; Hogan vs. Sting after Starrcade being the most specific. Man that pissed me off.
Im okay with the ending as long as it doesnt become a pattern...I dont want Raw to go the Nitro route...I didnt like WCW back then and I dont like it now. Plus what the hell is up with the damn Hi Lite reels lately? Jericho comes off as a moron action and no progress....
Nobody is flame-bating you Sly, you just assume cause they don't agree with you that they're flame-baiting you,
No, you can tell the difference when people are disagreeing and when people are purposely trying to push buttons. DIAR was purposely pushing buttons, and it's obvious. Which is fine, because like I said, I got nothing better to do than play along. But, it's still flame-baiting, even if I don't bite.

And, your comment was flame-baiting due to your interjection in a debate that had nothing to do with you, simply to take a potshot at me. That's flame-baiting.

I do love how you claim some one is flame-baiting you for simply disagreeing with you, yet you were flame-baiting through out the entire show
Not once. All I did was state how boring Trips is as champion, how he got booed as champion, and how his first match as champion was a 20 minute borefest that the entire crowd was sleeping on by the end of the match.

That's not flame-baiting, that's presenting my perspective. Thanks.
No, you can tell the difference when people are disagreeing and when people are purposely trying to push buttons. DIAR was purposely pushing buttons, and it's obvious. Which is fine, because like I said, I got nothing better to do than play along. But, it's still flame-baiting, even if I don't bite.

And, your comment was flame-baiting due to your interjection in a debate that had nothing to do with you, simply to take a potshot at me. That's flame-baiting.

Not once. All I did was state how boring Trips is as champion, how he got booed as champion, and how his first match as champion was a 20 minute borefest that the entire crowd was sleeping on by the end of the match.
That's not flame-baiting, that's presenting my perspective. Thanks.

What you witnessed last night was another classic Randy Orton "Man of a 1000 Headlocks" match, his matches are like that every week, so don't blame it on Triple H if you thought the match was bad, because his job was to sell Orton's dominance and he did just that.
What you witnessed last night was another classic Randy Orton "Man of a 1000 Headlocks" match, his matches are like that every week, so don't blame it on Triple H if you thought the match was bad, because his job was to sell Orton's dominance and he did just that.

Orton puts on 20 minute headlocks because he's instructed to do by managment. Of which HHH is a part of. :icon_biggrin:
Orton puts on 20 minute headlocks because he's instructed to do by managment. Of which HHH is a part of. :icon_biggrin:

Yeah, but that is what I was saying all along, Triple H was making Orton look dominant over him for the majority of the match by selling his headlocks and everything else. It is just that fans don't like it when a wrestler repeatly does headlocks throughtout a match, which is what Orton usually does(more than most wrestlers do), not just against Triple H.
But he does the boring headlocks because he's instructed to. Why? I'm sure if Orton was allowed to go out and do his own thing he's be more acceoted, there wouldn't be as much negativity around him.

In short what I'm saying is that certain wrestler are told to do, or not do certain things. And I think that it's down to HHH. True story.
But he does the boring headlocks because he's instructed to. Why? I'm sure if Orton was allowed to go out and do his own thing he's be more acceoted, there wouldn't be as much negativity around him.

In short what I'm saying is that certain wrestler are told to do, or not do certain things. And I think that it's down to HHH. True story.

Fair enough, if you believe that Triple H is the man that tells everybody what moves they can and cannot do, that's fine, I don't believe so, I always thought Vince was the visionary who told wrestlers what styles they should use.
Meh I still say WWE managment is afraid to let some of these guys show what they can really do. Orton can do a Hell of a lot more... If WWE lets him that is...
It was well done Norcal, and they did it with a great heel, which will make it work even better.

Only bad thing was all the Cena marks whining.
It was well done Norcal, and they did it with a great heel, which will make it work even better.

Only bad thing was all the Cena marks whining.

the reason no one like cena now is cause we got force fed to much of him 4 way to long......they kept the belt on him 4 way to long everybody got sick of seeing him
the reason no one like cena now is cause we got force fed to much of him 4 way to long......they kept the belt on him 4 way to long everybody got sick of seeing him

I hated Cena the moment I laid eyes on him because wiggers are the stupidest and most annoying people in the world. Has nothing to do with him having the belt for too long.
I hated Cena the moment I laid eyes on him because wiggers are the stupidest and most annoying people in the world. Has nothing to do with him having the belt for too long.

why are they so stupid??? I guess its just totally impossible for a white person to be from an area that would validate them dressing/ talking a certain way??

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