Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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I'm interested in what the new video said. I don't think it was REV, i think it was RAW. Best case scenario? Y2J returns in Birmingham! That would rule!
last man standing still going on tonight with HHH vs Orton and the verse for rev 22:12 goes "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward [is] with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." and there was one thing i could not make out
This women match is just plain boring. It won't even be competitive, Phoenix is like a Chyna wrestler where she's just huge and she can mess with anyone smaller.
I actually think Orton might win it tonight you know - HHH doing all these matches kinda gives the excuse he can lose without looking weak sort of thing perhaps some umaga help will come in too.

Then again the shovel might prevail!!
What I'm saying is, the new video didn't just say 2ND_COMING, the SAVE_US.222 message appeared as well.

Damn, Candice is hot.

Oh yeah, Women's title match now. If anyone cares/
I can't help but have his feeling that the save us video will be something ridiculous that only vince likes. with all the different names popping up, and i have no evidence for thinking this other thana feeling, but what if it's just lashley? He's a name that hasn't really been talked about since his injury
Revelations 22:12

Behold I am coming soon, and I will give unto everyone based on the things they ahve done.
With a ego as big as HHHs I cannot see him wanting to join the club with Kane Yokozuna Orton etc of extremly short title runs so you have to say HHH.
Dang. Accidental upskirt of Beth Pheonix. She has a nice ass. I think she's wearing a thong!

Last WWE event I went to, there was a we want puppies chant... halfway through the Diva's match, it became "We Want Pussy". Funniest thing I ever did see. Until Khali meditating.
They shoulda had a bra+panties match. Would be more believabley competitive. And it woulda been hotter.
I think this ppv is so bad, i'm not even watching the free live stream of it on the internet. The card sucks, and the orton vs hhh match sucked. Should have been Orton vs Jericho instead of them waiting to use Jericho til' Cyber Tuesday or whatever it's called.
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