Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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the IWC is boring.

Orton is shit.

The PPV sucks because they had like a week to book it. They had to reschedule things because of Cena's injury. Give WWE a fuckin' break.
HHH's music says time to play the game, well there is a game and its called: See if you can come out of a match with HHH with your job intact.

man i feel so sorry for the next guy who goes up against trips, lol

JR: the games got a shovel, the games got a shovel, and he buries ortans career just like that bye bye randy!!!
Ugh what matches do we have after this? Women's Title, Big Foreign Cage Match Thing, and that's it?

I believe so. Unless we see Jericho come out as Beth Pheonix's boyfriend I dont think we'll be seeing any walls break down tonight.

the IWC is boring.

Orton is shit.

The PPV sucks because they had like a week to book it. They had to reschedule things because of Cena's injury. Give WWE a fuckin' break.

They had a full month to build up this PPV, Yea Cena was injured but there were still other matches on the card!!
Finlay's pretending to be KO'ed, but he opened his eyes when the ref turned round.

(If his eyes were closed, how did Finlay know he was gone?)
I can't believe anybody ordered this PPV to see if Jericho was gonna show up. You guys are n00bs. I knew everyone would shit on it when they'd find out Jericho wasn't there.
the IWC is boring.

Orton is shit.

The PPV sucks because they had like a week to book it. They had to reschedule things because of Cena's injury. Give WWE a fuckin' break.

No.. the only match that changed due to Cenas injury was the Cena match.

Note: Is Finlay really injured? The commentators sound like it

edit: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love when they do that :shooter:
Even though I'm not seeing much of this match, the Rey/Finaly match hasn't caught my eye. I'm still thinking that we haven't seen the last of Trip's tonight. There is -no- way Trip's wouldn't be in the ME of his title win. Somethin's gotta go down.
the IWC is boring.

Why the hell are you here? *shrugs*

Orton is shit.

Yeah, Despite being the best heel in WWE and a damn fine wrestler and mic worker...:rolleyes:...Yeah Clearly.

The PPV sucks because they had like a week to book it.

Sep 16.-Oct.7

Plenty of time.

They had to reschedule things because of Cena's injury. Give WWE a fuckin' break.

How hard is it to make a tournament or a 1 on 1 match with the guy you have built up for 6 months going over?
What's the Rey Vs. Finlay match like?

Rey Mysterio was jumping around a lot. Then I looked away and I saw Finlay layed out outside the ring, and he can't get up and they have like doctors and stuff on him. Oh I just saw a replay. It looks like Mysterio jumped off the top rope and Finlay was like half in the ring and he jumped on his hand of something and he fell out and hit his head. I dunno, it looks mad stupid.
I can't believe anybody ordered this PPV to see if Jericho was gonna show up. You guys are n00bs. I knew everyone would shit on it when they'd find out Jericho wasn't there.

get off of your high horse big ace, your really starting to annoy me:robvandam:
Hmm... actually, that may have just been a muscle flicker. They're stretchering him out. Looking at the replay, it looked bad.

That's good, the crowd are giving him a "Finlay" chant as they stretcher him out.

Ah... knew it. He jumps off the stretcher, and attacks Rey.
its funny there trying to play up finlay as injured yet he moved his head and legs.
Oh it was fake shock !! lol

The refs need to be careful with those X signs though using them in angles.

and I did not expect Y2J tonight so I am not hating this ppv coz of him lol.

another match has no finish.
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