Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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Finlay chants replaced by "Finlay sucks" chants.

Funny how he jumped off the stretcher. An Irish Leap!
history will be made who thinks its gonna be two WWE title changes three titles matches...HHH vs. Orton Last Man Standing
I'm not saying I hate the PPV because of the absence of Y2J, I just really wanted to see him in action tonight.
Why the hell are you here? *shrugs*

To bug you like Slyfox :P.

Yeah, Despite being the best heel in WWE and a damn fine wrestler and mic worker...:rolleyes:...Yeah Clearly.

Damn fine wrestler? Lolz. I laughed hard there. He has maybe 4 more moves than Cena, and you guys jump on his dick for it. =/ Good mic worker? ''I'M THE LEGEND KILLER, I WAS THE YOUNGEST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!' By the way young Randy, who exactly did you beat for that Title?

Sep 16.-Oct.7

Plenty of time.

Nah. Because everything they do is ridiculed by idiot 16 year olds who have nothing else to do but come on Forums and bash a wrestling promotion. Yeah, I'm in that group too. But it's pretty pathetic really.

How hard is it to make a tournament or a 1 on 1 match with the guy you have built up for 6 months going over?

Because this is the WWE Championship. It's not the damn US Title where you can hot-shot it. It takes time, and Vince loves to book ahead. He had to change his WrestleMania main event and everything I bet.

Funny how everyone was all loving HHH and wanting him to beat Cena @ WM 22. They probably would've boo'ed him if he won.
Hang on... Vince is booking a new match.

Randy Orton gets his Rematch Clause! LOL! That's Genius.

It's Last Man Standing as well. Hahaha. This will be good.
worst ppv iv ever paid for. cant wait for bound for glory, i know that wont be a complete joke like this. LEAST ANGLE LOSES IN TNA LOL ala the tna ppv that angle defended all 3 belts.

i thought it was funny how hhh didnt really get alot of cheers for his 2nd match lol crowd felt more like uhhh another hhh match zZzzzZz
seems the stream im watching is coming from across the pond as its lagging.
1 - SAVE_US.222 - Chris Jericho
2 - SAVIOUR_SELF - Shawn Micahels
3 - 2ND_COMING - The New Hart Foundation

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