Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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I really hope HHH drops it, so everyone can see how horrible of a Champion Orton is.

Please, lose it Trips.
well thats cool a 3rd wwe title match and the LMS match, even tho its prolly goin to blow and be short. lol still adds to the so called history making night LOL
I dont see The Shovel dropping the belt cleanly tonight. Someone will interfere, most likely Vince unfortunately.
Didnt that first matrix video say something about a return on this date?
Hey guys... Figured I'd chime in. I'm soooo glad I didn't pay for this... I'm at a friends, but figured I'd come on here to throw in my two cents on this PPV. I knew as soon as HHH confronted Orton that that was it and HHH would be champ... Speaking of champ. Beth won
To bug you like Slyfox :P.

I don't mind Sly, Can't say the same here.;)

Damn fine wrestler? Lolz.

Damn right, Not any worse than Triple H. Who by the way has looked like a pile of shit since his return...

I laughed hard there.

I laughed hard when you say he's not a power hungry peice of shit.

He has maybe 4 more moves than Cena,


and you guys jump on his dick for it.

Sorta like when Steph jumps on Trip's? Earning him the title...


Yes, Watch his satelitte promos during the Cena feud...Brilliant....

By the way young Randy, who exactly did you beat for that Title?

Triple H, only to lose it back to him a month later:rolleyes:

Because this is the WWE Championship.

It doesn't look like one?

It's not the damn US Title where you can hot-shot it.

My whole point of having a Triple H/Orton match with the guy you have built up for along time going over..

It takes time, and Vince loves to book ahead. He had to change his WrestleMania main event and everything I bet.

The time was perfect for Orton to take the strap at both SummerSlam and Tonight.

Funny how everyone was all loving HHH and wanting him to beat Cena @ WM 22. They probably would've boo'ed him if he won.

Yeah, That same match your talking about was a borefest as well, Says alot about boths wrestling ability.
did anyone see a patern in the video?? like was there a code or new message or anything?
triple h is now defending the title again 2 randy orten in a last man standing match this stupid wen is y2j returning badd rattings 4 wwe
man this is sick, they might as well rename the ppv triple h shows no mercy
wait did I miss sumthing... the WWE title is going to be defended 3 times in 1 night???? HHH will retain I hate to say X_X
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