IMPACT Wrestling LD for 12.15.11

It's a terrible way to fix it, unless they find a team they strike gold with. But in the end, whichever team emerges is going to be fed to Morgan and Crimson. Im highly doubtful Crimson's streak is going to end in a tag team match, so the end result will be the team being fed to Morgan and Crimson, and they'll mean little in the long run.

Say what you will about WWE throwing single's wrestler's together, but once together, they're staying together. Look no further then the tag team champs for proof of that. Were Kofi and Bourne thrown together? Sure. But they've stayed together.

Could you actually wait to until the tournament is actually over before saying none of the teams will stick together
pairing a hall of famer to a guy that needs character development = GENIUS

It worked wonders with tara and the hot ass Brooke.
Goodbye Jesse you won't be missed

To be fair, he's a really nice guy. Joe, I don't know if you were at the show in Brooklyn last summer but Neal spent the most time with the fans out of everyone. He and Brian Kendrick were the two guys who took time out to talk to me when I was getting my wrestling journalism stuff going. Gotta respect that. I know he's not good, but he's a good dude and that's something to hold your head high about.
So the tag division is in the crapper. Ye they are trying to do something about it.
The knock out division is the closest thing to perfect for a women division
The main event is rejuvenated.
The X division is being re invented and has a great heel champ.
the midcard has always been in the crapper and the jersey shore guy is not going to help it.

Overall this is the most i've enjoyed impact/tna in a while

You may think I'm bashing TNA and the product here, but I'm not. I enjoyed Final Resolution, much more then I thought I would. Further, I agree with much of this. Give me the Knockouts over the Divas anytime. It's not close. I just am disappointed with how far the tag division has fallen, and I don't believe this tournament in the solution.
Less than stellar results with the past pairing of Ric Flair and AJ Styles, in my opinion.

AJ regressed somewhat I agree, but AJ already had a solid character before putting him with the nature boy. Gunner has no character at all which Ric can help mold.
AJ was already made, Gunner is as hreen as his arm tats
AJ regressed somewhat I agree, but AJ already had a solid character before putting him with the nature boy. Gunner has no character at all which Ric can help mold.
AJ was already made, Gunner is as hreen as his arm tats

This, and AJ simply isn't a good heel. He was miscast from the beginning, as he's been every time he's been turned. He's a great face, why mess with what works?
see, I went to the tna website, they advertised this match. Why was the overtime not advertised. Such an indy mentality at times
I never thought the day would come where I would think that Bully Ray would be so over as a heel that he would be a contender for the title.
Gee, the other two teams came out and had a short match. This one got promo time. Think they're gonna be successful in this tournament?

I'm guessing yes.
Should have paired Robbie E with Big Rob and Stiener with Bully Ray.. but I guess Bully Ray didn't want to go back to the tag team scene.

Joe/Magnus could work..

Where the hell is Kazarian??? he could work in a tag team!

I like this move, create new tag teams. so when MCMG's come back they have a lot of teams to feud with.

Something new.
Remember bound for glory when they had a 10 team tag team match. they would die for some of the teams they used as feeder back in the day.
here is your comedy tag team. Enjoy

If anything, the tournment has at least brought magnus and Douglas to my tv set and that is always a plus

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