IMPACT Wrestling LD for 07.21.11

Hey, there are four hot women in the ring, so let's put the camera on two old guys who we can't hear speaking a language most viewers don't understand!
The spanish announcing team is rather good. gory has an amazing wrestling knowledge( duh, he is a Guerrero). Urbina has a pretty decent wrestling voice too
As much as I hate most of the Knockouts, that was actually a somewhat interesting segment with Mickie/Velvet/Winter/Angelina. It was kind of nice seeing Velvet and Mickie be all buddy-buddy and stuff. The match will of course suck, but hey atleast they're trying.
Hemme botches so many announcements.

Here we go, ladder match time. I hope this is good! I'm all caught up now by the way.
How is Morgan not a star? In my eyes the guy is got the look, the mic skills and enough wrestling ability to be a star.
Y'know, I don't think Gunner is as bad as I thought he was before....but the guy still needs alot of work. He's easily the least interesting guy in this match.

Decent stuff so far, but they haven't really used the ladder at all.

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