IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.23.11

Old school is now anything that is less than two years removed now. Thank Professor, you just taught me something new.

I am getting so sick of him immediately following a wrestler's announcement with "wow!"
1 Hour, 15 minutes in and Sting is still the best part of the show. By a long shot. Sounds like those young kids really need to step it up when a 50 year old man consistently more entertaining than they are.

True, but there have really only been 4 "young kids" featured so far. And the match they were in was solid.

Kane...good on the mic?


Kane cut some of the absolute worst promos I've ever heard during that Taker rivalry last year. I mean absolute total garbage.

It doesn't change he is good on the mic.

JOEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and A.J, and six sides being mentioned, and Elix Skipper, and Jerry Lynn. I'm marking out so hard. This is TNA. Not Bischoff, Steiner, Kennedy, RVD, Hogan, or any of them. This is.
Samoa Joe's debut in TNA still puts a smile in my face. He was incredible going through all the X division.

Eww the fortune them is horrible.
Daniels is so underrated on the mic and with his facial expressions that it hurts my soul.
Nice. Joe/AJ. Please tell me Daniels comes out so we can get Joe/AJ/Daniels II at Destination X!

II? I think you mean Joe/AJ/Daniels Part 8. They've wrestled each other on TNA PPV alone 3 or 4 different times. Plus once at a UWF/TNA house show/DVD. Plus a few times on the indies.

Never gets old though.

It doesn't change he is good on the mic.

It would appear we have very different opinions of what constitutes being "good on the mic".

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