I'm Done


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
With the WZ tournament it looks like. It's looking like Edge is going to defeat the Undertaker, so I've now officially stopped giving a fuck anymore. I'll vote in the last round but I'm not even going to attempt to post any kind of debate, because its pointless as apparently a large portion of our posters here are fucking imbeciles with about as much wrestling knowledge as Mike Adamle.

Congrats Will, without you, Edge surely would have been eliminated atleast 3 rounds ago.

Anyone else absolutely sickened by the total fucking idiocy of so many posters here?
Taker sickens me.

You have to join me in the last round. We'll debate over whatever we want.

Education level
Theme song

We'll take over this place.
Oh I will TM.

Seriously, did you see the arguments made for Edge in that thread? The majority of them are "I'm voting Edge cuz I want to, Fuck Taker!". Even Will pretty much said that in his first post in there.

Seriously, you ask ANY wrestler, announcer, promoter, manager, or anyone even remotely involved in the wrestling business who is better, Edge or Undertaker, and they'll tell you Taker. The man is the most respected worker in the history of the WWE.
He certainly deserves it more then Edge deserves even one. I mean seriously, who in their right fucking mind can keep a straight face while saying "Edge is the Greatest Pro Wrestler of All Time"? I certainly can't, even typing that makes me feel dirty. Edge isn't even in the top twenty. I'd go with any of the remaining candidates over Edge.

And yeah KB, that kind of proves my point. The majority of people voting for Edge are total fucking morons, the kind you see posting 1 sentence replies in the wrestling sections saying shit like "I think Shelton Benjamin iz da best so he shuld be da wwf champion yaa Suck IT!".
In ten years Edge has provided with me twice as much entertainment value as The Undertaker did in 20. That's why I voted for Edge, and like I said in my post in the thread... it's justified. I don't care about 'Taker's legacy or the fact he's wrestled longer... the guy has sucked the majority of his career, whereas Edge has been awesome from the start.

With that said, I will be voting for Bret Hart in the next round.

Oh, and for the record... I voted for Raven and Lesnar against Edge in this tournament, so I'm not some blind Edge fanboy. I do think he's awesome, more awesome than Austin and 'Taker, but it's not like he's anywhere near being my favorite wrestler of all time.
He is not the best wrestler ever. Not even close. Not second, not third, not even top 10.
Ehh, i voted for Edge because Will asked me for support for him against Austin and Taker, no one else asked me for support (at least not in PM), and I could really care less about what happens in a fictional tournament on a wrestling forum. It's fun, of course, but since I didn't really follow it at all, it doesn't bother me voting for Edge over Taker. Plus I saw how many were going to vote Taker in spite for him beating Austin, so I decided to take a different route.
Ehh, i voted for Edge because Will asked me for support for him against Austin and Taker, no one else asked me for support (at least not in PM), and I could really care less about what happens in a fictional tournament on a wrestling forum. It's fun, of course, but since I didn't really follow it at all, it doesn't bother me voting for Edge over Taker. Plus I saw how many were going to vote Taker in spite for him beating Austin, so I decided to take a different route.

Damn, he PMed you too? I thought I was special, Will!
Truth be told, anyone could have also PM'ed people to vote Taker. I am endlessly impressed with the amount of effort some people put into this. It's affirmation that Shocky created something people care about. I was so sick of the apathy, and this is where we are. I love it.
Well you have an exceptional woman in your sig, and Taker blows donkey dick.

Strong choice of words? Yes, but I hate Taker.
Yeah a way bigger tragedy than Edge winning would've been 'Taker as a two time champion of this thing. In my opinion, he shouldn't have won last year and he shouldn't have made it this far this year, but since he did... I'm really glad he's losing right now.
Deal with it?

I know Shocky put a shit load of effort into this but it's not that important. Who wins should not be getting people this pissed it's a fake wrestling tournament on the internet.

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