That really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that someone thinks I'm better than something.:)

Don't take it TOO personally. I'm just saying you shouldn't need to resort to stereotypes to deal with fucking MATT FOX. It's like letting a mentally challenged person beat you on a test. Funny for him, sad for everyone else.

Aight man, you are ok in my book, you have taken my posts in good humor which is what I was going for, wasn't really serious, I rarely am, except with ZeroVx, I hate that fucker, but you, I ain't go no real problem with you... racist.
Aight man, you are ok in my book, you have taken my posts in good humor which is what I was going for, wasn't really serious, I rarely am, except with ZeroVx, I hate that fucker, but you, I ain't go no real problem with you... racist.
Well, I wasn't serious either. You aren't a chink.
I'm gonna go ahead and call out ChiHawks. How DARE you fly something in your sig which all know to be flat out bullshit?!

We all know that you placed a fuckin' curse on the teams that deserve to be there. ADMIT IT, YOU SHAMELESS BASTARD!!!!!
Big Sexy gave me a red rep for NO FUCKING REASON, so I'm calling your ass out, you poophead fartknocker!

1. Who are you?

2. If I red repped you there was a reason. You were either being an annoying cunt or you made a shit post.
I'm gonna go ahead and call out ChiHawks. How DARE you fly something in your sig which all know to be flat out bullshit?!

What, when Blue said me calling someone an idiot was the meanest thing he ever saw from me? I know, I've called people worse.

We all know that you placed a fuckin' curse on the teams that deserve to be there. ADMIT IT, YOU SHAMELESS BASTARD!!!!!

I'm not a billy goat or black cat. Christ you'd think I'm a Cubs fan or something. :p
What, when Blue said me calling someone an idiot was the meanest thing he ever saw from me? I know, I've called people worse.

That was me you allegedly called an idiot, ya cockboy

I'm not a billy goat or black cat. Christ you'd think I'm a Cubs fan or something. :p

No, just a Hawks fan. Almost as bad. ALMOST! One of the Original Six, and this is their first trip to the finals in how many years?
That was me you allegedly called an idiot, ya cockboy

Actually it was a noob in the WWE section. I could never call my Mount and Dew me buddy an idiot.

No, just a Hawks fan. Almost as bad. ALMOST! One of the Original Six, and this is their first trip to the finals in how many years?

How dare you say just a Hawks fan. I'm more than that. Also, 18 years. Cut us some slack, Bill Wirtz sucked ass as an owner, Rocky and John McDonough turned that shit around quickly. Them and Toews and Kane and actually winning did too. But mostly Bill Wirtz dying.
OK, let me try again.

Fine then. Why don't YOU try calling someone out? If you think this thread is so fail, air your grievances with everyone and make it unfail. You saying it's Fail adds nothing to the thread and actually contributes to its Fail.


I did call someone out. Matt Fox and whoever else the fuck was using this thread as a fucking love fest. This is for shitting on other people, not saying "I hate you because you're so awesome!!!>!>!>>!!"

Read Doc, read.

...****** ******.
...****** ******.

This just seems unnecessary. Not offensive, fuck those people that are, just a little excessive. You sank so low to just throw that out there and join the brigade. Razor, you are a sellout. Fucking bitch. I say this because "I'm Whitey, and I'm not ready to apologize yet".
Yeah, but you hesitated. That is the key. Had you have said "Read, Doc, read, you ****** ******" then it would have been cool. But you did it "...". Just excessive in that variety. Eh, fuck it. Go ****** crazy if you want. I don't give a shit.
I DID hesitate. You're right. I apologize. I'll be much more forthcoming with my insults from now on.
Fuckin' A right you will. I feel better knowing I've made a difference in your life. Actually it isn't, but I'm going to think so to make myself feel better for the next hour and a half at work.

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