I Have Something To Fucking Say.

And yet, here you are bitching about something so pointless and ridiculous, I kept help but laugh at your total hypocrisy.

Yet you are bitchin about my bitching and calling ME a hypocrite. We could go on all day here.

The forum ISN'T as active as it once was. There is no denying this. Now, you can disagree on WHY, but it is true.

Apples and Oranges.

Yes, and grow up as well.

Will do. Almighty Slyfox show me the way. Show me how to grow up and be a pile of shit covered in douche just like you.

Woops immaturity. I'm dead serious here. You tell me to grow up I will. Also you tell me how high to jump and I will. Thanks for caring.

I know.

Yep, I have a huge ego. No doubt about it. Although, I'm not really sure what qualifies me as having this huge ego. It's probably because I'm smarter than you.

Oooooo. Cheap shots. Sly you really hurt my feelings. I wish you would take that back. In your infinite wisdom please take it back.

I constantly bitch? When was the last time I bitched about anything? Because I say that tournaments are tired as hell, that equals bitching?

People being too nice on the forums, The Spam rule. You're infractions. OTHER peoples infractions. So many more.

I point out things that need improving, in my opinion. If you don't like it, why should I give a fuck?

You shoudn't, just like most people don't care about what you think needs improving.

As you said in your opening post, it's not like I know you or give a damn about you.

Thank you. Oh glorious gym teacher.
Side note:
Although, I'm not really sure what qualifies me as having this huge ego. It's probably because I'm smarter than you.
It probably has to do with the majority of your posts. In debate your closings tend to mock posters and come off as conceited(whether you intend them to or not, but you probably do). In the bar you tend to say that your opinion is always right and that you are the best(or a beast). Those statements could have been in jest or serious, but they are considered especially egotistical to those who don't like you to begin with. Some of your statements imply that you think that you are the smartest person on the forums.
Just a note-

once upon a time when this forum was much more active, people used to bash either all the time. So I don't think bashing less contributes to forum activity at all, in fact I'd say we're pretty nice around here already. =]

Flames Out
Yet you are bitchin about my bitching and calling ME a hypocrite. We could go on all day here.
I'm not bitching about you at all. I'm telling you to grow a set.

Will do. Almighty Slyfox show me the way. Show me how to grow up and be a pile of shit covered in douche just like you.
You start by not taking anything on a forum personally. Doing that is just sad. Then, you learn to understand that this is nothing but words on a computer screen which should mean absolutely nothing to you in real life.

When you're able to grasp these two concepts, I'll be happy to continue.

Oooooo. Cheap shots. Sly you really hurt my feelings. I wish you would take that back. In your infinite wisdom please take it back.
Wow...do you not even realize that I was not insulting your intelligence there, but rather mocking your absurd comments?

People being too nice on the forums, The Spam rule. You're infractions. OTHER peoples infractions. So many more.
All of which were MONTHS ago. Fucking Christ, you don't even know what you are talking about anymore.

You shoudn't, just like most people don't care about what you think needs improving.
And I understand that. But, if the people with the power to make those changes like the idea, then it gets changed. Which is why I bring it up.

Thank you. Oh glorious gym teacher.
You're welcome. I'm always here to help.
Side note:

It probably has to do with the majority of your posts. In debate your closings tend to mock posters and come off as conceited(whether you intend them to or not, but you probably do). In the bar you tend to say that your opinion is always right and that you are the best(or a beast). Those statements could have been in jest or serious, but they are considered especially egotistical to those who don't like you to begin with.
I only mock stupid opinions. If you make a stupid post, it deserves to be mocked. And, of course I'm going to always say my opinion is always right, what kind of debater would I be if I said I was wrong. That doesn't even make sense.

Some of your statements imply that you think that you are the smartest person on the forums.
To be fair, I only think that way because it's true.
While I agree with the 2nd sentence, there is no such thing as a stupid opinion.
Yes there is. People have only told you that to make you feel good.

There are such things as stupid opinion. If I were to say that, in my opinion, the Detroit Lions were a better overall football team than the Tennessee Titans, that would be stupid.
You're welcome. I'm always here to help.
I only mock stupid opinions. If you make a stupid post, it deserves to be mocked. And, of course I'm going to always say my opinion is always right, what kind of debater would I be if I said I was wrong. That doesn't even make sense.
Still, some see mocking others as egotistical. Usually people can accept that they have been wrong in the past or that an issue doesn't necessarily have a 'right' answer/opinion.
To be fair, I only think that way because it's true.
You don't know that and you definitely can't prove it. It's obvious that you already know that and just say things of that nature to be inflammatory(which causes discussion).
Still, some see mocking others as egotistical. Usually people can accept that they have been wrong in the past or that an issue doesn't necessarily have a 'right' answer/opinion.
Meh, as Colin Cowherd would say, "That's a YOU problem, not a me problem".

You don't know that and you definitely can't prove it. It's obvious that you already know that and just say things of that nature to be inflammatory(which causes discussion).
Maybe I do.

But then again, I do have a little bit of a record to back it up as well. And I'm not talking about a WZ record.
Meh, as Colin Cowherd would say, "That's a YOU problem, not a me problem".
Being egotistical isn't necessarily a bad thing or a problem, but that doesn't mean that you aren't a bit of an egotist in the context of this forum.
Maybe I do.

But then again, I do have a little bit of a record to back it up as well. And I'm not talking about a WZ record.
So you are usually the smartest person in the room? That doesn't mean much.

People with an I.Q. of 145(ish) are smarter than the vast majority of the world, but that doesn't negate the fact that there are still millions of people smarter than them.

If you are the smartest person I ever interact with(you aren't), then it would be a terrible waste.
Being egotistical isn't necessarily a bad thing or a problem, but that doesn't mean that you aren't a bit of an egotist in the context of this forum.

So you are usually the smartest person in the room? That doesn't mean much.

People with an I.Q. of 145(ish) are smarter than the vast majority of the world, but that doesn't negate the fact that there are still millions of people smarter than them.

If you are the smartest person I ever interact with(you aren't), then it would be a terrible waste.
Take your example. You say an IQ of 145. Based on what?

The distribution of scores (commonly called IQ scores) on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale follows an approximately normal curve, an average distribution of values. The test is regularly adjusted so that the median score is 100—that is, so that half of the scores fall above 100, and half fall below

Standard of deviation and 'the what not'.

Your point?

Standard of deviation and 'the what not'.

Your point?
I bet you really don't understand what all that meant, do you?

My point is that a score of 145 means nothing, until you know how it compares. The Wechsler is different from the Stanford-Binet, for example. A true measure of intelligence isn't a random number, but rather how you rank in terms of intelligence against other people. IQ tests themselves have credibility issues, in many different ways, not the least of which the subjects that are used to determine the norm and the material used to administer the test.

But, I can safely tell you this. I've been IQ tested before, and using their guidelines, going by the test I took and when I took it, I could have qualified for Mensa. This is a true story. My first teaching job was teaching the Gifted students at my school, a job that I got, in part, because I was a former member of the program myself.

Am I the smartest person you know? Maybe not? Am I the smartest person on the forums? Maybe not. But I am quite confident in my level of intelligence, and if that confidence irritates you or someone else, that's a you problem.
I bet you really don't understand what all that meant, do you?
145 was used in my example because it is usually considered at about genius level. The point was that even incredibly intelligent people aren't as smart as others.
My point is that a score of 145 means nothing, until you know how it compares. The Wechsler is different from the Stanford-Binet, for example. A true measure of intelligence isn't a random number, but rather how you rank in terms of intelligence against other people. IQ tests themselves have credibility issues, in many different ways, not the least of which the subjects that are used to determine the norm and the material used to administer the test.
The graph was to illustrate that 145 and above is rare. And once again my point is that even the fifth smartest person in the world has four people who are smarter than him.
But, I can safely tell you this. I've been IQ tested before, and using their guidelines, going by the test I took and when I took it, I could have qualified for Mensa. This is a true story. My first teaching job was teaching the Gifted students at my school, a job that I got, in part, because I was a former member of the program myself.
I'm saying that you aren't intelligent, just that you probably aren't the most intelligent. I was part of those programs, but I don't claim to be the smartest.
Am I the smartest person you know? Maybe not?
As many on this site say we don't 'know' each other, but even if we did you wouldn't be. Once again, this isn't an insult or an attempt to say you aren't smart.
Am I the smartest person on the forums? Maybe not.
It's something that we'll never know. But you claim that you are at times, though I think you are doing it facetiously. I'm sure that others don't agree.
But I am quite confident in my level of intelligence, and if that confidence irritates you or someone else, that's a you problem.
I'm confident in my own, and you being an intelligent person doesn't irritate me. The original topic was ego and I felt that your statements about your own intelligence(in most cases, not this one) come off as conceited. I didn't even disagree with your posts in here, I just wanted to point out that you come as an egotist to some.
Wait, has Sly begun to ignore this and deemed me...incapable of receiving an arguement? I don't think that I acted belligerent or unwilling to accept new ideas.
Nah, I decided not to buy it.

I am playing Fallout 3 though. Major kick ass game.

I haven't played a video game since The Godfather on XBox. Oh, I played Raw vs SD 2008 at a friend's house, and NHL 2K9 at my Uncle's. I don't have time for video games.

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