The IWC rant

meh I really don't see how I'm epically failing... examples please... and no quoting this post and saying epic fail does not count.

Ok, you fail at everything.

I'm at work at the minute and into 11 and a half hours into my 12 hour shift, i had surgery ON MY CHEST, last saturday, and ive still got whiplash, adm im increderbly inritable so im going to tell you what i told the doctor when he asked whether id prefer my temp taken from the poop shoot.

Ok, you fail at everything.

I'm at work at the minute and into 11 and a half hours into my 12 hour shift, i had surgery ON MY CHEST, last saturday, and ive still got whiplash, adm im increderbly inritable so im going to tell you what i told the doctor when he asked whether id prefer my temp taken from the poop shoot.



Watch your flaming. You're coming off as hostile. Next time will result in an infraction.
Ok, you fail at everything.

I'm at work at the minute and into 11 and a half hours into my 12 hour shift, i had surgery ON MY CHEST, last saturday, and ive still got whiplash, adm im increderbly inritable so im going to tell you what i told the doctor when he asked whether id prefer my temp taken from the poop shoot.


Well then aren't you an angry little boy :smashfreakB: I agree with Jonny's statement. You'll be gone soon. I'm done here.
I'm Jonny B... pleased to meet you, you must be the new Coco

Well, I've just read through this thread today, and WOW, I was mad yesterday.

Anyway I'd like to aplogize to anyone I've insulted/offended, I have got an excuse though, I hadnt taken any pain killer to work, So i was in a lot of pain.

And I will be here for a while i'm afraid that's the first time i've REALLY been hostile toward's people, and I don't plan on being a heel ( :lmao: )

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