I fucking hate moderators

If we required it, you'd be gone. But literate posters like myself try to help folks like you get better, both in posting and in life.

Yes, because I come on the internet to get criticized for irrelevant details that don't do shit to hinder you from understanding the message. Nobody asked for your help and if you actually think by insults towards a persons grammar is going to help them then your a blind mod. And you should step down in the first place, it seems to me you don't do shit here anyway.
The reason why the rules are so stiff are because this is the best wrestling forum on the whole innernet. We get thousands upon thousands of unique views a week. I'm sure crave and the admins don't want fucking idoits posting up shit in the wwe forums like OMFGORZ JOHNZ CENARS SUYCKS!!!!@@21!!!ELEVEN!!!!!. Because without the rules thats what half the posting would be like.

You can have a relaxed atmosphere and a competent community. I'm not asking for anarchy just a cooling of the boiler. De-Socialising to an extent.
Yes, because I come on the internet to get criticized for irrelevant details that don't do shit to hinder you from understanding the message. Nobody asked for your help and if you actually think by insults towards a persons grammar is going to help them then your a blind mod. And you should step down in the first place, it seems to me you don't do shit here anyway.

Dude just shut the fuck up. You're not gonna win this argument.
Yes, because I come on the internet to get criticized for irrelevant details that don't do shit to hinder you from understanding the message. Nobody asked for your help and if you actually think by insults towards a persons grammar is going to help them then your a blind mod. And you should step down in the first place, it seems to me you don't do shit here anyway.

If you think I don't do shit here, you're the blind one.

I smell a Sidious alt.
Yes, because I come on the internet to get criticized for irrelevant details that don't do shit to hinder you from understanding the message. Nobody asked for your help and if you actually think by insults towards a persons grammar is going to help them then your a blind mod. And you should step down in the first place, it seems to me you don't do shit here anyway.

Yeah ok thats why Ic was a respected admin at one time fuck stick, and is helping run one of the biggest tournies ever held on wz right now. Maybe you've seen it? It only has its own forum sub section.
Yes, because I come on the internet to get criticized for irrelevant details that don't do shit to hinder you from understanding the message. Nobody asked for your help and if you actually think by insults towards a persons grammar is going to help them then your a blind mod. And you should step down in the first place, it seems to me you don't do shit here anyway.

Someone is picking on IC. This should be entertaining.

You can have a relaxed atmosphere and a competent community. I'm not asking for anarchy just a cooling of the boiler. De-Socialising to an extent.

We have. You would have been banned long ago under our old system.
You mean like me not infracting the guy that started this thread for posting in the wrong forums? Yeah we'd NEVER cut someone a break. It's always the hammer of God around here.

The Cage is more of a collective of many subforums so you would be gigantic asshole for doing that. But on a general level you would do that regardless of intention of OP.
No but inflexibility over the tiniest details
Inflexibility over the tiniest details?

Now, wait a minute, let's think about this logically. Who's really being inflexible here? If you're asking for just a tiny bit of flexibility from us, could you not ask the same of regular posters? My number one goal, from the first day I got on Staff, was for there to be equal treatment of posters across the board, and for the Rules to written in such a way there is no confusion on how they are to be applied. And, for the most part, I think we've gotten that down.

So, the question I have is, why should we be flexible, when our Rules are being applied equally and fairly to everyone? Should it not be upon you to make sure you're conforming to our rules? Should it not be YOU who's being flexible?

and the mightier than thou attitude of yourself and other mods
You misrepresent us.

The Staff here at the WrestleZone Forums is VERY helpful to anyone who requests help in a respectful manner, AND has taken steps to try and help themselves. But when jackasses like you come along with a nasty attitude, then we get nasty right back. Like has been said, we do this for free, and really have no desire to put up with nasty attitude.

If you try and help yourself first, and then ask in a respectful manner for help, the Staff is more than helpful, friendly even. But if you don't treat us with respect, or obviously don't take time to find answers to your questions first, then the Staff has no patience for you.

The problem here is not us. That I assure you.

is unattractive to the someone just browsing the forums and you guys should be ambassadors for wrestlezone.

We should? Why is that? We're regular people, doing this for free. Please tell me why the fuck we should be ambassadors.

The Staff's job is what we decide it to be. And since I have been Administrator, the Staff's job is to be firm, but fair, but to not take any shit off idiots. We're real people with real lives. We try to promote the best posting atmosphere possible here, and try to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions, but we also insist you do things our way. Why? Because we feel it's the best way to run this forum.

We don't ask anyone to post here, we just give you the opportunity to. We try to help you abide by our rules, even giving a couple of Warnings for Spamming before we give Infractions, so people don't get banned before they realize it.

You're very wrong. You have no idea how hard we work to help people post appropriately here.
The Cage is more of a collective of many subforums so you would be gigantic asshole for doing that. But on a general level you would do that regardless of intention of OP.
Several minutes ago, I moved your spamming thread asking for a Sig from the MMA forum to the Requests sub-forum of the Digital Arts and Graphics, without penalty.

Just another example of us helping you out, even at the same time you're insulting us by calling us bad moderators.
I would LOVE to see half the people that complain about us of staff have to deal with what we deal with that you guys don't see. PM complaints, explaining things over and over, driving discussion, infractions/penalties, moving things, organizing things, arguing over the decisions we make, answering questions. It's a thankless job and then we deal with morons and lunkheads like you that want us to be even lighter on you. Do our job with the patience we have to have, or shut up. Either that or leave since neither you are hardly anything special. Just don't waste our damn time complaining when we have more important things to do than explain to you why you're wrong.
I posted a thread in th wrong section and should've at least got a warning.

You know what happened not a damn thing.

The mods are fair and flexible as long as people don't take the fact they have sand in their vaginas out o them.
I've only been here a week and I have to say all the mods have been friendly to me. Most of the members, too. The rules are easy to follow... I don't see how hard this is to understand. This site is much better than the last few wrestling forums I tried getting into.

I also love all the spam sections already.
I've only been here a week and I have to say all the mods have been friendly to me. Most of the members, too. The rules are easy to follow... I don't see how hard this is to understand. This site is much better than the last few wrestling forums I tried getting into.

I also love all the spam sections already.

Yeah man, you seem like a cool guy.
I've only been here a week and I have to say all the mods have been friendly to me. Most of the members, too. The rules are easy to follow... I don't see how hard this is to understand. This site is much better than the last few wrestling forums I tried getting into.

I also love all the spam sections already.

In short, don't give us any problems and we'll be nice. That's typically the way things work here. If someone that has been fine the whole time they're here makes a mistake and breaks a rule I'll likely let it slide. If someone has been a jerk to me the whole time, I'll infract them with a big old grin on my face. Simple concept really.
To summarize:

If the mods/admins are getting on your case, it's your fault, not theirs. Figure out what you're doing wrong and stop doing it. You'll enjoy the forums a lot more that way.
Several minutes ago, I moved your spamming thread asking for a Sig from the MMA forum to the Requests sub-forum of the Digital Arts and Graphics, without penalty.

Just another example of us helping you out, even at the same time you're insulting us by calling us bad moderators.

I actually wrote a message for the MMA subforum, specifically for the MMA subforum but thanks for doing your job.
I actually wrote a message for the MMA subforum, specifically for the MMA subforum but thanks for doing your job.

There is no MMA sub-forum, just a main forum, and your thread was requesting a sig, which goes in the Digital Arts and Graphics sub-forum called Requests.
I doesn't matter what you put in a post if you're asking for a sig it belongs in the requests section of the graphics forum.

Edit: Sly beat me to it.

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