I fucking hate moderators

Uncle chester is saying exactly what I intended to. Wrestlezone is set up so well, that it could become more popular to the IWC. The rules do scare people away from posting. According to the problem (knuckleblunder) their are 304 posters. Over 1 million people watch wrestling weekly. I'm not saying its the main reason there are not more posters, but it definitely doesnt help. I know I come off as a moron, but maybe their are things you guys could do that could make the site more accommodating, instead of just saying this is how we do it, if you don't do it exactly how was do , mark it as spam and turn a potential poster away. You mods could reflect and say mayb this guys right, we are a little uptight and let people join the IWC here at wrestle zone.
This forum could be huge if not for these over bearing mods. It probably has the best interface, best navigation and could be absolutely massive. But the authorities are stopping it's progression and that's very sad.
You're right. It could be huge. And ******ed. If the mods let elementary school dropouts like our nice little OP here, Jenks or Bill Lesnar, this forum would just showcase why pro wrestlers think IWC fans are idiots and why society is in the lousy shape it's in.
Uncle chester is saying exactly what I intended to. Wrestlezone is set up so well, that it could become more popular to the IWC. The rules do scare people away from posting. According to the problem (knuckleblunder) their are 304 posters. Over 1 million people watch wrestling weekly. I'm not saying its the main reason there are not more posters, but it definitely doesnt help. I know I come off as a moron, but maybe their are things you guys could do that could make the site more accommodating, instead of just saying this is how we do it, if you don't do it exactly how was do , mark it as spam and turn a potential poster away. You mods could reflect and say mayb this guys right, we are a little uptight and let people join the IWC here at wrestle zone.

I feel the same way. It has an excellent news site, has advertising on the forum, an excellent color scheme and interface but these mods are just unbelievable uptight and this a problem.
You're right. It could be huge. And ******ed. If the mods let elementary school dropouts like our nice little OP here, Jenks or Bill Lesnar, this forum would just showcase why pro wrestlers think IWC fans are idiots and why society is in the lousy shape it's in.

Dude I never said to let complete idiots post but be more flexible with posters instead of complete internet disciplinarians. They do let idiots post as long as they follow the spam-rules but it's their attitude and some of the rules are downright constrictive.
Uncle chester is saying exactly what I intended to. Wrestlezone is set up so well, that it could become more popular to the IWC. The rules do scare people away from posting.
If the rules here scare you, you are a total failure of society. If you can't follwo such simplistic rules here, what hope do you have in an actual job?
According to the problem (knuckleblunder) their are 304 posters. Over 1 million people watch wrestling weekly. I'm not saying its the main reason there are not more posters, but it definitely doesnt help.
Knuckleblunder... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Misspelling can have it's moments. If out of 1k people, only 300 follow our rules because the rest are scare, I truly feel sorry for the rest of society.
I know I come off as a moron,
No, you don't come off as one, you are one.
but maybe their are things you guys could do that could make the site more accommodating, instead of just saying this is how we do it, if you don't do it exactly how was do , mark it as spam and turn a potential poster away. You mods could reflect and say mayb this guys right, we are a little uptight and let people join the IWC here at wrestle zone.

Go fucking use it if you can't avoid spamming, you whiny bitch.
I'm not a troll. You're a troll.

Great comeback, allow me to respond in kind.

I'm rubber and you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

Uncle chester is saying exactly what I intended to. Wrestlezone is set up so well, that it could become more popular to the IWC. The rules do scare people away from posting. According to the problem (knuckleblunder) their are 304 posters. Over 1 million people watch wrestling weekly. I'm not saying its the main reason there are not more posters, but it definitely doesnt help. I know I come off as a moron, but maybe their are things you guys could do that could make the site more accommodating, instead of just saying this is how we do it, if you don't do it exactly how was do , mark it as spam and turn a potential poster away. You mods could reflect and say mayb this guys right, we are a little uptight and let people join the IWC here at wrestle zone.
In our defense, the only people we ban are the ignorant and the idiots unable to follow what are very simple rules. And considering you have SIX chances to get the rules right before you're gone for good, I daresay the problem with people not sticking around is less to do with us, and more to do with their intelligence.

To be completely honest, I don't give a rats ass if you post here or not. I don't make money from the site, I'm just interested in the best possible posting atmosphere for everyone. However, when we don't have rules and guidelines, then the quality of the forum goes way down.

Do yourself a favor, and take a look at some of the very earliest threads that used to be on WrestleZone. Look at how terrible they were, and perhaps you'll have a greater appreciation for the rules as they currently stand today. You can find the old threads in the Wrestling Archives, on the very last pages.

I feel the same way. It has an excellent news site, has advertising on the forum, an excellent color scheme and interface but these mods are just unbelievable uptight and this a problem.
We're not uptight, we just ask people to follow the rules and guidelines that have been in place for over a year now. That's not too much to ask.
Dude I never said to let complete idiots post but be more flexible with posters instead of complete internet disciplinarians. They do let idiots post as long as they follow the spam-rules but it's their attitude and some of the rules are downright constrictive.
Well there are 300 posters standing and about maybe about 4 down. They must be doing something right.
We're not uptight, we just ask people to follow the rules and guidelines that have been in place for over a year now. That's not too much to ask.

No but inflexibility over the tiniest details and the mightier than thou attitude of yourself and other mods is unattractive to the someone just browsing the forums and you guys should be ambassadors for wrestlezone.
No but inflexibility over the tiniest details and the mightier than thou attitude of yourself and other mods is unattractive to the someone just browsing the forums and you guys should be ambassadors for wrestlezone.

The reason why the rules are so stiff are because this is the best wrestling forum on the whole innernet. We get thousands upon thousands of unique views a week. I'm sure crave and the admins don't want fucking idoits posting up shit in the wwe forums like OMFGORZ JOHNZ CENARS SUYCKS!!!!@@21!!!ELEVEN!!!!!. Because without the rules thats what half the posting would be like.
No but inflexibility over the tiniest details and the mightier than thou attitude of yourself and other mods is unattractive to the someone just browsing the forums and you guys should be ambassadors for wrestlezone.

You mean like me not infracting the guy that started this thread for posting in the wrong forums? Yeah we'd NEVER cut someone a break. It's always the hammer of God around here.

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