Come on Tastycles, if you can't see that Vader's dropkick was more sound than Big Show's, you are mad. Big Show just jumped up and let Test run into him. No leg extension or nothing. Vader jumped, put his feet squarely in the other dude's chest, and pushed off, the way a dropkick is supposed to be done.
If that's true, then all it shows is that Big Show can jump higher. If there's no leg extension and he hangs in the air, it means he's just got more hang time, and he can straight up jump about 5'6" in the air without having to throw his legs out, this is inherently more useful than being able to do that.
Has anyone ever actually seen this mystery Big Show moonsault? If not, it is heresay. I could say that some guy told me that Kerry Von Erich rose from the dead and is challenging Edge for the World title. That doesn't make it true. Same goes with the Big Show doing his moonsault, unless you have evidence of it happening, I don't think I buy it.
Paul Wight on moonsault said:The only problem was that I don't think anybody wanted to lay underneath of me when I landed. We were screwing around with it, and one of the upper-echelon in WCW at the time pretty much reamed my ass out for doing that. I was a rookie at the time, and didn't really know how to stand up for myself. Basically, they told me I had no business being on the top rope at all; I was a ground attacker, and I was a tank, so stay off the tope rope. Dallas (Page) and Terry Taylor (put him up to it), and it was one of those collective 'you've got so much athleticism show it.' So I did, and I got my ass chewed out right after it.
You calling Paul Wight a liar? The reason he never did one in WCW or WWE is the same reason that Vader rarely if ever did vadersaults in WWF. It is dangerous to have a guy that big land on anyone after a backflip. A major North American promotion would never risk letting a big guy do a move like this, and the reason for it was exemplified by Lesnar injuring himself.
Watch the World War III battle royal again. Show spent most of the match standing around or leaning on somebody. He put no effort in at all until the last five minutes, so don't try to claim that his victory in that match was more impressive than Vader beating three legends in less than 15 minutes.
It shows how he would save himself in a multiple man environment. Big Show has won a five way gimmick match in the last year against opponents that included a guy wo was world champion a month later. Vader just keeps people on the floor by over powering them and rarely exerting himself until the end of the match. He isn't going to be able to do that here.
As to your summary, yes Big Show is stronger. Yes, Big Show is bigger. But, you are wrong everywhere else. Vader had better endurance, could take an arse whooping with the best of them (high impact or not), and believe it or not, was way meaner than the Big Nasty Bastard.
Show me Vader take an arse whooping and win, I've already explained that The Big Show beat Hogan after being pushed off a roof, that's relevant in a match where one might fall off a high place. Vadeer had better endurance? Bollocks, he generally fought much weaker people than himself and won by keeping them down on the ground. Whenever he fought anyone of comparabe strength, Hansen, for example, the matches were much shorter. I don't believe Vader has ever lasted in a multiple manenvironment for longer than 20 minutes ever, Show has done it in World War 3 1995, 96 and 97 and Royal Rumble 2004. Not to mention the fact that Show has fought and beaten other superheavyweights far more often than Vader.
Just take a look at the Yokozuna Vaderbomb where he breaks Yoko's leg, or him jumping a very old Gorrilla Monsoon, or power bombing Cactus Jack on the cement floor (no padding, pure cement), or breaking Joe Thurman (sp?)'s back. Vader was more intense, meaner, and quite honestly, in his prime, didn't even really feel pain.
The fact that Vader isn't good enough at his job to avoid injuring his opponents shouldn't be used as a defence here. As for the other things, Big Show has done some pretty mean shit too. Throwing Angle off a ledge, chokslamming JBL through the ring, throwing Austin through a cage,
Taking out the ministry as can be seen here...
Vader was also smarter. Big Show has a pretty bad win-loss record against good opponents. Why? Because he makes stupid mistakes to lose the match. Vader rarely made a mistake. When he did, he lost as well, but the difference is, that he didn't make anywhere near the mistakes that Big Show does.
Really? I'm man enough to discount Vader's WWF run, because he was on the way out there, but which WCW main eventers did he beat when he was there? Sting? That's it. He lost loads to Ric Flair and he later lost to guys like Hogan as soon as they came into the company. Show on the other hand has beaten guys like Hogan, Savage, Page, Undertaker, Kane, Khali, The Rock, HHH, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar.... The list of big names he has beaten decisively is endless.
Vader should win this match. And try to forget WWF Vader and Big Show when voting, take a look at their WCW versions (and Vader in Japan) for an actual fair assessment of their skills, that is where both were at their best. And Vader was the best in the World at the time.
If Vader was at his best in WCW, then he doesn't stand a chance. The Giant dominated there at a time when the company had the most stacked roster in the history of professional wrestling, then he came to WWE, the first high profile guy to do it remember, and dominated in the attitude era there. Meanwhile Vader was squashing Tom Zenk and scraping wins against Ron Simmons and losing to Davey Boy Smith.
In Japan, Vader was much better tested, granted, but not against guys this big. Show has beaten Loch ness and Khali, two of the biggest guys to ever set foot in the ring, but Vader couldn't beat El Gigante. This match has to go to Show because he is the best equipped to win it.