ECW Triangle Ladder Match: Big Van Vader vs. Andre the Giant vs. The Big Show

ECW Ladder Match - Big Van Vader vs Andre the Giant vs Paul Wight

  • The Mastadon

  • The 8th Wonder of the World

  • The Big Show

Results are only viewable after voting.


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the ECW Region, from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA.

Ladder Match. A briefcase will be suspended 15 feet above the ring, and the first wrestler to use a ladder to retrieve the Briefcase will be the winner.


Big Van Vader


Andre the Giant


The Big Show
Andre, for a giant and all, takes fucking baby steps. Even in his so called prime, he was one of the slowes wrestlers to ever live. I'll eliminate him straight away. He's sluggish and has shit offence. Could he put down and keep down Big Show & Vader long enough to shuffle his way to victory? Yeah right, could he fuck.
I think this match goes to the wrestler with a few skills that will be needed. The first is balance. At one point in my life I studied physics, yeah it is boring and all, but I did alright, top 3% in my graduating class, but it wasn't what interested me. But after these long hours of burning equations into my brain I realized something. I may need a help of an engineer on this one (Tasty, aren't you studying engineering?) but that ring at one point will collapse. When the ring does collapse, you will fall, losing your balance, and perhaps buckling your knees. Great balance I believe will save you. Obviously, Andre lacks great balance, being drunk before the match even starts. I believe the Big Show has the advantage here.

The second skill that is needed is height. Once the ring collapses, you are going to need to stretch extra far to reach the briefcase hanging from the rafters. Another factor in this factor is the strength of a ladder. Once one of these men walk on the 300lbs ladders, it will start to bend. That will add to the distance needed to grab a briefcase. I will again say that Big Show, being the tallest, and not the heaviest (I believe that Andre was heavier) has the advantage again.

The last skill I will look at is wear and tear. Sure there are going to be times when ladders are going to be used as weapons. But I believe gravity will be the biggest hindrance on these three. Falling off the ladder, or having the ladder shatter underneath your girth will cause many injuries. I believe that Vader or the Big Show will withstand this the best.

In closing, I believe Andre doesn't have a shot in hell at winning this match. That being said, I believe the Big Show has the best chance. (Waits for IC to quote this and say "No")
The strength of the ladder shouldn't come into play TM. Are we to believe this match was booked by a bunch of amateurs, I don't think so. This is ECW. The ladders will have been reinforced by the same company that used to do the rings.

If I liked Big Show I'd possibly vote for him because he has the fewest ladder rungs to climb.
Big Show is the first one out. He's a heck of an athlete, but just not in the league of the other two. Not quite sure why people think he is - maybe it's because he's recent and many posters here are too young to appreciate the guys who wrestled prior to 1998.

This match favors Vader, and it's not close. All three men are above average height, but only one is above average in agility, and that's Vader. He's got the best balance (it takes ridiculous balance to do a moonsault effectively, you know) of the three and probably ties for the most experience in gimmick matches with Show.

In addition, remember that a large part of this match centers around the ability of the participants to use the ladder as a weapon. That absolutely favors Vader, because again, he's the only one with the wherewithall to use the height of the ladder to reign down devistation. Imagine the Big Van Crush from the ladder? I doubt he'd attempt the moonsault.

Vader has pretty much manhanded every SHW he's ever been in the ring with. He made Yokozuna his bitch, admittedly at a time when Yoko wasn't able to do much, but still. Let's negate the size and power of all three men, and you're still left with Vader as the most agile and brutal of the three.

Hell, you know, maybe Andre's the first I'd take out.
Big Show is the first one out. He's a heck of an athlete, but just not in the league of the other two. Not quite sure why people think he is - maybe it's because he's recent and many posters here are too young to appreciate the guys who wrestled prior to 1998.

It's probably because he's a bigger, better version of Andre The Giant.

This match favors Vader, and it's not close. All three men are above average height, but only one is above average in agility, and that's Vader.

Three fat asses in one ring, along with Ladders around and about. Vader is hardly going to have the room for anything fancy.

He's got the best balance (it takes ridiculous balance to do a moonsault effectively, you know)

That's something I'd say.

of the three and probably ties for the most experience in gimmick matches with Show.

He doesn't though does he. Big Show has the lead in the fictitious gimmick match league table. Vader might have a higer win percentage, but he hasn't been involved in as many.

In addition, remember that a large part of this match centers around the ability of the participants to use the ladder as a weapon. That absolutely favors Vader, because again, he's the only one with the wherewithall to use the height of the ladder to reign down devistation. Imagine the Big Van Crush from the ladder? I doubt he'd attempt the moonsault.

Can he pick up a ledder effectively with that large belly of his? He sure won't be able to get much swing. Yeah swing, in my head this match is like the Smackdown vs. Raw ladder matches.

It also helps the taller man. Are we to believe that it's easier to hit up than down with a ladder?

Let's negate the size and power of all three men, and you're still left with Vader as the most agile and brutal of the three.

But if you factor in the beer belly.......

Hell, you know, maybe Andre's the first I'd take out.

I'm still voting Vader, just so you know.
What a hilarious stipulation for these three. I don't think Andre could even climb the ladder, so I'm taking him right out. I'm going with Vader because of the edge in speed, and honestly, in his prime, Vader was more dominant than anything Show has ever done aside from falling off a building after a monster truck war. Vader wins, although as in any ladder match, it really is impossible to predict. I wonder if Andre would go after Big Show because of the first gimmick he used as "The Son of Andre". The disgrace on his name from Big Show losing to a 150 pound boxer and a sumo wrestler might be enough to get on the gentle giants bad side.
This will be an ugly, ugly match. Andre is out because he was The Great Khali before the Great Khali. He's slow, not agile at all, and made a career out of being huge and smashing little people. Show is pretty agile. Don't believe me?


But, as far as I know, Big Show has never done, or even attempted a moonsault. It takes massive amounts of balance and body control, especially if you are a larger man. These are also traits you need to win a ladder match. Vader wins the ugliest ladder match you can ever imagine seeing.
This will be an ugly, ugly match. Andre is out because he was The Great Khali before the Great Khali. He's slow, not agile at all, and made a career out of being huge and smashing little people. Show is pretty agile. Don't believe me?


But, as far as I know, Big Show has never done, or even attempted a moonsault. It takes massive amounts of balance and body control, especially if you are a larger man. These are also traits you need to win a ladder match. Vader wins the ugliest ladder match you can ever imagine seeing.

Yes Big Show has. The Legend of the Big Show moonsault is grand. He did it a few times when warming up, Vince caught him doing it, and told him if he did it again, he'd never work in the WWE again. He's never did it in ring competition, but he's capable of doing it. HOWEVER. This is nearly a TON of humanity in this ring. And there's a ladder involved. This is a tossup and I can see Vader winning it. Why? The other two would be gassed and Andre simply can't climb a ladder. He just can't. Big Show could possibly, but Vader is the most likely to be able to make it up the ladder.

Vader moves on.
God, I have no fucking clue which way to go on here. Big Show and Andre, the slimmer version, were no slouches in terms of athleticism. No, they aren't Styles or Mysterio, but the boys could flat out move. Then you have Vader who is probably the most well rounded, terrible choice of words I know, but he's clearly the most athletic of the three.

One's head could explode disecting this match up. Vader gives up at least 7 inches (depending on what the hell the real, non kayfabe height of both Show and Andre are). Is the "speed" of Vader enough to negate a 7 inch height differential between two monsters of the business?

Really, I'm not sure at this point which way to go. If one gets knocked out, there are still two more guys in the ring. Kayfabe wise, the Big Show and his right hook is knocking everyone out, so as far as instant knock out goes, he gets the Edge.

I need to ponder this some more before my head explodes.
This is a really, really tough match to call. Like a lot of people, I think I'm going to eliminate Andre first. He cause havoc in the ring and may even dominate most of the match, but I just can picture him climbing the ladder to win it. He may be able to do it, but I don't see it happening.

That leaves Vader and Big Show. First of all, I think that Vader having as advantage in using the ladder as a weapon doesn't matter. Both him and Big Show have competed in enough gimmick matches to know how to use weapons. Secondly, I don't know why it is such an advantage that Vader can do a moonsault, or any other high flying move. If he jumps of the ladder, it's going to keep the other man down for a long time, but it will also keep Vader down for a long time. Maybe long enough to let the 3rd man climb up and win. So I don't think that is going to be a factor.

I do however think that size will be a factor. Vader may be huge, but Big Show is significantlly larger than him. I'm not saying that Big Show will be able to manhandle him, but he does have an advantage. Vader on the other hand, is faster and more agile than Show, and would be able to move around the ring more quickly. I think this is an advantage for him, but he may be gassed by the end of the match. I think that Big Show's power may have the slight edge over Vader's speed, but I'm not sure.

As far as accomplishments, they are also pretty even. Big Show's won the WCW World Title twice, and held the ECW Title in the WWE, as well as competing in a multitude of other big matches, including a title match at Wrestlemania this year, which may have been his most dominant thanks to the KO Punch. Vader was a 3 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and won a bunch of other titles in Japan.

This is real close to call. I think that I'm going to go Big Show for know because I think he has enough size and athleticism to overcome Vader, but I think I could be convinced.
Have we all come to the acceptance that Andre The Giant will not win this match? I mean, we all know that this match takes a certain amount of speed, and a balance. Andre's back would never allow him to get up on a ladder, sheerly from the fear that he'll take a bump off of the ladder. Andre is already at a disadvantage, considering Andre's back at his kayfabe height was pretty much screwed.

Andre's also a man that just doesn't let feuds die. Like, ever. For two years, Andre feuded with Hulk Hogan, even when Hogan proved he was that much greater than he. So what did he do after this? He continued to get involved in Hogan's business. He even cost Hogan the WWF title, only to give it to Ted Dibiase. He even kept Hulk Hogan from regaining the World Title at Wrestlemania IV. He did so, even to spite himself, by fighting with Hulk Hogan on the outside until they were both counted out. He consistently gave Jake Roberts hell in their matches, just because he did not like Jake. And don't even get me started on what happened between Bam Bam Bigelow and Andre.

Why's this all important? Well, don't you think Andre's just a little irritated at The Big Show right now? He just went through a rigorous, hard fought match with The Big Show, and is probably a bit upset that he doesn't get a shot at Vader one on one? Andre may have some type of interest in winning, but he also has an interest in making sure that Show does not win this match. He's spited himself to make sure a foe doesn't win a match. What's not to say the same won't happen here? Besides, Andre realizes this is the man that got his start in the business by stating he was the son of Andre? How dare The Giant use this gimmick to put himself over?

Besides that, Vader is far quicker and FAR more vicious than either of these Giants. The man was hardcore before you were sperm. He had a mean streak a mile long. Vader knew how to use a weapon, and use a weapon well.

Besides that, Vader has experience in these matches.... sort of. Vader, along with the Patriot, wrestled Bret Hart and The British Bulldog in a flag match. Granted, it's not a ladder, but it's the same premise. And that's still more experience than Big Show or Andre have in these sort of matches.

So yeah...... Vader by a mile.
This is the big-man dream match of the century, huh?

Andre, for all of his wonderful quirks and showmanship, wasn't exactly the most agile of men. To be honest I find him rather overrated. Like the Great Khali now, Andre wasn't very big on that whole "bending limbs" thing. He was stiff as a board. His power was fantastic so he'd put up a fair enough fight, but in the end he will have really just been a distraction for Vader and Show.

Show was pretty great in his prime. Not amazing or anything, but definately above average. But really, in the end, he's just no comparison to Vader.

Vader is in my opinion one of the very best wrestlers of his generation. Similiar to Bret Hart, he would always deliver one hell of a show, even if his popularity and drawing power didn't exactly soar.

Vader takes this one for me, and honestly rather easily.
This one is going to be tough, but I think that Vader has the advantage here and he is going to get my vote.

Vader is more agile than the other 2 man in this match, so that should and will help him a lot in the match up. All he really needs to do is be able to keep Andre and Show down long enough and this match is his. The other 2 aren't fast enough to climb into the ring and stop Vader from climbing the ladder after he has just beaten the bloody hell out of them.

Also, Vader weighs less than both Andre and Show so he is going to be more stable when he is on the ladder, he won't be as stable as say Mysterio on a ladder but he will still be somewhat stable nonetheless. While on the other hand Show and Andre could be a little nervous when climbing the ladder because it will more than likely wobble a little, so that works against them because they will be nervous to fall. I know it sounds stupid or silly, but just imagine if you were a man that is 500Ib's+ falling from a 15ft+ ladder right into the ground, wouldn't you be scared?

This is a real tough match up, and very good arguments could be made for all 3 men and why they should win, But I think I am going to ultimately vote for Vader.
faster, smarter, meaner... From memory this makes up most if not all of the tagline of Deep Blue Sea. Yet it also describes the logic towards Vader's victory. He may be the smallest guy in this, but both of his opponents are guys who take a while to recover from weapon shots. Once they're down, they stay down a while. Vader is strong enough to do damage, fast enough to take advantage and smart enough to let the big men go at it. Fact is, he can climb the ladder where the other two will be slower. Tipping the ladder may be harder in this one though...
I've always found Vader to be overrated a bit. One thing people don't seem to realize is that your knees are vital in a ladder match. Vader has extremely bad knees. I think big show has been the most consistent in his dominance throughout his career. Vader had a few good years, but show would pull this through. All that being said, I would never pay to watch this match.
I've always found Vader to be overrated a bit. One thing people don't seem to realize is that your knees are vital in a ladder match. Vader has extremely bad knees. I think big show has been the most consistent in his dominance throughout his career. Vader had a few good years, but show would pull this through. All that being said, I would never pay to watch this match.

You've got to be kidding me. BIG SHOW? The man who had the single most worthless WWF Title reign of the last 10 years (yep, worse than everyone else - Khali included) in which his only successful defense of note was against the Big Bossman? The man who was knocked out cold by a man 1/4 his size? The man who is consistently the bitch to every decent sized name in the business, being eliminated last in Royal Rumbles by The Rock and Chris Benoit?

And you're picking him to defeat the greatest Superheavyweight in Wrestling history? A man who routinely came off of the top rope, hit moonsaults, and defeated every major star in WCW, Japan, AND Mexico for nearly 10 years? The man with a winning record against Sting?

Vader had "a few good years?" More than a decade, which is more than ten more than Big Shoe has had. Show's true claims to fame was dressing up like other wrestlers after being first man out at Wrestlemania 2000, and being superplexed BY Brock Lesnar, resulting in a collapsed ring.

Show doesn't have the balance OR the agility to climb a turnbuckle, let alone a ladder, and sustain himself long enough to grab ANYTHING, and the contrary is laughable.
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Vader is by far the quickest and most agile. These two assets come into tremendously in a ladder match. Dare I say that all three of them have fairly equal strength. Although Vader is the shortest participant, by no means is he a short guy. Height shouldn't come into play since each participate would have to climb the ladder more than half way before even trying to reach for the briefcase.

I think this match has to go to Vader. Andre was much slimmer and not so sluggish in his prime, but he was never as fleet of foot as Vader. Regardless, this would be a brutal match between 3 enormous men. However, only one can advance- that should be Vader.
I have to go with Vader. I just don't see Andre, or Show, being able to climb a ladder without it crumpling underneath them. I don't think Vader could do much better, but I do think he'd be smart enough to build a scaffold with the ladders, and he'd be the only one "light" enough to stand on it, without it snapping under him.

Andre would be the man dishing out the most punishment here, but he doesn't have a chance at winning. Hopefully, Big Show will be the one taking the brunt of the punishment...
You've got to be kidding me. BIG SHOW? The man who had the single most worthless WWF Title reign of the last 10 years (yep, worse than everyone else - Khali included) in which his only successful defense of note was against the Big Bossman?

I think it's kinda biased and one-sided that you'd pick his worst Championship reign, as opposed to some of his better runs. Not to mention, the Big Show (worthless or not) is the ONLY individual in Wrestling history to hold all three of the major, original Heavyweight Championships.

He became a W.C.W Heavyweight Champion by defeating guys like Sting, Hogan and Luger. He became W.W.F Heavyweight Champion by defeating Triple H and Rock in the same match. He's also defeated Brock Lesnar, ending his streak. And he's defeated Rob Van Dam, winning the E.C.W Championship becoming the only man in Wrestling history to win all three Championships.

Yes - he's had some horrible situations in his career, including meaningless feuds. But Vader and Andre aren't any different. All three men have had bad situations, and losses they'd rather forget.

The man who was knocked out cold by a man 1/4 his size?

The man who knocked him out, was an undefeated World Champion in the boxing world. Easily excusable.. you just failed to explain the full details of the situation.

The man who is consistently the bitch to every decent sized name in the business, being eliminated last in Royal Rumbles by The Rock and Chris Benoit?

How could he of not had a worst disadvantage? The objective of the Royal Rumble is to shove your opponent over the top rope. Over half of Big Show's body stands above the ropes, so shoving him over or toppling him over isn't going to be that hard.

And according to video evidence later shown - he didn't actually lose the 2000 Royal Rumble, The Rock should've. As for Chris Benoit, he was on the way out and merely choked Show and refused to let go.. using Show's weight against him, pulling him over while choking him out at the same time.

Again - excusable reasons for why he lost.

And you're picking him to defeat the greatest Superheavyweight in Wrestling history?

AN opinionated statement. Clearly, as if Vader was the "greatest" Superheavyweight in Wrestling history - why was it that the Big Show has a greater run-down of accomplishments? Including, once again, being the only man in history to win all three of the original "big three" Heavyweight titles?

A man who routinely came off of the top rope, hit moonsaults, and defeated every major star in WCW, Japan, AND Mexico for nearly 10 years?

Against athletes constantly much smaller than him. When Vader has been matched up against similar sized opponents, his power isn't as strong. This is proof when dating back to his match against Mark Henry, in 1998, when both men went toe to toe, power for power.

The man with a winning record against Sting?

I guess that'd be truly helpful - if Sting were involved in this match, huh?

Vader had "a few good years?" More than a decade, which is more than ten more than Big Shoe has had.

And The Rock has had less than a decade total in this business, and yet still has more accomplishments than both. Just because he's spent more time in the business, isn't really helping me to properly understand why that favors one guy over the other - outside of merely learning more.

Yet this is a match-up, that only Big Show has had experience in.


Yes, he lost. And yes, he didn't have much involvement with the ladder.. but the point is, to my knowledge I haven't seen a Ladder match with Vader at all.. and Ladder's weren't even a thing when Andre was around. Except for very seldom. So if anyone holds an advantage in knowing at least what to expect, it's the Big Show.

Show's true claims to fame was dressing up like other wrestlers after being first man out at Wrestlemania 2000, and being superplexed BY Brock Lesnar, resulting in a collapsed ring.

How about destroying Hulkamania when he debuted in W.C.W? How about being thrown off the top of a roof, only to come back and win the Heavyweight Championship. :lmao: (yes, stupid - but hey, it was memorable.)

Show has done a ton in his career, and you merely opt to pick his worse, comic moments - or moments in which his size has made a big splash. (pun intended)

Show doesn't have the balance OR the agility to climb a turnbuckle, let alone a ladder, and sustain himself long enough to grab ANYTHING, and the contrary is laughable.

Actually, he does. Big Show has done things off the top rope. No, not nearly the way Vader can.. but that doesn't mean Show can't in general. It just means he likely can't, as quickly.

Luckily for Show, its not a single's match-up - which means Vader's speed isn't as effective since he'll have to make sure BOTH other Superheavyweights are knocked out.

Irish, I'm not voting Big Show (just yet) but he's leading in my head. I'm gonna need more of a reason for voting Vader than just watching you pick apart Big Show's worst career moments - while ignoring the fact that Vader hasn't accomplished nearly what Show has - in the mainstream world, and he's also had some forgettable and horrible losses in is own right - against guys that had no business beating him - yet did.

So, I'll await voting this year, unlike before, so you can win my vote a bit better.
There's almost no point in voting on this one, because the Vader is agile bandwagon is well and truly on its way. First things first, I'm going to analyse who has won ladder matches against who:

Scott Hall beat Shawn Michaels
Undertaker beat Jeff Hardy
Dusty Rhodes beat Brian Lawler

Now, if that doesn't prove that the most agile man doesn't automatically win, I don't know what does.

However, agility is a contributing factor, I'll grant that. So, who in this match is the most agile? It isn't Andre, who even at his peak was a bit sluggish. The Big Show and Vader could both do moonsaults at some point in their career, although The Big Show never did it publically, but that isn't the sort of agility that's relevant. Jeff Hardy would win all the time if it was, but he has lost to several wrestlers over the years in various promotions.

No, the kind of agility that matters is the leap height and running speed. I've seen the Big Show do a dropkick, and haven't seen anywhere near that kind of vertical leap from Vader. So, I'm going Big Show on this point.

Point number 2. Resiliance. All of them have this in droves, but I think we can discount Andre again here. Once Hogan got him down, which frankly would have been less amazing had onr of his opponents here did it, he pretty much lost straight away. Now, Vader famously continued after injury in some matches with stiff workers, notably Stan Hansen, which is obviously useful, but The Big Show, or should I say, The Giant, fell off a roof, an elevated surface like a ladder, and went n to beat Hulk Hogan. I'd argue that was more relevant.

3. Experience. This is both experience of superheavyweights and experience of ladder matches. [youtube]EwWSVqFaKmU[/youtube]

As we can see, Paul Wight has fought someone who weighed significantly more than him and still won.

Lets also not forget that he had a ladder match with RVD. Now, RVD may have won it, but there has been nobody who has won as many ladder matches as him, and Big Show was beaten by a hurricanrana reversal, something I don't anticipate anyone in this match pulling off.

4. Size. Vader is about 6 inches shorter than the Big Show, both in actual and kayfabe sizes. The Big Show is bigger than Andre in real life, and shorter in kayfabe. What does this mean? It means one less rung to climb, making a win easier, and centre of gravity while on the ladder lower, making it harder to tip.

For the time being, that's all I have to say, I'm sure people will try and refute it though, so, until then, vote Big Show.
There's almost no point in voting on this one, because the Vader is agile bandwagon is well and truly on its way.

Like the "Lesnar is strong" bandwagon or the "Liger is fast" bandwagon or the "Flair has won championships" bandwagon? That's not bandwagoning, that's irrefutable fact.

First things first, I'm going to analyse who has won ladder matches against who:

Scott Hall beat Shawn Michaels
Undertaker beat Jeff Hardy
Dusty Rhodes beat Brian Lawler

1. Michaels went on to beat Hall at Summerslam. And Hall is a HELL of a lot more agile than Andre or Wight.

2. Hardy gave Taker a run for his money. And Taker tightrope walks the top in every big match he has - the man IS freaking agile. More agile than Andre or Show.

3. I could beat Brian Lawler.

Now, if that doesn't prove that the most agile man doesn't automatically win, I don't know what does.

Who said automatic? It's never automatic. If it were, why have the tournament?

However, agility is a contributing factor, I'll grant that. So, who in this match is the most agile? It isn't Andre, who even at his peak was a bit sluggish. The Big Show and Vader could both do moonsaults at some point in their career, although The Big Show never did it publically, but that isn't the sort of agility that's relevant. Jeff Hardy would win all the time if it was, but he has lost to several wrestlers over the years in various promotions.

I am sorry, I didn't understand this statement. I don't think it made sense. So I won't react to it until it's clarified.

No, the kind of agility that matters is the leap height and running speed. I've seen the Big Show do a dropkick, and haven't seen anywhere near that kind of vertical leap from Vader. So, I'm going Big Show on this point.


Just watch for move #8.

Yes, folks, I am here to educate as well as entertain.

Vader's dropkick > > > Big Show's Drop Kick

Point number 2. Resiliance. All of them have this in droves, but I think we can discount Andre again here. Once Hogan got him down, which frankly would have been less amazing had onr of his opponents here did it, he pretty much lost straight away. Now, Vader famously continued after injury in some matches with stiff workers, notably Stan Hansen, which is obviously useful, but The Big Show, or should I say, The Giant, fell off a roof, an elevated surface like a ladder, and went n to beat Hulk Hogan. I'd argue that was more relevant.

I expect someone of your intelligence and obvious wrestling knowledge to come with better than this. Vader sustained a legit eye injury - yes, the fucker popped out of his damn head. Vader popped it back in and finished the match. That was LEGIT. Here's the match:


And resillience? Are you serious?

wikipedia said:
On April 24, 1989, a one night tournament was held for the title. In the first round of the tournament, Vader defeated a young Masa Chono. Fujinami, the man who had the title when it was held up for the tournament, was defeated by Vader in the semifinals. After a final match against Shinya Hashimoto, Vader was declared the new IWGP Heavyweight Champion.

Vader was able to beat Chono, Fujinami, and Hashimoto ALL IN THE SAME NIGHT! Talk about resillience! Thaose four men are arguably as good or better than the 3 men Bret Hart beat to win his first King of the Ring! Paul Wight has NEVER been able to go like this, and he certainly wouldn't survive 3 tough matches against Japanese legends AND walk out champion! VADER IS THE SUPERHEAVYWEIGHT KING OF RESILLIENCE!

3. Experience. This is both experience of superheavyweights and experience of ladder matches.

As we can see, Paul Wight has fought someone who weighed significantly more than him and still won.

And Vader destroyed Yokozuna, who was bigger than anybody at the time. So?


If he did that to Yoko off the 2nd rope, imagine what he'll do to Wight's leg off a ladder.

Lets also not forget that he had a ladder match with RVD. Now, RVD may have won it, but there has been nobody who has won as many ladder matches as him, and Big Show was beaten by a hurricanrana reversal, something I don't anticipate anyone in this match pulling off.

Okay, so Wight lost a ladder match to someone quicker. Got it, thanks.

4. Size. Vader is about 6 inches shorter than the Big Show, both in actual and kayfabe sizes. The Big Show is bigger than Andre in real life, and shorter in kayfabe. What does this mean? It means one less rung to climb, making a win easier, and centre of gravity while on the ladder lower, making it harder to tip..

6 inches shorter? I'll gladly take the guy six inches shorter who can climb faster, balance better, and do more damage to his opponents.

For the time being, that's all I have to say, I'm sure people will try and refute it though, so, until then, vote Big Show.

Only vote for Big Show is actual ability and honest to God facts mean nothing to you. Vader is the clear winner in this match.
Like the "Lesnar is strong" bandwagon or the "Liger is fast" bandwagon or the "Flair has won championships" bandwagon? That's not bandwagoning, that's irrefutable fact.

No, but to say he wins a ladder match because he's agile for a big man, is bandwagoning. Who's the most agile performer in mainstream wrestling today? I'd say it was AJ Styles, and he's lost two or three ladder matches to my knowledge, against guys like Raven, who are certainly less agile than him.
1. Michaels went on to beat Hall at Summerslam. And Hall is a HELL of a lot more agile than Andre or Wight.

And Vader. The point is is that he was a shite sight less agile than Michaels, and he beat him in a ladder match. You can't argue that, it's true.
2. Hardy gave Taker a run for his money. And Taker tightrope walks the top in every big match he has - the man IS freaking agile. More agile than Andre or Show.

But not more agile than Jeff Hardy, not even close to it.

3. I could beat Brian Lawler.

But Dusty Rhodes is less agile than you.

Who said automatic? It's never automatic. If it were, why have the tournament?

Well, look at the posts in this thread, I'll sum them up for you if you don't want to read them "Vader could do a moonsault, ergo he is more agile, ergo he wins this match because it's a ladder match". I was stating it wasn't as simple as that.
I am sorry, I didn't understand this statement. I don't think it made sense. So I won't react to it until it's clarified.

Put simply, Andre was sluggish compared to anyone when in his prime, but certainly compared to his opponents. The other two can do moonsaults, an obvious indicator of agility. However, agility as in flexibility and agility as in quickness are two different things, hence why Hardy, who is flexible but not particularly quick has lost a lot of ladder matches.


Just watch for move #8.

Yes, folks, I am here to educate as well as entertain.

Vader's dropkick > > > Big Show's Drop Kick

How is it better than this


As far as I can see, fat bastard doing a dropkick in both. Only difference is, they both hit the guy in the chest, but where Vader hits a guy that is 6 foot at the tallest in the chest, Big Show hits the 6'7" Test in the same place.

I expect someone of your intelligence and obvious wrestling knowledge to come with better than this. Vader sustained a legit eye injury - yes, the fucker popped out of his damn head. Vader popped it back in and finished the match. That was LEGIT. Here's the match:


What's your point exactly? What happened to Giant may have been kayfabe, but it still depicted him coming over the odds after a big fall to win. What happened to Vader may have been real, but it doesn't change the fact that after he popped his eye back in, he lost the match. Of course, you didn't post the end though.

And resillience? Are you serious?

Vader was able to beat Chono, Fujinami, and Hashimoto ALL IN THE SAME NIGHT! Talk about resillience! Thaose four men are arguably as good or better than the 3 men Bret Hart beat to win his first King of the Ring! Paul Wight has NEVER been able to go like this, and he certainly wouldn't survive 3 tough matches against Japanese legends AND walk out champion! VADER IS THE SUPERHEAVYWEIGHT KING OF RESILLIENCE!

How long did he spend in the ring though? I'll tell you.... Chono 3.30, Fujinami 4.17, Hashimoto 4.58, so he spent a total of 12 minutes 45 seconds in the ring. When The Giant won World War 3 in 1996, he was in the ring for twice as long, with some of the biggest names in North American pro wrestling history. So yeah, resilliance.
And Vader destroyed Yokozuna, who was bigger than anybody at the time. So?


If he did that to Yoko off the 2nd rope, imagine what he'll do to Wight's leg off a ladder.

You of all people should know that beating Yokozuna in 1996 is akin to punching someone on chemotherapy.

Okay, so Wight lost a ladder match to someone quicker. Got it, thanks.

If you are seriously trying to suggest that Vader is even half as fast as Rob Van Dam, you're onto a loser. RVD didn't win by being fast, he won by countering a powerbomb. I don't know if Vader's ever done that.
6 inches shorter? I'll gladly take the guy six inches shorter who can climb faster, balance better, and do more damage to his opponents.

Balance better? Where are you getting that from? I've seen the Big Show dominate in a singapore cane on a pole match, I've seen him in a ladder match, I've seen him chokeslam somebody off a ledge. He had pretty good balance there.

Do more damage? What with his superior strength. I've never seen Vader tip over a car, have you?


Vader isn't going to be able to roughouse somebody bigger than him who isn't basically a dead man doing what could loosely be described as walking like Yokozuna was.

Only vote for Big Show is actual ability and honest to God facts mean nothing to you. Vader is the clear winner in this match.

Only vote for Vader if the fact that the Big Show being bigger, stronger, having better endurance, being able to take more high impact moves and arguably being faster in his day, means nothing to you whatsoever in a match where all of those attributes are an asset.
Come on Tastycles, if you can't see that Vader's dropkick was more sound than Big Show's, you are mad. Big Show just jumped up and let Test run into him. No leg extension or nothing. Vader jumped, put his feet squarely in the other dude's chest, and pushed off, the way a dropkick is supposed to be done.

Has anyone ever actually seen this mystery Big Show moonsault? If not, it is heresay. I could say that some guy told me that Kerry Von Erich rose from the dead and is challenging Edge for the World title. That doesn't make it true. Same goes with the Big Show doing his moonsault, unless you have evidence of it happening, I don't think I buy it.

Watch the World War III battle royal again. Show spent most of the match standing around or leaning on somebody. He put no effort in at all until the last five minutes, so don't try to claim that his victory in that match was more impressive than Vader beating three legends in less than 15 minutes.

As to your summary, yes Big Show is stronger. Yes, Big Show is bigger. But, you are wrong everywhere else. Vader had better endurance, could take an arse whooping with the best of them (high impact or not), and believe it or not, was way meaner than the Big Nasty Bastard. Just take a look at the Yokozuna Vaderbomb where he breaks Yoko's leg, or him jumping a very old Gorrilla Monsoon, or power bombing Cactus Jack on the cement floor (no padding, pure cement), or breaking Joe Thurman (sp?)'s back. Vader was more intense, meaner, and quite honestly, in his prime, didn't even really feel pain.

Vader was also smarter. Big Show has a pretty bad win-loss record against good opponents. Why? Because he makes stupid mistakes to lose the match. Vader rarely made a mistake. When he did, he lost as well, but the difference is, that he didn't make anywhere near the mistakes that Big Show does.

Vader should win this match. And try to forget WWF Vader and Big Show when voting, take a look at their WCW versions (and Vader in Japan) for an actual fair assessment of their skills, that is where both were at their best. And Vader was the best in the World at the time.
Has anyone ever actually seen this mystery Big Show moonsault? If not, it is heresay. I could say that some guy told me that Kerry Von Erich rose from the dead and is challenging Edge for the World title. That doesn't make it true. Same goes with the Big Show doing his moonsault, unless you have evidence of it happening, I don't think I buy it.

There is no evidence of Wilt Chamberlin's 100 point game. Who's to say that actually happened?

Watch the World War III battle royal again. Show spent most of the match standing around or leaning on somebody. He put no effort in at all until the last five minutes, so don't try to claim that his victory in that match was more impressive than Vader beating three legends in less than 15 minutes.

That's a knock on the Big Show? He spent most of the time in a multi-man match resting so that he could dominate the end? That seems pretty intelligent to me. Thanks for letting us know what he would do in this match. Vote Show.

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