Conspiracy Storyline - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

The ONLY reason DelRio even has the belt is for the upcoming WWE tour in Mexico. He isn't an interesting character and he's going to drop it at the next PPV or sometime after the Mexico tour whichever is first.
The ONLY reason DelRio even has the belt is for the upcoming WWE tour in Mexico. He isn't an interesting character and he's going to drop it at the next PPV or sometime after the Mexico tour whichever is first.
How does that make sense?
What does his hometown / home country have to do with his title reign?
Oh Smackdown is going to be in Canada tomorrow / friday. Does that mean Christian is going to win the WHC title? No.
But yes, ADR being in the Cena / Punk program made no sense and imo ruined or atleast less legitimized it.
Actually in my opinion ADR performed the best in that opening segment. Even punk was just "so-so". Also, we have to remember that Cena and Punk are fighting for the chance to face him. So, I do not think there was really any disrespect at all. Another that caught my attention was that Del Rio was given the biggest line of the promo when he said "Actually I am ignoring both of you". One could argue that he was the one disrespecting to guys are behaving like little brats right now.
How does that make sense?
What does his hometown / home country have to do with his title reign?
Oh Smackdown is going to be in Canada tomorrow / friday. Does that mean Christian is going to win the WHC title? No.
But yes, ADR being in the Cena / Punk program made no sense and imo ruined or atleast less legitimized it.

It does make some sense. Smackdown in Canada tomorrow is one show, probably already sold out. They'll be back in Canada again in the near future I'm sure.

Mexico is a six city, three night tour (three shows each for Raw & Smackdown). Now I would assume all three are already sold out. And ADR would already be massively popular at each show. If there are any leftover seats though, they will be gone long before mid-October now. Also, think of it as a reward for loyal Mexican fans who aren't in the regular US/Canada city rotation. Their "national hero" is champ and they get to see it. Plus they'll sell even more merchandise now (that replica WWE title belt looks alot better now to a kid who wants to pretend to be ADR).

Not to say ADR isn't going to be pushed as a legit champ. Just pointing out that there is some credence to people noting the timing of ADR's reign and the WWE Mexico tour.
I don't believe this myself, but what if:
It was John Cena who sent the text message to Nash?
What if Cena somehow managed to get a hold of Triple H's cell backstage briefly to send the message? His motive: To have CM Punk taken out, preferably during the match, to get Alberto Del Rio to cash it in (he somehow encouraged him to do so), so he could end up facing Alberto instead of Punk?

It's quite out there, but there's been talk on & off (from what i've read) whether or not to turn Cena heel. They could make it out that he could even be working with John L. or Stephanie. Since tonight, Triple H heard that Kevin Nash got in a car accident. So, maybe Cena &/or Stephanie/John L. made it up, & sent Nash to the ring (got him to agree to it) in order to distract Punk so Cena could win?

Like I said, I don't think this is it, plus there's a lot of holes in my wild thought. It'd be very sneaky to do so, but WWE has been way too predictable with storylines. It's probably Steph/John L. working together (&/or Triple H).
So i'm sitting watching Raw and I work out that now WWE have seen the fans reactions as to who sent the text message to Nash and they seem to think we all believe Stephanie is behind it. Which of course a lot of us do but some of us don't. WWE make it a little predictible as in who they want us to believe did something and when we jump onto a conclusion they often follow it to keep the real outcome more surpising. I'm not in anyway ruling out Stephanie I am stating that I'd be suprised if it was her now that WWE are "with fans" predictions. Punk stated that Stephanie was who he believed sent the text and the fans reactions seemed to back his point but the only other believable guy/girl to have sent the text other than Stephanie is Joe Laurinitaus. It could be him but seems a little too obvious. My guess is either a returning Vince or a much more interesting outsider such as Paul Heyman or even Mick Foley. Heyman turning on Punk would make for great showing imagine Heyman being pissed that he didn't leave and back-up his epic promo. Well that's the direction I want this to go in and maybe returning superstars to make it more realistic. My heart says WWE are going with a MASSIVE shock but my head says same old boring source most likely Johnny Ace. We shall find out but thoughts?

Oh and who would you LIKE the outcome to be?
I don't know. I'm wondering how much of this is 'behind the scenes' that the writers don't know about. If this were left up to the writers then it could be something lame and predictable. However if this is up to Vince.... It would be interesting.

The TWIST that I would HOPE FOR would be that Shane has given up his other gig and the twist is he's pissed at Triple H for taking the job that was rightfully his... That would be awesome, but very unlikely to happen. That's the one I would really love to see.

I'm trying to think of other people who WWE might bring in, that might be close to Kevin Nash and close to Triple H as well. Someone who might have had temporary access to Triple H's cell phone... Shawn Michaels does come to mind and to have him come back as an outsider to interfere.

I think unfortunately at the end of the day though, it's going to be Vince and he's been working with Johnny boy the whole time... Lame, but probably true.
I don't believe this myself, but what if:
It was John Cena who sent the text message to Nash?
What if Cena somehow managed to get a hold of Triple H's cell backstage briefly to send the message? His motive: To have CM Punk taken out, preferably during the match, to get Alberto Del Rio to cash it in (he somehow encouraged him to do so), so he could end up facing Alberto instead of Punk?

It's quite out there, but there's been talk on & off (from what i've read) whether or not to turn Cena heel. They could make it out that he could even be working with John L. or Stephanie. Since tonight, Triple H heard that Kevin Nash got in a car accident. So, maybe Cena &/or Stephanie/John L. made it up, & sent Nash to the ring (got him to agree to it) in order to distract Punk so Cena could win?

Like I said, I don't think this is it, plus there's a lot of holes in my wild thought. It'd be very sneaky to do so, but WWE has been way too predictable with storylines. It's probably Steph/John L. working together (&/or Triple H).

See, I see that as being just as predictable when you stop and think about the last time Cena went heel.

I've played that angle in my head as well and I just can't seem to bite down on it. I also don't think they would destroy the "kiddie" audience right now by doing that either. ESPECIALLY since Rey is apparently going to be gone for a few months.
i believe it to be john as well...but that would be cool having shane come back but with him owning his own company it is unlikely, i would also think maybe scott hall?

That would depend on if Hall was mentally healthy or not. I forgot about Shane and the reasons he could have in this story. Shane makes PERFECT sense can't believe I didn't think of it.
that is a good one, the GM...maybe so but who could the GM be? the GM has gone on for a while, and I think there really wasnt a GM, and now they can place someone in that spot since this storyline wasnt even developed when the mysterious GM came
I knew this from the get go that HHH, Steph, and Vince didnt have anything to do with sending the text. I knew it would be Johnny Ace, he is jealous of HHH being in charge and he is pissed that HHH re-signed CP Punk. This is becoming a interesting storyline and looks like it could be played well out.
I don't want to see CM Punk vs Nash. Nash is washed up. He was bubbling on the mic tonight. He just doesn't have anything left. He wasn't a great in ring wrestler when he was in his prime. This is a huge mistake by the WWE.
I love Nash, and he's one of the best in the history of the business on the mic, but he was off his game tonight for whatever reason. he just doesn't seem comfortable and seems to be forced into a storyline that he doesn't fit into. He used to do the Punk style worked shoot every night, now he's as bad as del rio on the mic.

Also, now it HAS to be Ace or Stephanie. Not because they make sense, but because we know it came from HHH's phone. No one but those two could logically have had access to it. I know some of us have pipe dreams of it being HBK or Scott Hall, but how are they gonna write them being at SummerSlam backastage?
Actually what rubs me the wrong way about this whole angle is that punk keeps pining away about "who wrote that text? I am going to get to the bottom of this." But I honestly do not think he would or should care that much. It doesn't fit with his persona. Sure, his character has a right to be irritated but instead of dwelling on it he should be trying to move forward.

That being said, I'm going to go out on a crazy limb here and say punk sent it himself. It wouldn't be the first time that a WWE storyline involved someone "investigating" who did something, only for us to find out that the perpetrator was the investigator. It also wouldn't be the first time the victim of an attack was actually behind it. I could see WWE throwing that swerve.
Nobody knows what is actually going to happen yet, and that will keep us watching.

That is all you can be sure of at the moment.

I don't really care where the storyline goes from here aslong as they can keep the energy level this high, it hasn't been this strong for ages. The crowds seem more into it, the tension is coming out and the whole program has a new edge (about fcuking time)
I think two good ideas on who sent it should be either Michael Cole, The Anonymous Raw GM, or Vince.

Michael Cole is pissed to have to be working with Jim Ross again that he even mocked Triple H and then it was all let go.

The anonymous Raw GM might be another choice because the gimmick was just dropped and they wanted the main event ruined for there show being taken away from them.

Vince would be my last choice because the company was takin from him and might have some kind of Vince Mcmahon WWE invasion.

What was up with that text a while back were Nash was asking to be CM punk body gaurd?
Was it just me or didn't it look insanely obvious that there were the hints for a future bout between HHH and CM punk. HHH talking about being physical to Punk, Nash saying he's changed and Hunter looking pissed and disappointed in himself.

I think the whole thing with Nash and Johnny Ace will just be a ploy by HHH to seem like he still isn't involved at all and he can say he wasn't even there when Nash interrupted the match. All the blame can go on Ace and Nash and even Stephanie for a while until HHH completes his heel turn down the line and admits it was all his doing which will set up a HHH-Punk match.
The name Shane McMahon popped into my head at work today as maybe the guy who sent the text. I think it is reaching a bit but would be great. Either way, I do not think that the person who did it has been on tv yet (that being HHH, Steph, Johnny or ADR or even VKM). Perhaps Foley but I hope not.

IMO I can see a "corpoate" faction beginning to grow, here could be the line-up:
HHH (The boss)
Nash (his bodyguard like he was for HBK)
and maybe Swager and Vickie
All guys they can tout as what the "corporation" wants as their champions. And also have a group of "misfits" to feud with them:
maybe add Kofi and Bourne.

Not saying that will happen, just something that could be interresting.
Actually what rubs me the wrong way about this whole angle is that punk keeps pining away about "who wrote that text? I am going to get to the bottom of this." But I honestly do not think he would or should care that much. It doesn't fit with his persona. Sure, his character has a right to be irritated but instead of dwelling on it he should be trying to move forward.

That being said, I'm going to go out on a crazy limb here and say punk sent it himself. It wouldn't be the first time that a WWE storyline involved someone "investigating" who did something, only for us to find out that the perpetrator was the investigator. It also wouldn't be the first time the victim of an attack was actually behind it. I could see WWE throwing that swerve.

So Punk screwed himself out of the title? That doesn't make sense. I know where you're coming from with swerves, but this one doesn't help Punk in the least. How would him losing the title benefit him?
Actually what rubs me the wrong way about this whole angle is that punk keeps pining away about "who wrote that text? I am going to get to the bottom of this." But I honestly do not think he would or should care that much. It doesn't fit with his persona. Sure, his character has a right to be irritated but instead of dwelling on it he should be trying to move forward.

That being said, I'm going to go out on a crazy limb here and say punk sent it himself. It wouldn't be the first time that a WWE storyline involved someone "investigating" who did something, only for us to find out that the perpetrator was the investigator. It also wouldn't be the first time the victim of an attack was actually behind it. I could see WWE throwing that swerve.
really?wow this has got to be the dumbest thing ive read on here since i been a member wow what are you smoking because i sure as hell want to try it lol...... why would punk screw his self out of the title makes no sense at all sorry. imo johnny ace sent the text its obvious from this weeks raw that it's him
So Punk screwed himself out of the title? That doesn't make sense. I know where you're coming from with swerves, but this one doesn't help Punk in the least. How would him losing the title benefit him?

I'm not saying it would make the most sense in the world. But it would be a swerve no one would expect.

Could be explained after the fact that Punk did not care as much about the title as creating chaos, or starting something that would keep people talking and wondering and tuning in, or even screwing with HHH and putting him on the defensive just for the fun of it.
In my opinion, the Person Who sent the text was none other than Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon himself! The reason I think this is because the Mr. McMahon character would not give up his job without a fight. And his daughter happens to be Tripple H's wife, so could access his son-in-law's phone to send the text. I believe that this will eventually result in Mr McMahon Vs Tripple H, in a loser leaves WWE match. (Kayfabe wise, of course) Which Tripple H wins.
Cena using cheap distraction to get a pin over cm punk!? isint the heel supposed to get the cheap win here cena? CM punk is a anti face and he will fight the system man! I think the vice president of talent relacions or w/e, nash and possibly del rio are in this together and cm punk will seek out the truth! HHH somehow is ganna fit in all this and possibly, POSSIBLY have that supposed rumored match at survivor series.
Anyone else really love the text to be sent by someone sort of out of left field? Like Jericho.

Jericho has "sold out" being on dances with the stars and shit, got sick of ppl saying Punk was taking his spot (whatever the fuck that means as the 2 characters aren't really the same).

To me you tease HHH being the guy a lot, but he can't be. It's too obvious. Johnny Laringitus should be in on it, but not the main culprit. Vince being the guy kind of reverts back to the beginning and you don't want to revert back to a guy over 60 being the reason for a huge storyline. Not saying Jericho is a spring chicken but I think that would give the feud a second leg and more evolution.

You could say "well Nash called Jericho "vanilla midget in WCW"" but that'd be perfect. Jericho as a heel, selling out on what he used to be is the exact thing that would set Punk off.

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