The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

First time poster, although I've been visiting this site for many years.

I doubt Vince McMahon would give the streak to any random WWE Superstar who could potentially end up on TNA programming right after their contract expires because the star suddenly lets the gimmick go to their head and suddenly feels entitled to the world. If i were in McMahon's shoes, I'd pick a "lifer" such as one of the following:

Cody Rhodes - This would be an excellent choice for a WM opponent. Although, I have a hard time seeing Rhodes take a clean win over Taker to end the streak (although this would do wonders for his heel heat & career).

Sheamus - May be a next year kind of thing, although it would be a "first" if Sheamus opts to forego the title opportunity in exchange for a shot at the streak. Plus, when you add the Sheamus / HHH buddy thing, it's quite possible we see this swerve coming in the next few weeks.

John Cena (next WM) - This wouldn't take place this year, but if Taker were to win this WM, I can only assume he'd end up losing to WWE's posterboy next year. This would make all the emo marks wanna slit their wrists.

Randy Orton - ugh... yeah I know, i'm sick of his new face gimmick as of the past year or so, but this could be the guy that steps up to the challenge since HHH shot down Taker. Although they'd have to figure out how to put an end to his feud with Wade Barrett pretty soon. I sincerely doubt this match would take place this year. Orton seems too invested in his current feud.

Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler need more time in the company, imo. Jericho breaking the streak would add absolutely to the table considering he's in the twilight of his career and he seems too flakey.

McMahon has one shot to break a 20 year streak. I would imagine he'd do what would benefit the company the most versus some random one-night fling that people will forget about in three months (seems like Jericho's average life span within the company).

Nothing would be more embarassing than having some new guy like Dolph Ziggler / Zack Ryder / etc break the streak, and then get the pink slip and/or show up on TNA shortly thereafter.

Just my two cents.
I see alot of people obsessing about the Undertaker wig thing. As a fan of Taker's, I was more terrified about how pale and skinny he looked. That leather jacket he was wearing looked like it fell off of him and barely fit. Honestly, it's a shame that Taker even returned if he's not 100% health-wise. He's a shell of the man he once was and that will affect his Mania performance.

Not to mention the whole Triple H-Taker match happening yet again. If Taker is in such bad shape, why not put him against a younger guy this year and let them end the streak and build a legend? Because honestly, HHH doesn't deserve the honor of being the guy who broke the streak. He's barely on television and winning against Taker does the guy no favors. I'd rather see a deserving newer talent like Sheamus beating Taker than HHH. Hell, even The Miz winning would be better than HHH. I'm sure there are dozens of others who could potentially benefit from Taker's streak as well. The only good things that could possibly come from Taker/HHH 3 is that Taker wins, goes 20-0, and ends Triple H's in-ring career. That would setup 2013 as the final year of the deadman and perhaps the year someone starts a career that would be as epic as Taker's just by ending the streak.

But, then again, maybe the streak should never be broken and Taker should ride off into the sunset once he defeats HHH. Who knows?
i love undertaker hes the greatest of all time hands down his return has me so stoked now, i cant wait to see how this goes heading up to wrestlemania, although i do not want to see him face triple h again, i want KANE III, or Jericho no triple h
I have found an amaing amount of closet wrestling fans at my work in the last week, we had a big discussion about Takers return the main things that came from this discussion was nobody cares about his hair. Nobody wants to see another HHH vs Taker match at WM most people see it as a way just to get HHH on the card for WM again because they couldn't see any other way of putting him on it. Since he hasnt wrestled for so long.
The last thing was everyone would rather see Kane or Shaemus vs Taker then anybody else.
I said this a few weeks ago, that this year they should do HHH vs HBK vs Undertaker at mania, its what we want to see. Did I think they would do it? No, but it seems that this triple threat might be happening.
Geez. I know Taker is getting older but c'mon why rush it if he isn't 100%. He looks sickly, is wearing a wig he will have to wrestle in, and doesn't look like he's hitting the gym all year. I love Taker but this match seems so rushed. Just wait a year and have him face Cena. That alone will sell out Wrestlemania and PPV buy rates. Why is the WWE so focused on Taker/HHH 3? By now the atmosphere around the match is deluded because we've seen it twice already. And no, HBK possibly being involved does not make it any more interesting.
Seeing as wwe wants to put off the feeling that triple h is declining undertakers challenge for wrestlemania, they are a couple different ways they could do this.

One:They could keep building up that triple h is declining the rematch, and at the last minute, undertaker threatens to hurt triple h's long time friend, shawn michaels.

Two: Have hhh decline the challenge, but say that he found a suitable replacment in wade barrett, the one he never got revenge on.

Or Three: They just have hhh accept at the last minute, but talking about how last time he faced undertaker, he had the fans support, and he wanted people to believe in him. But now, he doesnt need them, turning into the heel going into wrestlemania.
With this talk of he looks sickly pale, skinny, is wearing a wig. Has anybody thought there may be a big swerve coming? They could play off that his injury last year was brutal and he needed surgery to fix the nerve damage. That he never really healed so they will say that he lost his power and this is his mortal self. Everyone will think there is no way he can pull of a win, then he pulls it outta his ass and BAM 20-0 ready to hang it up. This will cement that it was his will and nothing more that pushed him every mania.

Some odd ideas: Taker beats the hell outta HHH and is trying to end him for good. Does alot of damage to him and just when he is about to "end his life" Shemus comes to his aid setting up a feud with him to end Taker's career at a later PPV. Also HHH could kayfabe an injury similar to Edges' real issues and ends his wrestling career.

#2-Taker wins, pyro goes off, 20-0 flashes on the tron, Taker poses in ring and reverses his "lights up" gesture and the house lights go out, flash of lightning hits all four ring post, lights flicker back on and he is gone. Never to be seen again.
anyone notice tonight on Raw that the latest Undertaker vignette showed him cutting his "hair"? What do you guys make of this? Does this mean he's going to wrestle with short hair or wrestle bald, or come back as his biker american badass gimic, or what? I know he shaved his head a while back and reappeared on TV with a wig or extensions on under his hat. We have all been wondering for awhile how this was going to play out come wrestlemania when he has to take that hat off and wrestle. Any thoughts?
It was a pretty dumb promo. He looses the match, spends a year recovering obsessed with the loss wanting revenge... and cuts his hair during a promo? Since he cut it last year and clearly hasn't grown back, that's WWE's way of explaining it.
He'll still be the 'deadman.' If he was going to come back in another gimmick, they would have done that from the start. It's just WWE attempting to explain his short hair.
Fantastic move.

I mean, this becoming dramatic now and I actually eagerly await what and how Taker presents himself. Something needed to change to make this Mania different from all the others.

It has been about People vs Streak for so long it was just getting a little vanilla. Taker cutting his hair did make me go 'Whoa, they are going there'.

Good move, this could be a fun road to Mania. know he didn't lose the match last year right?? By the time they got to the vignette my heart was already pounding from HHH's and HBK's in ring promo....great build up so far.
It's nothing more than a way to explain to the casual fan why when Undertaker takes his hat off for a match, he'll be bald/close to. They tied that tidbit into the vignette nicely.

Otherwise, anyone who sees him take his hat off that hadn't seen the leaked photos would have been like "wtf! he just had a full head of hair!" after seeing his return.
I think tonight accomplished alot storyline wise. Also it left a lot of unanswered questions, whitch hopefully leads to a slow build to a great Taker streak match. Just HHH VS TAKER BACK TO back like HBK vs TAKER match isnt that intreasting. But what would be a huge main event would be HHH vs TAKER vs HBK.nOW THATS A MAIN EVENT & you could even throw in Kane for shits & giggles since him and taker have unfinished biz. With or with out Kane it still stAcks the odd's against UnderTaker in a real big way!!! You throw in Rock vs CENA, Punk vs Jerico,Sheamus & either Daniel Bryan, or Wade Barret.Mitb with RKO,Kingston,Miz,Ryder,Dolph Ziggler,Jack Swagger,Cody Rhodes and RVD. Mysterio vs Sin Cara vs Del Rio in a tripple threat.Don't forget Big Show vs Shaq. Now thats a Top mania card. Could up being best of all time...
Taker's cutting his hair! Triple H is in trouble now! :lmao:

Hair vs Streak? Nah, as most said it's just a way to explain why his hair is short next time he shows up as Taker obviously doesn't want to grow his hair out long anymore. Although it would be cool if there was something moire significant behind the gesture.
It was a pretty dumb promo. He looses the match, spends a year recovering obsessed with the loss wanting revenge... and cuts his hair during a promo? Since he cut it last year and clearly hasn't grown back, that's WWE's way of explaining it.
He'll still be the 'deadman.' If he was going to come back in another gimmick, they would have done that from the start. It's just WWE attempting to explain his short hair.

Excellent insight <insert sarcasm>, except you forgot the part where Undertaker never "lost" the why would he want revenge?
Him cutting his hair is a way for his character to finally leave the right way weve seen him with long hair for 16 yrs and 4 of the other yrs he had the biker cut, it is only right he go out bald showing the age factor of the character.... Brillant way for him to go out and i hope everyone knows THE STREAK IS ENDING THIS YEAR FOR SURE, WHEN IT HAPPENS COME TO THIS POST AND REP THE MESS OUT OF ME LOL.......
Excellent insight <insert sarcasm>, except you forgot the part where Undertaker never "lost" the why would he want revenge?

I know some of you love "wrestling" but Taker for years has been the Phenom, the unstoppable brawler/wrestler, and last year although he got the wrestling victory, Trips left the ring while Taker was laid out like a cadaver. Now there was no way they were going to let the man retire with his last match involving him laid out like a bitch, they're going to have him get his revenge and be the one walking tall. Some think the streak will end but that would be a dumb.. dumb business move. The minute Taker retires with the streak intact, they're going to market it in a big way.. Most likely they'll be yet another Streak box set on dvd/blu ray, tshirts about the immortal streak, etc, and so on.

But I still wish they'd do a Ministry two disc set. I never expected all the matches but just the story highlights and clips of some of the better matches.
Ok so back to the hair.

Uhmm maybe its just a sign that we should expect a fusion of the deadman/biker persona of the Undertaker. You know what I mean? Like even ride out in his Harley all the while is portraying the deadman character. He's going to look like death. and... with that said he's going to complete his metamorphosis, the last undertaker were going to see. :P

Excuse me for it is 4:20 right now according to my phone. Peace.
I was thinking the same thing, and the fact that they showed it on TV, there has to be a reason, oh wait scratch that, with the product they have been displaying the last few years it may just be an excuse to explain why his hair is short.

OR if the E is smart on this one, they can use this all as one big picture to make taker into a normal human being, accomplishing two things

A)He will be able to get the sendoff he deserves, instead of just magically disappearing, only to be seen out of character at the HOF

B)They will be able to actually have taker at the HOF without him being out of character, and it feeling wierd to the younger generation that Taker is sitting there acting like a normal person

So, if they can capitalize this correctly, it could greatly benefit Mark. Another thing I have thought of, is, like how they attempted to bring this into an RL scenerio, why not have taker say, "I dont need this for taker, I need this for Mark, I have accomplished alot in my career as a whole, but I will not rest knowing this is how it ends." I also feel this going the HBK/Taker setup for 26, where eventually from the pressure, hunter is going to snap, Taker puts his career on the line either way, and this becomes Takers last match.

But back on topic, I do see this as a way, we all know Big Evil=Short Hair Deadman=Long Hair, so with everyone knowing this, maybe this was actually symbolic that we are possibly not getting biker taker, but Taker is actually going to play as Mark Calloway, especially with how E has loved to play the RL stories this year
Maybe he's just doing a cross between both characters? Do you remember when Taker returned to fight the McMahon family and HHH in 2000, when he came out to the ring on his bike but he was still wearing his trench coat and looked like the deadman? Maybe he'll come out to the theme he has now or the ministry theme, and dress like the deadman except with his shorter hair, maybe a bandana and riding his bike?

He'd be meeting both characters in the middle. To me, personally, that makes sense. Maybe not to the younger generations, but they'll watch anyway just out of curiosity. The older fans are the ones who'll actually order WM28 anyway, so why not bring both of the characters together to please multiple generations of loyal, new and old fans? They did it with Kane recently, maybe they'll do it with Taker, except I'd expect that the results of Taker's transformation would be MUCH better (Kane is great, but he never reached the heights of Taker in the wrestling world).

The real question is, we know that the streak will never die, but how will we see the match end/Taker's send off?. Ending the streak would just be bad business. You can make your audience rowdy, but NEVER pissed them off. Plus it would be 19 years, almost 20 years now put to waste... No matter how ordinary the idea of the streak has become, who really wants to see it end?? It would just be shock met with disappointment.
Its just WWE giving Undertaker an excuse to shave his head because the man has clearly been going bald for years. I guess he would rather just shave it all off than do the awful Shawn Michaels combover. lol. I kind of figured that Undertaker was wearing a wig when he came back a few weeks ago. It just looked fake. Oh well. Doesn't really matter. I guess that why they make Kane wear a wig now because they would look too similar both being bald.
The thing that stuck out most to me was Taker demanding his "immortality." To me, that signifies Taker demanding his rightful 20-0. That's very-slightly-humanizing. Taker is showing he cares about more than just HHH's "soul." Taker also wants a worldly achievement for the first time in ages.

I can't foresee HHH beating Taker this year, and the more I think about it, the more I think this is Taker's last Wrestlemania. However, I still think it's improbable that Taker won't put one more guy over - make one more wrestler famous - before he leaves. To that end, I think we can look forward to Ziggler/Sheamus/Barrett/Cody burying the Taker once and for all - perhaps at SummerSlam?

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