Does the Undertaker Bury Talent?

Undertaker was to get the title because he is the most over star on the brand and sells more merchandise than anyone on smackdown at the moment...HE MAKES MONEY FOR VINCE....vince is going to milk him at the top of the card while he is still physically able to deliver....what do you not understand about Tombstone: History of Undertaker being the highest selling non-WM dvd the company has released?....the man has more die hard loyal fans than any other performer in the company right now....i was at ford Field for mania and nobody got a louder ovation than taker that night....not Cena, not HBK, not austin...NO ONE....even the host of the syndicated radio show Live Audio Wrestling Dan Lovranski,who has repeatedly bashed Taker for the last 5 years called in that night from the event and stated that Undertaker had sold more shirts that night than anyone and has also been praising Taker for his effort and caliber of matches he's had this past year and a half........don't hand us this "he's only getting the title 'cuz he's got personal attachments with the office'' crap....Taker has sold more merch on a consistent basis and drawn more money than HHH,HBK, or Edge ever have or ever will....he's at the top because he still can get it done....what the fuck does Holly have to do with anything?.....he's never drawn flies to shit...he has a job because he's a good worker and they need jobbers....he also probably makes the bare minimum guarantee and is happy to be working at a job he enjoys.....and he is not universally repected like Taker....i can send you a slew of interviews to disprove that bullshit...and as far as your ratings argument.... why don't you look up the ratings for the episode of smack down where Taker came back for the first time in 5 months....1 week after Unforgiven...he was advertised all week long and the ratings did spike...BECAUSE OF TAKER being in the main event....and you didn't think that when Henry kicked the shit outta taker after his cage match with Batista on smackdown last may was not going to lead to a return match with Henry getting squashed?....duh, no shit....and as far as HHH hurting business, i suggest you read various interviews with Austin,Jericho,Angle,Booker and Lesnar.....and one more thing: Mania this year had a bigger buzz and was the most profitable it's been in a few years...why?....TAKER AND HBK GOING FOR THE TITLES....and guess who was nowhere within ten feet of the really believe if we got HHH vs. CENA AGAIN that it would have had that kind of buzz?...and as far as your Goldberg argument,you have no clue what you're talking about...the fans wanted to see him take the title from H at Summerslam in the elimination chamber....not at a b-level ppv like unforgiven in a Goldberg has to leave Raw match which no one believed he was going to leave, therefore they knew the title was going to change hands....Summerslam is the 2nd most ordered ppv the WWE puts on every year and if you are going to pull the trigger and make a star or put a title on someone you do it at the ppv that has the most viewers so you can maximize the result....if hunter is so business savvy and wants to help the company he should have put Goldberg over that night....instead the wwe just managed to piss everyone off and frustrate people which ultimatley hurt the unforgiven buyrate, that's not Goldbergs fault.......and FYI, the majority of WWE fans at the stadium that night at mania believed that the Taker /Batista
match should have gone last....that's why the crowd died down after the match...and from what i've read the wwe locker felt it should have gone last as well....oh yeah i guess you are right....Taker doesn't deserve to be on top with a title.....anything that implies that Taker is not worthy of his status and not championship material is anathema....

Off course he sold more shirts that night,he was in the freakin' mainevent.I do agree that the match should have been last.But that still doesnt change my view point that while he is a "constant& consistent" draw in the WWE,he'll never get to Austin-like hype.He may have sold t-shirts at WM23,but I wonder how much merch. he sells on the road.Rey,Cena& DX are the highest sells. And Dave still garners a bigger pop from the crowd.
I agree with you completely. HHH and Taker are 2 of my favourite wrestler, but they are both the same in terms of letting people beat them. I don't know if it's whether they say they aren't being beat or anything, but they are both the same. I can't stand when only HHH is had a go at because of this.

They both need to loosen up a little, and put some people over, without losing their reputations as the best.
we can look at it too ways here,

we can either see them for the ego centric veterans they are slowly trudging along collecting their paycheques and getting slower and less able in the ring each year with their eventual only purpose is to put people over because thats all they can do and then they effectively become what ric flair is now, because no matter how much they have respect backstage and no matter how great they are in shoots and how fantastic workers they are at the end of the day all main eventers are selfish, they know their moneys at the top spot and they want it and they want it secured, luckily both hh and taker have been in the industry long enough to realy on the fact that in 10 - 15 years time should RAW or smackdown need a spike in the ratings on wek they can bring them back for a month to put someone over much like hulk hogan is used for now (only hogans ego is so huge half the time he wont lose)

or we can just be thankful that this isnt 2000, this isnt wcw, and hhh and taker arnt scott hall, kevin nash and hulk hogan

then wwe would really tank

either way there both always going to get as much heat as were willing to dish out because no matter what wwe does we will never be happy with them because we have seen the attitude era.

but have fait in 15 - 20 years time your kids are going to be sat on here complaining that cena never puts people over and that taker will have died and been reborn for the 50000000th time and triple h will be on WHC title reign number 3690000000 :twocents:

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