The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

Ok I'm new on here but had to make an account to post this. Last night he said make me mortal. His hair cutting is symbolic like Samson. Short hair equals loss of strenght thus being more human and less immortal powerful deadman
Ok I'm new on here but had to make an account to post this. Last night he said make me mortal. His hair cutting is symbolic like Samson. Short hair equals loss of strenght thus being more human and less immortal powerful deadman

I have to agree with this statement to an extent, the cutting of hair symbolizing lack of strenght (he feels mortal after last years WM) and he wants his "immortality" (His dignity) back. He doesn't feel like he's the immortal WM force that he has always been and now he wants that immortality back by walking out of Mania instead of being Carted out (which im still unsure to this day if it was a legit injury to Mark or very good acting)

Someone posted before about HHH vs Taker vs HBK would stack the odds against about if HHH and HBK really wanted to end the streak that bad, bring back the New Age Outlaws and Have DX (HHH, HBK, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) vs Taker, that would really stack the odds against taker.

Lets face it, the E are not stupid enough to let this streak become the main attraction of Wrestlemania, let Taker get so close to the magical 20-0 and lose on the final step towards that unbeatable milestone. The E will cash in on the 20-0 streak (DVD box sets of all 20 matches, Shirts with the "victims" names on etc)
I agree that the streak won't end but I think this may be his last WM match for some reason. I love the new vignettes, his character sounds more and more aggressive in each one.
Excellent insight <insert sarcasm>, except you forgot the part where Undertaker never "lost" the why would he want revenge?

A simple mistake. He didn't loose the match, in fact he won but barely. He had to be carried out on a stretcher while his opponent walked away.
Undertaker is a man of pride. Being 'embarrassed' like that let a fire under him and he wants revenge. He wants to prove he can win the match and be the better man.
It's simple - He's killing the Brand.

HHH won't fight him because it's not good for business and would hurt the Undertaker brands so Taker is doing it for him. If there is no "taker brand" then HHH has no reason not to face him at Wrestlemania.

Taker is know for his long hair etc and by destroying that he is starting to ruin the myth/brand that is the Undertaker and making him just another wrestler. They could do 1 of 2 things

HHH accepts because he know that undertaker losing his character is bad for business or maybe they will have Mark (not taker) vs HHH at Mania
Whilst this is clearly Taker's last mania, I think he's going to have one more fued/decent storyline before he retires/disappears at Survivor Series .. Why SS? Because it's what he made his debut.

I'm going out on a limb here, perhaps it's been mentioned before if so sorry for the repeat, does anyone else think we will see Taker and Kane cross paths again? Kane's preaching hate and from how I took Taker cutting his hair, it looks like Taker is 'Embracing' the hate himself .. Perhaps this two will tear shit up again building a fued between perhaps HHH and HBK or put over two superstars at Summerslam only to have the fued carry onto SS where they finally put the Dead man to rest ?

Seems like I went off topic but I didn't :P
Taker's latest promo is certainly weird, the stilted, awkward way he's saying "ven-geance!" combined with his apparent hair-cutting seems like we'll be getting a new, or a twisted version of an older, gimmick. I'm intrigued :suspic:
this is what doesn't make any sense to me....

why is undertaker challenging triple h to a match yet again at wrestlemania??!!!

what is undertaker so 'UNCERTAIN' about??!! he beat triple h twice already at mania!!!! (well, only once according to wwe)

dont get me wrong, i really enjoyed their segment on raw. they delivered a great promo. it was great television. but still, this defies all logic.

undertaker won the match last year. why challenge him again??!!!!

what are u still uncertain about undertaker??!!!

makes NO SENSE!!!
the problem for Taker at Mania it's to find good opponent with him and if you except Triple H there will be no big name for that.
One guy makes clearly breaks the streak and it's Bret Hart, i' m regret there will be no match between us,Taker has always difficult with technical wrestler cos theys knows his handicap when he is on the ground.
Taker vs Triple H is boring cos it's déja vu in french
this is what doesn't make any sense to me....

why is undertaker challenging triple h to a match yet again at wrestlemania??!!!

what is undertaker so 'UNCERTAIN' about??!! he beat triple h twice already at mania!!!! (well, only once according to wwe)

dont get me wrong, i really enjoyed their segment on raw. they delivered a great promo. it was great television. but still, this defies all logic.

undertaker won the match last year. why challenge him again??!!!!

what are u still uncertain about undertaker??!!!

makes NO SENSE!!!

This is actually WWE's best idea in quite a while i mean Taker was unable to walk himself from the arena last year and was saved by shear luck with his triangle chokehold that took over a minute to make HHH tap out...

Obviusly they could have gone with a last man standing match to take advantage of last years ending but this works out just as well...

Hell in the Cell is as mush a part of HHH's carreer as it is Undertakers with them both nearly killing poor mick foley in the match and stuff like that...

Obviusly this match wont have a HUGE bump like those matches did with all the new height added and stuff like that but still it will be an amazing match with their history and all that
Last year for me it was all about Sting vs Taker. When it became certain that HHH was the man taking on Taker I wasn't so excited about it. The match turned out to be great though.

This year I wanted to see Taker fight a younger up and coming guy and was like meh when it became apparent that HHH was going to take on Taker back to back years. However their promo on Raw this past week was excellent, excellent. The whole "I'm not going to fight you", "I guess Shawn was always better", the attitude era references, the intensity, the Hell in the Cell stipulation. the Metalica music, I would be lying if this combination of stimuli hasn't gotten me pumped for the match.

I like be all end situations. I like let's leave it all hanging out and extreme now or never situations. And these two guys raised the stakes as high they can go. Two of the biggest names of past left in the WWE, in the premere event of the year, potentially a last hurrah for both of them, in the most dangerous match in wrestling. It has all the elements to quite possibly be the most brutal match in WWE history.
the other mystery of this match is the health of Taker with many injuries and operation for his knees,he will be broken last year and i doubt he wreslte an good match.
Very good test for testing Taker condition.

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